soldier rushing forward

113. Mysterious Cellar

Song Ziliang finally discovered Wu Jianglong's loophole. 【 】The opponent is holding a rifle that cannot be fired rapidly. As long as you suppress it with firepower and don't give it a chance to return the phone, the rest will be wiped out.

After Song Ziliang figured it out, he moved forward and fired at the same time. The dense bullets hit Wu Jianglong like a torrential rain, and Wu Jianglong was out of breath.His two subordinates did not neglect either, and embraced Wu Jianglong from different sides.They estimated that the number of people between the enemy and us is now one to three, the battle distance does not exceed 50 meters, and the coverage rate of the opposing firepower is 90.00% [-].That is to say, Wu Jianglong who is hiding in the jungle has almost no power to fight back.

Snipers are best at long-distance shooting, and they usually use surprise attacks.In order to achieve a goal, they can hide in one place for several days and nights, even without eating or drinking, and can endure difficulties that ordinary people cannot bear.But they have a fatal weakness, because they act alone and fight alone.Once discovered by a large number of enemies, you can only run.Otherwise, there is a possibility of being annihilated.Because their weapons cannot strike a large number of enemies at the same time.At close range, the sniper rifle loses its advantage and is inferior to conventional, rapid-fire weapons.

At this time, Wu Jianglong was being suppressed by enemy firepower.

"What should I do?" Wu Jianglong couldn't bear it anymore.The enemy's firepower was so fierce that he couldn't lift his head up.It is impossible to fight back in place, and now there are the last two bullets, he doesn't want to waste them anyway.I am afraid that if I miss the enemy, I will not even have a chance to commit suicide.What's more, there are still two enemies chasing Dong Yan. For her, the last one must be left for the final blow.

After Wu Jianglong thought about it, he still took a retreat.After climbing backwards for a distance of one meter, I suddenly found that the ground was sunken.He didn't look back, and continued to shrink back.After shrinking back a little more, I suddenly felt something hit my back.

Wu Jianglong was startled, and thought to himself, if he was blocked by a high ridge or a big tree, then his little life would be completely over.In case the escape route is blocked and there is no other direction to turn, why not just wait for the enemy's guns.Wu Jianglong couldn't retreat anymore, and was ready to fight the enemy.Two bullets can kill two turtle sons, which is considered a profit.So prepared to die.But he was not reconciled, and wanted to look back before he died to see what was blocking him.When he looked back, he was surprised.His legs had been stretched into a cave, and his whole body was numb.

"What's going on?" Wu Jianglong was taken aback.

Just as he was stunned, the bullets fired by Song Ziliang had already landed on the top of his head.If you don't leave, it's over. It's hard to die.

Wu Jianglong didn't care about it, he didn't care what kind of hole he was, I just got into it, at worst he would die.So Wu Jianglong crawled backwards into the cave.

The cave is very narrow, but very long. Wu Jianglong didn't know how long he had been climbing, but he still couldn't get out.

Before Wu Jianglong came out of the cave, he felt two explosions at the entrance of the cave he came in.

Song Ziliang and his two men have three guns and six pairs of eyes.They stared at the place where Wu Jianglong was lurking.Cooperating with the same interchangeable magazines, there is almost no shooting gap.Moreover, there were not many weeds around, as long as Wu Jianglong dared to stand up, he would be exposed to three guns immediately.Therefore, the three enemies were very proud, and while shouting for Wu Jianglong to surrender, they shot forward.

After the three enemies outflanked this location from three directions, they found that there was no one here again, and it was still a mess.

Song Ziliang didn't believe that Wu Jianglong would have the ability to enter the earth, let alone disappear into air in an instant.However, no matter how you think about it, there is no one now anyway.

"Search for me." Song Ziliang was in a hurry. He wanted to thoroughly see what kind of tricks Wu Jianglong was playing, and how he could disappear under the eyes of the three people in an instant.

Said he flew, said he ran away, no one would believe him if he was killed.So, the three enemies continued to look forward along the fallen grass trail.After walking a few steps, they found the hole covered by wormwood.

Song Ziliang was amazed, there was no valley or cliff here, so how could there be caves.

Looking at the dark hole, the three of them were startled, but none of them dared to climb in.

The cave is so small that only one person can crawl in and out.

"Blow it up for me." Song Ziliang gave orders to his subordinates.If you can't get in, you will be blown up and suffocated inside.

Two Vietnamese soldiers took two grenades from their bodies and threw them into the cave together.

After two explosions, the hole was opened.

At the hole that was blown open, traces of branches and wormwood were exposed.

Song Ziliang suddenly smiled when he saw it.He got it, and he got it very well.This is not a natural cave at all, but a man-made simple tunnel formed by man-made excavation and covered with branches and weeds.However, from the signs of rotting branches and weeds.This tunnel has been around for some years, and it is likely that the local villagers prepared it during the Anti-French or Anti-American War.Since it is a tunnel, there must be an exit, "Hurry up, go in and chase, we must not let the enemy escape."

Holding the machine gun, Song Ziliang jumped into the hole and began to crawl inside.

Wu Jianglong crawled in the cave for a while, and felt that the roof of the cave was getting higher and he could bend over.Gradually, the cave also began to become spacious.

The cave is very dark, although you can't see what's around, but the musty smell hits your nostrils, making you breathless.

In the dark cave, Wu Jianglong straightened up and touched the top of his head, but he couldn't touch the top of the cave.Waved to both sides, but also in vain, did not even touch the wall.

"What kind of place is this? Why is there such a big hole?" Wu Jianglong was surprised, but he didn't dare to stop, "Whatever, let's talk about it after running out," so he tentatively stepped forward.

As soon as Song Ziliang stepped out of the cave, he found a feeling of deja vu.In the war against the United States, he has been drilled in such fortifications for a long time, and he is as familiar with going to bed at home and cooking in the kitchen.For him, even with his eyes closed, he can find what he wants to use and where he wants to go.

"You two, feel the wall to see if there are torches." Wu Jianglong stared at the darkness and said to his two men.

A Vietnamese soldier quickly found a torch, and then another Vietnamese soldier found it.The two torches were once dipped in pine oil. Although it took a long time and the oil stains dried up, it did not affect their burning.

As soon as the torch was lit in the hole, the black hole lit up immediately.

With the torch lighting, the pace naturally quickened.Soon, Song Ziliang and the others advanced quickly from the end of the cave, and they were about to catch up with Wu Jianglong.

Dong Yan found two enemies chasing from behind, and ran forward desperately.This time she said nothing to let the enemy catch her back alive, even if she was hit to death, jumped to death from a cliff, or was shot to death, it was better than being a prisoner.So Dong Yan ran forward desperately, wishing that a cliff or a deep creek would appear in front of him immediately.

However, after running for a long time, nothing appeared in front of my eyes.As she ran forward, she hoped that the two Vietnamese soldiers would shoot and kill her quickly.Dead, he is still a glorious martyr.In the future, a monument will be erected in the tomb of the martyrs.If you are caught by the enemy and you are tossing about to die, you may lose your political life. In the end, you will be neither human nor ghost!

The two Vietnamese soldiers could tell that Dong Yan had nothing but bare hands.Then what are they afraid of!Those who don't catch people are called stupid.Have you ever seen Chinese female soldiers?Then take the knife from this female soldier.The two Vietnamese soldiers were extremely frantic, discussing while running, whoever catches it first will belong to him.

The two Vietnamese soldiers who had been interspersed in the jungle for a long time became lustful before Dong Yan was caught.

"What if there is no cliff?" Dong Yan felt the sound of rapid footsteps behind her, and the two chasing enemies were getting closer.At this time, Dong Yan was only focused on running forward, she didn't even have the courage to look back.She was afraid of looking back, which would affect her running speed.What's more, what's the use of watching, she is completely defenseless in front of her, and she can't deal with the two enemies in front of her with her bare hands.

Running, running, Dong Yan finally found a big tree strong enough to support his head, "It's you. Big tree! Please help me, let me die quickly! Don't let the enemy catch me. "Dong Yan thought, and really ran to the big tree.

The Vietnamese soldiers running in front were about to catch Dong Yan, but unexpectedly she turned around and ran towards the big tree, dodging him and almost fell down.

The Vietnamese soldier was stunned, and suddenly understood, "Oh, this Chinese female soldier wants to commit suicide, how can it be possible. I finally caught a woman, so what's the use of dying, you don't want to die no matter what." Afterwards, the Vietnamese soldier, without waiting for the accomplice behind him to come up, flew towards Dong Yan again.

Suddenly, a person came out from behind the big tree in front.

As soon as this person appeared, Dong Yan and the enemy were all taken aback, unable to figure out who it was.

This person let Dong Yan go straight to the Vietnamese soldier, suddenly raised his gun and opened fire at the Vietnamese soldier.

"Da da, da da" as if he was afraid that the Vietnamese soldier would not die, the man fired two bursts in a row.

The Vietnamese soldier who rushed to the front fell to the ground with a gunshot.

The second Vietnamese soldier was only two or three meters away from him. He knew that there was an accident, but he didn't even have time to brake.Before he could see who was coming, the man then shot at the second Vietnamese soldier, also in two bursts.

After continuous gunshots, the two Vietnamese soldiers were completely eliminated.

After killing the two enemies who were chasing Dong Yan, this person had the opportunity to see Dong Yan.When he looked back, Dong Yan had already rushed towards the big tree, and then, he heard a bang, and Dong Yan fell to the ground.

When Dong Yan ran over, she suddenly found someone flashing out from behind a tree.I exclaimed in my heart, it's over.When she found out that this person didn't stop her, but rushed to the two Vietnamese soldiers.I froze for a moment.Dong Yan thought, this person must also be an enemy.There are only him and Wu Jianglong in this jungle.But now that Wu Jianglong was trapped by the enemy, it was impossible to rescue him.Therefore, there are only enemies left in the jungle, and it is impossible for us to appear.

Dong Yan didn't expect that the person who came was her own, so she still insisted on committing suicide.So, she slammed into the big tree desperately.

Seeing Dong Yan fall under the big tree, this person also became anxious.He hurried over and turned over Dong Yan from under the big tree.At this time, Dong Yan had passed out.After careful inspection of the wound, it was found that there was a large gash on her forehead.Then he probed Dong Yan's nostrils again and found that she was still breathing.

Someone hugged Dong Yan and shouted, "Comrade, comrade, wake up, wake up."

After shouting for a long time, Dong Yan finally regained consciousness, and when she saw the person in front of her, she screamed in shock, "Ah!" and immediately moved her body away.

The person who came could not distinguish his face, his face was covered with spots formed by condensation of blood and mud.The clothes on his body are also beyond recognition.There were black holes in the scorched places, and strips of rags hung in the places torn by branches.What is left is the camouflage dyed by sweat, salt and mud.

"Comrade, it's one of our own." Seeing that Dong Yan was afraid, the visitor added another sentence.

When she heard that the person was speaking Chinese, Dong Yan stared straight at her eyes and asked, "Which unit are you from?"

"I am the 215th Company of the 7th Regiment," the person reported himself.

"215 Regiment 7 Company" Dong Yan felt very familiar.When she was in the division hospital, she often called this number.By the way, I remembered, this is Wu Jianglong's company.Dong Yan suddenly sat up from the ground, and suddenly asked, "Do you know Wu Jianglong?"

"Yes, he belongs to our company."

"Ah! You are really your own." Dong Yan was so happy that she was about to shed tears.

"What's your name?" Dong Yan didn't give the other party a chance to ask, and then asked a series of questions.

"My name is Tang Jianzhong, and I'm in the cooking class."

"Wu Jianglong is in the second row and fourth class." Dong Yan mentioned Wu Jianglong's unit.

Tang Jianzhong was surprised, "Where are you from? How do you know Wu Jianglong?"

"I'm a nurse at the Teacher's Hospital, and my name is Dong Yan." Speaking of this, Dong Yan paused, her face turned slightly red. After I was captured by the enemy, it was Wu Jianglong who rescued me.He lived in our hospital. "

"What about others!" Tang Jianzhong asked anxiously after Dong Yan mentioned Wu Jianglong.

"Ah!" Dong Yan remembered that Wu Jianglong was still being hunted down by the enemy.

"Quick, quick, go and save Wu Jianglong." Dong Yan pushed Tang Jianzhong.

"how about you?"

"I'm fine." Dong Yan touched her head and stood up from the ground.

Dong Yan was really not seriously injured.When he ran towards the big tree, he was a little panicked and bumped into it, and the direction was off, but his forehead squeaked.The inertia of jumping forward was too great, and he was frightened and frightened, and immediately fell to the ground and passed out.If Tang Jianzhong hadn't shouted, I don't know how long she would have slept on the ground.

Dong Yan led the way, and the two ran towards the place where Wu Jianglong had been in ambush.

Wu Jianglong didn't know how long he walked in the dark underground tunnel, and he didn't know where the way out was.When he found a light behind him, he realized that it was the enemy chasing him.So, he no longer wondered whether the road ahead was right or not, as long as there was room to pass, he would rush in one direction.

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