my beauty fairy

Chapter 501 Readme

Only a loud gunshot was heard, and five bullets were fired together.

Qiuyue couldn't dodge it, so he could only activate the indestructible body of vajra again, but if he didn't have enough energy after using the indestructible body of vajra this time, he couldn't use it again.

"Tutu, chug!" All five bullets hit Qiuyue's body, but Qiuyue's indestructible body was indestructible, so nothing happened.Standing there all right.

I saw that Ou Wan was in a panic, stood there and shouted angrily, "over!"

When Qiuyue was about to laugh, Ou Wan turned into a huge bullet and flew towards him quickly. Qiuyue knew that even if he had an indestructible body, he would not be able to escape this time, because The power of this bullet is very powerful, and there is a huge charged array in front.

Just when the huge bullet pierced Qiu Yue's body, Qiu Yue suddenly heard something.

So Qiu Yue silently recited the cheats of the escape technique in his heart, and quickly dodged behind Ou Wan.

"Five-Star Thunder Art!" Qiu Yue whispered.

With both hands, he pointed to Omaru who was rushing towards the crowd in front of him.

"Chara!" With a sound, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck Ou Wan's body. Immediately, Ou Wan's body crackled and returned to its human form. After seeing him return to his human form, he was already scorched black.

Qiu Yue breathed a sigh of relief and stood a few steps back, thinking that it seems that these supernatural beings are still afraid of lightning haha!

At this time, Ouyang Peide suddenly cried and ran up to look at the burnt Ou Wan on the ground. You must know that Ou Wan is his good partner for many years. He has protected himself from birth to death for many years, and the most powerful general in his hand is Ou Wan up.

Dong Xuanyuan and Dong Ziyan beside Qiuyue came over to pat Qiuyue to express their encouragement, but their eyes were more curious, Qiu Yuexin said that it was time to announce his identity to them anyway, so there was no need to hide it, Fight as you want, after today's matter is done, Dong Xuanyuan will definitely help him kill Xiongqi, and he will be very grateful to himself.

"You bastards even killed Lao Tzu's most capable men, and today I asked you to be buried with him! Aim for me!" Ouyang Peide was already close to madness at this time.Almost out of my mind.

Qiu Yue stepped forward and shouted: "Your Ouyang mansion has been surrounded by armored vehicles and helicopters. As long as I issue an order, your house will be completely destroyed, and all your property and children will be reduced to ashes. And here, There are nearly a hundred sniper rifles aimed at every part of your body, if you dare to shoot, I tell you, you will become a sieve in an instant! You better think about it carefully."

"You dare to threaten me!" that Ouyang Peide shouted angrily.

Qiu Yue laughed loudly and said, "Don't be so stupid, okay, everyone can see that I'm threatening you!"

"You!" Ouyang Peide stared at Qiu Yue angrily.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "I'll wait for you for half a minute. After half a minute, if I don't have the heart of a Bodhisattva at this time, the next meeting place for your family will be below!"

"Damn, I fell into the hands of you bastard today! I didn't expect Dong Xuanyuan to have such a powerful person under his command. I have learned something today. Come, someone, bring back Ou Wan's body for me. I want a burial! Qiuyue, we are fighting next time!" That Ouyang Peide glared at Qiuyue angrily, turned and left.

Qiu Yue laughed and said: "No problem, I will accompany you anytime, old man, as long as you have the taste, I will immediately accompany you to the end!"

Ouyang Peide and his party carried the corpse away. Originally, Ouyang Peide wanted to show off his prestige and kill Qiuyue here, but let alone kill Qiuyue with a show of prestige, even his own life is almost still alive. here!The most powerful assistant, Ou Wan, died.

When Qiuyue turned her head, Dong Ziyan looked at herself with strange eyes, and she didn't know if she liked it or was infatuated with it, or hated it, or was afraid, or surprised, in short, the eyes were very strange.

And Dong Xuanyuan remained unchanged, his expression unchanged.

"Qiu Yue, you did a good job and saved face. Letting him or going back today is considered a great face for him. It's really arrogant!" Dong Xuanyuan said lightly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Hehe, yes, it's nothing to look for, let's hurry back, the reporters and everything have gathered here."

A row of phantoms stopped beside, and Qiu Yue and Dong Xuanyuan got into the car together.

The audience around them still haven't recovered from the fight just now, it's really awesome, they fought so fiercely back and forth, especially some girls, after seeing Qiu Yue's performance, they all felt that Qiu Yue The more supernatural, or Qiuyue is inhuman.

"He's so handsome! I really want to marry him. I don't know if Qiu Yue has a girlfriend!" A beautiful nympho said excitedly, covering her mouth as she watched Qiu Yue get into the car.

"Qiu Yue, you are in my heart..."

"His spirit really moved me! I am so touched!"

Qiuyue was sitting in the car, Dong Ziyan held back for a long time before she said: "Qiuyue, you are so amazing, awesome!"

Suddenly Qiuyue felt the alienation between Dong Ziyan and himself, yes, for so long, everyone thought that they were very ordinary people, but they were very capable, but suddenly they discovered that they had countless secrets in their bodies, even more so than others. They have more secrets than themselves, and they are more powerful than themselves. This will make them feel that they don’t know you at all, and that there is a gap and boundary with you that cannot be crossed, or even never crossed. up!

"Really, thank you Zi Yan!" Qiu Yue said with a smile, thinking that there was already an irreparable trauma at this time, since there was nothing he could do, why force it?

Dong Xuanyuan also felt that Dong Ziyan was no longer as excited as before, and was full of passion for Qiuyue.

"Qiu Yue, after all, you are just a dream in my heart. I thought you came out of the dream these days, but who would have thought that you would still be in the dream in the end. I must figure it out when I go back today, you Who are you, why do you have such a strong ability, why do you hide everything from me, Qiuyue, I thought I knew you very well for the past few days, but it was only today that I found out, I just realized that I don't know much about you One-thousandth of yourself!" Dong Ziyan thought sadly.

The car shuttled quickly on the main road, but Qiuyue and Dong Xuanyuan and Dong Ziyan still felt that the car was very slow, the time passed very slowly, and the air in the car was very aggrieved. Each calculation.

"Let everything take its course!" Qiu Yue thought in his heart.

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