my beauty fairy

Chapter 519 Explosion

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yue was extremely helpless, mother, this Shangguan Yifan is too much, to be so...

"What did Brother Qiu Shangguan Yifan tell you? Why do you have such an expression?" Ling Feng asked curiously.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Oh, what can it be, just mock me."

"Oh, that's right." Ling Feng said with a smile.

Qiu Yuexin said what Shangguan Yifan's words meant, forget it or don't think about it, the most important thing is to rush back, and then help Dong Xuanyuan drive those guys from the Ouyang family away!

So Qiu Yue hurriedly took out the wireless device and called: "Godfather Godfather, please answer, please answer if you receive it!"

"Qiuyue Qiuyue, I am your godfather, all the equipment is normal, I will transfer your equipment to the main station now, you can command all our internal and external personnel." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Godfather, are all the internal and external personnel in place now?"

"Everything is in place. The person who gave it to you has already arrived at the entrance of Xuanyuan Village. Once you are in place, we will attack from inside and outside." Dong Xuanyuan said.

Suddenly Qiu Yue remembered one thing, to capture the thief first, to capture the king, wouldn't it be better if the boss of Ouyang's family or some other family was destroyed?

"Godfather, in this way, I asked my good brother to bring people to deal with you from the inside out. I took people from the periphery to Ouyang's house to make troubles. Mother, today I will give them Ouyang's house in the Tuwujiao area. Dismissed." Qiu Yue said viciously.

Dong Xuanyuan worried: "But most of the manpower has gone to the processing factory, you..."

"It's okay, send me five people, and they will all be my assistants. Each person should carry some grenades or rockets to the maximum extent, and ask them to wait for me at the entrance of the village." Qiu Yue said.

Dong Xuanyuan said: "Okay, let's arrange it. In 5 minutes, I will meet you at the entrance of the village."

Qiu Yue nodded and said with a smile: "No problem, godfather, you and Ling Feng also need to work hard, let's see who makes progress first."

"Hahaha, you kid, you are actually compared to your godfather." Dong Xuanyuan laughed loudly.

After laughing, the two hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Qiuyue Lingfeng appeared at the entrance of Xuanyuan Village.

"Brother Qiu, then you must be careful, you have so few people." Ling Feng said.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "It's the same with you, don't underestimate them, I will take care of myself."

"Yes, I see." Ling Feng nodded and said.

Qiu Yue got out of the car and got on the Hummer directly, with a business car in front of him.

Qiu Yue asked, "What weapons did you bring?"

"Returning to the command, we carry three hundred grenades and one hundred time bombs. Each has a sniper rifle." The man sitting beside Qiu Yue said.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "No, there are so many, it seems that the godfather misses me, the people of the Ouyang family will blow their foreheads to the sky!"

"Commander, what did you say?" the man next to him asked.

Qiu Yue waved his hands and laughed: "It's nothing, load all the bullets, and pay attention to the surrounding situation at all times."

"What's going on? The Ouyang family must be well guarded. By the way, I use invisibility to install time bombs in hidden places. It will be fun then!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

After arriving at the place, Qiu Yue looked up, damn it, Dong Xuanyuan is a group of villas, this Ouyang family is a big palace, it seems that this kid also wants to try the thrill of being a king?

So Qiu Yue conveniently said at a place where the car was far away from the Ouyang family: "Stop the car, the commercial vehicle team stops, and all of them are on standby. Pay attention to observe and report the situation at any time."

"The commercial vehicle crew has received instructions!" A reply came from the commercial vehicle.

Qiu Yue turned around and said to the people in his own car: "Prepare ten time bombs for me, put them in bags, and you all stand by in the car. I'll be back when I go."

"Commander, are you kidding? Have you seen that the Ouyang family is full of monitors, and all of them are snipers over there!" The man next to him pointed to the people upstairs near the Ouyang family.

Qiu Yue laughed and said: "Of course I know this, so you are on standby, I'm fine, and I'm not going to do something dangerous. You just obey orders!"

"Yes, sir." The man put something into the bag.

After everything was ready, Qiu Yue walked out of the car with his bag on his back.In a blink of an eye, Qiu Yue disappeared.Everyone in the car looked around curiously, wondering: "Huh? Where are you? The officer was still here just now. It's strange. Did I read it wrong?"

Qiuyue came to the vicinity of Ouyang's house with a bag full of grenades and time bombs on his back. Looking at this amazing building, Qiuyue couldn't help himself. The people here are really too rich. money.

A large number of militants gathered outside the door, and each of them looked fierce, which was horrible.

Bypassing these militants, Qiu Yue walked into the compound of the Ouyang family. The perimeter of the compound was full of militants, and there were many snipers in the nearby buildings.

"The Ouyang family is very guarded!" Qiu Yue said heartily.

After walking into the courtyard of the Ouyang family, Qiu Yue walked into the small garden and installed one under the stone bench in the gazebo in the small garden. Of course, he installed it very quickly with the monitor on his back.

Qiuyue then installed one in a safe and secure location in the center of the yard.

Six time bombs were installed around Dong's building, and there were four more, "Where should I install it again, enter the building!"

Qiuyue saw a servant go in, and Qiuyue went in directly with the wall-penetrating technique, installed it in a hidden corner, and then went to the third floor, and installed one in someone's bedroom.

Until the last Qiuyue stood on the window sill of the bedroom, leaned out, and installed a time bomb egg on the third floor behind the building.

"Haha, I don't think it's a damn problem." Qiu Yuexin said with a smile.

But when he was about to leave the building, Qiuyue saw a fat old man coming in passionately from the outside, and said excitedly as soon as he entered the door: "I will prepare a meal for the master! Today is a big harvest, Dong Xuanyuan The drug processing factory is now surrounded by Lao Tzu, let's see how long they can last, hahahaha!"

The steward and servants next to him all nodded and bowed behind the man, praising the old man.

Qiu Yuexin said: "It seems that this guy just wants to save face, and he wants to blackmail Dong Xuanyuan a little bit, but I don't like the unreasonable master who is just looking for trouble. I will definitely not let you succeed today hahahaha!"

So Qiu Yue walked out of the building and out of the compound of Ouyang's family.

After withdrawing the invisibility technique, Qiu Yue got into the car, and the people in the car were very happy to see Qiu Yue.

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