my beauty fairy

Chapter 537

As soon as the car stopped, the younger brothers at the entrance of the bar immediately ran out. They didn't dare to drink first, and kept staring at Qiu Yue coming back.

Seeing this multi-million dollar car, everyone's eyes lit up.

A younger brother came over and shouted excitedly: "Oh my god, this is not that Maserati, no, I think about it, my god, Lamborghini! Come on, come quickly, don't let him get away!"

Qiu Yue was speechless for a moment, watching the younger brothers rush out one by one, especially when the idiot Huang Mao came out, because he was too excited, he even fell a big ass at the door of the bar!

Huang Mao ran over and yelled: "Oh my god, Brother Qiu, isn't this the customized Lamborghini? It costs several million! My God! Liu Yi, let me lean on the front of the car, Give me a photo! Hehehe!"

After talking, the group of people started to take pictures.You take a picture, he takes a picture.

And they were all so excited as if they were on drugs.

Qiu Yue yelled, "Stop!"

"Tonight's grand ladder climbing is about to begin. Brothers, have you brought your friends? Let's get excited!" Qiu Yue led everyone into the bar.

After entering the bar, Qiuyue's cell phone rang.It's Han Yu's call.

Qiu Yue picked up the phone and said, "Hey, honey, what's the situation, why didn't I see you in the bar?"

"I'm at home, waiting for you to pick me up!" Han Yu's voice was not very loud.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Hahaha, of course there is no problem, I will pass now! Wait for me!"

"Well, good!" Han Yu hung up the phone.

Qiu Yue stood up and shouted into the microphone: "Today's carnival night, everyone enjoy it to the fullest, I will buy all the drinks, and there will be supper at night, don't wait for the supper time to be in a mess and unable to stand up!"

"Thank you Brother Qiu, we won't! Hahahaha brothers are all good drinkers!" Liu Yi shouted.

When Qiu Yue looked back at Liu Yi, he was suddenly startled, I passed the exam, did I really become a man?

I saw that Liu Yi's previous delicate gestures and movements are gone, the habit of winking and flirting with others is gone, and his clothes are not in that neutral style anymore. Liu Yi is simply a man.

And it's pure man!

Look at Xue Tian again, his hair is getting cooler every day, no, today's hairstyle is like a chicken coop.

After looking at everyone, Qiuyue walked out of the bar, thinking that this little girl Han Yu seems to be under drought for a long time, and it's good that she can't even stand up today!Hahaha!

So Qiu Yue drove the Lamborghini directly towards Han Yu with a whistling sound, and the pedestrians on the road turned their heads to look at Qiu Yue's car and let out a burst of "Wow!"

When they came to Han Yu's community, many people in the yard looked at Qiuyue. The security guard who usually needed to ask questions directly let Qiuyue in. The sound of Qiuyue stepping on the accelerator made people envious.

Those girls are envious of who has such an awesome boyfriend, and the boys are envious of why they don't have such a car that makes people scream!

In short, Qiu Yue drove into this community under the envy and amazement of everyone.

Moreover, this community is full of wealthy people. Even so, it is rare to see such a luxury car.

When the car stopped outside Han Yu's door, Han Yu looked at Qiuyue's car with joy when he saw it.

"Wow!" Han Yu took a look and ran down the stairs directly, looking excitedly at Qiu Yue's car, Qiu Yue got off the car slowly, with a faint smile on his face.

When Qiuyue was about to hug Han Yu, Han Yu brushed past Qiuyue, ran directly to the side of the car, hugged the car excitedly, and said happily: "Wow, this car is really beautiful, we Jinlin Town Haven't seen it before!"

Suddenly Qiuyue felt ashamed, he was not even as good as this car, this little girl ran over and hugged the car by herself.

Qiu Yue walked into the house without saying a word.

Sitting on the sofa, Qiu Yue lit a cigarette and smoked.

Han Yu was unhappy seeing Qiuyue, so he ran in and leaned against Qiuyue, hugging Qiuyue's arm.

"What's the matter, dear, you're angry!" Han Yu said ambiguously.

Qiu Yue smiled and said, the car is given to you.

Standing up and about to leave, Han Yu hugged Qiu Yue.

"What's the matter with you? You were fine just now." Han Yu said while putting his arms around Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue turned around and said with a smile: "Let's go quickly, brothers are still waiting for us to drink, what can I do as the boss?"

"By the way, Qiuyue, I have something to tell you!" Han Yu said mysteriously.

Qiu Yue asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Before he finished speaking, Han Yu's mouth moved over.

The two of them fell on the sofa, Qiuyue's hands became disheveled, and when he touched the place that should be convex, it was raised up, and Qiuyue suddenly felt like moving.

Seeing Han Yu's beautiful face, gentle eyes, and small lips, Qiu Yue and Han Yu stared at each other obsessively.

Qiu Yue suddenly chuckled and hugged Han Yu. Unexpectedly, Han Yu's tights were integrated. Qiu Yue stretched out his hand from behind and pulled the zipper down slowly from top to bottom, "Han Yu, you are so beautiful!"

First, the two beautiful round white rabbits were revealed, followed by the belly without a trace of fat.

Qiuyue's mouth stuck to Han Yu's wonderful sexy lips again, and her hands were dishonestly taken off from behind and forward.

Looking at Han Yu's fair and tender figure, Qiu Yue couldn't bear it any longer. Looking at such a huge thing like Qiu Yue, Han Yu's face was blushed and she lowered her head shyly.

Qiu Yue rushed forward, and the two of them started the most primitive exercise.

Until more than 40 minutes later, the two went to the commanding heights together.

"Qiu Yue, let me tell you a little secret, Liu Jing also likes you!" After Han Yu finished speaking, Qiu Yue was quite surprised.

"No way, when did it happen?" Qiu Yue asked.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "It was the last time you bravely dealt with the dark forces of the police who refused to accept them at the police station. He just fell in love with you."

"Uh, is that so, let her confess to me if I have a chance! Hahahaha!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Immediately there was a sound that Liu Jing's plump body was even more plump than Han Yu's. Wouldn't it be more exciting if the three of them played together?

"Hey hey!" Qiu Yue couldn't help laughing.

Han Yu asked, "What are you laughing at? Did you already like Liu Jing?"

"No, I laughed because I also have a crush on someone. I didn't expect it, hehehe!" Qiu Yue said awkwardly, but he was actually thinking about something obscene.

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