my beauty fairy

Chapter 550 You Are a Pirate

Seeing Qiuyue approaching step by step, Han Yu simply closed his eyes, and Ren Qiuyue could do whatever he wanted.

Qiu Yue said with a smirk: "Hey, girl, I'm going to do something wrong with you!"

"Hmph! He's not as strong as you, how can he escape!" Han Yu said to Qiuyue pretending to be angry.

Qiu Yue walked over with a smile and hugged Han Yu, and put his mouth on it.

"Hmm!" Seeing Qiuyue's mouth raining kisses on Han Yu's mouth, Han Yu's face turned red in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, you're blushing!" Qiu Yue caressed the elastic and plump big white rabbit.

Han Yu hummed coquettishly, twisting her body like a water snake, with a charming expression on her face, which made Qiu Yue even more impulsive.

So Qiuyue stopped moaning and chirping, and went straight to the bottom. Han Yu let out a coquettish cry, and firmly grasped Qiuyue's arm with both hands. Qiuyue started to move quickly, and Han Yu hummed, "Oh, it's comfortable." Qiuyue was very satisfied with his expression.

Han Yu shouted out of breath, suddenly Qiuyue speeded up, Han Yu continued to climb to the top with a coquettish voice, "Oh!", the two of them both entered the top.

Lying on the bed, Han Yu said coquettishly, "Huh! Huh! I will bully you!"

"Haha, if I don't bully you, who do you bully? Bully passers-by on the side of the road?" Qiu Yue said with a chuckle.

Han Yu pretended to be angry and said, "Hmph! I'm ignoring you, it's all irrational!"

"Baby, listen, it's so noisy outside!" Qiu Yue suddenly said seriously.

Han Yu also nodded and said, "Yes, what's going on?"

"I'll take a look!" Qiu Yue walked quickly to the bed, and suddenly saw a shocking scene, and saw people holding banners not far away: "Qiu Yue, I love you! Qiu Yue is immortal!"

"Fuck me! Does this fucking describe people who are still alive? I wiped it! I really admire these high-quality cultural people!" Qiu Yue cursed angrily, and walked to the bed to get dressed quickly.

And Han Yu wore a big skirt to cover it all up, walked to the window, and almost burst out laughing when he saw it!

"Hahahaha! Immortal! Comrade Qiuyue, you must be immortal! Hahahaha!" The laughing Han Yu leaned forward and back!

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "Let me tell you, you'd better go downstairs quickly and tell them that you and I are not here, otherwise you call the police, or they might demolish the house for you, you'd better think about it." I understand!"

"Is it that serious?" Han Yu looked at Qiu Yue suspiciously and said.

Qiu Yue showed a natural look, sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette, smiled and said: "It's my business whether to talk about it, it's your business whether you listen or not. In your villa area, on weekdays these people Come in casually?"

"No!" Han Yu said humbly.

Qiu Yue took a deep puff of the cigarette and let it out slowly, and said with a smile: "That's it, the security guards have cleaned up, let alone you, a little girl? It's okay to trample you under your feet later." Sure..."

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Yue said with a smile: "It is more likely that your feet and hands will be crushed by them, and it is also very possible! By then, you may only be able to sit in a wheelchair every day haha!"

"You're lying!" Han Yu said in disbelief, looking at Qiu Yue angrily.

Qiu Yue smiled and said: "Then you don't believe me, there is nothing you can do! Hehe, I'm busy with mine. I'll jump out of the window later. Once they come in, you want to drive them away, hehehe!"

"Ah? It's terrible, what should I do then?" Han Yu looked at the people who were getting closer and closer in embarrassment.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "You stand at the door and shout angrily that Qiu Yue is not here. If you dare to break into the house, I will call the police!"

"Will it work?" Han Yu asked suspiciously.

"They were just excited to find me for a while, but they haven't reached the point where they dare to fight the law. Don't worry, you will!" Qiu Yue said.

Han Yu nodded and said, "Well, all right!"

So Qiu Yue sat by the bed, Han Yu went downstairs, stood at the door and shouted, "What are you doing?"

"We're looking for Qiuyue!" The leader of the group shouted with a loudspeaker.

Han Yu said coldly: "Qiuyue left earlier, you'd better go to the bar to look for him, he often goes to drink, I don't have any here, if you dare to break into the house, I will call the police immediately! I hope you don't blindly chase after stars, yourself Do you know that your life is important? The security guard here will immediately entangle hundreds of people, and then you will be regarded as a gang fight, and the police will arrest you when they come, and the security guards will protect this place, do you understand?"

"Hmph, just scare us!" The man looked at Han Yu in disbelief.

Han Yu sneered and said, "If you don't believe me, try it and see who has a reason, and who will the police arrest? It's not like I haven't chased stars before. How can there be such a blind star chaser as you. Star chasers love him wholeheartedly and support him. What is the use of you finding him, is it to force her to play the guitar for you? Or to sign for you, you are not loving him like this, you are hurting him! I hope you can show your sincerity. To truly love him, you must have a decent Organization, have you seen the Qiuyue Zhuangyang Hope Project? That is a really good organization. Look at what you are doing now. What is the difference between you and a group of hooligans? Don’t say that we ordinary people have seen it, even if it is Qiuyue himself. When it comes to you, I will be very disappointed. What are you doing?

When he said the last sentence, Qiuyue was already laughing uproariously, and Qiuyue smiled and muttered: "It's the Buddha's sea that knows no bounds, and the back is the shore, hahahahaha! It's so ridiculous!"

After a few seconds, the expressions of these people changed significantly, and they were not as firm as before.The expression seemed to be shaken.

Han Yu took the opportunity to say, "May I ask if you like Qiuyue, do you have the T-shirts of your common Qiuyue support club?"

"No!" said the leader, with a dejected look on his face.

Han Yu smiled and said: "You guys can't do this at all, hurry up and unite, learn from what other Lin Molin and other star support clubs do, and see how you guys do it, you will only make trouble like this endlessly. Make Qiu more difficult to do, and make Qiu more chilling."

"Yeah, what are we doing? We are like a parade, how sad Qiuyue is like this!" An old lady likes Lin Han very much.

Han Yu took a closer look and found that most of them were mothers, or some older aunts and mothers-in-law. Suddenly Han Yu wanted to laugh. I didn't expect Qiuyue to be so charming. These aunts and uncles are so fascinated. Live and die, hahahaha!

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