my beauty fairy

Chapter 50 The Nightmare

Chapter 50 Midnight Horror

Qiu Yue said: "Then you go back first, thank you!"

Looking at these two Audi mentions, Qiuyue felt really cool, the power must not be normal enough, but I'd better learn the driving skills myself, otherwise it would be a bad idea to become a road killer on the road.

When I got home, it was already one o'clock, but what puzzled Qiu Yue was why all the lights turned on after opening the door. You know, when I came back with Sun Yuxiao that day, these lights didn't turn on by themselves yes!

Seeing that there was no one in the room, Qiuyue felt so mysterious. When he came to his bedroom, he saw the medicine box and ran from the ground to the bed at some point. It was really shocking.

"Could it be that there are thieves in the house?" Qiu Yue looked suspiciously in the room.My heart said no, since there are thieves, I would like to turn off the lights at home quickly, so how could I turn them on quickly? I can't figure it out.Qiu Yue thought helplessly.

At this moment, all the lights in the room were turned off again, and now Qiuyue had to think that there must be monsters or ghosts in the room, so scared that Qiuyue took a few steps back, and then the moonlight wanted to find a sharper one. Furniture for self-defense, but there is no sharp furniture in the house. At this moment, with a burst of heroic laughter, all the lights were turned on again.

"Damn it, who is it! You are a human, you are a ghost! Get out!" Qiu Yue was a little angry, and shouted in a slightly panicked tone.

But there was no movement again, and suddenly Qiuyue began to notice his medicine box, emitting a sky-blue light, which was aimed at the sky, but the light became brighter and thicker, until finally, The lid of the medicine box was opened by itself, and what was revealed was the book "Xianshu".

I saw that the whole body of this book was emitting blue light, it was so blue and blue, it was really beautiful, Qiu Yue stared straight at it, and thought to himself what the hell was going on, how could it still be shining? Monster?It shouldn't be!Immortal Dharma Books are very good at warding off evil spirits. Without tens of millions of years of Taoism, let alone opening the Immortal Dharma Books, you can't stand it even if you get close to it!

Gradually, this golden light became more and more divergent, divergent, and finally became countless rays of light, covering the whole room in a blue world, very beautiful, very beautiful, Qiu Yue seems to have seen it in this book Countless beautiful and beautiful scenery, the beautiful gurgling stream, the towering peaks surrounded by green trees, the singing of birds and cicadas in the mountains, the smog, smelling the refreshing aroma of flowers, smelling the breath of nature, fresh and moist , a very comfortable feeling arises spontaneously.

The eyes were full of beautiful images, but these images suddenly stopped, and the chirping of cicadas and birds in his ears also disappeared. Before Qiu Yue could pull himself out of it, the blue light had completely disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the facilities and furniture in the room, they are still the same as before. It seems that what happened just now was just a dream.

So Qiuyue looked at the book eagerly, thinking that it must be the reason for this book, otherwise why would such a beautiful scene appear, but why would it suddenly disappear now? What's going on?

Suddenly, a hand behind him patted Qiu Yue, and Qiu Yue subconsciously turned his head to look, and was immediately startled and sweating profusely.

"You! You! Who are you? How could you be in my house!" Qiu Yue looked at the white-haired, young-looking old man opposite in horror, and he was actually wearing ancient clothes?

What kind of person is Qiu Yuexin, who can go in and out of other people's homes at will, and wear ancient clothes to show off in the market!If you're not a ghost, I'll beat you up and search everywhere, so that you can come out and play pranks when you have nothing to do!

Looking at the old man, Qiuyue was a little flustered. Who on earth is this person, so he urged: "Tell me quickly! Who are you?"

When Qiuyue was about to go to the kitchen to look for a kitchen knife in fear, the old man said with a kind smile, "I am a free fairy! Don't you know me? Oh yes, I haven't seen you since you were born Pass me. You may not remember me very much, I am a free fairy!"

"Freedom Immortal? What is Freedom Immortal?" What Qiu Yue said made Freedom Immortal burst into anger, and he blew a breath, almost blowing Qiu Yue out of the air, and Qiu Yue grabbed the bed and pulled It didn't fly out, but Qiuyue was looking at his clothes, which had been blown by the wind into ragged, tattered clothes, as if he had no clothes.

Suddenly Qiuyue was helpless, thinking that this old guy is still very powerful, don't mess with her yet, let's see the situation and talk about it, if he punched himself to death, it would be too worthless.

"Hey, that, Freedom Immortal, please speak slowly, don't be impulsive, you also know that I am young and energetic, full of vigor, high-spirited, ****...... no no no, how can I run It's on the ****. It's that, that, anyway, I'm too young and ignorant, so don't be angry, don't be angry with a kid like me, please, you old people are old, Stop fussing with us juniors, that would make you look so shameless, you are Free Immortal, but I really don’t remember who you are, please give me some pointers from Free Immortal!” Qiu Yue hurriedly smiled haha talking.

After listening to Qiu Yue's polite words, Immortal Freedom looked at Qiu Yue with proud eyes, and said, "I used to be very good buddies with your father! But because of something wrong with your family, so Your father and your mother were demoted to the mortal world. Why did your father and I become good brothers? It is because of this book. I ate the most essential part of this book, so in this universe, no one can know what the most essential content is, only me, and if it weren't for your father's help, I would have been reduced to ashes Now, I hope that your father's lifeblood, you, can fight for your father and return to the sky. You know, your father was a very handsome and handsome man back then, and his spells were very strong. Fairies in the sky are everywhere The admiring eyes, you can't be worse than your father! You must be better than blue! You know!"

"Wow! It's so amazing, so you are my uncle!" Qiu Yue said excitedly.

Free Immortal patted Qiu Yue and said with a smile: "Hahaha! Big nephew, you have to work harder, your uncle's requirements are very high! If you don't practice well, wait to be punished! Hahaha!"

"Well, my eldest nephew must practice hard!" Qiu Yue said excitedly.

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