my beauty fairy

Chapter 566 Be cautious

Qiu Yue walked over with a sneer, the man was turning around to go behind Xu Xiaomin, Qiu Yue rushed up and punched the man in the back, the man fell to the ground in pain.

The man turned his head to look at Qiu Yue in surprise, and said in surprise: "You bastard, you actually sneaked up on me!"

"Hahaha, isn't this funny? It's ridiculous for me to sneak up on you. What did I do to sneak up on you, you idiot?" Qiu Yue said with a sigh.

Immediately, the man shouted angrily: "What kind of a hero do you have so many people against me alone? In our country, we pay attention to one-on-one! Fight alone!"

"Damn, it's really reasonable, what do you say, I'll fuck it!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.Then he sneered and said: "Hahaha, so that's the case, then why did you come here with seven people, why didn't you come here alone? Didn't you say that you like to fight alone?"

"You! Damn, you dare to talk to me like that, and you killed my good friend, my good friend, you have to die today, do you have the guts to do it alone with me?" The man looked at Qiu Yue provocatively.

Qiu Yue nodded and smiled, "Okay, I've always been very accommodating to others, since you're willing to have a fight with me, then come!"

I saw the man arched his body, put his hands forward and back, put his fists out, and said coldly: "Remember, my name is Leng Xuan Latin!"

"Lengxuan Latin, pull your sister! I'm killing you!" Qiu Yue jumped up and kicked sideways, and the man blocked it with his hands sideways.

Suddenly a fist came out from the man's chest, and punched Qiuyue's stomach hard. Qiuyue was hit immediately, stepped back a few steps and fell to the ground. He only felt a dull pain in his chest, and his throat felt hot. With a "poof", he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha! Are you still arrogant? Believe it or not, I'll kill you?" That Leng Xuan Latin looked at Qiu Yue viciously.

Xu Xiaomin and the others came over quickly with concern, Xu Xiaomin helped Lin Han up, "how, how about you Qiuyue?"

Qiu Yue smiled and waved his hands and said: "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, I have to show him that men in Huaxia Kingdom would rather die than surrender, let him come in standing up and go out sideways today!"

Qiu Yue silently recited the restoration technique in his heart, and directly restored the wound to normal. Xu Xiaomin and others watched Qiu Yue stand up worriedly.

"Hey, you actually have three hands. It seems that you are a supernatural being. Today I will see how powerful you are!" So Qiu Yue rushed over quickly.

The man was also ready. After dodging Qiu Yue's blow, he punched Qiu Yue fiercely. It was the fist on the man's chest. Qiu Yue sneered and punched him hard. , and directly confronted that fist, and there was a "click" sound from that fist.

Immediately, the man let out a painful howl like a wolf.

Qiu Yue sneered and kicked again sideways, the man was kicked back three steps.

"You! How dare you break my three hands! I'm so mad, I will kill you today!" The man shouted angrily, and the man took off his shirt angrily, revealing the upper half of his body tied detonators and explosives, and took out the detonator in his hand.

Everyone in the room panicked, only Qiu Yue still looked at Leng Xuan Latin calmly.

"Let me tell you, if you cooperate a little today, you will survive. If you don't cooperate, everyone will die together!" said Leng Xuan Latin viciously.

Qiu Yue looked at the panicked princess and smiled, which meant to let the princess not be nervous.

"Oh, is this how you fight alone? If you can't win, you use special means. This makes me have a new understanding of your men who cross the Northland!" Qiu Yue said with a sneer.

At this time, the man was already distracted, Qiu Yue directly used the escape technique to dodge behind that Leng Xuan Latin, and pointed at a acupuncture point on the back with his fingers, the man actually galloped, and spewed out a group frantically, softly standing there.

Qiu Yue directly dismantled the man's bomb, and by the time the man reacted, there was no trump card left.

The man took out his knife and slammed it at Qiuyue. Qiuyue quickly took a few steps back, jumped up and twirled to the man's side, and punched hard.

At this time Xu Xiaomin threw a knife over: "Qiu Yue, continue!"

After Qiuyue caught it, he turned around and slashed fiercely, that Leng Xuan Latin fell backwards from the knife.

After confirming that the man was dead, Qiu Yue looked at the princess with confidence.

Qiu Yue took out the phone and called Shangguan Yifan.

"What's the situation?" Shangguan Yifan asked.

Qiu Yue asked helplessly: "Is our information accurate or not? We were attacked just now and almost fell for it."

Shangguan Yifan asked in surprise, "What? You were attacked?"

"Um, yes, seven of them. Several of them were ordinary thugs. I shot them to death. There were two strong ones. We killed them in the villa," Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan sighed and said: "These people don't seem to be easy to deal with. It's beyond my imagination. It seems that the people behind them are not so easy to deal with. I think you should be careful and cautious along the way." Be more cautious."

"Yeah, I think so too. The plan now is to set off immediately, otherwise if they control our itinerary, we will be in trouble and it will be very difficult." Qiu Yue said.

Shangguan Yifan nodded and said: "Okay, then pack up and go, and keep in touch with you at any time if you have any situation. We will contact you on the way. You tell the princess not to use her own mobile phone, her mobile phone is being monitored. Now, and the people she was with are also under surveillance, you can communicate with them."

"Okay, that's it, contact me when the time comes!" Qiu Yue hung up the phone and looked back at the princess, feeling much better. Qiu Yue said: "Princess, the mobile phones of you and your **** Sixiong are under surveillance. , Hurry up and turn off everything, and then pack up your things, we are leaving in 5 minutes, we can’t stay here any longer.”

Looking at Qiuyue's unsightly expression, everyone could see that there must be something troublesome, so they all turned off their mobile phones. As for Xu Xiaomin's mobile phone, they are all inside the secret service, so the mobile phones are strictly encrypted of.

Within a few minutes, the princess didn't say a word, just like everyone else, she lowered her head and packed up her things. After putting everything in the car, Qiu Yue went into the villa for the last time to look at it, and got into the car after there was no problem.

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