my beauty fairy

Chapter 543 Lawless

Qiu Yuexin said how can there be such a domineering little bastard, and think that if he has money, he can be arrogant, right?

So Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Excuse me? Since you said you were embarrassed, then take your little girlfriend to eat elsewhere!"

Immediately, everyone in the dining hall was looking at Qiu Yue and that man.

Seeing that the situation was not good, a nurse ran over and whispered to Qiu Yue: "Qiu Yue, I really can't be subdued. He is a rich second generation. Last time he smashed a set of more than [-] medical equipment for the hospital. Someone brought a new one in the afternoon, you better be careful about it!"

Originally, Qiuyue's preparations for this matter ended like this. After all, when they are in love, everyone wants to pretend to be in front of a small object. This is the common wish of male friends, and I can understand it, but when I heard that the hospital equipment was smashed, I immediately I got angry, thinking that this hospital has become your home?Relying on your rich parents, you are a grandfather?I took the exam, and what I can't stand the most is you scum and scum!

The rich second generation sneered and said, "You better know who I am, the z4 downstairs is driven by my brother!"

"Can I understand that you are acting aggressive here? Did you smash the medical equipment in the hospital last time?" Qiu Yue said.

The rich second generation laughed a few times and said: "I smashed it, the machine almost touched my girlfriend's hand, and I smashed it in anger, but, didn't I pay you a set? Broken equipment, all of it It's not as expensive as one-third of my car!"

"Do you think that if you have money, you can run amok everywhere?" Qiu Yue said lightly.

The nurse next to him who came up to persuade Qiuyue, the corner of Qiuyue's clothes, hinted that Qiuyue should get out of here quickly.

Qiu Yue turned around and patted the nurse on the shoulder with a smile, then looked back at the man.

The rich second generation slapped the table, pointed at Qiu Yue and shouted angrily: "You're the one next door! Are you going to get out today!"

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Since you can pay for this table to eat, but I am sorry that I also chose this table." Qiu Yue turned the money from his wallet, which at least had nearly [-] , but Qiuyue took out for a long time, but didn't take out a penny.

So Qiu Yue smiled and asked the people next to him: "Which one of you has a dime? Can you lend me a few cents?"

The nurse was very puzzled seeing Qiuyue so much money but asking for a dime, so she took out two coins from her pocket and handed them to Qiuyue.

Qiu Yue smiled and said thank you.

Turning around, he put the [-] cents on the table, and said with a smile: "I've paid for it now, so let you get out, get out! Hahaha!"

The man was so angry: "I threw you five hundred, but you took two cents, how ridiculous! Hahahaha!"

"Oh, maybe you didn't understand what I meant, like me, a person with a high level, 500 yuan is enough to hire me, but like you are impetuous and frivolous, only thinking about getting out with money A good kid who bullies others and can insult others with money, I think twenty cents is not a lot!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Suddenly the man's face turned red with anger.

Cursed angrily: "You wait for me! I demolished your hospital!"

"Go slowly, I hope you hurry up, I still have things to do in the afternoon!" Qiu Yue laughed.

The nurses and doctors around said that Qiuyue caused a big mess, and they must have called someone to go.

Qiuyue took out the phone and called Huang Mao: "Huang Mao, bring some people to the hospital. I have some things to do today, but I don't want to do anything today. There will be an interview in the afternoon. You know Bar!"

"Brother Qiu is fine, is NO.50 enough?" Huang Mao said excitedly.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Then let's go to fifty first, and the rest of the people will be on standby at the bar first! Hehehe!"

"Well, good, received!" Huang Mao shouted excitedly.

So a group of people got into the car and came to the outside of the hospital one after another.

The people in the canteen heard Qiuyue call and said that Qiuyue didn't seem to be someone to mess with, but it was great, finally there was someone who could stand up for the hospital.The last time the equipment was smashed, it was the son of a rich man in the town, that is, the rich second generation just now.

If the dean hadn't cried and begged for help, the machine might not have accompanied him.

"Come on Qiuyue!" A little girl shouted.

Immediately, everyone around supported Qiu Yue, "Cheer Qiu Yue!"

Qiu Yue stood up and said, "Everyone, don't worry, I will show up to the hospital as long as I'm in the hospital. Let's go get busy first, there's nothing else to do!"

After speaking, people left one after another.

But suddenly more than 20 tall men appeared in the corridor, shouting angrily in the corridor.

Immediately, the doctors and nurses gathered around again.

"I scolded the neighbor next door! What about that Qiuyue, I wiped it off! I beat him to death! Weren't you very arrogant just now!" the rich second generation shouted angrily.

When I came to the dining room, there was already a sea of ​​people, all of them were watching the excitement, but they were all far away from Qiuyue, so they were afraid of being harmed.

"Hahaha, you boy are still smoking here? You are so arrogant and fuck your mother next door!" There were more than 20 people in black sunglasses and black suits standing behind the rich second generation.

The doctors and nurses around whispered again that maybe Qiuyue would hang up today or something, and was going to call the police, but if the police were with the rich second generation, the person who called the police would also be killed.So everyone is still struggling.

Sitting there, Qiuyue looked at Fu Erdai with a smile on his face, and said, "You guys are really fast, my brother hasn't come yet!"

"I'll wait for you for 5 minutes, if no one can come, let your people collect your body, I dare to provoke you!" The rich second generation looked arrogant, and the little nurse next to her looked at her boyfriend like this Awesome, a blush appeared on his face immediately, and he shouted excitedly: "I am the boss of this hospital grandma, you really don't have eyes, hurry up, kneel down and kowtow to grandma, call grandma, and you can get out!" gone."

Qiu Yuexin said what are the thoughts of the children nowadays, kneeling and dying at every turn, he is really speechless.

Qiu Yue said politely: "My people are still on the way, I'll make a phone call to remind them, I really don't want to do anything today, there will be an interview later."

So Qiu Yue took out his mobile phone and called Huang Mao: "Huang Mao, brother is surrounded, you fucking let brother go back to your own territory and fight yourself? I have an interview this afternoon!"

"Han, Brother Qiu, we're stuck in traffic!" Huang Mao's words choked, Qiu Yue wanted to die.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Forget it, you guys are really awesome, buy me a suit and come over here, I might as well come here by myself, I guess when you come, I will really collect the corpse for me!"

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