my beauty fairy

Chapter 567 Surviving

"Do you have a car?" Qiu Yue asked the princess.

The princess pointed to an off-road vehicle behind her, which was a Jeep, and said, "That's the one."

"It's best for us to divide into two groups. Xu Xiaomin and I, my partner and you will be in one car, and your bodyguard will be in another car. At that time, we can take care of each other so that we won't be wiped out!" Qiu Yue said.

The princess felt that what Qiu Yue said was very reasonable, so she ordered the remaining men to go to the car behind.

Xu Xiaomin took out several wireless communicators and distributed them to the Confused Four, one for each princess.

One minute later, Qiuyue's car slowly drove out of the yard.

The car of ** Sixiong followed closely behind Qiuyue.

In the car, the princess seemed very restless and not in a good mood, so Qiu Yue asked, "What's the matter, princess? She looks restless."

"I was thinking, why did the rebels in the country want to arrest me?" The princess said.

Qiu Yue smiled helplessly and said, "Then let me ask you a few questions, maybe I can give you the answer to your questions."

"Well, you ask!" said the princess.

Qiu Yue nodded and said, "How did you change positions in your country, and who is eligible to board the plane?"

"Our side is hereditary. My father and king inherited it to our generation, and I am the oldest in this generation, so I inherited the throne." The princess said seriously.

Qiu Yue asked: "There is no distinction between men and women over there, as long as you are the boss, you can ascend the throne?"

"Yes, our side is very fair, regardless of gender." The princess said.

Qiu Yue asked again: "Then if the boss, I'm using an analogy, for example, the boss has something to do or has a reason and can't take the throne, who will be the throne?"

"Give it to the second child!" The princess smiled naturally.

"Then when will the throne change this year?" Qiu Yue asked.

The princess thought for a while and said, "The succession to the throne will be at the beginning of next year, but the announcement of the succession to the throne will be next month."

"Whose child is younger than you, your sister or brother?" Qiu Yue asked.

The princess said: "My younger brother is the child of my third uncle. She is in charge of the army now."

Suddenly, Qiuyue felt that the matter was not simple. This civil strife happened so coincidentally, just before the princess went back to accept the announcement ceremony of succession to the throne, and if the princess could not inherit the throne, the one who would inherit the throne would be her in charge of the army. The second uncle's son inherited.

"It's clearly a conspiracy by the Communist Party!" Qiu Yue thought to himself.

"Oh, how is your second uncle?" Qiu Yue asked.

Taking advantage of the situation and Xu Xiaomin looked at each other, it seemed that Xu Xiaomin also thought that his second uncle had more problems with this matter.

"He is usually very kind, friendly, and smiling." When the princess talked about the second uncle, there seemed to be a little reverence on her face.

"You don't think that my second uncle has a motive to trouble me, do you?" the princess continued.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "Many things in this world are incomprehensible. Even the moment you see the truth, you still don't believe in many things. No one can change this, and no one can change this. Can't compete."

"I still don't think it's possible for my second uncle to harm me." The princess said excitedly.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "In the eyes of your second uncle, is it important that you are a niece, or the power of one person under one person and over ten thousand people is more important, you should know better than me, in the eyes of men, power and position can be rivaled even over everything."

"You! I just don't believe that my second uncle will harm me!" The princess's eyes were already blurred with tears, and Baimei's breasts were so beautiful.

Before I came to China, I heard a lot of similar things from my family. Even my father said this about my younger brother. In fact, I didn’t believe it at all. It’s just that I couldn’t accept that the relationship between family members didn’t even have rights. .This made the princess very painful.

"Princess, please calm down first. I'm only inferring based on the superficial questions you answered. The actual reality, who knows, will only slowly surface in the future. Don't believe what I say. "Qiu Yue clicked on the radio, and the, snow was playing in it. This is an elegant piano piece, and it is Qiu Yue's favorite one.

At this time, a commercial vehicle from the opposite side was driving very fast. From the U-turn, it turned and stopped directly to Qiuyue, which was nearly 100 meters away.

A commercial vehicle on the side of the road got off a dozen people, all of them were holding machetes, which made Qiu Yue very uncomfortable. Qiu Yuexin said that he could seriously observe how Xu Xiaomin's skills are, and today he can observe. There was no reason for the critical situation in the villa just now, Qiu Yue suddenly felt that he was so perverted, and there was such leisure and elegance in such a moment.

"Are you coming or am I?" Qiu Yue smiled.

Xu Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'll go, I'm better at dealing with this kind of bastard than you."

Xu Xiaomin didn't say much, opened the car door, and the two stepped up. The knife that was about to be chopped off by the gangster in the lead was kicked away by Xu Xiaomin at an angle, and punched the gangster. He spat out blood and fell to the ground.

When the other gangsters saw it, they rushed over desperately, Xu Xiaomin picked up the gangster's knife, raised the knife and dropped it, and the gangster fell down.I don't know when a gangster stood there behind him and stabbed Xu Xiaomin's back with a knife. Who is Xu Xiaomin, how could he make his sneak attack successful!Turning around, he slashed the gangster to the ground with a single blow of the knife.

Three times, five times and two times, a dozen or so gangsters all fell to the ground and died.Some can even be said to be dying...

Xu Xiaomin showed a professional sneer and said, "It would be great if we could send some more powerful ones!"

"It's done!" Xu Xiaomin said lightly.

The princess in the back seat said with a smile: "You are also very agile in these two strokes, and you are not much worse than someone."

Qiu Yue smiled, turned the car helplessly and said, "This is testing the waters."

When Qiu Yue just started the car and walked less than 500 meters, a white Volkswagen appeared on the corner of the street, and it drifted to stop in front of Qiu Yue's car.

"Haha, I like this, Xu Xiaomin, you can watch in the car, I want to play." Qiu Yue's blood enthusiasm was aroused.

"Oh, you have to be careful!" Xu Xiaomin said, because he saw that this person's driving skills are very good, so he was still a little worried.

Qiu Yue looked back at Xu Xiaomin and said with a smile: "It's okay, this is just the beginning, they will definitely not be willing to send someone who is capable." After speaking, Qiu Yue walked towards the car.

"You are Qiuyue? I didn't expect you to be worthy of me to kill you. You are lucky." A person stepped out of the car.

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