my beauty fairy

Chapter 520 Annoyed

"Commander, why did you go? Where did the bombs go?" The man next to him said excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Of course I installed the bomb in the Ouyang family."

"No, no, Commander, you planted all the bombs in the Ouyang family?" the man said excitedly.

Qiu Yue nodded and said as if nothing had happened: "Now we each carry a bag and bring grenades and so on. We will go to the Ouyang family later and we will give them some fun. The driver doesn't have to go. I will keep an eye on them, and I will call you if there is any situation.”

"Good command. I will convey this to the brother in the commercial vehicle." The driver said.

Qiu Yue nodded in satisfaction and said, "Okay, let's go now."

There are two people on the Humvee, one left and one left, three people on the commercial vehicle, one left, two left, one driver, and the remaining one got out of the car to find a hidden spot to snipe and take care of each other.

After Qiu Yue assigned all the tasks.Quickly took the other two people out of the car, and the three walked towards the Ouyang family swaggeringly.

"Commander, I'm really a little scared, there's no doubt we're going to die!" The man beside Qiu Yue said with a little fear.

In fact, from the perspective of the two uninformed people around Qiuyue, Qiuyue took the two of them to seek death. No one in the Ouyang family knows that one of the three major families, no matter how bad it is, there are hundreds of people in the yard Waiting for them to come here, so reckless, let's go, if it weren't for the brothers who went up the mountain of swords and went down into the sea of ​​fire, they would look down on everything, and they would definitely not be sent to death like this. One person secretly blows the tube at home and dies, but you absolutely can't want to use dozens of grenades from three people to fight against hundreds of people, dozens of sniper rifles, and countless unknown weapons.

But looking at Qiu Yue's calm face is a little better, at least it's a kind of comfort, no matter how badass this command is, no matter how cold Qiu is, it can't be to the point of sending him to death in vain, right?

So the three of them are like the kind of social youth who are indifferent to life and death, and who refuse to accept it, but they cry a lot and are much handsomer than the underworld, because after all, Qiuyue is also a 1.8-meter young and middle-aged man, and next to him are two strong and strong men. The special forces warriors who have seen countless lives and deaths.

Qiu Yue took the people closer to the courtyard of the Ouyang family.

"Who are you? Don't people of your status come here whenever you want?" the man said coldly.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Brother, I'm here on business."

"Well, I came here to say something." The young man looked at Qiu Yue arrogantly.

A big man behind Qiuyue took a step forward and said coldly, "Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Okay, just ignore him, I'll come." Qiu Yue smiled.

Qiu Yue took a step forward and whispered, "Is there a sniper on the third floor at five o'clock behind me, and a sniper on the building behind that building at five o'clock behind me, and at three o'clock behind me?" There's a sniper on the sixth floor..." After Qiu Yue said this accurately, the young man panicked a little.

"You, you, you..." The man pointed at Qiu Yue and took a step back.

Qiu Yue smiled: "Hahaha, young man, you are still too young, you better think about it clearly, if I want to kill you, you will definitely die in my hands without them shooting you. Please don't worry. I don't have a record of not killing someone by mistake yet."

The man panicked and said, "You, what are you doing! What are you going to do?"

He was overwhelmed by the aura exuded by the three of Qiuyue, completely overwhelmed both psychologically and in performance.

More than a dozen people came out of the sentry box inside.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "I want to meet someone from the Ouyang family who can talk. Tell him that there are ten time bombs in your Ouyang mansion. Tell him. If he doesn't believe me, I can detonate them for you to see." , it is best to let the snipers do nothing, otherwise I tell you, if my hand shakes, your Ouyang mansion will be reduced to ashes."

Suddenly the young man's face turned livid.

"I, I'll go, I'll go to the master, master, master, you." He stammered immediately.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "There is no need to say anything, you can go."

The man ran in at one breath.

The rest of the men who came out of the sentry box were all strong and strong, and their faces were full of flesh. They were very arrogant and shouted: "It's a horse, who are you three little bastards?"

Qiu Yue got annoyed seeing these people, ran forward quickly, grabbed the man's arm and pulled it hard, the man dodged behind Qiu Yue, at this time all the snipers were aiming at Qiu Yue, If that man hadn't blocked Qiu Yue, Qiu Yue would have been shot by now.

Qiuyue's hand pinched the acupuncture point on the man's waist, the man screamed in pain, and the rest wanted to come up, but every time they were about to come up, Qiuyue's hands became stronger, and the rest Hearing the screams of the big man behind Qiuyue, people flinched a little.

"You inform the sniper, it's best not to do it lightly, or I will let you all be buried together, believe it or not?" Qiu Yue said coldly.

The two special forces brought by him behind him also knocked down one each.

Due to the aura of Qiuyue and the other three was too powerful, these ten or so people stood there and looked at the three of Qiuyue without daring to move.

After a while, the little man ran out and shouted coldly: "Damn, our Ouyang family has [-] cameras, and the bombs installed have been monitored by the monitors, and we have many people watching the monitors. You dare to say that a time bomb was installed in our Ouyang family without disconnecting it? You want to play an empty city trick, but you are too tender to come to grandpas, brothers, kill them for me!"

The little man waved, Hula.Dozens of people rushed out of the building behind them, all with machine guns, machetes, pistols, in short, all kinds of weapons.

The two big men behind Qiuyue began to complain about Qiuyue in their hearts. It would be nice to lead people to flank the Ouyang family who went to Dong's mansion, but they came here to die. This is the first time I saw such a person. A few days ago The first time I saw Qiuyue doing things more reliably, but this time Qiuyue was so brainless and wanted to find a place to die, I really couldn't figure out what Qiuyue was thinking, whether he had slippers in his mind.

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