soldier rushing forward

125. Unexpected Gunshots

After Wu Jianglong looked around all the people in the house, he still didn't see Shi Zhuguo showing up. When he was surprised, the soldiers crowded at the door consciously stepped aside, and Shi Zhuguo appeared. 【 】

"Wu Jianglong." As soon as Shi Zhuguo entered the room, he called out Wu Jianglong's name with a sense of pride.

Wu Jianglong, who had just sat down, quickly stood up, saluted, and then called the company commander.

"No, no, I can no longer be called the company commander, I have to change my name, and call it the battalion commander." Li Sen cut in and said.

Wu Jianglong didn't understand for a moment and was taken aback.

"Our company commander has been promoted to battalion commander, but you don't even know it." Li Sen said.

"It's good to call the company commander, and when the time comes, I will always call you pro." Shi Zhuguo made a relief.

Wu Jianglong thought for a while, and immediately understood, and said with a smile, "Congratulations to the company commander for his promotion, and congratulations to the platoon leader for his promotion."

"Why are you talking about me again?" Li Sen said,

"What? Is what Wu Jianglong said wrong? My Li Daliang." Shi Zhuguo laughed, and turned to Wu Jianglong and said, "You have also been promoted."

"Me?" Although Wu Jianglong had heard Niu Qiang say it, he still didn't believe it, so he didn't know how to answer Shi Zhuguo's words.

"Li Sen, have you told Wu Donglong about your company's situation?" Shi Zhuguo turned to Li Sen again.

"It's too late, he just came back!"

"By the way," Shi Zhuguo asked Wu Jianglong seriously, "Is your injury healed?"

"Okay, it's completely healed." Mrs. Wu Jiang Longbai said.

"Show me the proof, you boy, don't leave the hospital privately." Shi Zhuguo asked for it.

Wu Jianglong quickly took out the forged discharge certificate from his love bag and handed it to Shi Zhuguo.

Shi Zhuguo took it over and took a look, only glanced at it, then stretched his face and said, "This proves to be fake."

Wu Jianglong blushed, his heart was pounding, he quickly stood at attention, "Report to the battalion commander, this certificate is guaranteed to be true."

"Let me take a look," Li Sen reached out to take the discharge certificate from Shi Zhu, looked at it carefully, and said, "No, no, it has the stamp of the Teacher's Hospital on it! How could it be fake?"

"The chapter is true, but it can be proven to be false." Shi Zhuguo insisted.

Everyone in the room was stunned.

Instructor Tong Zhiyuan also squeezed over, "Let me see." He took the certificate, held it up, flashed it through the light outside, and suddenly smiled, "The battalion commander is right, the certificate is false."

Li Sen turned his face and said to Wu Jianglong seriously, "You boy, you dare to fool me with fake products. Tomorrow, go back to the teacher's hospital to continue recuperating."

The Teacher's Hospital issued a transfer certificate to Wu Jianglong and allowed him to be discharged from the hospital, which is absolutely correct.

After Wu Jianglong changed Zhuanzi to Chuzi, he showed it to his fellow patients, and everyone said no.The header has been changed, but the content inside is wrong.First, the opening language is the regimental health team.Second, it is said that his injury has not healed and needs to continue to be treated.Wu Jianglong thought about it, this is not a waste of trouble!What is the difference between going back to the health team and being in the division hospital? You still can't go back to the company.So, he stole another blank certificate from the doctor's day, found a soldier who could write better, and let him dance around on the blank certificate.The certificate is written, but the seal is not easy to cover, it is kept by a special person, and it is absolutely impossible to steal it.What to do, Wu Jianglong has no choice.But he is in a hurry!Seeing that I will leave tomorrow, but now it proves that it has not been done well.Once you leave the division hospital, it will be too late and nothing can be done.He was thinking, he must not go to the health team with the transfer certificate, he must find a way, must make this matter go, let alone return to the company with a fake certificate without a seal, who is fooling!

Wu Jianglong didn't sleep all night, pondered over and over again, and finally came up with an idea before dawn, and had to think about the real transfer certificate.

Wu Jianglong took a fancy to the official seal on the transfer certificate.So, he found a small knife, dug out the stamp on the transfer certificate, and pasted it on the fake certificate.Using the real official seal and fake characters, a written and stamped discharge certificate was issued.If you don't look closely, especially if you don't look at the light, you can still fool around.

"The company is all rough people who serve as soldiers and fight, who cares about these." Thinking of this, he felt much more at ease.After dawn, I took the opportunity to sleep for a while.Then he confidently returned to the company with this false certificate.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he made a move, Shi Zhuguo saw it at a glance, but he didn't say anything.

How did Wu Jianglong know that Shi Zhuguo had already used this trick he knew.Therefore, he failed to escape Shi Zhuguo's eyes.Instructor Tong Zhiyuan came more simply, exposing it in front of everyone.

Wu Jianglong couldn't hold back anymore, "Company Commander, my injury has healed early, and the doctor made a fuss over a molehill."

"No, I must go back to the health team tomorrow." Li Sen was tough.

"I see it this way. Tomorrow, I will take Wu Jianglong to the health team. If it is really good, we will stay. If not, we will continue to be hospitalized." Tong Zhiyuan came out to make a rescue.

"Okay, that's it." Shi Zhuguo made a final decision, and Li Sen had no choice but to shut up. "Li Sen, are you ready for wine?" Shi Zhuguo asked again.

"get ready."

"Let's go, let Wu Jianglong meet the wind." Shi Zhuguo raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was already time for dinner, and then he said to everyone.

Needless to say, there was a burst of excitement in the dining hall.

The next day, Tong Zhiyuan took Wu Jianglong to the health team.As a result of the examination, the external injury has healed, but some internal injuries still need to rest for a period of time.Tong Zhiyuan wanted to keep Wu Jianglong, but Wu Jianglong disagreed.He pestered Tong Zhiyuan to come back, and argued, "The health team is not a nursing home. If you really want me to recuperate, then send me to Beidaihe."

A little soldier ran from the Yunnan border to Beidaihe to recuperate. Isn't that nonsense?Beidaihe is a place frequented by the leaders of the central government, and even the cadres of the military divisions and regiments cannot go there. Isn't this obviously a problem?

Tong Zhiyuan knew that he was making a problem on purpose, and considering that Wu Jianglong's health was really fine, he said, "Well, I won't bother you anymore, go back and let the company commander make a decision."

In this way, Wu Jianglong returned to Qilian in a serious manner.

Border battles continued. Although the Vietnamese army did not dare to invade in a large scale, small groups of troops crossed the border to harass, provoke, and interfere with the production and life of border residents.Many villagers did not dare to live in their original villages and moved to the interior one after another.

After the superiors realized this, they began to readjust the deployment.Gradually increase the number of troops in the border area and carry out deployment, control and fortification.Let those companies with strong combat effectiveness remain on the border as a basis.Keep the good military backbone of the army, and the rest should retire and go home. Whether they are cadres or soldiers, the elimination rate is very high.Then, soldiers with excellent military qualities were selected from the entire army to strengthen these companies.Then, reforms were carried out in terms of weapons and equipment, vehicle configuration, personnel training, etc., which made a big change in the border guarding troops in a short period of time.

On this day, Li Sen received an order from his superiors to select three to five soldiers from his company to prepare to participate in the special forces training of the Army Teaching Brigade.

Let who go!Li Sen was a little worried.The veterans are almost gone, and he is not very familiar with these foreign soldiers.Ordinarily, Wu Jianglong was the first candidate, but he was seriously injured.Special forces training is not something ordinary people can bear, let him go, he can stand it!Go, it's very easy, just sign up.But if he can't get through the training, or if he is sent back halfway, then his company will be notorious.

Li Sen deliberated, discussed with the instructor, and the two of them analyzed and analyzed, and finally reached an agreement that, just to be on the safe side, Wu Jianglong should not be allowed to go.Let him stay in the company and train those recruits who have not participated in the war.

Unexpectedly, after the list was reported to Shi Zhuguo, it was actually blocked.Shi Zhuguo called Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan to the company department, and slapped him fiercely, "You don't let such a good seedling go, who is more qualified than him."

Tong Zhiyuan explained, "Wu Jianglong is good in all aspects, but his body has not fully recovered. I am afraid that he will not be able to survive after leaving. Not only the training is not good, but also his physical health will be affected.

After Shi Zhuguo finished listening, he was speechless for a long time.It's not that he hasn't considered this issue, but he can't bear to let Wu Jianglong lose this opportunity to be trained in a high school.

"How is Wu Jianglong's daily training?" Shi Zhuguo asked.

"Not bad." Li Sen replied.

"Has anything gone wrong?"

"No, his fourth class is still outstanding, and his grades are all in the forefront." Tong Zhiyuan said to help.

"That's good." Shi Zhuguo thought for a while and said, "I see it this way. Tomorrow you will have a military competition and pick three to five people from here. Didn't miss him."

After such a decision, the Seventh Company launched a series of military competitions in full swing, and the other companies did not know what they were doing.

At that time, army training had not yet been standardized, and most army training was very casual.The superiors did not have any standard outlines, and basically each company based on the actual situation. In the words of the time, "What is missing, what is made up; what is missing, what is added." Therefore, company training is basically determined by the company commander, Draw a table and list the subjects. As long as you complete the training subjects of your unit, you can stand out in all aspects. This is the standard.

In the next few days, Qilian held shooting, bombing, long-distance running, assassination and other subject competitions. As soon as the results were announced, Wu Jianglong ranked first.

"What else is there to say? Wu Jianglong must go to participate in special forces training." Before Li Sen and Tong Zhiyuan could speak, Shi Zhuguo took the report card and made a decision on the spot.

After about six months of military skills training, Wu Jianglong not only learned how to use various weapons, but also mastered training in reconnaissance subjects such as grappling, climbing, map recognition, driving, mine clearance, and communication.

Not long after he returned to the company, the Seventh Company received an order to be transferred to the border.

In May 1980, the Seventh Company was transferred to the border of Yunnan to take on the task of guarding the border and confronting the enemy.This operation was of the nature of a military inspection. The planned time to be stationed at the border was four months, and it was required that at least two to three Vietnamese soldiers must be captured during this period.

For the first time, a small village on the border has a garrison, and it is still a team of a hundred people.

After the Seventh Company was stationed in the village, it was divided into two teams.The first team is led by Li Sen and stationed in Dongcuntou; the other team is led by instructor Tong Zhiyuan and stationed in the west of the village.Wu Jianglong's fourth class was assigned to the instructor's team.

After nightfall, the small village once again accepts the tranquility of the remote mountains.

There is no dog barking, no human voice, no hustle and bustle here, only the monsoon blowing the light raindrops, splashing on the wet grass on the roof, looking monotonous and lonely, very much like a forgotten corner.

So where did the hundred and ten people go?

The Seventh Company was stationed in this village not only for garrisoning, but also for various tasks such as patrolling, searching, capturing, and lurking.Therefore, after the allocation of personnel, there are very few people who can really enjoy sleeping in the house, and everyone takes turns to rest in shifts.

At this time, the door of a thatched house was pushed open from the outside.

Wu Jianglong entered the room and took off his raincoat, shook off the rain, hung the raincoat on the pillar, then walked to the head of the bed, woke up the two soldiers, and shouted softly,

"Li Xiaofei, Huang Zhen, it's time for the two of you to go to work."

The two soldiers were woken up, got up from the bed in a daze, put on their clothes, and walked out with their guns.

Wu Jianglong warned worriedly, "You two should keep an eye on the number two position, that's a small path."

"Don't worry, squad leader, it's not the first time we've been standing guard there." Li Xiaofei said when he walked to the door.

The two soldiers went out of the house, Wu Jianglong went to bed, fell on the bed, and within 5 minutes there was a snoring sound.

It's not easy for him to be the squad leader.They have to lead shifts to stand guard at night, and organize training during the day.Li Sen said, "You have to explain everything you have learned in the teaching brigade to the soldiers of the whole company until you teach everyone."

After the self-defense counterattack, Li Sen knew very well the tactical skills of the Vietnamese army on the other side.He knows very well what it means to preserve oneself and destroy the enemy.It's not enough to save yourself and just run, just hide. It can only be regarded as a shrinking turtle, and in the end, you have to be eaten by others.Therefore, if you want to preserve yourself, the first condition is to have real skills, and to have housekeeping skills that surpass the enemy.Only by destroying the enemy, and the enemy has no power to fight back, can it be called self-preservation.Otherwise, there will only be a beating.Why did many soldiers panic when the self-defense counterattack started in [-], and they didn't even know where to fire their guns.Not to mention jungle warfare and how to attack the enemy.Although there was a turning point in the battle later, it was bought after paying the price of bleeding.It's not seven or nine years now, after all, the squadron has learned experience and learned lessons.There will never be so many unnecessary sacrifices again.Li Sen wanted to train elite and strong soldiers. Therefore, no matter where he took the company, he made military training his top priority. He wanted to train everyone in the seventh company to be good at attacking the Vietnamese army.

This time, Wu Jianglong suffered a lot.During the day, he taught endlessly, almost showing his strength to help the soldiers train.In Xiao Yong's words, "If you eat Xiaozao alone, you have to let everyone know what it's like." Therefore, according to the geographical characteristics of the border, Wu Jianglong poured out the skills he learned in teaching the brigade .He can't do it if he doesn't fall, Li Sen and Xiao Yong, the two unprovoked masters, are watching very closely, and he is not allowed to have a little backhand.

Don't forget, Wu Jianglong is now the squad leader, and there are more than a dozen people in the squad who are subordinated to him.So, he was busy at one end, and he had to be busy at the other end.If there is a mistake in the class, that is even more unacceptable.

Wu Jianglong was falling asleep, I don't know if he was dreaming or not, but he was sleeping very deeply anyway.

Suddenly, fierce gunfire sounded from the direction of No. [-] position.

As if being punched by someone, Wu Jianglong jumped off the bed reflexively, groped in the dark, grabbed a submachine gun and ran out of the house.

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