When Wu Jianglong left, he left a letter for Dong Yan, which was delivered to Dong Yan by a military doctor. 【】After Dong Yan received the letter, she rushed into Wu Jianglong's ward like the wind.There has been a new owner in the ward.When Dong Yan chased out of the gate of the hospital, it was completely empty, there were no vehicles passing by, no pedestrians entering or exiting, only the sentinel guarding the lonely watchtower.

Dong Yan suddenly felt that the sun was dim, the earth was colorless, and the sky was falling. At this moment, everything lost its luster before her eyes.Dong Yan's heart was empty, her eyes were confused, and her thoughts stopped.She didn't know what she was thinking, and she didn't know where to go.It was just a person standing at the door, dumbfounded.

The sentinel looked at her for a while, thinking she was waiting for someone, so he didn't come over to talk to her.

After a while, a car came.The car honked its horn twice a few meters in front of Dong Yan, but Dong Yan didn't know how to dodge, and the car stopped abruptly.

The driver stretched out his head and yelled at her, but Dong Yan still didn't move.

At this time, the sentinel came out and shouted: "Nurse Dong, do you have a car?" The sentinel shouted twice, and Dong Yan returned to reality from the blindness.

Dong Yan finally spotted the car in front of her and hurriedly dodged to one side.After the car passed by, Dong Yan seemed to remember something, turned around, and quickly chased after the car driving into the courtyard.She imagined that Wu Jianglong could get out of the car, and hoped that Wu Jianglong was just going out this time, or that he came back by car after walking halfway.

The car stopped in front of the house, and the tarpaulin curtain covering it was opened from the inside, and then several soldiers jumped out of the car, and then pulled out a pair of single racks from inside.Surrounded by everyone, a wounded man was carried into the emergency room.

After Dong Yan checked these people one by one, Wu Jianglong was not found.Dong Yan was not reconciled, so she grabbed the side of the car and looked into the compartment.No, still not here, there are empty car panels inside.

After Dong Yan saw all this, she was completely hopeless and completely disappointed. Then, she started to be in a daze again, standing behind the car, unable to remember what she should do next.

A female nurse ran over and shouted, "Dong Yan, why are you here? The head nurse is looking for you!"

"Ah!" Dong Yan remembered that there was still work to do.So he followed the female nurse into the ward.

Wu Jianglong is gone, indeed he is gone.His injury has not fully healed yet, but he went to the hospital leader every day to pester him to be discharged. The male military doctor who treated him couldn't take it anymore. He had no choice but to transfer him back to the regiment health team.

"Xiao Wu Tongsheng, you can't participate in training after you go back, you must continue to recover from your injuries, otherwise, the root cause of the disease will remain in the future." The male military doctor told him while going through the discharge procedures.

"Yes, yes," Wu Jianglong said repeatedly, "I won't do anything when I go back. I will listen to you and take good care of my illness."

Wu Jianglong finally got the transfer certificate from the division hospital.He always felt that being transferred was not as pleasant as leaving the hospital, and he might not be able to return to the company after returning.So, he dug out the word "出" from somewhere, then dug out the word "Zhuan", and glued the word "Out" on it with paste, so that the transfer certificate became the discharge certificate.

There may be two reasons why Wu Jianglong was in a hurry to leave the hospital. One is that he is thinking about the border all the time.

Especially in the last few days, he began to pay attention to the newly brought in wounded.These wounded were either injured by landmines or shot by guns.He wondered why the wounded were still increasing after the war had been over for so long.So, as soon as he saw the wounded moving in, he ran over to get close to the new recruits, and tried to find out about the front-line warfare.

After the end of the self-defense counterattack, our country has always kept secret about the border conflict. It is difficult for people who have not been to the border and experienced it personally to understand what is still happening on the Sino-Vietnamese border at this time.It wasn't until the Laoshan and Zheyinshan battles were made public to the world in 1984 that we didn't know that since 1979, there have been countless battles on the Sino-Vietnamese border, and the wars have never stopped.

The second reason is that Wu Jianglong found that he began to miss someone deep in his heart, and would often be in a daze, starting to feel haunted.When he has nothing to do, he always thinks about the days when he and Dong Yan were together.Especially when Dong Yan was nursing him, as soon as he saw Dong Yan's Ena figure, his uncontrollable thoughts flew wildly, which sometimes made him unable to calm down for a whole day.He had already seen Dong Yan's affection for him, but he just pretended not to understand.He was afraid that after a long time, he would lose his emotional vortex and really fall in love with Dong Yan.He didn't know if it was love.As far as he is concerned, he still doesn't know what love is, what is love, and he just thinks that the word match is more suitable.However, there are express regulations in the army that soldiers are not allowed to have sex during their service in the army.If he had sex with Dong Yan at this time, wouldn't it be a violation of discipline?Any kind of discipline can be violated, but he will never violate this one.Don't look at just this one, if you don't make it right, you have to pack your bags and go home and leave the army early.Furthermore, Wu Jianglong is most interested in fighting.He knows very well what the ending of a soldier is on the battlefield, maybe one day he will really be honored.It doesn't matter if you sacrifice yourself, it's a very painful feeling for an unmarried girl to think about and miss her.For her, this is the harm to Dong Yan for the rest of her life.Therefore, he didn't want to entangle Dong Yan like this.Even if you want to get along with Dong Yan, you have to wait until the war is really over, when he avenges his comrades.As long as he can come back alive, he will take the initiative to find Dong Yan at that time.

Wu Jianglong returned to the company.After entering the barracks, all he saw were new faces along the way.When these recruits saw Wu Jianglong approaching, no one came forward to say hello, but looked at him with strange eyes.It wasn't until Niu Qiang watched from the room that Wu Jianglong was sure that it was Qilian.

Niu Qiang was followed by two soldiers, one on the left and one on the right, and the three of them were gesticulating as they walked, not knowing what to say.

Wu Jianglong recognized Niu Qiang from afar, and shouted, "Niu Qiang."

When Niu Qiang heard someone shouting, he raised his head and saw Wu Jianglong running over at full speed, and said happily, "Squad leader, are you back?"

"What squad leader, when did I become the squad leader." Wu Jianglong didn't want to bear this false name.

Niu Qiang didn't explain, turned around and said to the two soldiers, "This is our fourth squad leader, what are you still doing, take the things over quickly."

The two soldiers stepped forward, the squad leader screamed endlessly, and snatched the bag containing the washbasin and other washing utensils from Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jiang Longlong looked at Niu Qiang and said angrily, "You are not allowed to yell nonsense, our squad leader is Xiao Yong, if you hear it, what are you doing?"

Niu Qiang laughed, "I don't care about your position as the leader of the fourth squad. Now I am the leader of the second platoon."

"Really?" Wu Jianglong exclaimed, and then blamed, "Then why didn't you say it in the letter?"

"This is what happened a few days ago!" Niu Qiang said, "I was about to promote our squad leader to the platoon leader, and I told you about you being the squad leader! You came back unexpectedly."

"Hahaha" Wu Jianglong laughed, "Let's go, then I have to meet our new platoon leader first."

"I've gone to training, but I haven't come back yet." Niu Qiang stopped and said.

"Who is at home?" Wu Jianglong asked.


"Instructor?" Wu Jianglong frowned immediately, he thought of Xu Xin, and then asked, "Isn't the instructor?" He stopped before he could say what he wanted to say.

Niu Qiang understood what he was going to say, and hurriedly explained, "It's the new instructor, not Xu Xin."

Now, Qilian keeps the name Xu Xin secret, and is unwilling to mention it.But Wu Jianglong still wanted to inquire.Especially in the battle where Houshan led the cooking team to fight against the Vietnamese devils, he saw that Xu Xin was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death.Not only brave in combat, but also very intelligent.So he had a good impression of Xu Xin, so he was always skeptical about Xu Xin's surrender as a prisoner.

"Is there any whereabouts for Instructor Xu?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"Yes," Niu Qiang said simply.

There was light in Wu Jianglong's eyes immediately, and he secretly prayed in his heart, "I hope that instructor Xu is not what Tang Jianzhong said."

"Where is he?" Wu Jianglong asked impatiently.

"In prison." Niu Qiang said with his head down.

"What?" Wu Jianglong almost screamed.

He couldn't believe the fact.How could a person who participated in the self-defense counterattack go to prison after the war!Unless he is a traitor.

"Why?" Wu Jianglong grabbed Niu Qiang's clothes anxiously and asked.

"I can't tell." Niu Qiang lost his confidence when asked, and his voice became smaller and smaller. "Anyway, the few people who were with him disappeared after they came back."

Wu Jianglong stopped asking, what else could he ask!He seemed to understand that what Tang Jianzhong said was probably true, otherwise, why would the superiors have to examine them after they came back!

Thinking of Xu Xin, Wu Jianglong was very afraid of himself.If he didn't rush out and was caught by the Vietnamese, then he would not be able to lose his hat of captive, or he would have to end up with the instructor Xu Xin.If that was the case, it would be difficult for me to go back to the place to dawdle, not to mention serving as a soldier.At this time, Wu Jianglong felt cold sweat breaking out from his body at some point.

"Let's go, report to the instructor first!" Seeing that Wu Jianglong bowed his head and said nothing, Niu Qiang made a suggestion.

"Okay." Wu Jianglong said nothing all the way, and mechanically went to the company headquarters with Niu Qiang.

In the company headquarters, a male soldier in his 30s was lying on a table writing something, with his back facing the open door.Although the door was open, Niu Qiang and Wu Jianglong stopped outside the door, not daring to go in rashly.

"Report" Niu Qiang shouted towards the door.

"Come in." The person inside said something, without turning around.

Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang joined the company headquarters.

Niu Qiang saw that this person didn't move, and then said, "Instructor, Wu Jianglong is back."

"Where is it?" the male soldier turned around and asked.

He didn't know Wu Jianglong, and Wu Jianglong didn't know him either.The two looked at each other.

"Instructor, this is Wu Jianglong." Niu Qiang introduced.

"No need to introduce, no need to introduce, you look very similar! I knew you were Wu Jianglong at a glance." The instructor extended his hand enthusiastically while speaking, "My surname is Tong, Tong Zhiyuan."

"Instructor Tong, my name is Wu Jianglong." Wu Jianglong stretched out his hands to shake hands with the instructor.

"The company commander reads about you all day long. I can guess what you look like even if you haven't seen it before." Instructor Tong said, "It's really true at first glance, exactly as I imagined."

Wu Jianglong smiled embarrassedly.

"Come, come, sit down and drink water." Tong Zhiyuan pulled Wu Jianglong to a chair and sat down.Then he picked up a thermos from the ground to pour water for Wu Jianglong.

"I'll come, instructor." Niu Qiang stepped forward to pick up the water bottle.

Only then did Tong Zhiyuan remember that there was Niu Qiang in front of him, he turned his head and said, "Go, call the company commander back."

Niu Qiang agreed and ran to the training ground quickly.

After a while, there was the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the window.

Li Sen entered the room, followed by Xiao Yong and more than a dozen other veterans who Wu Jianglong could still name, who had been on the Vietnam battlefield.

"Good boy, I'm back." After Li Sen came in, he patted Wu Jianglong on the shoulder, bared his teeth and said happily, and then hugged Wu Jianglong again.

When Wu Jianglong saw Li Sen and these soldiers, tears fell from his eyes, and his throat began to tighten immediately, and a burst of whimpering came up immediately.

"Don't cry, don't cry." Li Sen pushed Wu Jianglong away from his body again, "Let's see, how are you hurt?" Li Sen said while stroking Wu Jianglong's body, "It's said that you were injured. The enemy made a lot of holes, I don’t see it! It’s not very strong, it’s still the original.”

"Hahaha" everyone in the room was amused by Li Sen.

Xiao Yong leaned forward, hugged Wu Jianglong, and patted Wu Jianglong hard on the back.

After Xiao Yong hugged Wu Jianglong, tears immediately filled his eyes.He wanted to say something, but there was no language in the world that could represent the friendship between him and Wu Jianglong.This is the friendship of life and death left on the battlefield, the connection of life in the smoke of gunpowder, and the test of life and death of blood and fire.No matter what kind of love or relationship in the world, it is not as hard as the comrade-in-arms produced by sharing life and death-this is called iron comrade-in-arms.Therefore, Xiao Yong searched for a long time but couldn't find a suitable word, and was completely replaced by excitement, joy, excitement, and sadness.

"Wu Jianglong, you are finally back." Xiao Yong only said this, and was pushed aside by other soldiers who rushed in.

The dozens of soldiers who rushed in were all old comrades who drove to the front line of Vietnam with him.Wu Jianglong shook hands and hugged these fighters in turn.At this time, Wu Jianglong began to see battlefields full of gunpowder before his eyes.It seemed that I heard these comrades still shouting on the battlefield, and saw that they were still shooting at the enemy, and people fell down one after another from time to time.Wu Jianglong had a sleepwalking feeling, and couldn't return to reality for a while.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong's eyes were full of tears all the time, several long tear stains had already flowed out on his face.Li Sen was also infected, and tears flowed uncontrollably.Not only was he infected, but so were the other fighters in the room.Not only Wu Jianglong was crying, but also many soldiers were infected by him and cried out.

Li Sen tried his best to control it, and reprimanded these soldiers with a crying voice, "Why are you crying, big men, what's there to cry about?" Although he said this and tried his best to control it, tears still flowed out. "Wu Jianglong is not good!"

Wu Jianglong is back, but one-third, or even two-thirds of the fighters remain in Vietnam.What they left behind was not only flesh and blood, but also the shadows of those disturbing wars.

The reason why they cried so sadly was not only because Wu Jianglong could return to the Seventh Company, but also because they thought of those close comrades who had fallen.Now, where are their people, where are their souls?Every living person disappeared like this in just a few days of war.Can they not be sad, sentimental, and intense?They will think of them all the time as long as they are in their minds and blood is still flowing in their memories.

Dear comrades-in-arms, when will you be able to walk back to the company by yourself like Wu Jianglong!

Li Sen didn't want the sad emotions to haunt these soldiers, so he suddenly called out the door: "Commissioner, tell the cooking team to have an extra meal tonight."

"Yes" the correspondent agreed outside, and ran away.

Unless there is a major festival, or a major celebration, or some special events, the company will have extra meals.Otherwise, the four dishes and one soup will always be the same, and people who eat it will hate it again and again.

After a while, Tang Jianzhong's voice came from outside the door, "Let's go, let's go."

Tang Jianzhong squeezed in from behind the crowd, "Old Wu, old Wu." He kept shouting as soon as he came in.

"Squad Leader Tang." Wu Jianglong took the initiative to greet him.

As soon as Tang Jianzhong came up, he hugged Wu Jianglong, "I miss you buddy."

"Hey, hey, look at your dirty hands." Li Sen pointed to Tang Jianzhong and said.

Only then did everyone start to look at Tang Jianzhong.

Tang Jianzhong was wearing an apron on his chest, his hands were sticking to his face, and his clothes were also greasy.

When Li Sen said this, Tang Jianzhong felt embarrassed, and explained, "Company commander, I'm not cooking! It's not that I heard that Wu Jianglong is back, so I have to come and have a look. I can't change in a hurry. My buddy, I don't care." Although Tang Jianzhong was a little embarrassed, he spoke sharply, but every sentence made sense.

"You kid, how dare you call the company commander the truth." Xiao Yong said aside.

"Hey" How dare I, isn't this explaining! " Tang Jianzhong giggled.

"Okay, okay, we've met each other, hurry back and cook. If you can't do it well, I'll settle the score with you. Our hero Wu is still hungry!" Li Sen said with a smile.

"Yes" Tang Jianzhong agreed at attention.

"Don't forget to add a few more dishes today." Li Sen urged.

"Yes" Tang Jianzhong was about to turn around, and then asked, "Do you want more wine?"

"It's up to the instructor to decide." Li Sen was afraid that the instructor would be cold, so he said instead.

Before Tang Jianzhong could ask, Tong Zhiyuan, who was squeezed onto the edge of the bed, finally had a chance to speak, "Add, add, put two bottles on each table, as long as you don't get drunk."

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