my beauty fairy

Chapter 507 Interrogation

After a pause, Qiu Yue said with a smile. "If you are not satisfied with these meals, and you are going to eat the human body feast of Dongyang Kingdom, please go out. I will not charge you for these dishes you have eaten. How about it?"

Immediately, the faces of those men were angry, and they stared at Qiuyue and shouted angrily: "Damn, do you think I can't afford these crap? Is I short of money? I said it clearly, we *** wants to fuck your woman, what's the matter?"

Speaking of which, the man took out 3000 yuan from the bag, threw it on the table fiercely, and said angrily: "Little calf, get out of here!"

Suddenly Qiuyue felt helpless, his mother dared to play this trick with me.Is money all I want?

So Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Such a small amount of money, do you think it's a lot of money, or do you think your sex is not enough for three seconds per person? Take the money and get out of here quickly, we don't Needing this little money feels like a handout."

At this time, Zheng Shuang'er saw that Qiuyue's words were getting sharper and sharper, so she pulled the corner of Qiuyue's clothes, and signaled to Qiuyue that more things are worse than less things.

Qiuyue knew that Zheng Shuang'er was afraid of being beaten by them, so she smiled and looked back at Zheng Shuang'er, blinked her eyes, and turned to look at the man.

I saw that man's angry face turned green, he punched Qiu Yue fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Damn, when will someone dare to talk to me like this!"

But when the fist reached Qiuyue's side, Qiuyue gently held the man's fist, and with a little force, the man let out a cry like a pig.

"Ah..." Tears flowed from the man's painful eyes.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "How about it, do you still have any human meals?"

"No, no, I won't take it. I'm sorry, sir. I won't take it. My hand hurts so much. It's about to break. Please let me go. Please let me go! Please!" The man trembled in pain.

So Qiu Yue let go of that person, and said with a smile: "Okay, I won't force you to stay any longer, so go away. This place doesn't belong to you."

"What the hell, you scolded the neighbor next door and dared to be rough on me, do you know who I am? A small restaurant owner is so arrogant." The man saw Qiu Yue let go of her, and stood beside the other Behind the few people, they immediately became arrogant.

Qiu Yue shook his head helplessly, and said with a smile: "I took the exam, but I still dare to be stubborn. I'm quite interested in who you are."

"I'm the person in charge of the Dahuaxia Guoxiongqi Company stationed in the Wujiao area! Responsible for the transportation here!" the man said arrogantly.

At this time Zheng Shuang'er was frightened and straightened Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue also pretended to be pitiful and said: "Wow, it's amazing, I'm so scared!"

The big man suddenly laughed.

Qiu Yue turned her head and signaled Zheng Shuang'er to call Ling Feng down.

Zheng Shuanger quickly went upstairs.

Qiu Yuexin said to get something out of the mouths of these bastards.

When those people were about to show arrogance to Qiu Yue, Ling Feng came down from above.

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce you. These are the people in charge of the Dahuaxia Guoxiongqi Company stationed in the Wujiao area! They are responsible for the transportation here! They are also the drivers of the big trucks." Those people thought that Qiu Yue wanted to show off How awesome they were, but what Qiuyue said immediately made those people speechless and angry.

Ling Feng suddenly laughed too.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Ling Feng smiled and said, "It turns out that these guys are the famous Huaxia drivers who drive large trucks for drug companies. They are really good, and they can even drive such a big truck!"

Those people also heard Ling Feng's sarcasm, and shouted cursingly: "You little furball, what are you asking someone to do? Do you want to die? Come to fight?"

Speaking of those people, one of them drew a gun from his waist, and the rest drew their pipe knives.

Qiu Yue smiled and smoothed things over and said: "Brothers, I'm sorry, my brother doesn't know how to speak, it's all because I didn't educate him well, I'm sorry to offend a few big masters today, how about it, I will ask my wife to warm up these cold dishes for you and continue to eat! This meal is my treat!"

As Qiuyue said, he waved his fist and punched the guy with the pistol on the ground, and the rest of the people rushed over to fight Qiuyue, but Qiuyue gave them a chance. Sweeping thousands of troops directly knocked the remaining few people to the ground.

"Ugh, it hurts so much, what's the matter?" the men cried.

Qiu Yue signaled to Ling Feng, Ling Feng took out the rope from his waist, Zheng Shuang'er closed the door, Qiu Yue and Ling Feng quickly tied up these guys and threw them into the yard.

"Brother Qiu, what's the matter, shall we execute the sentence? I'm very good at this. When I was arrested by the drug dealer when I was on a mission, it was a good meal." Ling Feng said eagerly.

Qiu Yue waved his hand and said: "What kind of torture, mother, do they use torture? Just scare them and it's over. We have to figure out how to deal with what they know. How can we have time to play with them? .”

"Oh, okay." Ling Feng nodded and said.

Standing in the yard, Qiu Yue glared at the man who pinched his hand just now, and said with a vicious smile, "Shall I break all the bones in your hand?"

As he said that, Qiuyue punched a very thick piece of wood next to him, which made the men tremble in fright, and they were no longer confused, they were very sober.

The man looked at Qiu Yue in fear and cried, "Please let me go, please..."

Qiu Yue sneered, and shouted angrily: "There are only two of you who can get out of here alive. Of course, the one who can get out alive is the one who answers the questions most quickly and correctly, Ling Feng!"

Hearing Qiuyue's voice, Ling Feng stepped aside and picked up a machete, 1.3 meters in length.

The machetes of those people were so big that they were resting on their necks, and they panicked.

"Hero, what do you want to ask? What can we know, some drivers." The man cried.

Qiuyue sneered and said, "How is Xiongqi's drug processing factory in Tuwujiao recently? What precautions are you taking? Also, who can draw me the underground layout of Xiongqi in Tuwujiao? I must let her go." !"

"You are Qiuyue!" Those people shouted at the same time.

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "I am Qiu Yue!"

Immediately, the eyes of those people were full of dissatisfaction, and they shouted angrily: "We will never say anything, we will say nothing! Even if you kill us, you won't say anything!"

Qiu Yue was a little dazed, mother, he knew that he was so angry, so he nodded and signaled Ling Feng to bring something to scare them.

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