my beauty fairy

Chapter 503

"Really, then I misunderstood you even more, Qiuyue, he is really a godfather's good son, and he did the right thing! But you kid also played tricks a little bit, but even if it's a trick, don't you!" Dong Xuanyuan laughed. .

Qiu Yue nodded in admiration: "Godfather really sees it clearly. I hope godfather forgives his son's impoliteness!"

"Hahaha, what you did was a good thing. Godfather has nothing to forgive. Besides, you also have your own difficulties. In short, what you do is very good and I am satisfied! Besides, you have done a lot for the Dong family. And all of them are very important events, and the godfather has to thank you!" Dong Xuanyuan said with a smile.

"Godfather, don't say that, I should be, just for your high status, the leader of the Tuwujiao area recognizes me as a godson, I am grateful, it is enough to show that you think highly of me! "Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Dong Ziyan's expression also softened a lot, and she said with a smile: "Okay, you father and son, don't be polite, you say what he said, Qiu Yue, it seems that you have done so many beautiful things, and you do have your own difficulties , for your own sake, I will forgive you, haha! But let’s not say, you and a guy called what kind of army that time, two people messed up a naval base as big as Toyoko The whole thing is upside down, and the fact that the aircraft carrier is disabled is enough to show that you are so good, so I have no reason to blame you, not to mention that you have also explained your true identity just now, so I will not blame you! Hehe!"

Qiu Yue nodded with a smile and said: "Hehe, I'm really happy. I met you and your godfather here, and became your relatives. I'm so happy. Uncle housekeeper, pour some red wine for each of us , I want to toast my godfather."

The butler was very happy to see that the three of them had such a good relationship, and brought over a bottle of red wine from more than [-]s. After Qiuyue opened it, a mellow smell came out, and the aroma on the dining table was immediately pleasing to the nose.

After Qiuyue poured Dong Xuanyuan and Dong Ziyan's cups, Dong Ziyan was very happy and excited.

"Godfather, I, Qiuyue, offer you a toast!" Qiuyue said with a smile.

Dong Xuanyuan smiled happily.

After drinking, the three drank a glass.

"Qiu Yue, do you have any plans for the next step?" Dong Xuanyuan said with a smile, "Then do you follow the organization's arrangement, or do you have your own plans?"

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Generally, I listen to myself, and rarely listen to the organization. The organization only provides me with information, or I tell them my situation, and they help me analyze the surrounding environment. As for what to do?" Do it, I still listen to myself, because many situations require temporary analysis."

"En! Then what do you do next?" Dong Xuanyuan asked.

Qiu Yue thought for a while and said: "Of course my next step is to engage in Xiongqi, but I don't have a specific plan yet, but I will definitely rely on the power of my godfather, because my strength alone is definitely not enough. And when the time comes The police on the domestic border of Huaxia will come to assist me at that time."

"Well, don't worry, I will definitely help you, not to mention that this time we are dealing with a company like Xiongqi, which is a disaster for the country and the people, and I heard that they have some kind of puppet plan. That project seems to be taking out the corpse to make a fuss, right? ?” Dong Xuanyuan asked.

Qiu Yue nodded solemnly and said: "Yes, the top leaders of their company are very powerful, and their identities cannot be confirmed now. The country has fought wits and courage with them for many years, but they still haven't taken them down."

"This time our three forces joined forces to bring them down!" Dong Ziyan said excitedly.

Qiu Yue turned around and asked, "Three shares?"

"You share, I share, my father shares!" Dong Ziyan's face flushed from drinking.

"Hahaha, what are you going to do next, you're a kid!" Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Qiu Yue also said hehe: "Godfather, I have something else I want to discuss with you!"

"Tell me, what is it, as long as Godfather can help you, he will definitely help you!" Dong Xuanyuan and Qiu Yue raised their glasses and drank one.

"I don't know if you've heard of Hanzhan brand aphrodisiac." Qiu Yue laughed.

Dong Xuanyuan laughed and said: "I've heard that it has been broadcast on all major TV stations, and it has been widely circulated on the Internet. Even in our Tuwujiao area, I heard that Huang's family brought back a lot. Jiro is so arrogant, I don't know if it's true or not."

"I opened that Hanzhan brand pharmaceutical factory." Qiu Yue said flatly.

But Dong Xuanyuan's eyes immediately flashed a trace of astonishment and astonishment, but it was fleeting, not for a master like Qiu Yue, probably no one could see the change of expression on Dong Xuanyuan's face.

"You have such courage at such a young age, godfather really saw you right! Do you want me to open up the market for you?" Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Qiu Yue nodded and said: "To be honest, this medicine has no side effects. I can't guarantee it ten times after it is used up. It turns out that if it takes less than 10 minutes, it can be increased to at least three or five times a night, and it doesn't cause premature ejaculation. It sells very well. Well, I don’t worry about sales. Many foreign companies want to cooperate with me, but I don’t want to cooperate with them. I don’t want to cooperate with companies that I don’t know. I want you to act as an agent in the Pentagon, and even foreign sales. With your help Influence, it is definitely not a problem to make a lot of money through this thing, and sometimes this thing sells much better than drugs, you don’t have to worry about the supply, if you agree, I will find someone to come here to open another pharmaceutical factory, you In charge of sales, we father and son make money, you take the big head, and I take the small head."

"Hahaha, godson, your ability is not as weak as I imagined, you are very powerful!" Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Qiu Yue scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly and said, "Godfather, please stop praising me, it will make your head grow bigger later."

"Okay, I guess if this thing is done, the global sales may exceed the money I earn from the drug business! Hahaha!" Dong Xuanyuan laughed.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said, "No way, these are just a drop in the bucket for your business."

"Okay, this matter is settled like this. The godfather doesn't care about the money. There is nothing wrong with helping the son. I will find someone to help you build the pharmaceutical factory tomorrow. If the godfather doesn't have the money, what a fool!" Dong Xuanyuan laughed and said.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Godfather, if you have anything to do in the future, just tell me if I can do it, and I will definitely help you finish it!"

"Okay, you can take Ziyan to rest, I'm sleepy too, I'm drunk. Let's talk about it in detail tonight!" Dong Xuanyuan laughed and went upstairs accompanied by the housekeeper.

And Qiuyue looked at Dong Ziyan who was lying on the table and fell asleep, and the white and elastic steamed buns on her chest squeezed out more than half, which was very attractive.

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