my beauty fairy

Chapter 568 Growing Up

I saw that man had a tall figure, red hair, beard, and scars all over his face, holding a very long bloodletting knife in his hand, shining coldly.

"I am Qiu Yue, I want to know who sent you?" Qiu Yue sneered.

The man smiled coldly. "It doesn't matter who I sent you. You'd better hand over the princess to us, otherwise your end will only be death. Today I will give you two ways, either live or die. Cooperate with us and you will live Very good, against us, you can't leave here today." The man said coldly.

"To be honest, I am a person with little ability and great stubbornness. The more threatened I am, the more stubborn I become." Qiu Yue said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite, I can't let you go back alive. I'm sorry." The man said lightly.

Qiu Yue sneered: "As long as I don't want to, no one can threaten me. Even if some of your ministers come, I will not compromise!"

The man stopped talking and his body moved.Like a wolf, the speed is extremely fast, like a black lightning.He rushed towards Qiuyue, swiping the bloodletting knife in his hand like lightning.

Qiu Yuexin said that this guy is really powerful, he is nothing compared to those little gangsters, and he is even more ruthless.Knife kills.

Qiu Yue slid to the left side of his body, and the blade slid past his neck. After the man's knife missed, the knife quickly turned around, and the blade hit Qiu Yue's waist.

After Qiuyue dodged, he jumped up in the air, the knife slipped under his feet, and kicked him three times. The man sneered, raised the blade of the bloodletting knife, and stabbed Qiuyue's calf.

The feet changed in the air and kicked out at an incredible angle, "Bang!" One of the kicks hit the man's shoulder, and she slid out and fell to the ground. The man suddenly felt that the Qiuyue in front of him was not so simple, To be able to kick such a powerful kick in the air.

Sure enough, he showed surprise, "I really underestimated you, as expected, China's number one agent is a master! Hahaha... Very good, I haven't met my opponent for a long time, let me show you my unique skills Right! There are very few people who can make me use my unique skills."

I saw the man's bloodletting knife constantly changing its moves, the blade roared, howled wolves, and the arc of his body flashed in, like a beam of light, the light of the knife instantly surrounded Qiu Yue.

when!when!when!After countless sword lights flashed by, Qiu Yue stood opposite the man expressionlessly.

The man was lying on the ground, in a pool of blood, his eyes were wide open, and he seemed to be dead before he could react.

Qiu Yue smiled coldly and walked into the car.After getting into the car, Qiu Yue's expression was not very good-looking.

"How did our whereabouts be exposed, to confuse the Four Heroes?" Qiu Yue asked.

The princess looked back, and the car of the four heroes was gone.

"Where did it go? Could it be the car that those people attacked first?" the princess asked.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "Impossible! If they attacked them, they would definitely notify us with their style, but they just disappeared without a trace?"

Xu Xiaomin picked up the wireless communicator and shouted: "**Sixiong, where are you, where are you?"

"Hahaha! Us? We were already ahead of you when you were fighting just now. We released your whereabouts. It will be difficult to reveal your situation when I am in a car with you. When you gave it to the headquarters, you actually had to divide it into two cars, thank you, without your help, we would not be where we are today, 5000 million, and we will go to the pension with the money, hahahaha!"**[-] Xiong picked up the wireless communicator and shouted excitedly.

These words immediately shocked the princess quite a bit, she shed tears, picked up the wireless communicator and shouted: "The four of you have been with us for so long, isn't the friendship between us worth 5000 million yuan? "

"Of course it's not worth it. You don't know what we want. What we want is money. We follow you. If you don't pay us, we can't follow you. In the final analysis, we need money, unlike you Rich people have too much money to spend, so they have feelings every day, family affection between people and so on. Our family can’t even guarantee food and clothing. Why do we need favors? What’s the use of favors? Will it be my son's tuition?" shouted angrily.

The princess was very angry and shouted: "Go away! I don't want to see you again!"

"Hahaha, we really don't want to see you, but princess, if we can capture you alive, no matter whether you are captured by yourself or not, as long as everyone present, we will reward you with another 5000 million yuan! When the next round of attacks occurs, Our ** Four Heroes will also appear on the stage again, but I can’t tell you too much in advance hahaha!” After speaking, the wireless communicator was destroyed.

Immediately, the sound of chala chala came from the headset, and Qiu Yue said angrily: "Whoa! These four guys betrayed us, and when I meet you, you will pay back twice."

"How is it possible, how is it possible that they will betray me, I have been very kind to them all these years!" The tears on the princess's face were still flowing.

Xu Xiaomin handed the princess a bottle of water, and comforted her: "Princess, don't be sad, don't cry, happy days will come, this is life, there are many things that make people sad and helpless."

"Yeah, you are not young now, you should grow up, you should understand that life is what you want to change him, and you have to work hard to change him, not just thinking about it in your mind. I also know a lot about you. Helpless, maybe this kind of life is not what you want, but this is what you have to choose, and you have to choose if there is no room for it." Qiu Yue said with a sigh.

The car gradually entered the high speed, and the speed reached 180 miles.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the princess sat in the back and cried sadly.

Qiuyue has no choice, whoever is right when encountering this kind of thing, this is life, a life full of betrayal and interests.

Qiu Yue stopped the car and said, "Xiao Min, go to the back and take care of the princess. I'll just keep an eye on the front."

"Okay!" Xu Xiaomin understood Qiuyue's meaning. A girl who has just grown up like a princess thinks too radically, and might do something bad.

Picking up the phone, Qiu Yue broadcast Shangguan Yifan's phone number. After contacting Shangguan Yifan for so long, Qiu Yue had already memorized Shangguan Yifan's phone number.

"Hey, Qiuyue, what's the matter?" Shangguan Yifan asked.

Qiu Yue said: "I don't think the people they sent this time are not just the ones we encountered just now, but also the princess's subordinates betrayed us."

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