Looking at the anxious expressions on the faces of those prison guards, Qiu Yue looked around the cell with some doubts.There are still traces of dirt on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Qiu Yue was led out of this cell by the prison guards, and walked out in the opposite direction, and came to a brightly lit cell, but this cell was smaller.

"Why did you change my cell? I changed it three times in one night. I just wanted to be alone in the cell just now!" Qiu Yue shouted angrily.

The prison guard snorted coldly and said, "Changing cells is our internal matter, and it has nothing to do with you. You just have to follow us, otherwise you won't suffer less!"

Qiu Yue wondered if the prison was doing some kind of shady project underground, and when they heard such clear footsteps below, they asked themselves to change cells.And why are there soil particles on the floor of the cell?This thing is very strange!

Let's talk about this matter with Sun Yuxiao, and after the terrible prison policeman left, he replied a text message.

"Yu Xiao, I came to Jiangliang City Fifth Prison. It's very strange here. I can hear footsteps under the bed. Is it common in every prison? What's going on here?" Qiu Yue sent out for a while , and came back with a text message.

Sun Yuxiao asked, "Are you sure it's footsteps?"

"That's for sure. No one lives around the cell, and there's no one in the corridor. It's not under my bed!" Qiu Yue sent back a text message and wanted to make a call, but the corridor was too quiet, and if he called, the echo would be too loud , must have been known by those prison guards immediately.

After a while, Sun Yuxiao sent a message saying: "Qiu Yue, at three o'clock in the evening, people from our organization will go to the prison to look for you, and then you tell him where the footsteps came from, and investigate Take a moment, this matter is extraordinary. After reading the information between the two of us, we will delete all of them."

"Okay!" After Qiuyue sent back the last message, he turned off his phone and lay down on the bed with his eyes closed. This prison is too weird. There must be something wrong. Running out of dirt particles, this is the 21st century, how could it be possible to run out of kerosene lamps, who would use kerosene lamps, where did the kerosene lamps come from, there seems to be no one in that cell, only one in that room Kerosene lamp?

A series of questions hovered in Qiuyue's mind. Qiuyue thought that there must be a big background behind this prison, otherwise how could such a strange thing happen? What are they doing underground?

So Qiuyue lay down and slept, his phone was set to vibrate and placed under his pillow. At three o'clock in the morning, Qiuyue's phone vibrated "buzzing".

Qiu Yue quickly sat up and picked up the phone. It was an unfamiliar number and an unfamiliar voice. "Is it Comrade Qiuyue? My name is Ling Feng! I'm a member of Lei Xun's special team. I'm here to assist you in your investigation."

Qiu Yue whispered: "Okay, okay, go inside after you come in, you can see a room 999 on the left, then go inside, and turn right at the first small fork, cell 678 is my cell cell!" After finishing speaking, Qiu Yue suddenly remembered something, and quickly whispered, "That's right, that's right, how did you get in?"

"I'll leave you with a sense of mystery, I'll find out later, and I'll be there soon!" Ling Feng said with a smile.

After Qiu Yue hung up the phone, he whispered: "It's still mysterious, and you will be in big trouble if the prison guard catches you later, alas, I hope you really have the ability to come in, and you won't just sweep the area with an AK-48 Just rush in and kill him?" Not to mention, what Ling Feng said really made Qiu Yue extremely curious, sitting at the door of the cell, listening to the footsteps outside.

In less than 5 minutes, the footsteps outside gradually approached.

Until outside Qiuyue's door, the footsteps stopped, and the man whispered: "Ling Feng is here!"

After finishing speaking, he stepped in from the door and played back in slow motion!

I saw Ling Feng's foot directly passed through the middle of the door, and his foot came out from the inside, directly stepping on Qiu Yue's leg. Qiu Yue's painful eyes were at least three and a half circles wider than usual, but I still dare not call, for fear of attracting prison guards!

Ling Feng felt that something was being stepped on, but he didn't retract his leg. The other foot stepped on Qiuyue's party center. Fortunately, Qiuyue took a step back because of the pain of being stepped on, otherwise Well, today the second child can be regarded as confessing at the foot of Ling Feng.

Before Qiu Yue realized how Ling Feng came in, Ling Feng had already stood aside quickly, looking at Qiu Yue with a painful expression on his face, Ling Feng smiled embarrassedly, and patted Qiu Yue's face. shoulder, observed Qiuyue's physical condition, "Are you okay?" Ling Feng asked in a low voice.

Qiu Yue shook his head and nodded again, he really couldn't react for a long time.

"No, you, no, you, how did this come in! I saw a leg stepping on my leg in the dark, and then you came in with another leg, making my mind a mess now, What the hell is going on, Ling Feng?" Qiu Yue said in a low voice.

Ling Feng smiled and whispered in Qiuyue's ear: "This is the wall-penetrating technique. I still have several special abilities. I will reveal them to you one by one. Let's quickly see what you said about the sound of footsteps underground. place, is that bed?"

Qiu Yue shook his head and said, "No, it's another cell. After they locked me in, they hurriedly put me in this cell. I don't know what happened."

"Okay, I'll take you out now, take me to that cell, let's see where the footsteps are coming from!" Ling Feng whispered.

Qiu Yue pointed to the big lock on the cell door, and whispered in Ling Feng's ear, "This lock is huge, and it can only be opened from the outside, so I can't get out!"

Ling Feng took out a small tool box from the bag on his back, and took out a key and a thin wire from it. The key was not like the one used in ordinary times, it was thin and long.

Sticking to Qiuyue's ear, he smiled and said, "I can pick the lock. Come on, take out a pair of glasses like mine from your bag and put them on, so you can see clearly where there is no light! I'll open the door for you!"

Qiu Yue didn't have time to lament that this was really amazing. He saw Ling Feng handing the bag to Qiu Yue and going out through the wall by himself. Qiu Yue quickly took out his eyes and put them on, and then raised the quilt to make it look like someone was sleeping. Anyway, the lighting in this room is very poor, and it is impossible to tell that no one is there anymore at a glance from the outside.

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