my beauty fairy

Chapter 502 You Are The Hero

A row of luxury cars entered the Dong family compound, Qiu Yue followed Dong Xuanyuan into the villa, Dong Xuanyuan didn't say anything, just asked the housekeeper to prepare lunch.

Dong Ziyan also said that she wanted to take a rest, so she went upstairs.

"Maybe I will hurt them by concealing my true identity, but I have no choice, what else can I do? I can only do this, for the sake of the country and the people, I hope you can understand me." Qiu Yue thought in his heart, Go back to the house and lie on the bed.

At this time, Qiuyue's thoughts were in a mess, and he didn't know what to do. These days, he got along very well with the Dong family's father and daughter, but there were too many things, and he couldn't even think about it or understand it.

"What will happen to them? Will they always treat me coldly until I leave? No, if they don't ask, I will take the initiative to talk to them. What I did is not something shameful. Why bother?" This is what it looks like!" Qiu Yue thought.

So Qiu Yue went into the bathroom and took a shower, washing away the bad luck all over his body.

After walking out of the room and getting dressed, the butler knocked on the door and asked Qiu Yue to go downstairs to eat. Qiu Yue went downstairs and saw that Dong Xuanyuan and Dong Ziyan were sitting at the dining table. Dong Xuanyuan still showed no emotion on his face, while Dong Ziyan But it makes people feel full of heart.

Qiu Yue walked over and shouted: "Godfather!"

"Well, Qiuyue, let's eat quickly. You have worked hard this morning. Now, because of your appearance, the host family has once again set off a big wave in the Tuwujiao area, and even the borders of several surrounding countries!" Dong Xuanyuan smiled. Said.

Qiu Yue shook his head, and said: "It's still that the godfather is strong here. If there is no godfather, no matter how much I can do, I won't be able to make big waves."

"Hahaha, it's better for young people to be modest, but if you are too modest, it becomes a cover-up instead." Dong Xuanyuan picked up a piece of egg and put it into Qiuyue's bowl.

Qiu Yue nodded, how could Qiu Yue not know Dong Xuanyuan's words, Dong Xuanyuan was complaining about Qiu Yue, and humbly hid himself completely.

"Godfather, I also wanted to tell you about this earlier, but you should have guessed my identity by now. I am here for the people of Huaxia Kingdom. This mission is very important. I must put Keep the secrecy work well, and I'm not here to target you. If I target you, I don't think I can reveal my secrets so early anyway. I hope you understand." Qiu Yue put the plate egg into his mouth.

Qiu Yuexin said that I really wanted to tell you at the beginning, after telling you my identity, would you fucking recognize me as your godson, and would you still let me participate in swimming competitions?The idiot told you everything from the very beginning, if I told you from the beginning that my life would be a problem, I passed the test!

Dong Xuanyuan said with a still expressionless face: "I already guessed what you are doing. I asked the housekeeper to investigate you at the beginning, but nothing was found. I can only say that your secrecy work is too strict. So much so that I didn't find out anything, so I really thought you were just an ordinary young man. Hahaha, after so many years, I have been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and I was deceived by you today."

"Um, godfather, don't say that, I know it's wrong to hide from you, and I didn't mean it, but you have to know, I really treat you and Ziyan as relatives, otherwise I will control Ouyang Peide today." The most important things are superfluous." Qiu Yue said sincerely.

Dong Xuanyuan nodded and said: "In any case, although you are not our real relatives, you have been here for the past few days and what you have done is indeed for the sake of the Dong family, and the things you have done in the past two days are very beautiful. I can't control the internal affairs of the agents, can you reveal your true identity to us now, so that Ziyan and I don't think you always have a mask on your face."

"Yeah, tell me quickly, Qiuyue, you big villain!" Dong Ziyan said angrily without eating a mouthful.

Qiu Yue lowered his head and said: "I am the Huaxia State Secret Service Organization affiliated to the Supreme Central Military Commission of Huaxia State. Qiuyue, the bombing of the Dongyang military base reported on TV in those days is me."

"If you don't tell me, I really forgot about it. In those two days, there was a story on TV about China's No. [-] agent, Qiu Yue, who destroyed tens of billions of military facilities in the Eastern Kingdom. It turned out to be you! It's so enjoyable! "Dong Xuanyuan shouted.

Dong Ziyan also shouted excitedly: "Qiu Yue, that is you, I remembered, you are a hero, you are so amazing!"

Qiu Yue scratched his head and didn't know what to say. What made Qiu Yue speechless was why they were so excited to see the military base where they killed the Japanese devils?Even an old fox like Dong Xuanyuan no longer controls his feelings, showing it so directly.Is there any hatred with Dongyang Country?

So Qiu Yue asked with a smile: "Godfather, why are you so excited to know that I killed the Japanese devil?"

"To be honest, I am a native of Huaxia. I participated in the Trans-Northern War here 30 years ago. I was injured and recuperated there. At that time, the Eastern Kingdom and the Trans-North Kingdom were jointly preparing to invade the Huaxia Kingdom from the border of the Trans-Northern Kingdom. After my health recovered, our Huaxia Kingdom had already confronted the Trans-Northern Kingdom, and I was unable to return to China. All of this was caused by the Eastern Kingdom. Later, I had no choice but to work here to make money, and later I started poppy business. Business, money, the more I earn, the more I earn, and then I simply don’t go back to China. I just take root here and engage in the trade of importing drugs across the North Country and the East Country. The business I do has never flowed into Huaxia Country. However, in recent years, the domestic drug trade in China has grown several times, and many people even buy goods through various channels. My goods have also entered China through several hands, so it was impossible to curb the proliferation of drugs in China. I just joined in. Anyway, they are all drugs that are going to enter China. Even if I sell them to others, they will still sell them to China. I can’t do anything about it. And 30.00% of them are drugs that Dongyang State got and then entered. In Huaxia Kingdom, there is also a company that has risen in China this year, Xiongqi Company. Their funds seem to be never lacking. Hundreds of billions do not seem to be a big number. This company accounts for more than 50.00% of Huaxia Kingdom's drug trade. "Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue said excitedly: "Godfather, I came this time to destroy Xiongqi. Xiongqi Company not only engages in the drug business, but also secretly started the drug trafficking business in China. It is simply not human affairs." Son! So this time I came to the Tuwujiao area, specifically to wipe out the forces rising up in Tuwujiao."

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