my beauty fairy

Chapter 516 Puppet

I saw Qiu Yue rushed up quickly, grabbed the man's arm and bent it forcefully, the electric prod directly stabbed the security guard's neck, Qiu Yue quickly withdrew his hand, and the man convulsed from the shock.

Looking at the few people on the ground who were still terrified, Qiu Yue said coldly: "See, you really don't want to live well? I didn't kill you just now, and you still want to get up, right? I'll kill you all this time." Obsolete?"

After listening to Qiu Yue's cold words, several people immediately stood there and dared not say anything more.Sitting on the ground with a disheveled face, he stroked his injured place.

Qiu Yue walked up to those girls and shouted: "Everyone lean over here, line up in two rows, and someone will come to rescue you later."

Immediately, those girls followed Qiu Yue's command excitedly and stood in a neat row.

"Brother Qiu, we are here." Ling Feng led a group of special forces and blocked the place directly. Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Hurry up and take these girls out. I didn't see any puppets when we were fighting just now. It is estimated that the puppet will be released soon." Qiu Yue said hastily.

Ling Feng nodded and led the group out of the bar. The girls looked at Qiu Yue's bravery and righteousness, and looked back at Qiu Yue from time to time.

Qiu Yue walked up to the supervisor with a gun, squatted beside him, and said with a cold smile, "I don't know if the supervisor is willing to cooperate with our investigation. You will not be able to escape at this point."

The man held his crotch and said in pain: "I can give you a chance. If you can defeat my puppet, I will obey you. I will answer whatever you ask. Otherwise, it will be useless even if you kill me." , I have always made friends with courageous people, if you can defeat the puppet, I will obey you from the bottom of my heart."

"Hahahaha, yes, yes. You can release your puppet." Qiu Yue laughed.

Ling Feng and the others all walked in.

"Look, there, if you can destroy the middle-level puppet, I will give you my all." The supervisor said excitedly.

Qiuyue Lingfeng and his group turned their heads to look at the location pointed by the supervisor.The puppet stood outside the small door, looking at Qiu Yue and Ling Feng and the others motionlessly.

"Mother, how can I survive this? At that time, the bombs couldn't kill him. Can I kill him with my fist? Are you kidding me? But this time, if we don't get rid of this puppet, it will be a big deal for the Tuwujiao area." This is a dangerous matter, and the people here cannot be dragged down, even if it is death, it must be destroyed by him." Qiu Yue thought to himself, and took out a fist guard from his bag.It's full of sharp little nails.

Wearing fist guards with both hands, he stared at the puppet coldly.

The puppet saw Qiu Yue walking over slowly.

"Ling Feng, step back quickly!" Qiu Yue shouted.

The people around couldn't be more aware of how powerful this puppet is. Just now it was struck by Qiuyue's five-star lightning technique, and it was blown up by such a high-explosive bomb, but now it is standing there with nothing to do, and it still has the ability to attack. , ready to attack Qiuyue.

With a sneer, Qiu Yue walked forward slowly.

I saw the puppet running forward quickly and leaping hard.

Qiu Yue thought that he was about to attack himself, so he took a few steps back quickly.

The puppet jumped onto the roof and lay on the roof like a spider.

"Uh, mother, what kind of play is this!" Qiu Yue muttered helplessly.

Ling Feng shouted: "Brother Qiu, you must be careful!"

"Well, I know!" Qiu Yue looked up at the puppet intently, afraid that if he accidentally lost his mind, the puppet would rush over and turn him over, and it would be over.

So Qiu Yue kept a distance away from the ground where the puppet was facing, and looked at each other.

"Puppet, kill him, kill him! Hahahaha! You can't kill Puppet today, you will gradually understand how powerful Puppet is, and taste it slowly!" He was on the verge of dying, but he still laughed at Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue didn't bother to care what he said, just looked at the puppet quietly, and thought to himself that instead of slowly losing his guts by looking at it like this, it's better to rush up and fight with him a few times to occupy an active position. The chances of surviving are also a little higher.

So Qiu Yue ran two steps quickly, jumped towards the wall next to him, stepped on the wall, flew up in an instant, pulled out the knife behind his back, swung it fiercely, and the knife flew towards the puppet like lightning .

Seeing the knife flying towards him, the puppet quickly climbed a few steps on the roof to avoid the flying knife, Qiu Yue was speechless, oh my god, this guy's agility on the roof is not bad at all Mobility on the ground.

Suddenly the puppet became a little angry, and jumped down from the roof towards Qiuyue's direction. The speed was very fast. If ordinary people were so scared that they couldn't react within a second, they would definitely be destroyed. Who, seeing the puppet's speed, dodges and jumps to the side. Although the reaction is fast, the puppet's speed is faster, and Qiu Yue is almost hit by the puppet. The more estimated the battle that was smashed now, the harder it is to stand up.

Even so, the puppet's hand hit Qiuyue with a hand knife. Although the contact area was not large, the pain was very strong, as if it had been hit by an iron block.The painful Qiuyue stood aside and grinned.

This puppet never gets tired, so that just after Qiu Yue escaped the blow and was still in the reaction stage, the puppet ran towards Qiu Yue and punched Qiu Yue.

Qiu Yuexin said to see if it hurts you, anyway, I have protective fists!

So Qiu Yue punched head-on, and hit the puppet's fist, "Bang!"

Nothing happened to that puppet, but Qiuyue's hand hurt from the shock.

Qiuyue took a few steps back clutching his hands in pain, thinking he was really fucking inhuman.

The supervisor next to him was still there gloating and shouting: "Hahahaha, you will all die here today, hahaha, I am so happy today, watching a human slaughter, your limbs will not stay intact on your body Don't worry, hahaha!"

"Shut up for me!" Ling Feng saw that this guy was still arrogant, and he fell to the ground. A special soldier came over and tied him with a rope so tightly that he couldn't even move.

Immediately afterwards, the puppet rushed up without any hesitation, kicked Qiu Yue's face sideways, and the speed became faster.

This speed was really too fast, Qiu Yue couldn't drive much, so he didn't move, and quickly stretched out his hand to protect this foot.

But if you don't protect it, you don't know. After protecting it, Qiuyue knows how heavy the foot is.

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