my beauty fairy

Chapter 565 Sparkling

Qiu Yuexin said that they were not fools. The reason why they didn't rush to catch the princess was probably because they wanted to catch the princess alive. It seemed that the opposition wanted to use the princess to blackmail the king.

The snake came towards Qiuyue again in an instant, and Qiuyue silently recited the five-star thunder technique in his heart, and Qiuyue pointed his hand directly at the snake, "Crack!" A flash of lightning struck, and the snake instantly disappeared into black smoke.

Qiuyue's actions surprised the person who released the snake: "Is your lightning lightning technique? This, this actually appeared in your Huaxia country! My God!"

After smiling, Qiu Yue said lightly: "It seems that you have completely underestimated Huaxia Kingdom, right?"

"You! Your Huaxia Kingdom has a vast land and rich resources, but people's simple minds are wastes with well-developed limbs!" The man shouted angrily.

Qiu Yue sneered and said, "Okay, Grandpa, I never kill trash without a name. Tell me what your name is, so I can send you on your way!"

"The boy's tone is not small, my name is Yin Mo Sansha!" The man said with a sneer, his expression was very hateful.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "****? It seems that you are also a dissolute person? Hahaha!"

Yin Mo Sansha rushed forward angrily.

Qiu Yue smiled and stabbed the knife into the man's stomach. The man suddenly showed a violent look on his face and punched Qiu Yue in the chest. Qiu Yue couldn't help but took a few steps back and stood there.

And that man rushed up like crazy.

Qiu Yue dodged backwards, jumped up again, turned over to avoid the man's wolf punch, and then Qiu Yue kicked down and kicked the man's head, the man quickly dodged, At this time, Qiuyue's right hand had already drawn out the knife, and he quickly pulled it sideways, "Search!", and slashed across the man's chest.But that Yin Mo Sansha has nothing to do.

"Damn it, this pervert is fine after being stabbed?" Qiu Yue was speechless. He thought that he could kill this guy with a single stab, but he didn't expect that this guy would survive a single stab.

Qiu Yue yelled angrily and dodged the man's heavy sword, thinking that he would have known that he would have slashed so hard just now.

The man's sword stabbed Qiu Yue's neck fiercely. Qiu Yue tilted his neck to avoid the blow, and then Qiu Yue lowered his body. As expected, the man's The sword cut horizontally, and jumped up, suddenly there was a small hole in the palm of his hand.

"Is it going to be poisonous, I dare not!" Qiu Yue used the escape technique to escape the series of poisons.

The venom in the man's palm "chug chug!" A group of squirting wildly, Qiu Yue hid everywhere, he must not be shot by the venom, otherwise would he still want to get back to the car alive today?

The man and Qiu Yue continued to fight back and forth, and Qiu Yue said in his heart that if he kept pestering him, he would win the man, but if he was not physically strong, he would still be hacked by this woman, so he should end the fight quickly and find a chance, not to mention This isn't really a one-on-one fight, it's actually a team fight.

Looking at the knife on the man's chest, Qiu Yue thought that if he pulled it out, it would give him a strong blow. What's more, if he pulled it out by himself, wouldn't it be more effective?

It's just that this chance is almost gone. After the man went crazy, his speed became faster, his movements were agile, and the swords he swung were deadly. It was not easy to defend well, let alone find another chance to clean up the opponent.

Two little black snakes sprang out from the man's hands, fast and jumpy, and the man stood on the side, waving one hand there, and the other hand stuck to his mouth, not knowing what to say What are you talking about.

Qiu Yue took out his gun and fired a few shots at the snake!

"Bang bang bang!" After three shots, there were sparks on the snake for two days, but nothing happened.

Now Qiuyue was really helpless, and thought to himself, is the snake made of iron for two days?

"Haha, these two snakes of mine are made of high-precision stickers, and they are full of venom. I will poison you to death here today!" The man looked at Qiu Yue arrogantly.

Suddenly the two snakes rushed over quickly and bit Qiuyue's legs.

Qiuyue had no choice but to protect his body with his indestructible body, and then kicked the little snake away.

I saw the two little snakes were kicked on the ground by Qiu Yue, but soon flew up again.

"Damn it, since it's iron, lightning will kill you!" Qiu Yue cursed in his heart!

Qiu Yue quickly took two steps back, using the five-star lightning technique, pointed at the two little snakes, and saw a bolt of lightning passing through the two little snakes, and a large amount of electricity split back and forth in the little snake's stomach.

"Bang! Bang!" Two sounds, and the two little snakes exploded.

Qiu Yue looked at the two destroyed little snakes with a smile.

Suddenly the man folded back the sword in his hand, and the sword turned into a boomerang, and he threw it out viciously, heading straight for Qiu Yue.

The speed was very fast, and Qiuyue vaguely saw the green light above, it was poison!

Qiu Yue squatted down quickly, the dart flew over Qiu Yue's head, Qiu Yue felt how high the temperature was on the dart, the temperature was probably nearly [-] degrees Celsius.

"Damn it!" Qiu Yue cursed, and when he was about to fight back, he felt something flying towards him behind him, Qiu Yue jumped to the side, turned around and saw the dart flying back again.

So Qiu Yue jumped to the side. At this time, the man took the dart and rushed over quickly, jumped up, and threw the dart again. The man saw that Qiu Yue could not dodge the dart attack perfectly, so he wanted to use it again This was the way to deal with Qiuyue, but he misread Qiuyue. Qiuyue dodged the dart and jumped. Taking advantage of the moment when the dart flashed past him and hadn't returned, he ran several steps quickly and jumped up. He turned over and raised his knife fiercely to chop down from the sky.

But when the man was defending the knife that was about to catch, Qiu Yue flashed behind the man with an escape technique, and the man immediately chopped Qiu Yue's shadow, and it was too late when he realized that he had been fooled.

Qiu Yue stabbed hard, and the man was hit by the knife. It seems that the man must be wearing a bulletproof vest on his chest!Otherwise, why wasn't he injured just now? This man, Qiu Yue yelled, "Yinmo Sansha, go to hell!"

After shouting, Qiuyue's five-star thunder technique "kacha" flashed white light, and Yin Mo Sansha was hit by lightning and fell to the ground, dying.

After killing this man, Qiu Yue turned around, Xu Xiaomin and the others were also fighting in full swing, Xu Xiaomin and the others were fighting against that man alone, Qiu Yue said in his heart that this guy is really powerful, he can even beat five elites Maneuver with ease.

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