my beauty fairy

Chapter 517 Headquarters

A tearing pain came from the arm, accompanied by a click.

"Uh, is it broken?" Qiu Yue thought to himself.At this time, there was only severe pain in the arm.It was so painful that I couldn't move.

Because the kick was too heavy, Qiu Yue was kicked hard and flew out. After flying a long distance, he fell to the ground and couldn't move.

"Brother Qiu! Damn it!" Ling Feng stood up angrily, ran up quickly, raised a knife and slashed at the puppet.

The puppet didn't even try to hide when it felt that Ling Feng was slashing itself behind its back, and slashed directly at its chest.

But the puppet stood there without any problems.

Instead, Ling Feng was immediately in danger.

The puppet grabbed Ling Feng back and threw Ling Feng to the ground. Ling Feng rolled on the ground in pain. Qiu Yue endured the pain and meditated the restoration technique in his heart to heal his arm.

Looking back, Ling Feng had been beaten so badly that he couldn't move. At this moment, the puppet was about to jump up and hit Ling Feng with his body. Qiu Yue quickly took out his gun and shot the puppet a few times.

Qiu Yue didn't have the idea of ​​knocking down the puppet with a gun, but just disturbed the puppet.

Suddenly the puppet stopped somewhere and paused.

I don't know what's going on, but the puppet stopped for a while.

"What's going on here?" Qiu Yue wondered.

Could it be, did he hit the puppet's soft spot just now?

Qiu Yue carefully recalled where those shots were shot just now?

How can Qiu Yue think too much, the puppet rushed over with two big strides, and punched Qiu Yue's head fiercely, Qiu Yue quickly dodged, while dodging, thinking about what happened just now Where did the shot hit, why did the puppet pause for a moment.

Suddenly, Qiu Yue remembered that those few shots just now were all shot in the puppet's head!

So Qiu Yue jumped up to avoid the puppet's fierce leg sweep, and quickly punched the puppet on the forehead. The puppet was fine, and waved Qiu Yue to the ground.

Qiu Yue turned over and stood up, glaring at the puppet.

The puppet ran over again, and Qiu Yue thought it was the head anyway, and hit you all while seeing if he could find your weakness!

So Qiu Yue jumped up, turned around and jumped behind the puppet, the puppet quickly turned around, and Qiu Yue punched the puppet in the eyes.

Suddenly the puppet stayed there.

"Damn it, I finally found your weakness. It really pays off. I'll send you to the west." Qiu Yue yelled angrily, punching the puppet's eyes more than ten times, and using five-star The lightning technique directly struck the puppet's eyes with a bolt of lightning, and the puppet stood there trembling all over. After a few seconds, the puppet fell forward heavily.

"Brother Qiu, you, finally, finally..." Ling Feng yelled and fainted on the ground.

Regardless of the puppets, Qiu Yue ran directly to Ling Feng and helped him up, but Ling Feng was already unconscious.

"Ling Feng, Ling Feng, how are you?" Qiu Yue yelled twice, but there was no response at all, so Qiu Yue used the restoration technique to restore the broken bones on Ling Feng's body. Upon inspection, it was found that more than 20 bones were broken on Ling Feng's body.

After the treatment was completed, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes and looked at Qiu Yue. The surrounding special elites had already cleaned up the scene, and those villains were all handcuffed. Hold your head and squat on the ground.

Seeing these scoundrels being punished, Qiu Yue felt relieved a lot.

"By the way, when you go back, put this puppet in a separate car. I'm afraid he's not completely dead. It's best to find relevant personnel to kill him as soon as possible after you bring him back, so as not to cause harm to others. Leave the supervisor first. After I interrogate him, I will send him out, give me 3 minutes." Qiu Yue said.

After the members of the special elite stood at attention and saluted Qiuyue, they turned around and led them out of the bar.

"How is it, the puppet is dead, have you accepted it?" Qiu Yue asked viciously.

The supervisor began to tremble in fear, his eyes were in a trance, and he said excitedly: "Yes, I'm sorry, I bumped into you just now, yes, it was my fault, I accept it!"

"Okay, I want to know something about you, you are not doing well now, right? If you can answer my question positively, I promise to restore your dick to normal for you, and I will give it to you Apply for a lighter punishment." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

The man said excitedly: "Isn't it? You decided to treat me, all of this, can it be cured if it's all crushed?"

"Come here!" Qiu Yue laughed.

The supervisor stumbled to his feet and walked over, his body was so painful that he couldn't straighten up.

"What are you doing?" said the supervisor.

Qiu Yue smiled and directly used the reduction technique to restore the supervisor's balls to their original state.

The pained expression on the supervisor's face disappeared without a trace.

Qiu Yue asked, "What's the matter?"

"Uh, it's really good, he doesn't hurt anymore when I touch him! You are really my lifesaver, who are there to play with so many beautiful girls without balls!" The supervisor said excitedly. crying and shouting.

Qiu Yue smiled and said that it was Lao Tzu who caused you to explode just now, and thank Lao Tzu now that you are better, it is so funny hahahaha!

"How about it, what you say is what you say, how about you?" Qiu Yue sat on the chair with a smile and looked at the supervisor.

The supervisor ran over gratefully and said excitedly: "Brother, you are my reborn parents and the guard of my future women, you..."

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Okay, okay, don't talk about it, let me tell you, I just want to ask you, where do the girls here come from?"

"Girls here, brother, you really asked the right person, I know!" the man said excitedly.

Seeing the supervisor's disgusting face, Qiuyue felt like vomiting.

"Let's talk, don't give me ink marks." Qiu Yue rolled his eyes and said.

The supervisor said: "These are all caught from the mainland, and some are from abroad."

"Damn, I didn't ask you this. I can't tell which country these people are from? I'm asking where you sent them here. I don't see any signs of transporting people on your drug routes. Why are so many little girls being killed by you now? Did you send it over?" Qiu Yue asked.

The supervisor thought for a while and said, "They are all sent to the headquarters first, and then sent over. Don't ask me where the headquarters is, I don't know."

"Isn't your headquarters in the capital? Why don't you know!" Qiu Yue said viciously.

The supervisor smiled helplessly and said, "You've all been deceived, that's not the headquarters."

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