soldier rushing forward

126. Boundary Monument

When it comes to the rainy season, the mildew rain is very like someone chiseling the bottom of the lake, and the stagnant water that runs out of it, drips down and rises endlessly, as if it will never stop until the lake is drained. 【 】

The sky here is gloomy, the mountains are black and black, the trees are covered, and the grass is thick.It is difficult to see any flowers and colorful butterflies.It seems that everything here is prepared for snakes, rats and mosquitoes, and it is the breeding base reserved for them by God.In the depths of the jungle, under the grass, there are rotten branches and leaves more than half a foot thick. In addition to carrion and carrion, there are also various small insects that cannot be named. In the dead of night, they can always make sand. sound.

Due to historical reasons, there has been no boundary marker on the Sino-Vietnamese border here.The customs of the villagers in the two countries are basically the same. Many people intermarry and do business, and there are often relatives on both sides of the border.These villagers have traveled through the jungle and mountains for many years, and have stepped on several paths in this area over time.

The second position is on a small high ground.In front of him is a small road, and behind him is a small village with several families.The post is very simple, not a watchtower, nor a bunker, just a hole in the thatch, a raincoat on it, and an observation hole around it.Posts like this have to be constantly shifted. If they are exposed, they may attract artillery bombardment from the Vietnamese army on the opposite side, so the more concealed the post, the better.

Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen entered the post and replaced the other two soldiers.

"How many bullets do you carry?" Li Xiaofei asked Huang Zhen.

"Three magazines are full."

"Why do you bring so many?"

"It's far away from the company. If an enemy comes from the opposite side, if the bullets are low, what will be used to fight?"

"Our squad leader said, Hei Tian should try to shoot as little as possible." Li Xiaofei said disapprovingly.

"Why?" Huang Zhen asked.

"There is a flame when shooting in the dark sky, which is easy to expose the position."

"Then what should we do?" Huang Zhen was puzzled.

"Use grenades, look, I've brought several more today." Li Xiaofei said, took out two grenades and placed them on the edge of the ditch.

Huang Zhen turned his head to look, "You learned this from our monitor!"

"That's right." Li Xiaofei said, "The squad leader has been to Vietnam and fought in wars, so we don't learn from others, we learn from whom.

"You boy, you are a good apprentice of our squad leader." Huang Zhen joked.

"Hmph! When you are a soldier, you don't learn how to fight. What do you learn? Like you, you spend all your time reading books?" Li Xiaofei retorted.

"I heard that in the future, if you don't do anything in the army, you will be promoted directly, and you will also have to take an exam to enter the military academy. Only students who graduate from the military academy can become cadres."

"No wonder you are holding on to your books all day long. It turns out that you want to be a cadre. You have other plans! I told the squad leader that day that you are not at ease at work."

"Who's not at ease?" Huang Zhen said anxiously, "I'm just standing guard!"

"Hey, you study when people are resting. Once you are on duty, you just doze off." Li Xiaofei saw it with one word.

"Hey, I said Li Xiaofei, we are fellow villagers, you can't tell this. If the squad leader finds out and confiscates my books, how can I learn? If I can't get into the military academy, my father will definitely not forgive me Me, when the time comes, you can solve it!" Huang Zhenman said with reason.

"It's okay if you don't talk. Then you should pay close attention today. Let me squint for a while. When the squad leader called me, I was still dreaming!" Li Xiaofei said a condition.

"Okay, okay, you continue to do it. If you dream of something delicious, don't forget about me!" Huang Zhen said.

"Okay, no problem. If you dream of being a daughter-in-law, then you will lose your share." After Li Xiaofei finished speaking, he hugged her, leaned against the edge of the pit, and closed his eyes.He was really about to take a nap.

Rainy night is not quiet at all.The rain pattered on the banana leaves.Coupled with the sound of water splashing from the raincoat and the crisp sound of water dripping onto the ground, Huang Zhen, who was already timid, was even more frightened.

Huang Zhen spun around to look around, hoping that something would happen here, so as to add some color to the monotonous standing guard.But I am afraid that there will be a real situation.He had heard Wu Jianglong say that the Vietnamese army was very cunning and difficult to fight.Especially at night, they fight ghosts very well.I heard their brush tactics are terrible.Even in the daytime, when they moved forward, they were like grass nests.On the top of the head is a hat full of weeds, and the grass leaves are spread around the body.They are not tall at all, and they walk with small steps, and if they bend over again, their bodies will not tremble at all.When encountering a situation, many people squat down together, like a patch of grass.That's what they did during the Vietnam War, marching in the daylight with the insolent audacity.As soon as the US reconnaissance plane came over, they immediately merged into the wormwood on both sides of the road.It has deceived the US military's reconnaissance aircraft countless times.Then, the troops were suddenly thrown into various battlefields, and the U.S. military was caught off guard.

It's so dark now, and it's still raining. With the very low visibility, even if the Yue army got under Huang Zhen's nose, it would be difficult for him to find out.

However, Wu Jianglong also taught him a trick.Especially in the dead of night, when the vision is blurred, it is necessary to use the hearing function of the ears to find out the situation.Because in this case, it is impossible for any tiny movement to be silent.As long as you catch the sound, you can find the enemy.Therefore, Huang Zhen stretched out his ears and looked around one by one to see what was going on.

The long rainy season really allowed Huang Zhen to learn this skill, coupled with Wu Jianglong's constant guidance, Huang Zhen basically has this ability.Therefore, in the dark night, he can also distinguish where the rain falls and what it hits, and he will definitely not make a fuss because of the sound of raindrops.

What Huang Zhen was looking for now were those strange footsteps that appeared unexpectedly.

It was such a dark night, such a difficult road, and it was at the tense stage of the war, and it was also on the border that was jointly blocked by China and Vietnam.The nearby villagers would never go out in the rain at such a time.If there are footsteps, it must be the Vietnamese army.

Huang Zhen thought about it and searched for it.After listening for a while, he finally heard something.

Huang Zhen walked around for a long time, and was tired of listening. He couldn't tell the difference between south, east, and north, and he forgot the front of the highland and the back of the highland, and he didn't know which direction the path went.

At this time, there was a "popping" sound in the sound of rain.

Huang Zhen couldn't help but cheer up when he heard this voice, "You little devil, you're finally here." He was very excited, especially happy for his listening ability.

He hadn't fought the Vietnamese face-to-face since coming to the border.As a young soldier, everyone really wanted to beat up the Vietnamese devils. Who made you come here to harass and harm the people on the border for nothing.

If we really fight with the Vietnamese today, it is best to eliminate one or two of them.Not to mention being a hero!At the very least, he can show off in front of his comrades, lest everyone say he is a scholar.

After Huang Zhen thought about it, he didn't wake up Li Xiaofei. He wanted to eat alone, and wanted to fight alone.

Huang Zhen set up his submachine gun on the edge of the ditch, aimed in the direction of the sound, and fired when the sound approached.However, after he spent a long time, the sound still remained in place, and it was still the same trampling sound.After a long time, Huang Zhen became a little hairy. He was afraid that the Vietnamese army would attack east and west, and he couldn't deal with it alone.There's no other way, it's better to wake up Li Xiaofei, it's better for the two of them to fight together.

Huang Zhen stretched out his foot, kicked Li Xiaofei fiercely, and shouted softly, "Li Xiaofei, there is something wrong."

Li Xiaofei was only half asleep and half awake.With Huang Zhen shouting and kicking like this, it's no wonder Li Xiaofei didn't wake up, unless he slept like a dead pig.

"What's the situation?" Li Xiaofei asked dizzily.

"Listen, there seems to be someone." Huang Zhen pointed to the direction where the voice appeared.

Li Xiaofei pricked up his ears to listen, yes, there was indeed a sound, and then asked uncertainly, "Did the Vietnamese come over?"

"Definitely is."

"What should I do?"

"let's hit!"

"Okay, shoot." As soon as Li Xiaofei said that, Huang Zhen's gun rang out.

After the two played a shuttle, they calmed down and listened again.

This time, the sound did not ring sporadically, but incessantly.

"My god! There are so many Vietnamese troops here."

Huang Zhen panicked, and Li Xiaofei also panicked, the two encouraged each other, "Fight, fight." One fired and the other dropped bombs, forming a battlefield in front of the high ground.

In just a short while, the bullets and grenades of the two of them were all fired.This time, the two of them were stupid.Without ammunition, what can I use to resist the Vietnamese army.When the Vietnamese army rushed up, both of them had to be captured alive.

The two stared at each other, what to do, what to do, there is really no way.

With a "click", Li Xiaofei fixed the bayonet and said to Huang Zhen, "Put the bayonet on."

Huang Zhen also loaded the bayonet, and the two of them waited for the sneak attacking Vietnamese army to come up, and then started hand-to-hand combat.

At this time, as long as one of the two people said something wrong, maybe they still have a way to survive.

In the dark rainy night, we couldn't see the Vietnamese army, and the Vietnamese army couldn't see us either.As long as the two of them got out of the high ground in Shen Hei and got into the grass, there was nothing anyone could do.Even if the Vietnamese army occupied the high ground, they did not dare to stay for long.However, the duty of a soldier is to guard the territory, and even if they had a hundred guts, they would never dare to take a step back.Therefore, they can only fight to the death.

At this critical moment, there were really chaotic footsteps on the north side of the highland, and there were still many people rushing over.

Huang Zhen shouted eagerly, "Li Xiaofei, they are coming up."

Li Xiaofei turned his head around to make a comparison, and then said, "That's not right! That's the direction of our company."

At this time, the person who came was getting closer and closer, and the figure could be seen clearly.

Li Xiaofei yelled at the person who came, "Password."

In the dark, Wu Jianglong uttered the password.Following Li Xiaofei, he answered the order again.Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, "Huang Zhen, we're saved. It's the monitor and the others."

As soon as Wu Jianglong jumped into the bunker, he immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"Enemy, enemy." Huang Zhen replied in a panic.


"That." Li Xiaofei pointed with his finger.

Wu Jianglong looked into the darkness.There is nothing ahead, only dense wormwood and sparse raindrops.

"Did you see the enemy?" Wu Jianglong turned his head and asked suspiciously because he didn't find the enemy.

"There is a sound, it is the footsteps of the enemy."

"Once we fired, they didn't dare to come out."

Huang Zhen and Li Xiaofei crossed each other to explain to Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong listened attentively again, the sound was gone, nothing was gone.

"Pay attention to vigilance." Due to the unknown situation, Wu Jianglong couldn't make a judgment whether there were Vietnamese troops under the high ground, or how many Vietnamese troops there were.Since no one saw it, no one could tell.Giving orders indiscriminately without her, and attacking blindly will not work either.So, we had to wait until Tianming found out the situation.

Wu Jianglong brought almost all the fighters in the squad.Right now, the situation below the high ground is unclear. Although the fight cannot be started for the time being, these people cannot be removed. What if there is a situation.So these men were all left behind, spread out, hidden in the grass, ready to meet the Viet Cong.

It was finally dawn, and the rain slowly stopped.

Wu Jianglong judged that even if the Vietnamese army came, they would not dare to wait until dawn on our border.So, he decided to take a few people down the mountain to reconnaissance.

The high ground is full of wet weeds, and occasionally you can come across the crater that was blown out by the grenade thrown by Li Xiaofei.

Since there are border residents living here, this area has not been mined.

Our side does not set mines, but it is difficult to guarantee that the Vietnamese army who sneaked in will not set mines.Therefore, Wu Jianglong and the others walked very carefully.

Along the way, they didn't even find a single footprint.The more Wu Jianglong walked forward, the more he muttered in his heart.This is a rainy night, if someone comes in, it is impossible not to leave a footprint.However, here we can only see weeds shot down by bullets, and sporadic shrapnel from grenades, but there is no footprint.

Wu Jianglong was not reconciled, he didn't believe that Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen were shooting indiscriminately and bluffing, there must be a reason for this.

Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen followed Wu Jianglong, they were also speechless by this situation.

"Did you see the Vietnamese army fighting back?" Wu Jianglong asked.

Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"At that time, I shot desperately and didn't pay much attention." Huang Zhen said timidly.

In fact, Wu Jianglong discovered this problem at dawn.Because the raincoat covering the post was intact, Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen's hair was undamaged, and no bullets were seen on the high ground.Wu Jianglong didn't believe this was true, but he couldn't find a suitable reason to explain this problem.Because he firmly did not believe that the two soldiers, Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen, shot blindly.There must be a reason here.

Wu Jianglong led a few soldiers all the way through the grass and down to a low ridge.Suddenly, it was discovered that there was a circle surrounded by bamboo, and the three sheep inside were already dead, having been blown to death by a falling grenade.

Seeing all this, Wu Jianglong thought of the footsteps of Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen.Preliminary judgment is that the sound of footsteps came from the sheep pen.After Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen heard the voice here, they mistook it for the Vietnamese army crossing the border, so this result was caused.

"What should we do! If the second position is like this, it's impossible for the superior not to know about it, and it's impossible not to investigate it. If it is found out, it is found out that the soldiers fired indiscriminately and created a false situation. This responsibility is not small." Wu Jianglong. I'm worried.

At this time, a soldier on the mountain shouted, "The fourth squad leader, the company commander told you to come up."

"Okay, what are you afraid of?" Wu Jianglong groaned secretly, turned around and gave Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen a hard look.

Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen also understood now that the two of them were fighting blindly.What about the Vietnamese army, they didn't come at all.After fighting for a long time, it was the ghost of the sheep.Now not only the responsibility is great, but also the joke.Four or five grenades and nearly a hundred rounds of bullets killed only three sheep.Putting this aside for the time being, it will be difficult when the common people come to the company to ask for sheep!What to pay for it!

When Wu Jianglong returned to the high ground, the company commander Li Sen and the instructor Tong Zhiyuan were already standing there.

When Li Sen saw Wu Jianglong approaching, he stepped forward and asked, "Wu Jianglong, how many Vietnamese troops are there?"

Seeing that the company commander Li Sen asked so eagerly, and there were so many soldiers in front of him, Wu Jianglong felt that it was better not to tell the truth.So, he stepped forward and pulled Li Sen's sleeve, "Commander, come here, I'll tell you something."

Wu Jianglong pulled Li Sen aside, how to report the situation to Li Sen in this way.

At the beginning, Li Sen didn't pay much attention to it, his face turned pale when he heard it, and then his face turned red again. It seemed that he was really angry.Li Sen turned his head and looked for Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen with his eyes.

Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen knew that they had stabbed their arms, so they still dared to stay in front of everyone, they would have hidden in the back of the person, and felt ashamed.

Li Sen didn't find Li Xiaofei and Huang Zhen, so he suppressed his anger, walked up to the instructor Tong Zhiyuan, and repeated Wu Jianglong's analysis.

"This is not a small matter. I think the superiors will definitely investigate it. I think we should set up a branch committee to study it!" Tong Zhiyuan made such a decision.

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