my beauty fairy

Chapter 544 Waiting to be eliminated

Immediately after the call, the nurses and doctors at the hospital knew that Qiuyue would not be able to escape this bloody storm today, that Qiuyue might be crippled, might die, but it was absolutely impossible to get out of here in a good way!

The rich second generation immediately looked at Qiu Yue even more arrogantly, laughed and said, "Kneel down and call grandma to my girlfriend today, and you can get out, but if you are more arrogant today, I'm sorry, I can only leave you alone." You are useless, otherwise I will mess around in the future!"

"Hehe, you guys go, let me say one last thing, if you don't leave again, if you are still arrogant with me, I won't be polite!" Qiu Yue looked at the rich second generation with a sneer.

Immediately, the rich second generation became angry, and cursed angrily: "Fuck me, fuck, give me a shameless thing! Fuck me, brothers, beat him to death!"

A group of people rushed over in a hurry, but the rich second generation hid behind and watched the show with his girlfriend in his arms.

The big man in the front rushed over and picked up Qiuyue and was about to throw Qiuyue to the ground, but Qiuyue's two hands were like pliers, grabbing the big man, the big man couldn't move in pain, his whole body was trembling.

Qiu Yue exerted all his strength and directly threw the big man aside, and all the people present looked at Qiu Yue differently. The big man weighed at least two hundred catties, so he just threw it on the ground like this?

The big man over there rushed over again, picked up a stool and threw it at Qiu Yue's head, Qiu Yue turned sideways to avoid the attack, the big man's stool hit the ground, and it was instantly broken into pieces Son.

Qiu Yue chuckled, and coldly rushed up and kicked the big man in the chest.

Although these big guys have been in the society for many years, how can they match Qiuyue's skills.

Because there are too many tables and chairs here, those big guys can't rush up together. This is an absolute advantage for Qiuyue, but the rich second generation shouted: "Push away everything on the table and rush together! Kill him!"

Immediately those big men kicked away all the tables, chairs and benches around Qiuyue, rushed over and picked up the stools, pulled out a knife and smashed at Qiuyue, Qiuyue saw that there was no place to hide around, and raised the table to resist these knives, benches and so on , Pushing hard, the three big men fell to the ground in response, and the fall was not light.

Qiu Yue quickly jumped over to a big man who offered a kick, caught that kick with his legs, and his legs collided together, making a muffled "bang!" After a while, the big man's leg clicked, as if it broke up.

There were less than ten people left who were already looking at each other in blank dismay, a little scared, is this a human?Looking at the appearance of less than 1.8 meters [-], the body is not strong, how can it be so awesome, this is simply inhuman, it is impossible to look at this guy with the scope of human considerations!

The doctors and nurses around Qiuyue looked at Qiuyue's actions in amazement, and one nurse covered her mouth and screamed: "Oh my god, isn't this Lin Xiaolong? It's awesome! It's amazing! Give us Jinlin Town Medical Affiliated Hospital too long a face! I love you! Woohoo!" Everyone was moved and cried!

"Fuck me, fuck me!" The rich second generation yelled viciously, feeling a little scared in his heart, who is this Qiu Yue, did he really provoke the wrong person today?It's so powerful, it's inhuman!

So the remaining big guys around also rushed forward, punching Qiu Yue's weak body with their big fists.

Qiu Yue caught the fist of one of them and pulled it hard. The man rushed forward a few steps and nearly fell to the ground.

At this moment, Qiuyue's collar was grabbed by a big man, and he pulled hard, Qiuyue almost fell down, Qiuyue raised his leg and stared hard, the big man fell forward on the table, and Qiuyue's clothes were also torn up.

"Fortunately, I let Huang Mao buy a suit, otherwise, how would I accept interviews with reporters later? What a bunch of inhuman things!" Qiu Yue cursed angrily!

Thinking in his heart that he should end the war quickly, Qiu Yue jumped up and stood on the table, sweeping sideways, and the two big men who rushed up at the end were also kicked in the face by Qiu Yue, and fell to the ground in response.

The rich second generation saw that the people he brought were beaten to pieces by Qiu Yue, so he didn't dare to go up.

Those big guys around Qiuyue actually didn't beat him too hard, they knew they were not Qiuyue's opponent, so they pretended to be dead on the ground after being beaten, there was no need to really risk their lives for thousands of dollars a month.

Qiu Yue walked in front of the rich second generation with a smile, and said lightly: "I will pay attention to you, I have a group of brothers in Jinlin Town at Yuedong Bar, if you are not convinced, you can find me somewhere, but you'd better Be honest, if I know that you come to the hospital to make trouble again, next time I will not let you walk out of the hospital safe and sound."

Qiu Yuexin said that one more thing is worse than one less thing, and it is almost enough. If you push people into a hurry, no one is easy to mess with, otherwise it will bring more trouble to the hospital, and I can't come every day to give him a step Next time, he won't make trouble again next time.

That Fore nodded like a rattle drum, nodded and bowed and said, "Thank you, brother, for not killing me, thank you! Thank you!" Then he ran away with his little girlfriend who was already afraid. .

Qiu Yue sneered and shouted: "You guys go too, are you still waiting for me to destroy you?"

"Thank you, thank you heroes for not killing! Let's go, let's go!" A group of elders shouted and ran away.

At this time, Qiuyue's mobile phone called, and Huang Mao said: "Brother Qiu, we have blocked the entrance of this hospital. There are a man, a woman and a group of guys who look like gangsters who were stopped by us. Are they ?”

"Well, it's them, but I've already taught them a lesson, you just need to say a few more arrogant words to scare them, let them go, don't touch them!" Qiu Yue said.

So Huang Mao turned around and shouted angrily: "Damn it, you dare to even move Qiuyue, you dare touch the ass of a fucking tiger, should I let the old men take out their knives and hack you to death?" Huang Mao The pretentious aura is still very good, and this group of people's legs are trembling with fear, and their breasts are sweating.

And there were more than 50 people behind him, and a large area of ​​cars were parked, very arrogant.

The rich second generation hurriedly said pitifully: "Big brother, big brother, please forgive us, we are also living together, if it is impossible, I will give you 100 million and let us go!"

Huang Mao kicked the rich second generation, and shouted: "Go away, I have plenty of money, I don't care about your mere 100 million, if you dare to come to the hospital to make trouble next time, I will definitely make you miserable!"

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