my beauty fairy

Chapter 515 Broken

Qiu Yuexin said to ignore him, his most important task right now is to rescue these girls, they were sold here for prostitution at such a young age, those behind the scenes are simply not human beings, but animals!You bastards who should be shot!

Qiuyue thought about these people angrily in his heart, and said in his heart that he would make a mess here later, and then lead someone to clear the place for him.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yue opened the door and walked out.Pretending to be comfortable.

A waitress came over and said charmingly: "Handsome guy, would you like to enjoy a hot spring bath?"

"I'm not in the mood, but I'm very interested in the decorations here, I want to go around by myself." Qiu Yue laughed.

Suddenly Qiu Yue "accidentally" knocked down a very large vase on purpose, and the vase broke into pieces on the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A security guard ran over.

The waitress whispered: "This is a diamond member, be careful what you say!"

After hearing what the waitress said, the security guard suddenly panicked, bent over and said, "I'm sorry sir, I was wrong and contradicted you, I hope you don't remember the villain's mistakes."

Qiu Yue patted the security guard and said with a smile: "I didn't mean to blame you, you call your boss over here, who is in charge here?"

When the security guard heard this, he immediately panicked, bent down and said, "I'm sorry sir, can you tell me anything? If it can be solved, I will definitely help you solve it."

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't trouble you. I'm just offering advice and I won't make it difficult for you."

Hearing this, the security went to the person in charge in peace of mind, and soon a fat man came, with a fat face and a big belly. Qiu Yue even suspected that this man was pregnant with a child.The man smiled and said, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Qiu Yue said coldly: "Damn, what is this thing called? I was almost hit by a vase just now. How could you put things around randomly? This is simply a threat to the personal safety of the guests, you know?"

The fat-headed person in charge said, "But sir, I just heard from the people in the monitoring room that you broke the vase on purpose. How can you expect us to put things indiscriminately?"

Qiu Yue shouted angrily: "Damn it, did you hear me asking you to apologize? I am responsible for copying you!"

The person in charge suddenly lost his face, and said coldly: "You are not here for entertainment, but to find trouble?" Then he turned his head and motioned to the security guard, and the security guard quickly understood what it meant. After a while, a group of security guards came up, and one of the leading security guards shouted angrily: "Do you believe that I am abolishing you right now?"

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "As expected of a soldier hired by Xiongqi Company, his aura is extraordinary!" After speaking, Qiu Yue controlled the security guard's thoughts through willpower. , the security guard turned around and shouted angrily at the supervisor: "Are you fucking blind? This vase was obviously met by a customer by yourself, but you actually said that the customer is looking for trouble? I think you are looking for trouble, do you want to be a supervisor? ?”

The supervisor was used to being overbearing, and was yelled at by the people around him all day long. He could not stand the security guard's arrogant language, so he kicked the security guard's crotch angrily, and the security guard cried while holding his crotch. Shouted: "Damn, you dare to touch me!" Stretching out his hand, he squeezed the supervisor's lower body fiercely, and Qiu Yue heard a "poof", as if the supervisor's balls were squeezed and exploded up.The supervisor suddenly knelt on the ground in pain and cried, "You trash, what are you waiting for if you don't go up and beat him? Give me a hard beat!"

All the security guards rushed up together, pinned the security guard to the ground and beat him up severely. The security guard was dying, so he stopped.

After stopping, the supervisor had time to look at Qiu Yue, and shouted angrily: "Are you sincerely here to trouble me?"

"No, it's just that I was smashed by the vase, you should be compensated, shouldn't you?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The flesh on the manager's face shook back and forth, "Compensation for your sister! Give it to me. I beat him up today. I don't think I dare to make trouble, thinking that if I have more money, I can do whatever I want? I tell you, this is Xiongqi's territory, you didn't discuss it to death!"

"Haha, okay, then come on!" Qiu Yue said with a cold smile.

The supervisor was stunned for a moment, thinking that Qiuyue was alone, why did he dare to be so arrogant, maybe someone was behind him, but after thinking about it, Xiongqi was behind him, not to mention that although there was an accident at the drug processing factory just now, the puppet came back.What are you afraid of?

So the supervisor gained confidence and shouted: "Come on, I will be responsible for what happened today!"

Seeing someone supporting him, the security guards all rushed up to punch Qiu Yue.

A security guard directly punched Qiu Yue's neck. It looked like he had stayed in the army, otherwise he would not have been able to attack so viciously. In the past two years, no matter what the entertainment department or any larger organization, They are all looking for retired soldiers to be bodyguards.

Qiu Yue grabbed the man's fist and took advantage of the trend. Suddenly, the man fell forward and landed on the ground.

A security guard next to him took advantage of his spare time, took out his baton, turned on the power, and slashed at Qiu Yue. Qiu Yue measured his body, covered the man's eyes with his left hand, grabbed the man's arm with his right hand, and shook and pushed the man forward. When it hit the supervisor's face, the director's hair was burnt and his face was injured by the electric shock. He covered his face and rolled on the ground, howling like a wolf.

At this time, Ling Feng's voice came from Qiu Yue's earphone: "Brother Qiu, we have arrived, what should we do now?"

"Come in through the main entrance for me, and then block the scene first, and the rest of the people come in from a corner and come to the VIP area." Qiu Yue said.

Here, Qiuyue is still punching and kicking this bunch of trash.

The captured girls around were both surprised and happy when they saw Qiuyue like this. They were scared because they were afraid that Qiuyue would be knocked down by them, but they were happy because someone finally came to rescue them. It was really great.

But looking at Qiuyue's left fist and right foot, he was very powerful, and everyone shouted "Hello!"

Suddenly Qiu Yue was off guard, and a security guard rushed over with a chair and was about to hit Qiu Yue on the back of the head.

A girl screamed, "Back, back."

Qiu Yue quickly dodged to the right, the man's chair fell into the air, Qiu Yue raised his foot and kicked the man's stomach fiercely, the man fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and howling.

After putting down the rear one, the man in front of Qiuyue rushed over holding the electric baton.

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