The explosion of the grenade finally stopped the enemy's pursuit, but only for a moment. 【 】After the group of enemies figured out that the small team did it, they began to pay attention to the safety of their feet, and moved forward while searching.But there are also those who are not afraid of death, stepping on the corpse of their companions, and continue to run forward.

At this time, Staff Officer Jiao and Shen Weijun had already reached the foot of the mountain.Although the two of them did not participate in the action to stop the enemy, the burden on the two of them was still overwhelming.

"Take a break, break the meeting." Officer Jiao said when he saw Shen Weijun staggering.

"Okay." Shen Weijun put the prisoner on the ground, bent over and gasped for breath.

Staff Officer Jiao also put Gong Chunyu on the ground, and his regretful eyes lingered on him for a moment.

"Officer Jiao, how is Xiao Gong?" Shen Weijun asked.

Staff Officer Jiao shook his head, "It can't be done."

Gong Chunyu's blood had already flowed out, and her body became cold and hard.Staff Officer Jiao felt it after running a short distance with him on his back.No matter how fast he was, even if he rushed back by helicopter, he could not save Xiao Gong's life.Gong Chunyu was injured on an artery, even if the operation was performed on the spot and rescue was carried out in time, it would be hard to say that the gushing blood flow could be blocked.

As soon as Staff Officer Jiao turned around, Shen Weijun saw that there was also blood bubbling down his back.So he asked, "Officer Jiao, are you injured?"


"Then the blood on your body?" After seeing the blood on Staff Jiao's back, Shen Weijun had already been shot for him.

"It belongs to Xiao Gong."

"Damn Vietnamese devils." Shen Weijun cursed, and when he lowered his head, he saw the prisoner on the ground, and thought of someone to vent his anger on, raised his leg, and kicked him.

When Officer Jiao saw it, he hurriedly stopped him, "Stop."

Shen Weijun stopped his feet in the air about one centimeter away from the prisoner, gritted his teeth, and said to the Jiao staff without turning his head, "I, I really want to shoot this kid to avenge Gong Chunyu."

The prisoner was lying on the ground. Although he could not move, his eyes were still working, looking around.When he saw Shen Weijun raised his foot and kicked towards him, he subconsciously wanted to dodge, but his whole body was tied up, making it difficult to roll over.She couldn't hide even if she wanted to, and Shen Weijun could only kick and beat her at will.I had no choice but to close my eyes and let this angry Chinese woman play with me.But he waited for a long time, but he didn't wait for the foot to fall, and the other parts of his body didn't suffer any blows.It wasn't until he opened his eyes that Shen Weijun stopped in mid-air.

"F*ck, I really want to kick you to death. I won't waste my energy." Shen Weijun scolded.Scolding is scolding, but he knows what he is here for.Now, who is worth the money and who is the most valuable?That's the captive.His life is more important than any soldier present.Therefore, it doesn't matter who sacrificed, even if there is only one person left, this guy must be brought back.If the squad returned empty-handed and a single prisoner was not captured, even if no soldier was injured, the mission was not completed.So you have to figure it out at all times, what the squad is here for!Therefore, Shen Weijun was just trying to scare him, and he really didn't dare to take it seriously.With his "tank" body, no one knows whether the prisoner is alive or dead.

Therefore, Shen Wei's army was angry, and he didn't dare to vent his anger on the prisoner. If this guy was beaten to death or frightened to death, he couldn't bear the responsibility.I am even more sorry for Gong Chunyu's lost life.Aren't so many people all for this prisoner!

"Okay, let's talk about it when we go back, let's go." Staff Officer Jiao urged because he was afraid of delaying time and the situation changing.The time for the two of them to stay here is just to take a dozen or so breaths.

Shen Weijun picked up the prisoner again and threw it on him.The two had just taken a few steps forward when they heard a series of explosions behind them.Looking back at the same time, almost at the same time, both of their faces were full of dignity.They don't know what's going on behind them, they don't know how many enemies are chasing them, and they can't guess whether Wu Jianglong and the others can withdraw safely.

For the two of them, the immediate danger was not great.There is support in the front and cover in the back. If you persist for a while and climb up that mountain ridge, you will be able to completely get rid of the enemy.

Seeing that Shen Weijun's pace was slowing down, Staff Officer Jiao urged him, "Xiao Shen, don't forget our mission."

"Yes, I understand." Shen Weijun replied.

"Then go quickly." Staff Officer Jiao turned around and climbed to the top of the mountain with all his strength.

The two quickened their pace.Because you know where your mission lies and understand your responsibilities.The squad behind fought against the enemy, not all to cover the two of them!And the enemy behind pursued desperately, also for this prisoner.If the captives are lost, it will be called a careless move, and the whole game will be lost.

Soon, the figures of two people appeared on the mountain ridge.

Wu Jianglong and several soldiers of the small team ran out of the grass, and then crossed the rice field in front of them and approached the foot of the mountain.But the enemy chasing after him clung to him.

"What can I do, Wu Jianglong is in a bit of trouble."

I ran in the grass just now, after all, there was the cover of wormwood, so I wouldn't be completely exposed to the enemy's firepower.Once they got out of the grass, it was different. They ran in front, and the enemy chased after them.Letting people chase and fight at the same time is not the same as chasing a rabbit.No matter how fast people run, they are not as fast as bullets.Wu Jianglong thought for a moment, going out like this is not good, not only will he become a living target for the enemy, but they may all be eaten by the enemy.Oh, it's not worth paying such a high price to capture a prisoner.

No, there must be another method.Wu Jianglong thought of something else.

"Stop." Wu Jianglong suddenly shouted.

When the four soldiers heard the shout, they all stopped in their tracks.

"We can't run like this, we have to cut off the tail." After Wu Jianglong said something, "waving his hand and gestured, he continued, "Destroy all this group of enemies. "

When he said this, the soldiers immediately understood, and they were gearing up to fight.

Wu Jianglong analyzed it when he was retreating. According to the enemy's military deployment, there will not be too many enemies chasing at the moment.After the blow just now, it is estimated that there will not be more than ten enemies left.If the squad did their moves neatly, they would run away after eating these enemies.By the time their reinforcements arrive, the place will be empty.If you don't fight well, or if you are stuck by this enemy, it will be miserable.Therefore, he asked the soldiers to make a decisive decision against this group of enemies, and beat them hard.

Afterwards, Wu Jianglong divided the five people into three echelons, two fighters in one group, and himself in one group, forming three waves to attack the enemy.

Dongyun's group continued to advance along the rice fields, giving the enemy a false impression that all the Chinese soldiers were far away, allowing the enemy to give their all without any scruples.

After destroying the enemies that came out first, the second team continued to retreat, drawing out the enemies in the grass again.

Wu Jianglong is still in the last position, he wants to wipe out all these enemies, so as not to worry about the future, so as to prevent the Vietnamese army from shooting from behind.Even if there is only one Vietnamese army left, the members of the small team cannot guarantee that they will not suffer losses.

Wu Jianglong said briefly, and the soldiers immediately followed the arrangement.

Dong Yun and a soldier jumped into the paddy field first, and ran forward with all their strength on the ridge and in the field.

It really made Wu Jianglong guess right.Not long after they entered the rice field, two Vietnamese soldiers came out of the grass.As soon as the two Vietnamese soldiers came out, they saw Dong Yun and the soldier in the rice field.

The Vietnamese soldiers were facing the open field, facing the two gunmen in the effective shooting distance, and immediately came up with the idea of ​​hunting in the wild.How many years, they have not been so happy.They still think about the memories of how they used bullets to chase down Chinese people on the mountain seven or nine years ago.Feel free and happy.So the two Vietnamese soldiers chattered to each other a few words, then raised their guns with a grinning grin, ready to shoot.

How could the second group of fighters lying outside the grass give them this chance.I thought to myself, it would be nice for you to see what the Chinese are like with your own eyes, but if you want to shoot, there is no door.

Suddenly, the guns of two middle-aged men hidden on one side rang out.

With a quick shot, the two Vietnamese soldiers were knocked down, "I'll make you laugh, I'll make you hide, go back to grandma's house and dream!" a soldier cursed in his heart.

Once these two enemies were defeated, the enemies behind did not dare to come out, so they hurriedly shot out in the grass.

Seeing that the time had come, the two soldiers turned around and fired another burst into the grass, then turned around and ran towards the rice fields.

As soon as the two soldiers ran away, the gunfire from the Chinese side stopped immediately.Seeing that there was no movement outside, the enemies in the grass slowly got out from inside.

As soon as they came out, they saw the two warriors in the rice field.

At this time, I don't know where Dongyun and another soldier went.

This time, a total of four enemies emerged from the grass.As soon as they came out, they shot into the rice fields.

Suddenly, from another direction in the rice field, two guns were stretched out, and they swept towards the four enemies.In an instant, four enemies were knocked to the ground.

It's been two games, why don't you see Wu Jianglong?Where did Wu Jianglong go?

At this time, Wu Jianglong had already met back into the grass from the other side.Based on his experience, he analyzed that this group of Vietnamese troops would not be easily wiped out.According to the convention, the Vietnam Army fights in the jungle and never invests its troops all at once.In the process of dividing waves and attacking in batches, some troops will attack the enemy unexpectedly.Even in the face of devastating blows to frontal forces, they persist.Their combat principle is to win the final victory at all costs.

Wu Jianglong guessed right again.After he entered the bushes, he found two Vietnamese troops and an officer turning to the other side.See what that means, they're going to stick out of the grass from that direction.

Once these three enemies go out, it happens to be Dong Yun's blind spot.

On Dongyun's side, the four warriors, with eight eyes, were all staring at the enemy coming out of the bushes with all their might, never expecting that there would be an enemy coming out from another direction.It's too dangerous, in case these three enemies attack Dongyun and the others as soon as they come out of the grass.With the power of two submachine guns and a light machine gun.At such a short distance, Dong Yun and the others would definitely be overwhelmed, and they would most likely receive a devastating blow.

Wu Jianglong could see clearly from behind.However, he did not dare to shoot in the grass.He knew that once he fired lightly, not only would he not be able to eliminate these enemies, he might not be able to escape himself either.Once you can't get out of the grass, you may be besieged here.Therefore, he didn't dare to act rashly, but quietly set off from behind.

No matter how intense the gunshots were, or whether their comrades were dead or alive, the three enemies still rushed forward.

It's really a praying mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole is behind.These enemies never expected that Chinese soldiers would come around behind them.They guessed 120 possibilities, and they would never have thought that Wu Jianglong would not run for his life in a hurry, but would come back and play hide-and-seek with them.

The three enemies came out of the grass and slowly stood up.After the officer exchanged the submachine gun with the soldier holding the machine gun, he was ready to shoot Dong Yun and the others with the machine gun.

Wu Jianglong, who had been lining up behind him all the time, finally saw the face of the enemy clearly.It turned out that they were just sneaking forward in the wormwood bushes, bowing their waists and making no sound.From behind he could only see the movement of grass, but he couldn't distinguish his figure.It is now clear that these are three Vietnamese soldiers wearing regular Vietnamese military uniforms.

If the enemy wants to shoot, that’s not acceptable. Once you shoot, my brother will not suffer any harm. If you want to shoot, I have to shoot first.Wu Jianglong wanted to do it, and before the enemy took full aim, he suddenly stood up from the grass and shouted, "Ghost son, look at this."

The purpose of Wu Jianglong shouting is to attract the enemy's attention.Three enemies, if he didn't hit all of them, and any one of them shot at Dongyun and the others, it would be very dangerous.With his shout, the enemy will definitely be disturbed, and will turn their heads to look in this direction.As for him, he was already ready to shoot.It is fully capable of killing these three enemies before they react.

The three enemies who were about to shoot suddenly heard someone shouting behind them, and it was in Chinese.How they don't panic.So, I looked back at the same time.

This is what Wu Jianglong wanted, and he scolded in his heart, "Grandma, I told you to die, so you have to know who died. I never shoot people in the back."

The three enemies looked back, only to realize that a middle-aged man appeared behind him at some point, and they all panicked.When they were about to turn their guns again, the Wei Chong in Wu Jianglong's hand fired first.

At this time, the effect of micro-charging is brought to the extreme, not only the firepower is dense, but also the direction of sweeping is very easy to grasp.I saw Wu Jianglong's hand holding the gun stock move slightly.A row of bullets lay horizontally, like swinging a knife, and swept across the chests of the three enemies in unison.Like a machete, cut the cross section.

If it weren't for the space between the bullets, the three enemies would have been chopped off by him.

This Vietnam Army officer really deserves to be a veteran on the battlefield, even if he is shot, he can still detonate the machine gun in his hand.If it wasn't for his body being thrown back by Wu Jianglong, the bullets from this shuttle would probably have pierced several holes in Wu Jianglong's body.Even so, a few bullets flew over Wu Jianglong's head.

Wu Jianglong broke out in a cold sweat.Fortunately, after the Vietnamese army officer finished hitting the shuttle, there was no more movement.

Wu Jianglong waited for a while, the enemy was really quiet, there was no more sound.That's it, he didn't dare to walk over directly, but made a detour and walked over to check from the other side.When I got closer, I saw that all three Vietnamese soldiers were dead.Only then did Wu Jianglong put down the gun, heaved a sigh of relief, and spat on the ground, "Grandma, I don't have time to bury you, just hang here!" Then, he strode towards the rice fields.

Dong Yun and the others suddenly heard a burst of gunshots from the side, and immediately saw the three Vietnamese soldiers fell to the ground headfirst.First of all, I was stupid, I don't know what happened.Later, I was a little scared.If these few enemies do not fall, then the four of them may fall.

In the midst of Lengshen, Wu Jianglong suddenly jumped out of the grass.Now they were all relieved, knowing that it was the platoon leader who wiped out these enemies.

Wu Jianglong came to several people, put the gun on his shoulder, and said, "Let's go home."

This will save them from running, and walk very calmly.Even if the enemy rushed over from behind, it would take more than ten minutes. In these ten minutes, they had already crossed the mountain ridge and returned home.

Wu Jianglong was still thinking wrong, suddenly, a shell flew over from some unknown direction, and exploded in the rice field with a "boom".

"My god, the enemy still has guns!" Wu Jianglong shouted anxiously, "Run."

The five of them sprinted across the paddy field, hitting a wave.

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