my beauty fairy

Chapter 508 Ouch Hey

But when Ling Feng brought over some good things, those people all lowered their heads and a stream of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths, and they died.

Qiu Yue ran over quickly, breathed out, and these people were all dead.

"They have taken poison. It seems that there is poison in their teeth. It seems that Xiongqi has been prepared for a long time. This Xiongqi is really alert and has already begun to take precautions. We can't wait until tomorrow night. Today It was dispatched at 03:30 in the morning." Qiuyue said.

Ling Feng asked suspiciously: "Brother Qiu, do you think they have already transferred the equipment or something?"

"Impossible, they won't do that yet, because they have too many underground equipment, and it's not easy to transfer them, but if we procrastinate, maybe their defenses will be stricter." Qiu Yue shook his head and said .

Ling Feng said: "Then what's going on? Brother Qiu, tell me!"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Wait a minute, you are going to ambush on the only way from the border to the drug processing factory of Xiongqi Company. I will ask Qiu Shangguan Yifan to send someone over to help us. After they arrive, all Dispatch, you are familiar with the terrain, you lead them to ambush nearby, and I will bring Xiongqi's people into that area at midnight. The people sent by Qiu Shangguan Yifan are more professional, you should find out nearby and wait for us It’s better to set up an ambush when we go.”

Ling Feng nodded in response, "No problem, Brother Qiu!"

"Okay, that's it. You set off now, observe carefully for me, bring enough professional equipment, and don't let them have any flaws that we haven't discovered." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng stood up, went upstairs, took off his bag, got into the car and set off.

"Keep in touch with Brother Qiu!" Ling Feng called back, Qiu Yue nodded, and then there was a roar and Ling Feng rushed out of the yard.

Zheng Shuang'er said with a little fear: "Qiu Yue, brother Qiu Yue, what about these people? I'm so scared!"

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, you go back to the house, I will take them to the field and bury them now."

Zheng Shuang'er nodded slowly and said, "En, good."

So Qiu Yue put these people into sacks, threw them into the trunk, and drove directly to the field to bury them.

When she came back, Zheng Shuang'er was much better, and her expression was normal.

"Have you finished burying Brother Qiuyue?" Zheng Shuang'er's innocent smile made Qiuyue very happy.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Go and rest, what happened today surprised you."

"Brother Qiuyue, thank you! I..." Zheng Shuang'er suddenly blushed slightly, and Qiuyue didn't care because he was preoccupied at this time.

Qiu Yue said: "You don't need to thank me, this is what I should do, you should go back quickly, I have to make a plan to tidy up and go up."

"Ah, oh, well, I'll go back first." Zheng Shuang'er said awkwardly, her face flushed.

Qiuyue didn't raise his head, he just focused on packing the things in the restaurant, nodded and said: "En, all right!"

So Zheng Shuang'er turned around and walked upstairs slowly.

Qiu Yue suddenly remembered something and said, "Shuang'er, wait a minute."

Zheng Shuang'er thought that Qiuyue was going to tell him what to do, so she turned her head excitedly and said, "What is it, Brother Qiuyue?"

"Um, so what, you can close the store for a few days, and we can talk about it later." Qiu Yue said.

Zheng Shuanger sighed and said, "Oh, all right!"

Qiu Yue arranged the tables, chairs and benches neatly, tidied up the yard and went upstairs.

When he returned to his room, Qiu Yue turned on the computer and made a video call with Shangguan Yifan.

Shangguan Yifan quickly replied to Qiuyue, and Shangguan Yifan's profile picture appeared on the screen.

"Shangguan Yifan, now contact me with the special forces on the border. The more elite the better, come with dozens of people. Dong Xuanyuan, the big man from Tuwujiao, will assist. We will be dispatched on time at 03:30 this evening to let the special forces The elites of the army appeared at the place where Ling Feng was after nightfall tonight." Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said: "You boy, it's really a pleasure to do things. It's been a while. I'm not in a hurry to contact you just now. Tomorrow night, I'm in such a hurry now."

"No, just now I arrested a few people from Xiongqi. They committed suicide by drinking medicine before our interrogation. It's something between their teeth. Xiongqi has already taken precautions. If we don't attack again, we may not be able to capture it by then. All the sweetness!" Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan was surprised and said, "How did you catch him?"

"Several people came to Yunlianhua's restaurant to eat. I wanted to take advantage of Zheng Shuang'er, so I cleaned them up. Who knew they shouted arrogantly: We are the top executive of the transportation team of Huaxia Guoxiongqi Company in the Wujiao area? What?" Yes, that's what it means." Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan nodded and said, "That's right, these grandsons of thieves have done all kinds of bad things and dare to be so arrogant. Okay, I'll contact the members of the special forces over there and show up on time after nightfall."

"Okay, as soon as possible, I'm going back to Dong Xuanyuan's place now, and I have to call some people. Besides, he knows the transportation route of Xiongqi, by the way, call a team of policemen, and arrest the delivery vehicle based on my information. , to collect evidence." Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan nodded and said: "Okay, no problem, I will implement this matter immediately, but you and Ling Feng must be careful!"

"I see, we will." Qiu Yue nodded and said.

After turning off the video, Qiu Yue stood up and walked out of the room, went outside Zheng Shuanger's room and asked, "Shuanger, are you in there?"

"I'm here, what's the matter, brother Qiuyue?" Zheng Shuanger asked.

Qiu Yue said: "I have to go out now, Ling Feng and I may not come back tonight, you take care of yourself, no matter who comes, you are not allowed to open the door."

"Well, okay, I see. Are you going to perform a dangerous mission again?" Zheng Shuang'er worried.

Qiu Yue smiled and patted Zheng Shuang'er's head and said, "Sister Shuang'er, we are in this line of work to do this dangerous job. There is no danger or danger, we are used to it."

"Then you must be careful, do you understand?" Zheng Shuang'er worried.

Qiu Yue put one of his mobile phones into Zheng Shuang'er's hand and said with a smile: "Haven't you seen this kind of mobile phone? You can play with it, I'll go first! I won't be lonely!"

"Thank you brother Qiuyue, I understand!" Zheng Shuanger nodded and said.

Qiu Yue walked downstairs quickly, started the car and drove out of the courtyard, locked the courtyard door, and went straight to the aristocratic area of ​​Xuanyuan Village with full horsepower.

On the way, Qiuyue didn't call Dong Xuanyuan and Dong Ziyan. It's unclear whether they fell asleep or woke up. Although it has been more than three or four hours, let's go back and talk about it.

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