my beauty fairy

Chapter 569

"What? My God, this matter is even more difficult now." Shangguan Yifan said.

Qiu Yue smiled helplessly and said: "Yes, I am also helpless, but there is no way, this is where I am helpless."

"Then shall I send someone over to help you?" Shangguan Yifan asked.

Qiu Yue shook his head and said: "It's not necessary. If you take pictures of people, not only will it not be helpful, but it may also make our goal too big. Can our car be positioned on the satellite? If there is any car that is speeding If you are uneven, you can let someone monitor it, and tell me about the suspicious car."

"Uh, don't tell me, I'm just staring at the screen right now. A Mitsubishi car is driving towards you, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and it doesn't seem to be aimless." Shangguan Yifan finished speaking Qiu Yue was depressed, whether it was his crow's mouth, or the bad luck brought to him by Shangguan Yifan, why did he come after him so quickly.

Qiu Yue said helplessly: "I passed the exam, and I really won't let people stop. If I go on like this, I'll be exhausted. I'll get out of the expressway and go for a stroll with him in the urban area!"

"Um, see for yourself, you can do whatever you want with your situation!" Shangguan Yifan nodded and said.

"Well, well, I understand!" Qiu Yue said.

Qiu Yue hung up the phone and turned the car directly into the road leading to the city.

Xu Xiaomin asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"I wiped it, and another car drove towards us. I don't know who it is, but I guess it was chasing us. I'm really speechless, left and right." Qiu Yue said depressed .

The princess raised her head and said dejectedly, "Is it because of the four heroes?"

"I don't think it looks like the people who came here this time came from the capital, and the people who are going to reunite with the four heroes should come from the opposite direction from us. They probably haven't assembled yet." Qiu Yue said.

Xu Xiaomin sighed and said, "Then what should we do, just sit and wait for death like this? Or are you going to go into the city and drive a car crazily to get rid of them?"

"Our car must have been located by their satellites, so no matter where we go, we have to be caught by them," Qiu Yue said.

Xu Xiaomin asked curiously, "Then how do you want to come here?"

"Racing with them first, if you can kill them, you can kill him on the road. If you can't come down and fight alone. There is another purpose in entering the city. We will go at high speed from the other side of the city, and their plan will have to be re-implemented. , so they will be a little messy and not very effective." Qiu Yue smiled.

"Oh! That's it!" Xu Xiaomin nodded and said.

When Qiuyue's car drove to the intersection, a black Mitsubishi off-road vehicle suddenly rushed out from the side, and went straight to Qiuyue's Hummer and hit it.

The speed is very fast, mixed with the sound of screaming gas pedal and adjusting the direction of the brake.

Qiu Yue immediately turned the steering wheel to the right, and the car turned sharply to the right, "Bang!" The rear of the Hummer was hit, and the lights on the rear were slightly scratched. Generally speaking, there was nothing wrong with it. It was worthy of a luxury Hummer.

"Damn it! How dare you hit me!" Qiu Yue immediately slammed on the accelerator and the car flew out like an arrow.

The unknown Mitsubishi turned sharply, made a sharp sound, and chased closely like a tiger.

Qiu Yue saw from the rearview mirror that the Mitsubishi was chasing closely.

Sitting in the driving seat was a strong man with a face full of flesh and muscular development. It seemed that there were scars on his fierce face.

"Damn, it's so fast!" Qiu Yue scolded.

Xu Xiaomin and the princess also looked behind nervously. The princess put down the biscuit she had eaten a few bites, and was in no mood to eat anymore.

The Mitsubishi car was getting closer and closer, and there was an intersection ahead, Qiu Yue slammed the steering wheel.

When rushing to the middle of the intersection, the car made a sharp friction sound, and Qiuyue's Humvee turned right.

And the Mitsubishi off-road vehicle behind made a beautiful sharp turn, and the car drew a wonderful arc and chased after it.

With the sound of increasing the accelerator, the Mitsubishi suddenly accelerated and caught up with Qiuyue's Hummer from the side.

The two cars were almost driving side by side, and it was only then that the man inside the car could be seen clearly. The man sneered, and the car suddenly approached, "Bang!" The Mitsubishi hit the Humvee sideways.

Qiu Yuexin said that it would be easy if he could control this man's thoughts, but the chances are not high, so he can try.

So Qiu Yue took advantage of the good road conditions ahead, turned around and passed the willpower into that person's brain, but it was useless, that person's willpower was very strong.

Qiu Yue had no choice but to continue racing with that man, "Wear your seat belts, hurry up!" Qiu Yue shouted loudly.

Xu Xiaomin quickly fixed the seat belt and so on, and hugged the princess tightly.

Qiu Yue took advantage of the time of overtaking, slammed the wheel to the right and kicked the accelerator and rushed out, while the Mitsubishi was overtaking from the left. After the Mitsubishi overtook that car, Qiu Yue's car had already appeared in front of him. Front.

After overtaking that man's car, Qiuyue started various sexes!It wasn't until the man passed Qiuyue retrograde that Qiuyue felt that it was better to get out of the car and compete, otherwise it would not be worthwhile if there was a car accident later, not to mention that his car was very expensive.

"Qiu Yue, I see that man has a bazooka on the car seat. Doesn't he have to be soft on us?" Xu Xiaomin's eyes were sharp.

Qiu Yue said with a smile: "This is enough to show that the other party doesn't want to hurt the princess, but just wants her to avoid this heir announcement meeting." The next throne, not willing to hurt the princess.

The car stopped and there was a woman opposite.Immediately, Qiuyue's eyes widened. I took the test. Wasn't she a woman just now?

"This? How did you become a girl?" Qiu Yue's eyeballs were about to slip.

The princess said: "That's an intersex person, and such intersex people are very popular in our country."

"Um, I'm speechless. I've seen neutrals, transsexuals, but I haven't seen intersex people, but they look quite sexy." Qiu Yue smiled and got out of the car.

That man, oh no, that woman, oh no, that neutral person looked at Qiu Yue with a sneer, raised a long knife domineeringly, and said: "You are not simple, you actually killed my two good brothers!" It's gone. Even if I can't kill you today, my people will chase you and kill you!"

"Big brother, you may not know me well enough. According to our organization's investigation, there are many killers chasing me, including those from the Eastern Kingdom, some from the Toxin Kingdom, and our Xiongqi Company in China. There are many, many killers, there are not many if there are more of you, and there are not many if there are few of you!" Qiu Yue said with a smile.

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