soldier rushing forward

114, die and live

After Wu Jianglong passed a slightly larger space, he fell into a narrow area again, and gradually felt an uphill road under his feet. 【 】As I walked forward, not only the sides narrowed, but also the top of the head was constantly being squeezed. The head had to be lowered and the waist had to be bent down.Intuitively, Wu Jianglong realized that this is the only way to the exit.After Wu Jianglong touched the wall several times in a row, he finally found the hope of escaping.As for the situation outside?Where can I go out of the cave?Is there still an enemy waiting for him outside!Wu Jianglong didn't even think about these problems.It's useless even if he thinks about it, the enemy behind him is chasing him so hard that he can't even change the intersection, he has no choice at all.

Under the light of the torch, Song Ziliang advanced much faster than Wu Jianglong.Whenever he encountered a branch in the tunnel, he didn't search at all. He used the machine gun to sweep for a while, and then let his men go in to find someone.I searched several times in a row, but they were all dead ends. Neither Wu Jianglong's body nor Wu Jianglong's living person was found.

"Grandma, let's see where you can run!" Song Ziliang made up his mind to block Wu Jianglong in the hole.It is much easier to catch Wu Jianglong here, or destroy it than in the big jungle.Therefore, he will never give Wu Jianglong any chance to escape now.Not only blocked the exit with his body, but also washed all the caves with bullets, forcing Wu Jianglong to only move forward, unable to take a step back.

Gradually, Wu Jianglong couldn't go straight and could only crawl forward on the ground.

In this way, Song Ziliang forced Wu Jianglong to this gentle slope.

The passage was almost the same as the intersection when he first came down, the top of the cave was missing the soil layer, revealing traces of branches and weeds.The ground is not like the dry pine below, it gradually feels wet and dewy, and from time to time, it encounters wet mud deposited by rainwater.

Wu Jianglong was both happy and apprehensive. He was happy that he could get rid of the passive situation of being chased after he got out of the cave.What worries me is that I don't know what's going on up there.If there is an enemy guarding it, it will be miserable, because there is still an enemy on the mountain at this time.If you fight head-on with the enemy, with the two bullets in your hand, you will not be able to kill four enemies anyway, and a little negligence may kill the enemy.

If you really die, you can also be with those comrades who died, and you are not alone.However, it doesn't matter if I die, but there is Dong Yan outside!If she is caught by the enemy again, her fate will be even worse than last time.

Thinking of Dong Yan, Wu Jianglong felt a great responsibility.A big man must do things thoroughly, from beginning to end.Now that he has been rescued, he must "send the Buddha to the west", and never allow the enemy to catch him back.

"It doesn't matter, just climb forward, take one step at a time." This is Wu Jianglong's most practical idea at the moment.After he crawled forward for a while, several rays of light came in from the gap, and he finally saw the faintly visible ground.

Wu Donglong climbed to a place, grabbed the upper branch, and pulled it down hard.He heard a "crash", and a large pile of silt fell from above, covering his head and face.

Wu Jianglong shook his head, dragging the gun out of the hole.

Not bad, the front of the cave is on a slightly higher ridge.Put your head out and see everything in front of you.

At this time, there was silence outside the cave, and there was an entire forest in front, back and back, with neither human figures nor animals.

Wu Jianglong rolled over and left the hole.Then he ran quickly and hid behind a big tree.Only then did Wu Jianglong turn from passive escape to frontal defense.He wanted to ambush Song Ziliang and the others here.Regardless of the fact that there are only two bullets, as long as one enemy can be knocked out, others will never dare to come out from here.

As soon as he thought about it, he squatted here and did not move.After staying for a while, I felt that something was wrong.After thinking about it, I suddenly understood.There is still nothing behind me!In case an enemy comes over, there are no eyes on the back, and if the enemy finds out, they will definitely be caught off guard.So, he continued to use the old method, and the whole person got into the pile of leaves again.After the camouflage was done, I felt a lot safer.Yu Shi stared at the hole with wide eyes, waiting for the enemies inside to come out.

Not long after, there was a rustling sound at the entrance of the cave.

Wu Jianglong stretched out his gun and waited patiently.

At this time, a head wearing a helmet protruded from the inside.

Wu Jianglong aimed at him and fired.


With the clear sound of sniper rifles.The sniper rifle bullet hit the enemy's helmet, and the enemy's sky cap was lifted.

After a gunshot, there was no movement at the entrance of the cave.

Song Ziliang was too cunning, he had already considered this point.When he was about to go out of the cave, he first let one of his men walk in front, the other walked behind, and hid himself in the middle.

At this time, he couldn't figure out whether Wu Jianglong had gone out or was in the cave.Therefore, in the passage where he could not return, he could only use this method to protect himself.

Walking in front, if Wu Jianglong shoots a bullet from the front, he can't dodge even if he wants to.If he walked behind, in case Wu Jianglong did not come out of the cave, but suddenly attacked from behind, he still could not escape death.Therefore, he walked in the middle, and there were people in front and behind as shields, which made him much safer.

After the enemy in front was killed, Song Ziliang urged the enemy behind to retreat without even touching the body.He understands very well.Wu Jianglong, who went out first, had already guarded the entrance of the cave. If he wanted to go out from here, it was absolutely impossible, so he had to find another way out.

After Song Ziliang retreated into the cave, he tossed around in the cave a few more times but couldn't find a new exit.

This tunnel is mainly used for garrisoning troops during wartime, so it does not have the combat conditions for permanent fortifications, that is, there are no gun holes or ventilation holes, and there are only two exits, the north and the south, and it was specially built to prevent US helicopters from attacking.

Now, Song Ziliang wants to go out, one is to go back the same way, and the other is to attack Wu Jianglong.Neither path is advisable.Going back, taking a long detour, I was afraid that Wu Jianglong would run away.If you fight hard with your head on, you may end up dead.Therefore, he would not use this trick anyway.

Up to now, Song Ziliang really regarded Wu Jianglong as a sniper.He understands the reflexes of a sniper, needless to say marksmanship, but the shooting speed is extremely terrifying.What's more, it is impossible to get out of a hole and run quickly.Even if you run out of the hole, you can't escape a shot.

Song Ziliang was afraid just thinking about it.But he was really reluctant to go back.Because where this passage came in and where it went out, he didn't know the terrain outside.If he went back the same way, where else could he find Wu Jianglong.I couldn't find it, so I let him run away.After killing so many people, he seems to be a naked commander. If he can't be captured alive, he can't be eliminated. If he escapes naked, if he doesn't enter the military court, then he, the "Monkey of the Jungle", won't be called, let alone think about it. Continue to gain a foothold in the military.

I have lived for almost half my life, and I have no other skills except touching guns. If I don't fight, what do I need to survive.Therefore, Song Ziliang had to get rid of Wu Jianglong no matter what.

Just when he didn't know what to do, the walkie-talkie of the Vietnamese soldier behind him rang, and there was a chirping call from inside.

"Captain, Fan Wenbing asked where we are now?" the Vietnamese soldier said.

As soon as the walkie-talkie rang, Song Ziliang thought of something.When the Vietnamese soldier opened his mouth, Song Ziliang suddenly burst out laughing. The Vietnamese soldier who was laughing couldn't understand it, "Damn, there's no other way. Tell him, and look in the direction of the gunshot."

"The captain asked you to look in the direction of the gunshot." The Vietnamese soldier said into the microphone.

"Captain, the gun is not fired now, how can he find it?" After the Vietnamese soldier finished speaking into the microphone, he felt something was wrong and asked Song Ziliang again.

"Idiot," Song Ziliang walked towards the entrance of the cave again.

Song Ziliang came to the entrance of the cave, grabbed the body of the Vietnamese soldier blocking the entrance of the cave and pulled it down.

Wu Jianglong was in the woods, saw the corpses in the cave moving, and thought someone was going to come out of it.So, he quickly fixed his eyes and stared at the entrance of the cave, for fear of missing the opportunity.

At this time, Wu Jianglong had already made up his mind.Now I have the last bullet in my hand.When this round was exhausted, he rushed forward and took out the last one with his dagger.Even if the enemy cannot be killed, he must be crippled.In this way, even if she is dead or injured, Dong Yan can still finish off the last enemy.

After a while, the corpse retracted and disappeared, and no head was exposed inside.

When Wu Jianglong was surprised, an assault gun barrel protruded from the inside, and fired a few shots into the sky.

Wu Jianglong doesn't care how you shoot your gun at all, he just looks at whether there is a head sticking out of it, if it's not the head or the buttocks, he really might not shoot.His purpose was to kill him with one shot.

The gun protruding from the hole fired twice, then retracted.

Wu Jianglong saw the enemy shooting randomly, but he didn't dare to move. He didn't know what trick the enemy was playing.Then, he waited for a long time and did not see the enemy coming out.A little puzzled, "What are you playing around, come out if you have the guts." After thinking about it, "No, are they calling the police?"

As soon as Wu Jianglong suspected that the enemy had called the police, he thought of reinforcements.Now he is really afraid that reinforcements will come.If the enemy has reinforcements coming, he is really helpless.Not only will the great situation that is so hard to come by be changed, but also his own life will be hard to save.

"No, we can't wait." Wu Jianglong got ready and went into the cave to catch the enemy.

At this moment, someone stepped on leaves from the left side of his hiding place.Immediately afterwards, there was also the sound of footsteps on leaves from the right.

"Mom, if you talk about the enemy, the enemy will really arrive." Wu Jianglong hated himself for being a crow's mouth.

After Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong ran to Wu Jianglong's ambush site, they couldn't find Wu Jianglong anyway. Not only was he not there, even the shadow of the enemy was gone.

"Strange, obviously here again, where did he go?" Dong Yan said to herself.

"Could it be that he was trying to lure the enemy away and ran away?" Tang Jianzhong said.

"Such a big forest, where can I find it?"

"Wait, wait, as long as Wu Jianglong is not dead, there will probably be gunshots."

"What are you waiting for, if he is captured by the enemy, how can there be gunshots!" Dong Yan was really anxious when he saw Wu Jianglong, and said, stomping his feet.

"Then what should we do?" Tang Jianzhong lost his mind for a moment.

"Look forward." Dong Yan said, and ran forward on her own.

"Wait a minute, maybe the enemy is just ahead." Tang Jianzhong warned.

"It's just in front, just to avenge Wu Jianglong." Dong Yan ignored it, and put on a desperate posture.After running a few steps, he suddenly tripped over something on the ground and almost fell.Dong Yan stabilized her body, looked down, and saw that it was a submachine gun.Now Dong Yan is having fun.Zhengchou has no one in his hand to worry about!In this episode of Gu Yan, God took the initiative to give one. Isn't this obviously asking me to save Wu Jianglong!

Thinking of this, Dong Yan became full of confidence, so she ordered Tang Jianzhong: "What are you waiting for, go forward and look for it!"

In Ruo Da's jungle, two figures flashed from time to time.

Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong, with their four eyes just looking ahead, never lowered their heads to look down, they let the hole under their feet pass by.

The two searched the woods for a while, but there was nothing, neither enemies nor Wu Jianglong.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard from the other side of the woods.This gunshot was precisely Wu Jianglong's shot that killed the enemy who fell out of the cave.

"There!" Tang Jianzhong shouted.

When Dong Yan heard the gunshot, she was terrified, fearing that the gun was shot at Wu Jianglong by the enemy.So, the two ran towards the direction of the gunfire.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, the two of them quickly lost their way and almost lost their way.

"Where is it! Where is it!" Dong Yan was on the verge of crying out of anxiety.

"Don't worry, it's probably coming soon."

Dong Yan suddenly became angry and yelled at Tang Jianzhong, "Hurry up, if Wu Jianglong is shot by the enemy, I will shoot you." Dong Yan raised his gun and threatened Tang Jianzhong.

Tang Jianzhong wondered, "Where is this girl, why does she care more about Wu Jianglong than I do?" Then he murmured in his heart, "Damn, old Wu, you have only been away for a few days, and you have learned how to be a female soldier! .”

Losing their bearings, the two had to wander around in the woods.They turned around, but they didn't dare to go far.Judging by the gunshots, Wu Jianglong was nearby.

The two of them were so tired from spinning around that they didn't even have the strength to lift their feet, so they had to sit down and rest.

As soon as he sat down, he heard another gunshot from the front, and then several more shots.

"Hurry up, Dong Yan, Wu Jianglong must still be alive." Tang Jianzhong reacted faster than Dong Yan this time, jumping up from the ground.

"How do you know he's still alive?" Dong Yan ran after Tang Jianzhong's buttocks in the direction of the gunshot.

"Think about it! If he's not alive, why would the enemy shoot?" Tang Jianzhong ran ahead, about to leave Dong Yan behind.

"Hey! Wait for me." Dong Yan followed closely behind, panting.

In order not to lose Dong Yan, Tang Jianzhong had to slow down.

Dong Yan chased him close, and continued to ask without stopping, "I said Old Tang, if Wu Jianglong was alive, what would he be like now?"

"What's wrong with this female soldier? Why does she care so much about Wu Jianglong?" Tang Jianzhong thought to himself, but he was still stunned, and didn't say what he wanted to ask. Hey, what else can I do?" Tang Zhong had the idea to tease Dong Yan at this point, so he went on to say, "It is estimated that the enemy hanged him up, maybe, they are using guns to attack Dong Yan in Wujiang. Hitting the target!"

Before Tang Jianzhong could finish speaking, Dong Yan's face suddenly changed, and he immediately recalled the scene when he was arrested.She didn't say anything, but ran forward with her gun in her eyes.

"Be careful Dong Yan, be careful there are enemies ahead." Tang Jianzhong shouted while chasing after him.

Suddenly, an enemy spins out from the other side of the tree.Seeing Dong Yan approaching, the enemy was startled, and then immediately shot her.

There was a "beep" gunshot, and a bullet flew past Dong Yan's ear.

Dong Yan only felt the heat in his ears, and when he looked up, he also saw the enemy who shot at him.After Dong Yan saw the enemy, she didn't know how to use the submachine gun in her hand to fight back. Instead, she stood on the ground and stared blankly at the enemy.

The Vietnamese soldier held the same type of sniper rifle as Wu Jianglong's.

When he found out that Dong Yan didn't fall down, he hated his marksmanship so much.How to use the scope to aim well, but it didn't hit.

How did he know that at this time Dong Yan had already reached the beginning of dementia, and she was staggering when she walked.When he heard Tang Jianzhong say that Wu Jianglong might be hanged by the enemy, he was immediately frightened.Therefore, the steps of running over are definitely different from normal people. They are both bumpy and slow, and the body also shakes.Therefore, the Vietnamese soldier aimed at a long distance, and it was difficult to correct the advance of the shot. Naturally, the bullets that flew over were off the track.

Seeing that the first shot missed Dong Yan, the Vietnamese soldier pulled the gun and wanted to fire a second shot.

Wu Jianglong hid under the leaves, even when he saw Dong Yan, he also found the enemy.When he saw the enemy aiming at Dong Yan with a gun, Wu Jianglong wanted to call Dong Yan to lie down, but it was too late, and the sound was not as fast as the bullet.

The Vietnamese soldier was taken aback when he heard someone yelling. He only saw Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong behind her, but didn't notice Wu Jianglong.With this shout, he thought it was Tang Jianzhong who shouted from behind!

So he wanted to fire two shots in a row, but these two shots could not make the man and woman in front of him alive no matter what.This Vietnamese soldier is too confident, he is the only one in the world who is a special sniper.

With a "crash" the Vietnamese soldiers loaded their guns, just waiting for the trigger to strike.

Suddenly, there was another "pop" gunshot.

I saw the Vietnamese soldier's brain burst, and he fell back and fell backwards.At the same time, when he let go of his hand, the sniper rifle fell to the ground.

The enemy died without seeing where the bullet came from.

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