soldier rushing forward

12. Intercepting bandits in the forest

A mountain ridge stood out in front of my eyes. 【 】

A bright blue light hit the past, showing a crystal green porcelain oil paint on the back.A thick white cloud hung motionless in the sky, hanging low, with wings spread, waiting for the final moment of leap.

At this time, there was a slight noise in the jungle along the mountain.As the sound got closer, Wu Jianglong was the first to show his head, followed by Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong, and the three stood on the top of the mountain together.

Looking out from here, a jade belt stretches across the edge of the jungle, winding and stretching all the way to the southeast.

"Okay, after crossing that river, you can go back to China." Wu Jianglong said passionately.

"Really?" Dong Yan didn't seem to believe it.

"That's right." I've seen it on the map.

"I'm home, I can finally go home," Dong Yan's eyes glistened with tears, and before she finished speaking, she felt her whole body go limp, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up, and she collapsed to the ground.

Wu Jianglong grabbed two steps, hugged Dong Yan and asked, "Dong Yan, what's wrong with you?"

Dong Yan turned her arms around Wu Jianglong's neck, "I really want to go home?"

"That's right, we're really going home after crossing that river." Wu Jianglong confirmed again.

Tang Jianzhong also knelt down and said, "It's true, there is China on the other side of the river."

Dong Yan freed one hand, and hugged Tang Jianzhong again, "We're going home, we're going home." He cried bitterly as he spoke.

Dong Yan's crying immediately infected Wu Jianglong and Tang Jianzhong.The two big men couldn't control their excitement, and cried together with Dong Yan.

The mountain wind blew slightly, the woods shook, and the leaves made a whirring sound, as if they were also excited by the excitement of the three young people.

"Motherland, long-awaited motherland

想起 你

so cute

Without you

my heart has no place to store

离开 你

i can't live a day

Although the world is vast, but I do not care

only you

is the home of my life

i'm coming back

please open your arms

Hold tight to your wandering sons and daughters"

The three young people are like lone swallows separated from the collective, flying in confusion under the perilous sky.Although the state of mind is lonely, although hunger invades, although the journey is lonely, it is nothing compared to the layers of murderous intentions that are everywhere all the time.The enemies that followed were like packs of hungry wolves, cunning and ferocious, greedy and cruel, and they had to eat up the Chinese stragglers who crashed into the mountains and forests.

Suddenly, two clear gunshots came from the jungle, which immediately brought the emotions of the three young people to reality.

Wu Jianglong held Dong Yan into his arms, as if those two guns were aimed at them.He wants to block the bullet with his body, and he must not let his comrades sacrifice at this last moment.

Tang Jianzhong also stood up and blocked Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan with his body.Then, he turned around abruptly, turned his face to the north, and showed his chest to the forest where evil lurks, and suddenly roared, "Turtle sons, shoot if you have the guts! I'm not afraid of you."

After Tang Jianzhong yelled, there was no sound in the jungle, and he continued to keep silent with his still posture.

It's a bit strange, there are gunshots, but there is no one in the jungle.

Wu Jianglong thought for a while and guessed that the enemy probably didn't find them, maybe something went wrong somewhere.Since he was not surrounded or attacked by the enemy, why not run and wait.Thinking of this, he put Dong Yan on the ground and asked, "Dong Yan, can you go?"

As soon as the gunshot rang out, Dong Yan immediately recovered from the soft mood and returned to the fighting state, quickly got away from Wu Jianglong and stood on the ground, "Yes."

Wu Jianglong pulled Tang Jianzhong over, "Old Wu, don't be stupid, get out quickly."

"Damn it, the turtles didn't shoot me." Tang Jianzhong still wanted to challenge the enemy.

"Okay, silly boy." The one who came towards us from time to time, "Maybe the enemy really heard you shouting." He picked up the submachine gun and threw it at Tang Jianzhong, "We still have a chance, retreat quickly."

The three rushed down to the top of the mountain and were immediately swallowed up by Cong.

As soon as the three of them disappeared, six Vietnamese soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain.

An officer observed the jungle with binoculars for a while, and seemed to find something, and said to the next Vietnamese soldier carrying a mortar, "Fire the gun and fire in that direction."

The Vietnamese soldiers put the guns on the ground, loaded the shells, and started firing into the jungle.


The mortar shells made a long sound and flew straight towards the woods where Wu Jianglong and the others went deep.

Wu Jianglong listened to the voice and argued, and found that the question was wrong, and immediately shouted; "Lie down."

Before the three of them were completely on the ground, the shell fell to the front and exploded.

"Boom", a piece of fire brought up a cloud of smoke and dust, covering the jungle of more than ten square meters.

Before the smoke dissipated, Wu Jianglong shouted again, "Run," pulling Dong Yan up from the ground, jumping up and rushing forward.

"You son of a bitch, you found us so quickly." Tang Jianzhong followed closely behind, cursing as he ran.

After the Vietnamese soldier fired two shells, he saw no reaction in the jungle, so he stopped and waited for the officer to give instructions.

The officer spoke again: "Go into the woods."

The six Vietnamese soldiers followed the traces of Wu Jianglong and the others, and got in.

Wu Jianglong and the others walked through the forest.Since they didn't know how many enemies were behind them, they didn't dare to stop and just kept running forward.

Wu Jianglong took the time to deploy two grenade arrays, but after waiting for a long time, none of them went off.

These Vietnamese soldiers are too experienced, they walked very carefully.After meeting Wu Jianglong's trap with rattan cloth twice, he solved it easily and was not fooled.

It's not that Wujiang Longbu's level is not enough, it's really that the enemy's skills are superior.Wu Jianglong arranged two grenades on both sides of the path he passed through, and then used leaves to camouflage the grenades, and connected them with a rattan in the middle, so that the rattan was slightly higher than the ground. As long as someone stepped on the rattan, the grenade would It must be fried.Once the grenade explodes, it can delay the enemy's pursuit speed no matter whether the enemy is dead or alive.

Seeing that he was about to reach the border, Wu Jianglong didn't want to get entangled with the enemy at all. As long as he could get rid of the enemy's encirclement as soon as possible, it would be better to return to the other side of the border as soon as possible.

Along the way, there was still no explosion of grenades. Wu Jianglong felt a little nervous, thinking, "These turtle sons are too cunning, it seems that they should not be underestimated. What to do, the enemy is getting closer and closer, and there is a The river has to be crossed, and the enemy will never give them a chance to swim across." Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong said:

"Tang Jianzhong, take Dong Yan and go first."

"What? What do you want to do?" Tang Jianzhong asked in disbelief.

"The enemy is playing tricks, I guess we can't go this way." Wu Jianglong took the sniper rifle off his shoulder, put the bullet on it and said, "You take Dong Yan and go first, I'll stay and take a look."

"That's okay, we have to keep a piece." Tang Jianzhong still insisted.

"No need, I'm just checking the situation. If nothing happens, I'll catch up with you in a while." Wu Jianglong was looking for an ambush position in a blink of an eye.

"Your gun doesn't work well, so I'd better give you my Lao Chong!" Tang Jianzhong wanted to hand the submachine gun to Wu Jianglong.

"No, it's not as easy as me." Wu Jianglong refused.

Dong Yan came over, "Wu Jianglong, let's go together! If you run for a while, you'll be over!"

Wu Jianglong smiled wryly, "It's not that simple. This is Wangshan running to death. Don't look close, but it's hard to walk over."

"Then what should we do?" Dong Yan was puzzled.

"As long as I lure these enemies away, you and Tang Jianzhong can cross the river safely." Wu Jianglong began to walk behind a big tree.

When Dong Yan heard that he was going to lure the enemy away, she became anxious, "No, no, if you want to lure away, let's lure them together."

"Old Tang, what are you still doing!" Wu Jianglong and Tang Jianzhong got angry, "You don't want to get Nurse Dong here too!"

Tang Jianzhong looked at Dong Yan, then at Wu Jianglong, gritted his teeth, "Old Wu, take care." After speaking, he pulled Dong Yan up and left.

Dong Yan tore and said loudly, "Let go, I want to be with Wu Jianglong."

"Dong Yan, you are not trying to attract the enemy on purpose!" Wu Jianglong raised his eyebrows.

Dong Yan was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"If you didn't expose it on purpose, please keep your voice down. Don't cause trouble for me, and get rid of Tang Jianzhong as soon as possible." Wu Jianglong said sharply.

"Hmph, if you want to be a hero, then go for it!" Dong Yan turned her head and walked forward on her own.

"Old Tang, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you chase after him?" Wu Jianglong said to Tang Jianzhong, who was stupefied.

Tang Jianzhong took off the last grenade on his body and handed it to Wu Jianglong, "Old Wu, take care."

"It's okay." Wu Jianglong patted Tang Jianzhong, "I'm going back to China soon, there can be no mistakes."

"Don't worry! Come here quickly, we are waiting for you."

"no problem."

Tang Jianzhong turned his head cruelly, raised his legs and ran forward to catch up with Dong Yan.

Dong Yan walked forward angrily, shedding tears at some point.After taking two steps, she actually started to run, not going in any direction, and ran wildly in the jungle stepping on the weeds.

That is, the moment Tang Jianzhong handed the grenade to Wu Jianglong, Dong Yan ran away.When Tang Jianzhong rushed over, Dong Yan was nowhere to be seen.

This time he was in a hurry. If he was looking for someone in the jungle, it would be impossible to search with his eyes.

"Nurse Dong, Nurse Dong." Tang Jianzhong made a horn with his hands, trying to lower his voice, and shouted all the way.

After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it. Tang Jianzhong really lost Dong Yan.

Dong Yan ran forward alone regardless.She only cared about her own grievances and self-willedness, leaving all the danger in front of her behind her mind, until someone suddenly stood in front of him, and she suddenly woke up.

It was six Vietnamese soldiers who blocked Dong Yan's way.

They are too familiar with the terrain here.When they found out that Wu Jianglong and the others wanted to cross the border, they took another shortcut and waited in ambush on the road they had to pass.

They saw only one Chinese female soldier running over, crying, and no one else following them, so they put away their prepared firepower, and two Vietnamese soldiers came forward to capture Dong Yan alive.

When Dong Yan saw the Vietnamese soldiers who suddenly appeared, she was frightened and stupid. She didn't know what resistance was, so she was dragged into the woods by the Vietnamese soldiers in a daze.

At this time, Tang Jianzhong shouted all the way, and also arrived here.Voices and people were quickly incorporated into the sphere of influence of the Vietnamese soldiers who had been waiting here for a long time.

When Dong Yan saw Tang Jianzhong approaching, she became anxious and wanted to call the police.But how could the two Vietnamese soldiers who looked at him give her this chance.Just as she was about to open her mouth, a Vietnamese soldier grabbed her neck and covered her mouth.Dong Yan finally failed to shout out.

"Nurse Dong, Nurse Dong." Tang Jianzhong entered the encirclement.

In order to lure Tang Jianzhong over, a Vietnamese soldier held his throat and imitated a woman and said "ah", deliberately making a noise.

Although Tang Jianzhong heard it, he felt that the sound was wrong.In desperation, he still raised his vigilance.

I saw him carrying a submachine gun and searching here step by step, and he called softly as he approached, "Nurse Dong, Nurse Dong."

None of these Vietnamese soldiers knew Chinese.They didn't know what Tang Jianzhong was yelling, but after analyzing it, they must be right to find someone, so the Vietnamese soldier said "ah" again.

As long as there is a sound, it means Dong Yan is there.According to this idea, Tang Jianzhong gradually approached the enemy's ambush site and was completely lured over.

Dong Yan saw Tang Jianzhong between the trees, and kicked wildly in a hurry, trying to make some noise to arouse Tang Jianzhong's vigilance.

Tang Jianzhong was even more convinced when he heard the sound coming from here, but he believed that Dong Yan was here.But he never thought that Dong Yan would be captured by the enemy.I thought Dong Yan was stuck by something and couldn't speak, so I'm waiting for him to come and save me! .

As soon as Tang Jianzhong entered the woods, two Vietnamese soldiers walked around from behind and approached him quietly.

Tang Jianzhong heard a voice behind him, turned his head suddenly, and found the Vietnamese soldiers who were rushing towards him. In desperation, he hit the board and the submachine gun rang out.

With the gunshot of "da da da", one enemy was knocked down to the ground, while the other pounced on him, without giving him a chance to turn his gun, and pinned him down tightly.

Taking advantage of the situation, other enemies ran over and captured Tang Jianzhong alive.

Wu Jianglong was lying in ambush in the jungle, waiting left and right for no enemy, waiting impatiently.Suddenly, gunshots came from the north of the forest.

This time, Wu was frightened into a cold sweat.He hated himself for being 120 percent stupid.I only thought of the enemy chasing after me, why didn't I expect the enemy to copy over and intercept me in front!

After Wu Jianglong realized this, he immediately packed up the guy pose, and ran like crazy towards the direction of the gunshot.

When he arrived at the place where Tang Jianzhong and Dong Yan were intercepted, the place was already deserted.Only the grass that had been trampled on the ground was still crooked with a messy face.

Wu Jianglong suddenly felt his head explode with a buzzing sound, and then he didn't know anything. He stood there for a long time like a fool, as if he had lost consciousness.

"Shua, Shua, Shua" a breeze swept by, and Wu Jianglong gradually recovered.He looked up at the sky, the sun had already set in the west.

Losing someone at this juncture is really ashamed to return to China.Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong could not be found, so they simply did not return.

Wu Jianglong analyzed that the enemy must not be able to move fast after they escorted Tang Jianzhong and Wu Jianglong.As long as you speed up and chase south, you will definitely be able to catch up.

"Old Tang, you're not so stupid! Don't forget that I, Old Wu, are still there! It's best to leave some small marks on the road." Wu Jianglong searched forward, looking for traces of tracking.

Tang Jianzhong was finally talked about by Wu Jianglong, and he really left a lot of marks on Wu Jianglong.Especially at every corner, he would deliberately break some weeds or shrub branches with his feet.

These Vietnamese soldiers were not careless, because they didn't expect that there was a Chinese soldier behind them, otherwise, they would still wait for Wu Jianglong to take the bait.

When they received Ruan Liansheng's report, they only knew that two Chinese soldiers, a man and a woman, were at large.Therefore, as soon as they captured Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong, they matched their characteristics, gender, and numbers after comparing them. Therefore, they believed that the task was successfully completed and that they had won a complete victory.Therefore, without handcuffing and questioning them, they escorted the two of them to the south.

Walking through the jungle, the thorns are overgrown, and every step is difficult, no matter it is very difficult for anyone to walk.After walking for a while, these enemies were also extremely tired, so they rested in a depression.

As night fell, a campfire flickered brightly in the sky.

Wu Jianglong hid behind a big tree and looked here. He was looking for Dong Yan and Tang Jianzhong.

The flames finally reflected the figures of the two, and they were tied back to back, looking very much like a wooden stake in the shadows.

"Hold on for a while, and wait for me to save you." Wu Jianglong ordered in his heart.

After the sky was completely dark, several enemies around the fire fell asleep staggeringly, and there was a sentry looking around with a gun more than ten meters away from the fire.

Wu Jianglong felt that the time had come, so he took out his dagger and sneaked towards the sentinel.

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