my beauty fairy

Chapter 518 A Little Dangerous

Qiu Yue was stunned when he heard it, and said, "What? The headquarters is no longer in the capital. Where is your headquarters not in the capital?"

"Brother, to be honest, I don't know, I don't know. People of our level are nothing in Xiongqi. The boss of our bar doesn't know where these girls are transferred from. The headquarters is there, and the headquarters is on a small island, as for where the island is, we really don’t know, brother, I really told you everything.” The man said pitifully.

Qiu Yue thought about it and looked at him, but he didn't know.

"Then how did they send it here? There must be a car, check the route." Qiu Yue said.

The director's face became even more distorted, and he waved his hand helplessly and said, "That can be found out, the headquarters are all sent over by large helicopters, and we have no right to talk to the people above. The number of people is enough, how can we know other things. People who come usually use computer data to send the total number of people and photos, and we have nothing and are not qualified to know the rest.”

Qiu Yue suddenly fell into deep thinking, no wonder the country and him have been fighting against him for so long without any effect.Standing in front of Xiongqi, the little self can't even reach a tiny fraction of a cow!

"Okay, you have to make sure what you say is true, otherwise, I'll crush your balls!" Qiu Yue said viciously.

The supervisor nodded excitedly. "Brother, I won't lie, let alone you are my second child's savior, my second child's savior, that is, my savior, thank you for your great kindness. How dare I lie to you."

"Okay, okay, let's go, go with them. I will come to you when I have something to do, you must cooperate well, and I will apply for you to be released from prison early in the future, otherwise you will spend the rest of your life masturbating in the cell Well, I'll never see a woman." When Qiu Yue frightened her, the supervisor immediately turned blue and nodded, "No, no, no!"

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Okay, then you should reform well, and I will apply for you."

The supervisor followed the SWAT commissioner excitedly.

Qiu Yue looked at Ling Feng and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's go too!"

"Brother Qiu, it seems that this matter is at least ten times more complicated." Ling Feng said.

"Yeah, it seems that we have to toss with Xiongqi for a while, but I don't think Xiongqi will make much moves in the near future." Qiuyue said.

Ling Feng thought for a while and asked: "In that case, we will have a good life, right?"

"Uh, that's not necessarily the case, let's see." Qiu Yue said.

The two walked out of the bar together.

After getting into the car, Ling Feng asked, "Where are we going, Brother Qiu?"

"Go to Dong Xuanyuan." Qiu Yue said.

Ling Feng asked curiously, "What are you doing there?"

"At the very least, Dong Xuanyuan should thank you. Dong Xuanyuan has done us a lot of work. Besides, I am Dong Xuanyuan's godson now. We have to go back after completing the mission, right?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

At this time, Qiuyue's phone rang.

"Qiu Yue, where are you?" Dong Xuanyuan's voice was calm, but Qiu Yue felt as if something had happened.

So Qiu Yue asked: "Godfather. What happened?"

"People from the Ouyang family led people to surround our largest drug processing factory, and Amin led people there. But according to intelligence, there are still a few military vehicles pulling some armed elements to Dong's mansion." Dong Xuanyuan Said plainly.

Qiu Yue suddenly became angry, and said: "***, I think this Ouyang family doesn't want to mess around anymore, but they are so arrogant. How about it, godfather, you make some arrangements first, and I'm also rushing back, you send a helicopter Get out of the plane, so as not to be destroyed in the courtyard, you first take a plane and go to a safe place with Ziyan. The people who were photographed will join me, and then I will direct all the brothers at home and the photographed ones, and then come Attack them from the inside out and kill them."

"Okay, okay, this time I will send Zi Yan out first, and I will cooperate with you inside and out. I am the master here, so what if I leave, brothers can die for me, and I can also face danger firmly for them." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Dong Xuanyuan's words moved Qiu Yue unceasingly. A big brother who is an adulterer, the boss of a drug lord, with a wealth of wealth, can be said to be a super rich man, but he treats his brothers so kindly. That's why he became a big brother. Treat it like an ordinary person.

"Godfather, I think, if the brothers know what you said, they will be very excited. Qiu Yue will definitely fight side by side with godfather to the end, don't worry!" Qiu Yue said excitedly.

Dong Xuanyuan nodded and said: "I'll arrange the order for you according to your team, or divide into two groups, one by one, let them wait for you at the entrance of Xuanyuan Village, and meet them when you come back."

"Okay, godfather, no problem, I'm going at full speed now." Qiu Yue said.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Feng asked, "Brother Qiu, did something happen?"

"Let's hurry to the entrance of Xuanyuan Village now. Something happened to my godfather, and the processing plant was surrounded by people. It was the Ouyang family, one of the three big families who yelled at my godfather last time. Damn, dare to play with my godfather Damn, today I will remove him from the rich list of Xuanyuan Village!" Qiu Yue said through gritted teeth.

Ling Feng directly pushed the accelerator to the end, "Brother Qiu, sit still."

At this moment, Qiuyue's cell phone rang again.

"Hey Shangguan Yifan!" Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said, "Qiuyue, this time things are good, the drug processing factory has been dismantled."

"But the damn thing about drug trafficking hasn't made any progress. I learned from one of their little leaders that the drug processing factory is actually on an island, and they don't know where the island is, and that island is far away from the outside world. All the traffic is by helicopter, and they don't know where the final destination of the plane is. So we don't know anything at the moment." Qiuyue said.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said, "As for this, let's talk about it in detail after you come back from the Tuwujiao base. Now your father-in-law is in trouble, hurry up and help!"

"Um, please take care of my good team leader, Shangguan Yifan, grandpa, I'm sure that's my godfather, okay!" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

"You will gradually understand the reason why I said this. Well, you should be busy! I'm going to the vegetable market." Shangguan Yifan hung up the phone with a smile.

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