my beauty fairy

Chapter 54 Requirements

Qiuyue's little friend was already holding his head high and his chest high and arrogant, but as soon as Sun Yuxiao bumped into Qiuyue's arms, Qiuyue's little friend immediately touched Sun Yuxiao's body heavily, and Sun Yuxiao blushed immediately He took a step back panting, his face flushed red.

Qiu Yue was also extremely embarrassed, thinking to himself why his little friend was so unbelievable, if he knew it, he would have found a piece of tape and stuck it to his thigh.

"What a shame!" Qiu Yue thought in his heart, with a painful expression on his face.

Sun Yuxiao was also a little embarrassed, but at this time Sun Yuxiao's cell phone rang, Qiu Yuexin said that it was fortunate that Sun Yuxiao's cell phone rang, otherwise he really didn't know how to relieve the tension this time .

"Hey! Yuxuan, it turns out that you are also afraid of thunder! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh! Hold, slow hold, the second child is jumping and angry, not to mention if there is another beautiful woman, no wonder there can't be normal people around the emperor in the ancient palace. If normal people are all arranged, who will hold Live, it is estimated that every day the emperor will find the man who raped and strengthened his concubine.Because most people still can't hold women's sex.

"Oh, you're not coming, what? You want to call Qiuyue? That's fine!" Sun Yuxiao called Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue picked up the phone and said with a wry smile, "Yuxuan, what's the matter?"

"What can I do? I'm just asking you what you are doing. I'm a little scared. By the way, I bought you a mobile phone, and it's very useful!" Lin Yuxuan said happily through tears.

Qiu Yue was really speechless, thinking that this Lin Yuxuan was like a little girl, sometimes naughty, sometimes cute, just now the main color of melancholy was sadness, but now it immediately became the main style of happiness.

"It's okay, isn't it just thunder? There are lightning rods in the sky to guide the thunder and lightning to the ground. It has nothing to do with us. Don't worry! Thank you for your mobile phone. I will go to pick it up tomorrow. "Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Sun Yuxiao nodded and said, "Okay, okay, I'm not afraid anymore, I'll watch TV, okay, then let's see each other tomorrow!"

"En!" Qiuyue nodded, thinking that he would go to the unit tomorrow and not tell others, he had to tell the president. In fact, what Qiuyue said that day was a bit exaggerated. In fact, it's okay for the president to rest for a day or two. It's okay, the legs feel better immediately, not to mention that Qiu Yue gave him a simple massage, Qiu Yue's massages are one-on-one.

"Okay, I'll hang up!" Sun Yuxiao said.

After hanging up the phone, Qiu Yue fell into the darkness again, the room was so quiet that he could hear everything, even Qiu Yue's breathing.

"You!" "You!" Unexpectedly, Qiuyue and Sun Yuxiao said in embarrassment at the same time, blushing.

Qiu Yue turned around in embarrassment and said, "You'd better go out and sleep, lightning is nothing to be afraid of."

"It's nothing terrible for you, but for us weak girls, thunder is a very scary and frightening thing!" Sun Yuxiao cried.

Qiu Yuexin said that this is really the first time I saw such a helpless girl, today is exhausting, and I have to let my little friend keep raising his head, getting down, and getting down to get through it, really wronged his little girl Partner now.

"Is this okay? Let's do it like this. I'll move a chair for you. You sit here, but I'm going to sleep. If you're afraid, sit and go back to sleep when you're sleepy. Is this okay?" Qiu Yue said helplessly. Looking at Sun Yuxiao, although she couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, she could tell from the frequency and severity of her breathing that Sun Yuxiao was smiling badly.

"Uh, um, then, shall I promise you?" Sun Yuxiao smiled wickedly.

Qiu Yue thought he was fooled again, this little girl is really smart, speechless.

While Qiuyue was lying on the bed and sleeping, he suddenly remembered that tomorrow he was going to resign from the unit. After resigning, go to the two bars under Lei Xun's jurisdiction as soon as possible to have a look. Help Sun Yuxiao to do more business. After all, the domestic opposition is very loud these days. If this does not make some progress as soon as possible, then if the opposition rebels, even the underworld in the country will not be able to suppress it. How can it be suppressed? What about a stronger opposition.

"By the way, where are our two bars? I want to visit tomorrow morning." Qiu Yue said, sitting up.

Sitting on the chair, Sun Yuxiao didn't seem so scared anymore, "Just in the middle of Yunzhong Road, there is a bar called Love River, and there is a bar called Mingyue Bar. If you have time, go there earlier!"

"Oh, ok, I'll take a taxi tomorrow. By the way, can you teach me how to drive tomorrow?" Qiu Yue asked, thinking that this would ease the atmosphere, so that the air would not be too tense, and he would not be able to fall asleep even if he was so nervous.

Sun Yuxiao asked curiously: "What? You want to learn to drive? Do you have a car? You have to drive!"

"Yes, it's still new!" Qiu Yue said.

Sun Yuxiao suddenly remembered the Audi Titi that she saw downstairs at night.Excitedly said: "Could it be the Audi Titi?"

"That's a must! Mustache! That's my mount!" Qiu Yue said.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the air improved again, and it was no longer as embarrassing as before. Qiu Yue and Sun Yuxiao were no longer embarrassed or embarrassed.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Why, you don't believe it, Shangguan Yan'er gave it to me, anyway, I have a car family, you have time to teach me!"

"Well, that's fine, but you have to promise me one thing!" Sun Yuxiao said proudly.

Qiu Yue was helpless: "What's the matter!"

"I won't tell you!" Sun Yuxiao's words immediately caused Qiu Yue, who was originally in a normal state of mind, to become insane.

"Uh, if you don't tell me what you want me to promise you, why don't you make any demands on me!" Qiu Yue said, rolling his eyes.

Sun Yuxiao stood up and said: "No, I won't! You have to promise me, otherwise you don't want to learn how to drive with me tomorrow. At that time, your handsome Audi Titi can only park in the yard. People come and go What would you say, ruining the car is really a prodigal! Hehe, there must be something to say when the time comes! I see a good show!"

"Um, then I promise you!" Qiu Yue said.

"Then I'll tell you when I think about it!" Sun Yuxiao had just finished speaking when suddenly a melodious "Enen ah ah ah ah ah!" voice came from the opposite side of the next wall, full of passion.

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