An enemy cave was discovered in Xiaohekou Village, which is close to the border in our country. 【 】This is no small matter.If you think about it for a while, do you have it in other regions?How useful, if any, were sentries and patrols placed on the ground!

No wonder the Vietnamese army on the opposite side succeeded in succession in the past few days. It turned out that they all came in through tunnels.Li Sen ordered someone to report the situation to his superiors in time.

Li Sen discussed with Tong Zhiyuan. He must not be allowed to exist in this tunnel and must be disposed of as soon as possible.At the beginning, they were going to blow up the cave with dynamite.But I couldn't think about it.If only this hole is blown up, it is not known whether there are other exits.In case the enemy turned a corner in the middle of the road, it would be useless to blow up here, which just covered up the possibility of other areas for the enemy.

"Go down and have a look." Li Sen finally made a decision.

As soon as the soldiers heard the company commander let them go down to the cave, they rushed to get down first.

"Stop arguing, I'll go first." Li Sen adjusted his clothes and prepared to go down the hole himself.

This is not bad, he must be the company commander.The company commander was not in the command position and rushed to the front line in person, it was a last resort.Things are different today.Therefore, Tong Zhiyuan was the first to object.

"No, you are the company commander."

Everyone knows that this is a hole dug by the enemy. It is uncertain whether there are still enemies in it, but the danger definitely exists.With so many soldiers in front of him, how could the company commander go down first.That's too eyeless, even if you take the lead in your strengths, why do you need soldiers.Even if Li Sen doesn't assign anyone, the soldiers will fight bravely and sacrifice bravely.

"I'll go, I'll go." The soldiers quarreled.

Wu Jianglong didn't say a word, he pulled Niu Qiang, and the two quietly moved to the entrance of the cave.While everyone was not paying attention, "Tom Tom" jumped in.

Now, even if Wu Jianglong is not allowed to go, it will not work, they have already descended into the cave.

There was no other way, so Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan had no choice but to lie down at the entrance of the cave and assign tasks to Wu Jianglong.It's not enough to just go to the two of them, there are five or six enemies in the tunnel!So Li Sen asked several soldiers to follow him down the cave.

Why do you download so much?

One is to prepare to deal with the enemy.Another use is as a microphone.

In the tunnel, the radio station has no signal, and the phone will not be available for a while.Then how to contact the ground!It is impossible for a correspondent to run back and forth.Li Sen heard from the first soldier who entered the cave that the cave was so narrow that no one could turn around, let alone two people.Therefore, there is no other way but the trick of letting people spread the word.

Li Sen's purpose in putting these fighters down is to keep them separated, one person at a time, so that they can always maintain communication between the ground and the ground, so as to facilitate command.

Only after Wu Jianglong got down into the cave did he realize that the cave was too small.It can only accommodate one person's body, and it must be crawled forward.If the people in front stop, the people behind will never get through.It's not even high enough for two people to stack together.

The soldiers who went down the cave each issued a flashlight and moved forward one by one.

Wu Jianglong crawls and crawls at the forefront.

Anyone who has had military training experience knows that.Crawling forward mainly depends on the limbs.It was very laborious to get up.It's okay at close range, but if it's too far away, there will be a few people who can bear it.If the crawling time is longer, the skin will be ground wherever the bones touch the ground.What's more, Wu Jianglong was holding a gun in one hand and a flashlight in the other.With both hands occupied, he could only support his upper body with his elbows. ** It also depends on the pulling force of the forward movement and the pedaling of the feet, and exerts force in two directions at the same time, which shows how difficult it is to move forward!

Wu Jianglong felt that he had been crawling in the cave for a long time, and the hand holding the flashlight was numb, but he couldn't find the second exit.In fact, he did not move forward very far. Calculated by the distance from the surface of the ground, he was still in the country and had not left the country.

"Squad leader, the company commander asked you, did you find anything?" At this time, Niu Qiang sent a message from behind.

"Tell the company commander, not yet."

"The company commander said, safety first, let's go back first if there is no situation." After a while, Niu Qiang sent another message.

Tong Zhiyuan heard from above that the cave was very narrow, so he was worried about the oxygen inside and the psychological endurance of the soldiers.Because our fighters have never been trained in this area.Staying in the dark tunnel for a long time is prone to problems.Even without encountering an enemy, it is very difficult to breathe.With so many people going down, oxygen is not enough, plus a large amount of carbon dioxide is emitted.Once the oxygen is gone, it's not surprising how many people don't suffocate.Originally, we were searching for the enemy and destroying the enemy.If the enemy is not found, it would be too uneconomical for us to take a few lives first.

Thinking of this, Tong Zhi took the initiative to discuss with Li Sen.Li Sen felt that Tong Zhiyuan was right, so he decided to end the search.

If you don't search, you have to blow up this tunnel first.This is the result of discussions between Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan.

After a while, Niu Qiang handed Wu Jianglong a pack of explosives, "Squad leader, the company commander asked us to blow up the hole."

"What, the hole was blown up. Can we still find the enemy after it's blown up?" Wu Jianglong twisted his head and turned his head to ask.

"It doesn't matter, I'll tell you to blow it up."

"The company commander has the final say, let's bomb it!" Wu Jianglong was at a loss.In any case, you must obey the order.

"Did the company commander say why it was blown up?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"The company commander said, let you put down the explosives and insert the fuse. Then we will retreat and go out to light again."

After Niu Qiang finished speaking, he found that the light of the flashlight he was holding was getting weaker and weaker, so he said anxiously, "Squad leader, my flashlight is almost out of power."

Wu Jianglong looked at himself again, and it was the same.If it takes longer, the power may have to be cut off, "Okay! Go back."

Wu Jianglong piled up several packs of explosives handed over by the soldiers, then installed the fuse, and walked backwards, leading the fire wire in his hand, all the way out of the cave.

After all the fighters who entered the hole withdrew, the work of blasting the hole began.

With a deafening explosion.At the end of the plantain grove, a puff of dust rises.Immediately afterwards, the ground there sank down, revealing a large pit.

Wow, all the soldiers ran in that direction.

The burrow is blown up. If it is not cleaned up, it will still be a hidden danger!Maybe one day, the enemy will pass below, and here will be another exit.

What to do, Li Sen lost his attention for a moment.

At this time, Tong Zhiyuan thought of the Battle of Guandu in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms".Yuan Shao sent troops to dig a hole to attack Cao Ying, while Cao Cao dug a long and deep trench on the edge of the defense area.As soon as Yuan Shao's cave was exposed, the soldiers guarding the trench poured lime down and attacked.Yuan Shao had to give up the tactic of attacking with burrows.

Tong Zhiyuan estimated, and measured the straight line between the first hole he discovered and the hole that was blown up now, and analyzed that the enemy's tunnel should still be facing the direction of exit.Therefore, he wanted to start from the blasted tunnel entrance and dig an o-shaped deep ditch towards the outside world, reaching the border.In this way, the enemy will turn a few turns on this tunnel, and as long as there is a line, it will not be able to run out of this range.

Just do it.Anyway, this place is very close to the border, and the distance to dig is not too far. Moreover, the soil in this area is very soft, and there are no big obstacles such as hard rocks underground.So, the trenching went very well.

Don't look at the soldiers' skill in drilling holes, but if they dig holes, they are really quick.I saw these lads shake off their arms and work hard for a while, and dug a closed deep trench in a short time.

Everything can be seen here, the enemy really didn't put much effort into this tunnel.It may be that the tunnel was dug hastily, or it may be just as a passage, or it may be processed in a hurry before it comes.Therefore, it was found that this tunnel goes deep into the territory from outside the country, and there are only two black holes at the two tops of the O-shape, which is obviously a straight line.

The next question is what to do with these tunnels.The domestic section is easy to handle, continue to bomb with explosives, and blow him up completely.And what about the foreign side!You can't let him open his black snake mouth and let the enemy get in and out freely!

"Blow it up." A soldier said.

Of course it can be fried, and it won't work if there are fewer places to fry.If you want to blow it up, you have to blow him up completely and paralyze him.Make the enemy neither exploitable nor repairable.To study, to study, we can only send people to drill through the tunnel, the longer the walk, the better, and put more explosives to blow him up, so the effect will be better.

As soon as Li Sen made a decision, the soldiers started to fight again, and they all wanted to continue fighting.

But Wu Jianglong has previous experience, which is incomparable to others.In the end, it was still up to Wu Jianglong to complete the task.

This time is different from the previous ones, this time it is going to go deep beyond the border.Who knows what's going on over there, what if the enemy takes precautions over there!Therefore, there should not be too many people going down, and it must be very hidden.

Wu Jianglong only chose two partners, one is Niu Qiang and the other is Ji Chunfeng.

Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng were responsible for carrying the explosives.Wu Jianglong is responsible for reconnaissance and blasting.This time, Wu Jianglong's skills learned in teaching the brigade can be regarded as being used.

The three of them brought enough bullets and enough grenades to prevent them from using them in exchange of fire when encountering the enemy.

Before Wu Jianglong went down the cave, he saluted solemnly with the company commander and instructor, and waved again and again to the soldiers, as if in a farewell ceremony that he would never come back again.

Li Sen couldn't see it anymore, so he stopped him and said, "Wu Jianglong, if you don't want to come back, why don't you go." He wanted to make his words as complete as possible, but he knew very well that Wu Jianglong and the three Going there is a narrow escape.

"No, no. Company commander, I'm just saying hello." Wu Jianglong said with a smile.

Instructor Tong Zhiyuan checked the equipment of the next three people, walked up to Wu Jianglong and said, "Be sure to pay attention to safety. If conditions do not permit, you will withdraw."

"Yes, instructor." Wu Jianglong stood at attention and said.

Tong Zhiyuan walked towards Niu Qiang again, "Niu Qiang, you are a veteran soldier who has participated in the war, you must watch Wu Jianglong at critical times, and don't let him be too reckless."

"Instructor, I, I..." Niu Qiang choked, and only said these two words for a long time.That means, "I can do it! Wu Jianglong is older than me, and he is the squad leader. Can he listen to me?"

Tong Zhiyuan saw it, and his face tensed, showing a very serious look, "This is the task assigned to you by the organization. The three of you go there whole, and you have to come back to me whole. No one can throw it away. Not only must you finish The mission is to return safely. The people of the motherland are looking forward to you. All comrades in the Seventh Company are waiting for you. Looking forward to news of your victory."

Tong Zhiyuan said these few words very solemnly, and everyone present was infected.

Wu Jianglong's blood boiled even more.Wanting to speak, he opened his mouth and closed it again.

Tong Zhiyuan then said to Niu Qiang, "So, you must complete the task."

"Yes" Niu Qiang promised.

Before Tong Zhiyuan finished speaking, he turned to Wu Jianglong, "The fourth squad leader, one fence and three stakes, when encountering problems, don't make up your own mind, discuss with them more, and don't be arbitrary." Tong Zhiyuan still knows Wu Jianglong This bug.

"Yes, instructor, I promise to do it." Wu Jianglong replied sincerely.

Tong Zhiyuan came to Ji Chunfeng who carried the explosives again, "Ji Chunfeng, your task is very heavy and dangerous, you must pay attention to protecting the explosives."

Wu Jianglong, Niu Qiang, and Ji Chunfeng, after a solemn farewell in front of the soldiers of the Seventh Company, went down into the tunnel one by one.

As soon as he entered the tunnel, he felt a feeling of being suffocated.Inside the sight is faint and the air is thin.The panting sound was extremely heavy, forming an echo in the tunnel, and "Peng Peng" sounded continuously.The two walls are layers of soil tightly clamping the body.In front of it is a black hole that can never see the end.Even with a flashlight shaking, I couldn't see how far it was.Within the light, I still have some bases in my heart.Except for the light, there are all deep and terrifying shadows.Not to mention a Vietnamese army rushing from the opposite side, even a mouse running over can make you break out in a cold sweat.Because mice want to step over your face and jump over your body.

The three of them crawled forward slowly.In order to save power, but also to not expose the target.Wu Jianglong imposed control on the lights.Turn on the light once after climbing a section, and turn it off after seeing the target clearly.Just walk around brightly, brightly walk around like this.

After climbing for a while, Wu Jianglong turned on the light and found that the light in front of him was cut off in one place, and then it jumped over the black area and turned on again.Wu Jianglong knew at a glance that there must be a deep pit at the broken place.He carefully climbed to the edge of the ditch and looked down. Below was a shaft that went straight up and down.Then I took a photo with the flashlight, and the bottom of the well was covered with bamboo sticks more than a foot high.

Wu Jianglong secretly celebrated.Thanks to the flashlight, if you come in the dark, you have to fall.The person who fell would be dead after being pierced by so many bamboo sticks, and it would be difficult to retrieve the whole body.

Wu Jianglong sent a message to Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng to be careful.Then, he climbed to the edge of the shaft, propped his hands to the other side, stepped on this end, and moved over little by little.After he passed by, because he couldn't turn around, he could only use his flashlight to illuminate the way for Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng with his upper body half up.

After the three of them passed by, they continued to climb forward.I don't know how far I climbed, as if I heard voices in front of me.Wu Jianglong didn't dare to make a sound, and moved forward a little bit.

Suddenly, he saw a light.Wu Jianglong immediately became alert.This is the enemy's certainty, but he doesn't know how many there are.

Wu Jianglong extended the gun to the top of his head, left his body behind, and then moved towards the bright light little by little.In this way, if there is a situation, you can also shoot in time and shoot at the enemy.

After climbing for a while, Wu Jianglong's gun protruded from the hole, followed by his head.

At this time, Wu Jianglong saw an enemy sitting in one place.

After the enemy heard the noise, he was also looking here with a pair of eyes.Wu Jianglong met the eyes of this enemy in the cave.

The enemy froze for a moment, then reacted immediately, grabbed the gun and fired at Wu Jianglong.

Seeing the enemy grabbing the gun, Wu Jianglong quickly retracted his head.

The enemy fired, and the bullets hit the cave wall one after another.

At this time, Wu Jianglong clearly realized that the enemies outside had already made preparations, and a sneak attack was impossible.But if you go straight out, you will be beaten into a hornet's nest by the enemy before all your heads are exposed.

It doesn't matter if you don't go out, if you go a little slower.The enemy must come to block the hole.At that time, if the three of them want to retreat and cannot get out, that is called catching a turtle in a jar.

Wu Jianglong's mind was spinning rapidly, and he didn't dare to neglect at all.He quickly pulled out a grenade from his body, twisted the cover and pulled the string, and the two actions were done in one go.After watching the smoke from the grenade, he shot quickly and threw the grenade out of the tunnel.

With a bang, the grenade exploded outside the tunnel.

Wu Jianglong was worried that the enemy would not die, so he threw another one.

After the two grenades passed, Wu Jianglong still didn't dare to show his face, he was afraid that there were still living enemies.

After waiting for a while, I saw that there was no movement outside.Only then did Wu Jianglong stick out the gun from inside, and looked out with his head pressed against the handle of the gun.As long as you find a target, you can turn your gun around and shoot quickly.

Wu Jianglong was tossing in the front alone, while Niu Qiang and Ji Chunfeng were in a hurry behind and couldn't help at all.It wasn't until Wu Jianglong came out of the tunnel that the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Three people came from the inside of the tunnel and stood in a large square room.

"What is this place?" Wu Jianglong asked strangely.

None of the three had seen it, and they didn't know what it was for.

The smoke gradually dissipated, and the contents of the room were clearly visible.Two candles made of bullet casings were stuck on the wall, emitting a faint yellow light.A lot of straw was spread on the ground, and there were some broken pots and bowls.

The two Vietnamese soldiers were bombed to death.One of the Vietnamese soldiers was still holding a grenade in his hand.

Wu Jianglong was very scared when he saw the grenade.If the Vietnamese army threw a grenade into the tunnel, the three of them would not be killed by the blast, or they would be shot to death by the air waves.Fortunately, I shot quickly.Otherwise, it would not be the enemy but the three of them who fell here.

Wu Jianglong and the others ignored the two dead bodies, but continued to search in the cave.

They found that there was a dark tunnel mouth on one side of the hole.

"Go in." Wu Jianglong said, and ran towards the entrance of the cave.

These two enemies are definitely not the only ones here.

The explosion of the grenade is equivalent to calling the police to the enemy.If you don't leave quickly and stay here for a long time, waiting for the enemies who are driven over to block you, it will inevitably be another vicious battle here.

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