my beauty fairy

Chapter 551

Others also wondered: "Yeah, what are we doing?"

After everyone was puzzled for a long time, Han Yu said with a smile: "Hehe, it seems that you don't even know what you want! You should go back and think about it first. When you know how to chase stars, what? The real star chaser is looking for Qiuyue, otherwise Qiuyue and others will be very disappointed, you know?"

Qiu Yue simply felt that Han Yu was born to be the kind of person who persuaded people to buy insurance, he was so gentle and convincing!

Those people nodded and said: "Yes, yes, let's go back first?"

"Yes, when you figure it out, do something meaningful." Han Yu said with a smile.

Slowly the crowd dispersed slowly, and everyone left slowly.

Han Yu smiled knowingly, "Touch!" He paid attention to the door, and said depressedly: "I really admire Qiuyue. Others are fascinated by girls and boys in their teens and 20s, but this autumn The more you are really different, you actually fascinated a lot of grandpas, grandmas, aunts and aunts!"

Qiu Yue went downstairs and said with a smile: "Hahaha, your persuasion skills are really amazing! Such a large group of people just went home after what you said hahahaha!"

"I can't say that my persuasion skills are good. The main reason is that our Qiuyue charm is good. It's either the grandfather or the old lady, the old lady or the aunt, or the aunt or the aunt. It's amazing!" Han Yu He said with a smile, secretly mocking Qiuyue.

How could Qiu Yue fail to hear it, and said helplessly: "There are so many people chasing after you today, but the ones who come here are a little bit older. Those near my house are all young girls!"

"Oh? Really? That's right!" Han Yu poured a glass of water and took a sip.

Qiu Yue put on his clothes and said: "Okay, it's almost done, I have to go baby, I may come back here to accompany you tonight, or I may have to go to the capital. You have fun, and the Lamborghini is driving smartly!"

"Oh, you must come back as soon as possible, we will go out to play in a few days!" Han Yu nodded and said.

Qiu Yue smiled: "Okay! Then I'll go first."

Qiu Yue went out and took a taxi, the driver in the car was an uncle, the uncle saw Qiu Yue and said with a smile: "You are Qiu Yue!"

"No, me!" Qiu Yue was about to say something when the uncle choked on the next sentence, so Qiu Yue was helpless.

"You are Qiuyue's fan, right? You look like Qiuyue in your clothes, you look like Qiuyue's imitator!" The uncle's words made Qiuyue's face covered with sweat!

Qiu Yue shook his head helplessly and said with a smile: "Yes, I really like him, take me to the seaside world!"

"You young man, you must be relying on your looks like Qiuyue to go to the seaside world to hook up with little girls, right? Hey, little girls nowadays are too easy to be deceived. You should do it yourself. If you do too many bad things, be careful of retribution !” said the uncle helplessly.

Qiu Yue wiped the sweat off his face, the expression on his face had already stiffened.Looking at the uncle in embarrassment, he said, "Okay, thank you for your kind advice. I just have something to do."

"Oh, you don't need to be nervous, you don't need 300 taels of silver here!" The uncle's words made Qiu Yue want to jump out of the car. In the car, Qiu Yue looked out the window and no longer dared to look at this awesome old man. Yes, so as not to be sprayed all over by the old man.

At this time, Qiuyue's call came to mind: "Ding Ling Ling Ling!"

Qiu Yue saw that it belonged to Zhou Meiyu, and then said, "Hello!"

"Qiu Yue, are you done with your work? Are you still safe?" Zhou Meiyu said excitedly.

Qiu Yue smiled helplessly and said, "Well, Safety is done."

"Then where are you?" Zhou Meiyu said in a charming voice,

Qiu Yue looked at the uncle and the uncle was expressionless, Qiu Yue looked out the window and said: "We are going to the seaside world soon!"

"Oh, well, I'll go there now, we'll probably arrive together soon!" Zhou Meiyu said with a smile.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "Well, good, goodbye!"

After hanging up the phone, the uncle looked at Qiuyue even more weirdly, making Qiuyue tremble all over, the sharp and penetrating eyes!

After more than 20 minutes, Qiuyue arrived.Qiu Yue took out the fare and gave the uncle a 25, the fare was [-], in order to prevent the uncle from talking, Qiu Yue said with a smile: "You don't need to find the uncle!"

Unexpectedly, the uncle said coldly: "It seems that you have earned a lot of unconscionable money by relying on Qiu Yue's face!"

"Uh, uncle, I still have something to do, I'll go ahead!" Qiu Yue suddenly felt sweaty all over his body!Cold sweat and hot sweat together!

So Qiu Yue jumped out of the car as if fleeing, and saw Zhou Meiyu's taxi also arrived on the other side.

Zhou Meiyu happily beckoned to Qiuyue: "Qiuyue, are you here?"

"That's right, just now the taxi uncle insisted that I was imitating Qiu Yue, cheated a lot of money by relying on Qiu Yue's face, and now relying on Qiu Yue's face to deceive innocent girls, I am really speechless! "Qiu Yue said helplessly.

After two seconds, Zhou Meiyu laughed unbearably, unable to cover her mouth.

Qiuyue had no choice but to put on sunglasses and directly dragged Zhou Meiyu into the seaside world. Fortunately, there were few people here, and this time was not a busy time, otherwise he would be Qiuyue or someone else if he was caught by someone. An imitator of Qiuyue.

After sitting down, the waiter came over with a good attitude and asked what to order.

After a while after ordering, the waiter brought two drinks, one was snow top coffee and the other was sago juice.

Suddenly Zhou Meiyu saw Qiuyue's eyes fixed on her proud chest, blushed slightly, and angrily said: "Qiuyue, is your gaze annoying, or my fist won't let you go!"

In Qiuyue's heart Zhou Meiyu is always cold and arrogant, always fierce, but people don't know that their hearts are actually extremely hot. ** Strong...

"Really? It's not my fault, I can only blame you for being too charming today." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

"Am I really that charming?" Qiu Yue said to Zhou Meiyu that she was extremely shy and gentle.

"It's really charming. As long as it's a man and there are no obstacles in his performance, he will absolutely bow down under your pomegranate skirt." Qiu Yue sat there and laughed.

"Hehe, you really know how to flatter people." Zhou Meiyu laughed wildly, opening and closing the neckline of her v-neck, and the spring light suddenly appeared.Qiu Yue straightened up a little and wanted to look in, but once again almost saw the little cherry on his chest.

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