my beauty fairy

Chapter 55 2 Farts

Immediately, both Qiuyue and Sun Yuxiao had embarrassing expressions on their faces, and Sun Yuxiao's face turned red with embarrassment. In addition, it seemed that the neighbor next door had reached the sprint stage, and the more Come more and more, the sound is getting wilder, more expansive, and more explosive, so I can hear it very clearly here, and it's incomparable.

Qiu Yue scratched his head helplessly and lowered his head, trying to avoid being embarrassed by Sun Yuxiao.

And Sun Yuxiao's head was lower than Qiuyue's, and her face was as red as a ripe red apple, but Qiuyue couldn't see it.

Qiu Yue lowered his head and thought in his heart that Hei Bulongdong couldn't see it anyway. Although I may be blushing, even if I raise my head, can Sun Yuxiao see it?

Sun Yuxiao also thought in her heart, anyway, it was pitch black, and Qiuyue had no supernatural powers, so she couldn't see anything. Even though she blushed, there was no need to bury her head so low.

So Lian raised his head at the same time, but at this time, a very coincidental dramatic scene appeared, the electricity at home suddenly turned on, and the dim lights in the room immediately lit up, and the two of them fell into a stunned state. The light is very bright, maybe the two people's eyes can't accept such a dazzling light for a while, but if the light is not on, they can temporarily have very clear vision, so both Qiu Yue and Sun Yuxiao can clearly see less than one meter The expression on the other person's face.


"Eh!" Qiu Yue and Sun Yuxiao shouted hysterically and helplessly at the same time.

After shouting, Sun Yuxiao turned around, and Qiu Yue quickly turned his face away, both of them were thinking in their hearts how could such a coincidence happen, is it God playing tricks on us, it's really embarrassing!

"Uh, so what..." Qiu Yue said hesitantly: "Well, it's possible, where is it, then what, they are on the treadmill at home, no, yes, right!"

After listening to Qiu Yue, Sun Yuxiao nodded happily and said, "Yes, it must be like this! That's it!"

"Then, then let's go to sleep quickly, the thunder is gone, and the electricity is coming. Don't be afraid..." After finishing speaking, Qiu Yue thought that maybe she was going to talk about being unable to sleep again. , and hurriedly said: "If you can't fall asleep, lie down for a while. If everyone sleeps, they can fall asleep right away, and they will have to sleep for a long time." Qiu Yue scratched his head and said.

Sun Yuxiao didn't have any reason to stay with Qiuyue anymore, so she turned around and obediently walked out of the room. After Qiuyu closed the door, she found the fairy book from the medicine box, thinking that if she didn't practice, she would grow old.

Following the next chapters of the fairy book, Qiu Yue started the next small stage of cultivation, condensing profound energy.

When the profound energy reaches a certain level, the profound energy in the body will increase, so the strength is understandable to become stronger, but the most important thing is that the profound energy in the body can be condensed into a cover to resist an attack at a critical moment.

This cover can increase with the profound energy in the body. When the mysterious energy cover is condensed in the future, the time of the cover can be extended, and it can resist more powerful attacks.

"This cover is pretty good. If Lin Yuxuan still chases me all over the street with a kitchen knife next time, I can certainly use this cover to resist, lest I be hacked to death by the kitchen knife. Humans are mortal. It may be heavier than Mount Tai, or die under the kitchen knife. Why should I choose to die under the kitchen knife? I must choose to die on Mount Tai!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

So Qiu Yue sat down cross-legged, and began to recall the essentials in the book and some things to pay attention to, suddenly Qiu Yue felt something different, no, why is the content of the book clearly presented in his mind?

Qiu Yuexin asked what was going on.

"By the way, there are more and more mysterious energy, so all the abilities of the body have become stronger than before. Even the memory is a hundred times better than before!" Qiu Yue thought excitedly .

I thought in my heart that since the profound energy has been condensed, if there is a large amount of profound energy, will the fighting skills be improved?

So Qiu Yue raised his feet fiercely, followed by a series of difficult moves, even Qiu Yue himself was a little depressed, usually he couldn't do this kind of tricks...

Qiu Yue jumped up vigorously, sweeping away thousands of troops, and then punched out from behind with lightning speed, and then turned over and jumped to the side, taking a step backwards, his left foot was already in the air.

Fortunately, Sun Yuxiao's room is more than 200 square meters. This bedroom is very large, otherwise it would really hit the wall.

A flying kick with his left foot, and then the profound energy in his hand is surrounded, with sufficient strength, he punches again!Take the move.Qiuyue jumped back a few meters with a light leap.A set of combo punches and a series of flying kicks in his hand were done in one go, the movements were standard, and the aura brought by them caused the sheets on the bed to be overturned.

Qiu Yuexin said no, why did he become so powerful all of a sudden, when did he become so awesome?

"This profound energy is really strange, it's so powerful, it's even moving faster and faster?" Qiu Yue thought excitedly, lying on the bed panting.

Put the fairy book into the medicine box, lay down and gasped for breath, ready to sleep.

The next morning, Qiu Yue got up early, got dressed, took a printed resignation letter out of the room, washed up and was ready to go.

"Qiu Yue, where are you going now?" Sun Yuxiao said.

Qiu Yue turned around and said, "I'm going to the bank first. After all, I still need to resign. Come and get my mobile phone. Yu Xuan bought me a mobile phone so that you won't be able to contact me."

"Well, not bad, go!" Sun Yuxiao's sleepy eyes, her lazy and elegant figure made Qiu Yue dare not take a second look after the first glance. It's not night, what kind of a hole is it in the top of the trousers? ?

He went out and took a taxi to the bank. The bank was not busy yet. Qiu Yue walked into the security room and was relieved when he saw that the security captain was not there. He thought that today the security captain went to rest.Finally, I don't have to see that scary figure anymore.

Qiu Yue sat on the chair and dialed the president's phone number, "President, I am Qiuyue."

"Oh, what's the matter, Qiuyue." The president asked.

Qiu Yue said: "I came to the unit to resign today. I don't want to do it anymore. I have other things to do."

"Oh, yes, I also think you are condescending, so how about this, you go to the property and receive the laid-off pension. Since you have also made an incomparably great contribution to our bank, then I will give you the highest treatment." Fire you. But my brother's illness is completely cured, thank you very much, I had a 2P that night, it almost killed me." The president laughed.

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