Chapter 51 Marry a Fairy

Qiu Yuexin said that with the help of this immortal uncle, wouldn't it be like a fish in water in the future?

"Haha, it seems that I will become more and more powerful!" Qiu Yue thought happily.

But the free fairy said: "I can only come once in half a year. For the rest of the time, I have my business in the sky, so every time I come, I will tell you something and teach you spells, but you must not be lazy on weekdays. If you can return to heaven with your mother, then..."

"Then what?" Qiu Yue said excitedly.

The free fairy stroked his beard and said, "Do you remember the last time that fairy came down to talk to you?"

"Remember! What's the matter, uncle!" Qiu Yue said curiously.

The Free Immortal said: "What about that fairy, if your cultivation progresses quickly in the future, she promised me that she will become your master. If you can return to the sky at that time, you may marry her!"

"Married? What kind of marriage? Aren't you kidding your eldest nephew? How can apprentices and masters get married!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

I saw Liberty Immortal laughing and said: "Why can't we get married? Why don't you dissolve the master-student relationship with her when the time comes! Besides, even if she is your master, she is only your master in terms of your spells. Let me tell you, As long as you practice according to what I said, you will definitely be able to go to the next level. It is dozens of times stronger than her fairy art, can she still be your master?"

"Then I'm her master?" Qiu Yue asked with wide innocent eyes.

Immortal Liberty immediately gave Qiu Yue a helpless look, and turned around.

Qiu Yue smiled awkwardly and said: "Uncle, why are you angry? Did I say something wrong? Don't be angry if I said something wrong! Your nephew, I often don't pay attention to what I say, it hurts your heart sorry!"

"I think you're stupid. When your immortality surpasses her, you don't have to be her apprentice. You will be good friends with him! Stupid boy! Back then when your mother was in the fairyland, no immortal would know that. No immortal knows! Even so, your father still stood out from all the immortals, found your mother, kept chasing and moving, your mother and your father finally walked into the bridal chamber, look at you, there is no way at all , What's wrong with the fairy, is it hard to chase? I really miss your father's son!." Free Immortal rolled his eyes and said helplessly.

"Um, true or false, then I think it's better to practice fairy arts first, and wait until the future to think about the future! Things have been too messy recently, and my mind is muddy. I don't know what to do! You are a fairy, can you give me some ideas! These three major families, what kind of organization, what kind of reactionary, I don't understand!" Qiu Yue said in a difficult way.

The Free Immortal stood in the air and said: "I will tell you about this matter slowly. This is the case. There are three major families in Jiangliang City. Of course, these three major families are related to the central government, otherwise their power will not be great. If you say it's so powerful, it doesn't matter, this kind of power will be split by the country. The Shangguan family is actually controlled by people from your Lei Xun special operations team to cover up their true identities. This is very powerful, no People would think that such a wealthy family would be a cover for an organization. As for the Li family and the Ouyang family, they also have backers in the central government, but I can tell you clearly that the backers of both of them are thinking about overthrowing the current party. In the central government, the two families are still engaged in some evil things. For example, someone is cultivating demons. In this matter, you must come forward in the future and defeat these two families. The Yixie Group is a party, and it is now in the big Let me tell you a very terrible result, if these two families get mixed up with this Yixie group, it will really be difficult to deal with."

Qiu Yue nodded and listened carefully.

Free Immortal paused and continued: "Another point is that at present, you must actively practice spells, and you must be able to use your own organization, your Lei Xun team, and the power of the Shangguan family. If they don't rise up, wipe them out in one fell swoop, otherwise it will be over when these two demon cultivating families grow up in the future. But at present, your immortal power is still far behind their magic power, so you You must practice hard.”

"Oh, I see, I will try my best, I didn't expect things to become so complicated, more complicated than I imagined in my mind, it seems that I still underestimated them, uncle, if you didn't teach me today, I really don't know what to do, my mind is already a mess, but now, it's very clear!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Free Immortal smiled and said: "This is a talisman, you take it, if you want to contact me in the future, touch it, think of me in your heart, you can contact me immediately, and if you want to contact other Immortal, you just touch it and imagine other immortals and you will be able to contact them.

"Wow, that's really great, Uncle! He's my good uncle!" Qiu Yue was so excited that he looked at the talisman excitedly and put it on his neck.

The Freedom Immortal laughed and said, "Nephew, I'll go back to uncle first. If there is anything to do, just contact uncle. Uncle will come to see you in half a year. I look forward to seeing a different, different you! Don't give it to uncle and you!" Daddy is ashamed!"

"Yes! Uncle, I will definitely work hard to practice immortality, and then bring my mother back to the fairyland! Let people see, I, Qiuyue, will not embarrass the immortals. Still very good!" Qiu Yue said confidently.

Immediately, Immortal Freedom was very excited. Seeing Qiuyue's confidence, he was also very happy. He said haha, "Okay, then uncle is leaving first, come on!" After speaking, Immortal Freedom turned into a blue light and rushed towards the sky.

"Wow, when will I become a fairy of this level? It's so far away that I can fly away as light." Qiu Yue thought excitedly.

When Qiuyue came out of the dreamland of illusion, he raised his head and found that something was missing in the room. What was it? It was blown onto the window, and a lot of it was blown into the living room, and the house was in a mess all of a sudden. Qiu Yuexin said that it seemed that Sun Yuxiao would come back at night, so she had to clean it up quickly!

So Qiu Yue stood up quickly, rushed to the living room, and after a frantic cleaning, the house returned to normal. After the explanation by the free fairy, Qiu Yue's mind became clear.

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