my beauty fairy

Chapter 513 Welcome Girl

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "It seems that we have to make some chemical substances to get rid of this intermediate puppet. You take the elite team of the special forces and leave Tuwujiao as soon as possible, and then notify the border side to make sure the checkpoints are tightened for me, so as not to If there are intermediate puppets from the mainland, they will come back directly after finishing their work."

The remaining people carried the wounded, and the sacrificed people got into the car together.

"Helicopter team, you must take care of that puppet." Qiu Yue said.

Qiu Yue took the rest of the people back to Dong's mansion in groups in order.

It was already past five o'clock in the morning when we returned to Dong's Mansion.

"Call the commander, call the commander. This is the helicopter team." The call came from the helicopter.

Qiu Yue asked: "What's the situation?"

"The puppet here has been circling a forest for a long time without moving. It seems that it found us following and stopped moving forward." The helicopter team said.

Qiu Yue thought that this puppet had no thoughts, but there must be a source of data. Give him information. It seems that the source of information saw that the puppet was being followed, so he deliberately refused to let him return to their base.How to do it?Only when he returns to another drug trafficking base can he find the place where they committed crimes and let them destroy it.

"Then I'll go stealthily and follow them, even if they can't find me. That's it." Qiu Yue thought.

Qiu Yue picked up the wireless communicator and shouted: "Well, you can report the exact location now, I will drive there, and when I tell you to retreat, you can retreat."

"Yes!" shouted over there.

"Brothers, you have to work hard today and make arrangements for the two sacrificed brothers. I have to go out quickly. Qiuyue thank you brothers. You have worked hard! I will give you extra bonuses for this task. Brothers, each one will give 100 million as a pension to the family, and brothers who have participated in this operation, each will receive [-]. As for how the godfather rewards everyone, I don’t care, this is my heart!" Qiu Yue bowed.

Immediately, everyone was almost moved to tears, "Thank you Commander-in-Chief!"

Qiu Yue didn't say much, he got into the Mercedes-Benz convertible, and rushed out of the Dong's compound with a little gas pedal.

Click on the navigation and run along the way. In less than half an hour, various drifts and tail flicks finally came not far from the helicopter.

Qiu Yue stopped the car at a certain distance, raised the canopy, and after stealth, said in a low voice: "Helicopter team, retreat back to repair."

After the helicopter team left, Qiu Yue observed the puppet nearby for a long time, before the puppet left the woods, Qiu Yue thought: He must be going back to their organization, he must follow closely!So Qiuyue ran all the way and followed the puppet for nearly half an hour and came to a bustling Yuli area. The puppet ran to the side door of a bar called Wujiao. The door opened when he left, and the puppet went in immediately.Qiu Yue thought: This must be the place where drugs are sold, so he prepared to enter through the main entrance.Walking to the main entrance, Qiuyue saw that there were couples at the entrance of the bar, and Qiuyue thought to himself: The young people nowadays are really...

Qiu stepped into the door and saw that the welcoming ladies at the door were taller than the other, with two huge bombs hanging on their chests.The two welcoming ladies said very politely and a little ambiguously: "Hi handsome guy, how many are you?"

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "It's just me."

The welcoming lady said with a peachy face, "This way please."

Qiu Yue followed the welcoming lady into the bar, and was greeted with a rotten atmosphere. The bar was filled with all kinds of social young people, and there were many blatantly injecting drugs with needles, and they also enjoyed it .

Miss Yingbin led Qiuyue to a booth and asked, "Handsome guy, what would you like to drink?"

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "What good wine do you have here?"

Miss Yingbin heard Qiu Yue's question and immediately said ambiguously: "I have all kinds of wine here, it depends on how big your wallet is, handsome guy."

Qiu Yue immediately replied with interest: "Really? Then you can serve me a cup that tastes good."

The welcome lady whispered a few words to the waiter next to her, and then she came back and said to Qiu Yue: "Handsome guy, the wine has been ordered for you, please wait for a while, I will go to receive other guests first."

Qiu Yue lit a cigarette and nodded, "Go."

After the welcoming lady left, Qiu Yue carefully observed the environment of the bar, and saw that most of the young people who came here did not look like the children of rich people. It seems that there are indeed other higher-grade services here.At this time the waiter brought the wine, Qiu Yue wanted to blow up the waiter.

The waiter put the wine on the table politely and said with a smile, "Sir, this is your wine."

Immediately, Qiu Yue slapped the table and shouted angrily, "Don't you have some interesting activities here? What fun!"

The waiter immediately had a warm smile on his face, and said mysteriously: "Sir, to tell you the truth, we have other high-end services here, but they are members who want to join our bar, and the membership fee is not small. the number."

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "Hmph! How much is it? Tell me!"

The waiter replied enthusiastically: "Actually, it's not very expensive. The annual membership fee for platinum membership is 10 yuan; the annual membership fee for gold membership is 30 yuan;

Qiu Yue thought: I am here to rescue the abducted and trafficked women, and this money must be spent.Then he said, "Then let's become a diamond member and have fun."

The waiter immediately smiled and thought: I get enough commission for a damn diamond member to play for a year.Then he replied with a smile on his face: "Then please come with me, sir."

Qiu Yue followed the waiter to a very secret place and opened a secret door to enter.Qiu Yue was stunned immediately, it turned out to be a hall of another scene, decorated magnificently and extremely luxuriously.The waiter brought Qiu Yue to a large bar and said excitedly, "Give this gentleman a diamond membership."

Originally, when the listless waiter at the bar heard that he was going to apply for a diamond membership, his eyes lit up and he regained his energy. He said excitedly, "Okay, I will apply for this gentleman right away."

Qiu Yue gave the waiter a bank card and said with a smile, "Just use this card to swipe."

The waiter took the bank card from Qiuyue's hand and said, "Where's your ID card?"

"If you don't have an ID card, you can do it if you can, and if you can't, just return the card to me!" Qiu Yue said lightly.

"Yes, yes. I'll handle it for you right now!" said the waiter with a smile on his face.

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