my beauty fairy

Chapter 514

After applying for the diamond VIP, Qiuyue was led by a beautiful waiter to a long corridor. The beautiful waiter introduced, "Handsome guy, this is the platinum member area. There are white-collar workers, teachers, and beautiful policewomen here." Wait for beauties in various industries."

The place the waitress pointed to was a very gorgeous hall, where there were more than 30 beauties sitting there, all of them were smooth to the extreme, and their eyes were expressive, which made people so tempted!

But Qiuyue didn't come to pick up girls today.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Is that all? Do you think I paid such a high price to come here just to play with these?"

The beautiful waiter laughed and said: "Of course not, I'm just introducing it to you, the fun is yet to come!" Then the beautiful waiter took Qiu Yue to the next area and introduced: "Look, these are chicks. Girl, they are not polluted by the world, this is the gold member area. Take a look, are you interested?"

Looking at those little girls who are mostly underage, Qiuyue's eyes are a little moist, it's really pitiful to be caught doing these things at such a young age.

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled and said, "Well, yes, yes, I'm interested, but since this is the gold member area, is there a diamond member area?"

"Of course, handsome guy, you are really smart, I'll take you there right away." The waitress said with a smile.

Qiuyue thought to himself: "Damn, if I hadn't been pressing you all the time, you **** would have fooled me casually? Damn it!"

"Then lead the way, don't f***ing haggling, be careful that I will order you to be executed on the spot!" Qiu Yue said irritably, seeing these girls being treated inhumanely, Qiu Yue wished to die now. Destroy them and get the girls out.

So Qiu Yue followed the waiter to a more luxurious place, and what Qiu Yue saw were all little girls from abroad, all young girls.It's too cruel. Now these people are playing.

The waitress received: "These are from the diamond member area, but you are a diamond member, you can enjoy here at the same time, and the first two gold and platinum member areas!"

"Oh, that's right, then find me a gold zone, and you can help me choose one for me to play with." Qiu Yue said with a smirk.

The waitress excitedly ran over and found a random girl. Qiuyue was taken to a gorgeous private room, and the waiter arranged for Qiuyue and the little girl to go out.

Qiu Yue looked at this gorgeous box, which contained electric wands and condoms.After the waiter left, the little girl who was about sixteen or seventeen forced a wry smile, closed the door, and knelt down to undress Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yue was stunned, what kind of shock did these girls receive, that they would do such low-spirited, immoral and undignified things.

Immediately, Qiuyue burst into tears of sympathy, leaving sideburns behind.

"Get up, get up, don't kneel, don't kneel." Qiu Yue helped the little girl up with tears, regardless of her own image.

The little girl looked at Qiuyue in astonishment, not knowing what happened, her two big watery eyes looked at Qiuyue blankly.

Qiu Yue wiped away his tears and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I'm late. I'm here to rescue you. I'm a policeman from Huaxia. Can you tell me how you were arrested?"

Just when the little girl was about to say something excitedly, Qiu Yue put her index finger on her mouth and let out a groan.

"Really? Great, you're a policeman, you're a policeman, I don't have to stay here anymore, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the little girl cried Said.

Qiu Yue hugged the little girl, patted the little girl on the back and said, "Can you tell me how you were caught here? It will be of great help to the police in solving the case."

I saw the little girl's face was full of sad tears, and she cried aggrievedly and said: "I was playing near my house, and suddenly a black car stopped beside me. Before I could react, two people used black cloth bags. Put me in the car, and the car started running so fast that I couldn't go home even if I wanted to."

"Later, my head was blindfolded all the time. I remember that I didn't know where I got on the plane, but there was an island, a big island, and there were many girls like me there. We took the boat with us and came to the Tuwujiao area. They didn’t treat us like human beings, and they beat us up every now and then. Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” said the little girl and started to cry again.

Qiu Yue took out a tissue and wiped the tears from the little girl's face and said, "Training before you come?"

"Training, we are young girls now, they say we can sell for a high price, and when we have nowhere to go, they will dress us up as white-collar workers or teachers or something to entertain platinum members." The little girl cried.

"Damn it, it's so cruel." Qiu Yue said angrily.

The little girl was crying hard, Qiu Yue asked: "Then how do they train you to work?"

They had several big men standing naked in a room, it was dark below, and then we went in one by one to listen to the supervisor's lecture, if any of us didn't listen, or if someone didn't listen well, the big men next to us would take us one by one what's the matter...

After listening to the little girl's words, Qiu Yue's heart ached even more. Although the national power of science and technology has developed a lot, there are still so many people living in dire straits.

"Now there are police uncles, don't be afraid, just pretend to be in pain and go out later, you can tell the other sisters later, the police will come at dawn at eight o'clock tomorrow morning. "Qiu Yue said seriously.

The little girl nodded and walked out.

Qiuyue sat in the private room and called Ling Feng with a micro-earphone: "Don't go back, bring someone back, and come to a bustling entertainment area west of the Xiongqi drug processing factory in Heyang Village, Wujiao Bar, this is Xiongqi The place where the company resells **. Come back as quickly as possible and surround it, then rush in and arrest the person in charge."

"Alright, alright, let's go now." Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yuexin said that there is no big boss in this place, it must be watched by Xiongqi's very small brother.According to the little girl, it means that their larger base is not here, but an island. It seems that this island is not easy to find, what a problem.

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