my beauty fairy

Chapter 559

After watching it for a long time, Qiuyue felt that he was too far away from the princess.

Qiu Yue even doubted whether the information on it belonged to some animal researcher.

Nationality: Trans-Northern.

Blood type: type o.

Height: 1.7 meters two.

Personality: sunny and cheerful, strong personality.

Favorite color: yellow.

Favorite animal: Tibetan mastiff.

Playmate: Tibetan mastiff.

Major of study: Zoology.


Language: Huaxia Mandarin, Kuabei Mandarin.

Looking at Qiuyue, I didn't bother to look at it. What followed was the princess's habits, such as walking the dog in the morning, playing with the Tibetan mastiff, and so on.

"Is the above true? It seems that according to the team leader, it should be violent or something. How could it be sunny?" Qiu Yue asked curiously.

Shangguan Yifan laughed and said, "This data is from across the Northland. For the specific situation, we will have to look at it in detail."

"Uh, I'm speechless, you mean, many of these are described very well on the surface?" Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Shangguan Yifan nodded.

"Do you have any photos?" Xu Xiaomin asked.

Xu Xiaomin's question hit the point. What Qiuyue cared about all along was whether the princess was as good as Shangguan Yifan said?If it's an ugly monster, then you won't be able to run away even if you want to.

"Here are some photos of the princess's life. Take a look." Shangguan Yifan handed it to Qiuyue and Xu Xiaomin, and gave Qiuyue a meaningful look, but Qiuyue still didn't know what it meant.

After receiving the photo, Qiu Yue's eyes widened and he was so excited that he couldn't speak. How can I describe this kind of beauty?Or a moon-shame flower?Or is it all about the country?

After seeing the photos, not to mention Qiuyue, even Xu Xiaomin, who is a woman, has a little more envy on her face, not to mention that Xu Xiaomin is already considered a big beauty.

According to Qiuyue's visual inspection, the princess has at least a C cup, and even a D cup.

It can only be said to be very beautiful. To describe it as beautiful is a bit insulting to the princess, and the figure is very good, neither fat nor thin, not tall or short, just right, and even makes people wonder if it is artificially carved.

Looking at the photo, Qiuyue was already excited, not to mention what puzzling things he would do if he saw the princess.

Xu Xiaomin also looked a little intoxicated, the aura of the princess is the aristocratic aura, the kind that makes people directly admire, you will surrender when you see it.Not to mention surrendering to such a beautiful princess.

The two of them watched for a long time, until Shangguan Yifan coughed, and then they gradually came back to their senses. Qiu Yue smiled and said, "Oh, team leader, where does this princess live now?"

"We have arranged a villa in the south of the city. You will go there at noon and have dinner there. The car is ready. If you are ready, you can go there at any time." Shangguan Yifan said with a smile.

Qiuyue finally understood what Shangguan Yifan's ambiguous smile meant at that moment. It was telling Qiuyue that the princess is a top-quality princess, a perfect princess, and whether you can take it or not is up to you, Qiuyue.

"I need to prepare for the past, let Qiu Yue go first." Xu Xiaomin's voice was light, but the indifference at the beginning was missing.

He nodded and smiled and said, "No problem, Comrade Xu Xiaomin, when I go to the south of the city, I will take you home by the way, and then I will go to the princess's side."

"No need, I'm not without legs or a car." Xu Xiaomin looked at Qiuyue lightly, and then said quite defensively: "I don't want to have too much contact with you to cultivate a tacit understanding, thank you for what you just said , Now I have learned how to prevent tacit understanding with others, lest some illegal elements take advantage of the loophole."

Qiu Yue stood up and explained: "I..." Just as Xu Xiaomin was about to say something, he turned his head and put on a fist pose. Qiu Yue suddenly lost all energy and energy, and sat down in despair.

After waving his hands, Qiu Yue said: "Okay, you can go on your own, I'm going to the princess's side first, and I'm being detained again!"

Xu Xiaomin took away her identity file, gave Qiu Yue a cold look, and walked out of the office.

At this moment, Qiuyue's phone rang, and it was Ling Feng's.

"Brother Qiu, Brother Qiu, I saw Xu Xiaomin shutting you down in the office, Brother Qiu, this kind of woman has to be touched by a soul-stirring method to get her. I have a clever trick, you must try it !” said Ling Feng deeply and secretly.

Qiu Yue suddenly became interested, what good solution could Ling Feng come up with.

"Then tell me, is there any good way?" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

Ling Feng said excitedly: "I followed Xu Xiaomin out of the building. There was no one around in the parking lot in front of me at this time. I used to act as a snitch and wanted to bully Xu Xiaomin, and then you just came to rescue Xu Xiaomin. This is not the best of both worlds. You say it is Isn’t it, Brother Qiu?”

"Uh, this method, do you think this method is feasible?" Qiu Yue said helplessly, thinking that this method is so old-fashioned.

However, Ling Feng's words made Qiu Yue regain his confidence. Ling Feng said passionately: "Brother Qiu, for your Xu Xiaomin, I will do everything to help you, but you stand back timidly? On the road of pursuing love , we should try whatever method, if you don’t try it, how will you know if it will work?” Ling Feng’s words were full of passion, which immediately triggered Qiu Yue’s thoughts, and Qiu Yue nodded his head on impulse.

So Qiu Yue nodded and said: "Uh, well, it's rare that you have the thought to help me, so I'll agree with your idea, and you have thought about how to implement the specific plan?"

"It must be compared, Xu with the beard. I already have a complete set of plans." Ling Feng said with a smile.

Immediately, Qiuyue, with black lines all over his face, said helplessly: "Then tell me what to do!"

"First step, I'll follow her first. Second step, when she picks up the car, I rush out and molested him. Third step, your presence will undoubtedly relieve him of the crisis." Ling Feng said impassionedly.

Qiu Yue said: "Then why did I appear in the parking lot? Doesn't this arouse her suspicion?"

"Shangguan Yifan parks the car there every day, so you just say you can help Shangguan Yifan pick up the car, and then go to the princess's place together, wouldn't it be fine? Brother Qiu, how can you show your ability in this forestry farm? It's better!" Ling Feng said excitedly.

Immediately, Qiuyue became extremely depressed, and thought to himself, let's try, if it is messed up this time, it will be troublesome.

"Uh, alright, alright! Then try this, when will you start acting?" Qiu Yue called.

Ling Feng said with a smile: "Hurry up, I'm almost at the parking lot now. I'll pester her first, and we will implement our plan when you come."

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