my beauty fairy

Chapter 69 Two Ling Fengs

Qiuyue put on the eye in Ling Feng's bag, and when he looked at it, he was very surprised. He could see the outline of Ling Feng's body outside the door, which meant that the eye had a weak perspective function and night vision function. If you look at one place, it can also automatically adjust the focus to properly magnify the objects in the line of sight.

Hearing a "creak", Ling Feng pushed the door and entered. After the "creak" sound echoed weakly in the corridor, Qiu Yue opened the door and followed Ling Feng out.

Ling Feng closed the door and locked the lock again.

I saw Ling Feng gesturing to leave, Qiu Yue walked in front, and walked to the second prison cell according to the memory just now.

After turning a corner, we came to the strangely quiet area with no light. If you smell it carefully, you can smell a faint earthy smell, and it is dark here, only the kerosene lamp in the cell is faint. There was a little yellow light in it, which looked very scary, and the surrounding walls were covered with spots, I don't know what it was, Qiu Yue carefully looked at the environment of the cell, and from time to time There is a wind blowing.

After Qiuyue and Ling Feng looked at each other, they continued to walk forward, "Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..." A strange voice came faintly from the end of the corridor, and Qiu Yue and Ling Feng immediately walked forward. A burst of hairs stood on end.

Qiu Yue stared intently at the end of the corridor, but after zooming in, he couldn't see anything.

"Qiuyue, go and have a look over there. I'll watch for you here to see what's going on. What's the sound over there?" Ling Feng whispered, and gave Qiuyue a small flashlight. The size of a middle finger.

So Qiuyue took the flashlight, but didn't turn it on, and walked slowly towards the end of the corridor. It was very dark and cold here, and after the wind blew, it was not cold, but extremely cold.

Qiu Yuexin said that there were no windows around, how could there be such a chilly wind, it was really weird.

So Qiuyue continued to move forward, and when he reached the end of the corridor, the sound disappeared, Qiuyue turned around and looked around, the whole prison was completely dark, there was no sound at all, suddenly Qiuyue felt a little creepy, At this time, the prison was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling on the ground.

Even if the sound is very faint, it is very obvious, so the ticking sound has definitely disappeared, not because I didn't listen carefully.

"But there's nothing here, where's the weird ticking sound?" Qiu Yue thought and hurried to Ling Feng's side.

Suddenly, a hand patted Qiu Yue behind him, and Qiu Yue hurriedly turned around in fright, thinking that the prison here is unoccupied, that is, if someone lives, who gets out?

Looking back, it was Ling Feng, and Qiu Yue broke out in a cold sweat. He sighed and said, "You scared me to death. I really admired you. I didn't speak for a long time. If you're more weird, I'll be so damn real." You should be scared to death."

Ling Feng didn't speak, but just walked into the darkness, Qiu Yue thought what's wrong with Ling Feng, and ignored him when he spoke, did he find something?

So Qiuyue followed, and the two of them walked all the way to the place where Qiuyue came to see just now, that is, near the end of the corridor a few steps away, but Qiuyue's eyes suddenly widened three times, which was unbelievable Something happened. This place was fine just now, but now a black hole appeared on the ground!

"Isn't it?" Qiu Yue swallowed, and looked down with the night vision device, but it was still dark. It seemed that the hole was too deep to detect, or something happened to the night vision device.In short, Qiu Yue was very puzzled, there was no such black hole on the ground just now!

Just as Qiu Yue was about to say something, Ling Feng smiled at Qiu Yue, the smile was extremely strange, the corners of his mouth were sharp and there was an indescribable meaning.Immediately after Qiuyue didn't understand what it meant, Ling Feng had already jumped off.

"This guy, why is he so impulsive when he does things all of a sudden? Has this guy discovered something? Then I'll follow quickly!" Qiu Yue was also ready to jump.

But at this time, the shoulder was patted again by a hand behind him, and Qiuyue's legs were so weak that he almost sat on the ground, and he kept backing away, with a look of panic in his eyes.

A puzzled expression appeared on Ling Feng's face, and he whispered, "Qiu Yue, what's wrong with you!"

Qiu Yue couldn't help but look at Ling Feng, "You, you are a human, or a ghost! Did you scare me on purpose? Tell me, you are joking! Make a scarier joke! Tell me quickly! "

"It's not a joke, what are you talking about! Qiuyue, what's wrong with you? What's going on with you?" Ling Feng was dumbfounded, not knowing what was going on.

Qiu Yue pointed at the black hole, but when he lowered his head, the black hole disappeared, so Qiu Yue began to wonder if he was hallucinating?

"Didn't you jump off the black hole?" Qiu Yue asked excitedly.

Ling Feng shook his head and asked: "I don't understand what you're saying, what are you talking about? Can you explain in detail! My God, what's wrong with you, you must be bewitched!"

Qiu Yuexin said that he still wanted to say this to you!

"I just saw you jumping in from here, there is a black hole here!" Qiu Yue said, pointing to the ground.

Ling Feng looked at the ground curiously, pointed at the ground and smiled: "You said there is a black hole here? Qiu Yue, you must be dreaming!"

"Eh! What's going on! I can't explain clearly." Qiu Yue said helplessly.

Ling Feng saw that Qiuyue's mental state was not good, and he didn't know what was going on, so he should go back first and calm down before talking.

So Ling Feng whispered: "Well, let's go back to your cell, discuss what to do, and come here again. I think you're not in a normal mood today."

"I think you are still a little abnormal, you are crazy! You even played suspense with me!" Qiu Yue complained.

So the two returned to Qiuyue's cell together, Ling Feng locked the door, sat beside Qiuyue, and whispered, "Qiuyue, what's going on, what's wrong with you, have you been bewitched?"

"Damn, you're just bewitched. You're so neurotic. Was it you who jumped into the hole just now? Was it you who pulled me back later? Appearing behind me, are you testing my guts or do you feel that you have nothing to do and come here for entertainment?" Qiu Yue said a little angrily, thinking that it was time to play a prank.

Ling Feng was confused by what Qiu Yue said.He came up to touch Qiuyue's forehead, and muttered, "Oh? It's not burning!"

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