People's thinking often changes due to changes in the environment. 【^】Seeing the scene at this time will make you fall in love, and at that time, you will see different thoughts and change your mind.When we watch TV dramas or movies, we often feel sympathy for the protagonist's joys and sorrows. Sometimes we burst into tears, and sometimes we burn with anger.But when we get out of this melodrama and come back to reality, what will people do!Everything will still be in order, and few people will learn from it.Unless the real environment has changed, it is a last resort.

After Wu Guoren was in danger, he was rescued by the squad. At this time, he really expressed his gratitude to the squad from the bottom of his heart, and wanted to repay Wu Jianglong and the others with practical actions.When passing through this distance, he really led the way sincerely, so that the small team walked out of this dangerous jungle.But, can Wu Guoren persist so long?Can you be attracted by the expatriate treatment that Wu Jianglong said!The following story can illustrate all this.

Under the leadership of Wu Guoren, the small team finally walked out of the jungle.

Once out of the jungle, the first thing that catches the eye is this stretch of Laoshan mountain range.Wu Jianglong looked at the complex terrain in front of him, and was immediately confused by its vast green color. He couldn't tell whether the map was real or the one in front of him was fake.The difference between the two is too great.

From east to west, there are many hills rising and falling in the Laoshan mountain range. The main peak of Laoshan is in the extreme.As for the situation on the other side, because he was blocked by the main peak, he couldn't see anything, so he couldn't tell his situation.

As far as the dozen or so hills that can be seen, the slopes and foot of the hills are all covered by lush green plants.Like an illusion, a dream, a green ocean with hidden murderous intent.Don't say it is wartime, even if it is in peacetime, I don't know how much hardship it will take.

"Is there anyone guarding this road?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"I haven't been there. I don't know." Wu Guoren replied realistically.

The team did approach Laoshan, and it was in the southeast direction.They bypassed the enemy's front and detoured from the depths to the enemy's back, that is, inserted into the enemy's hinterland.Arriving here does not mean that the task is completed, and there is still a long distance from the military center of the Vietnamese army.Although it is in Vietnam, the Vietnamese army will not be so bold as to be undefended.Therefore, it is still very difficult to infiltrate.

Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong frowned. Not only was he thinking about entering the Vietnamese army's position, but Wu Guoren in front of him was not easy to arrange.It is completely unnecessary to take him in, but it is dangerous to let him go.What if he reports to the Vietnam Army?It felt inhumane not to let him go.Wu Jianglong pondered for a long time but didn't come up with a note.With only such a few people at the moment, it is impossible to leave two soldiers watching him.The small team's departure is not to mention bad luck.Once you get in touch with the Vietnamese army, you may not know which direction you will run.At that time, it is equivalent to abandoning the people who stay here, and of course it is absolutely impossible to keep people.

"Wu Guoren, will you continue to follow us, or go back here?" Wu Jianglong asked tentatively.

"Let's go with you." Wu Guoren still has a dream of going abroad.

"Come with us, the front must be dangerous. Maybe when there will be a fight, we won't care about you at that time." Wu Jianglong explained.

"This, this," Wu Guoren said thoughtfully. Although he has experienced many wars, he is still afraid of fighting.He had seen those bullets and shells, and he had seen the heart-piercing fire.Therefore, he knew very well that once a fight started, bullets had no eyes, and if he was hit, he would die in vain! "So Wu Guoren hesitated.

Shen Weijun saw Wu Jianglong's hesitation, stepped forward and pulled him aside and said,

"Just leave him here."

"How to stay?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"Tie it up and put it under the big tree. It's safer than anything else." Shen Weijun suggested.

It's not that Wu Jianglong hadn't thought about this measure, but he always felt that it was inhumane to do so.Now that he has already surrendered, if he treats him like this again, it will be dishonest.

Seeing Shen Weijun pulling Wu Jianglong aside, Wu Guoren murmured for a long time. He didn't know what they were talking about, but he still guessed in his heart that there was something inseparable. It must have something to do with him.

"Or, simply." Shen Weijun stretched out his hand to measure his own neck, and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"No. That's absolutely not possible." Wu Jianglong warned that he was beyond the scope of captives, and even if he didn't believe him, he couldn't be killed. "

"I'll come secretly in a while, and you just pretend you don't know anything." Shen Weijun still wanted to insist.

"That's not okay." Wu Jianglong said with a stare, "We must do things openly and aboveboard, and we must not do things that violate the captive policy."

Shen Weijun blushed and wanted to insist, but Wu Jianglong had already walked over here, and he didn't want to delay on this issue.It's been a long time now, and the sky is about to turn dark.But nothing has been done yet.

"Wu Guoren, come with us!" Wu Jianglong said to Wu Guoren.

"I, I," Wu Guoren said after a pause, "the People's Liberation Army has always treated prisoners preferentially. I have brought you here. Look, do you let me go home? I still have an old mother and children at home .”

"Why, you don't want to go abroad anymore?" Wu Jianglong asked again.

"No, no." Wu Guoren began to blush, "Just talking, just talking, it's better to go home."

"Okay! Then you go back by yourself, pay attention to safety." Wu Jianglong said.

"Yes, yes." Wu Guoren heard Wu Jianglong say that he would let him go, and immediately he was happy and didn't know what to say.Then he turned around and prepared to leave.Just a few steps away, I suddenly heard Wu Jianglong shouting from behind,

"and many more."

Wu Guoren turned around and found that all the people in the squad were pointing their guns at him. When they stared at him, they knelt on the ground in fright, begging for mercy repeatedly, "PLA, don't kill me, I'll go with you."

Wu Jianglong walked over and picked him up from the ground, "Wu Guoren, since you performed well this time, we won't kill you. You brought us here, which shows that you are all for us. It means that you have made a deal with you. The government is broken. We'll make a note of that. I'll credit you when I go back."

Wu Guoren roughly understood what Wu Jianglong meant.He also heard the suggestion inside.It is equivalent to saying that if you have done good things for the People's Liberation Army, the Vietnamese government will regard you as a prisoner.Just let them know you did these things and it's no good to you.Only the People's Liberation Army will give you credit and will not treat you badly.Wu Guoren listened, his eyes were also rolling, thinking about what Wu Jianglong wanted to do.

"Okay, don't say anything after you go back, live a good life. I will give you a bonus when I have a chance in the future." Wu Jianglong threw out the bait again.He believed that Wu Guoren would not take the initiative to go to the Vietnamese government to tell about the squad for the sake of bonuses.

"Yes, yes." Wu Guoren stepped back into the jungle again.

Seeing Wu Guoren walk away, Shen Weijun sighed unwillingly, "Hey, captain, if you let him go, it's like letting the tiger go back to the mountain."

"I know this. It is dangerous to let him go, but we must not do anything against morality." Wu Jianglong said, "Let's go! Let's go to another place to enter the mountain."

Wu Jianglong led the people back to the jungle, and after making a few bends at the edge of the forest, he chose another route to go deep into the old mountain.

After Wu Guoren entered the jungle, he looked back from time to time, lest Wu Jianglong send troops to chase him.It would not be an easy task to chase him here and kill him.If you do it, you will do it in vain, and you can reason with someone.Therefore, he walked all the way, turned his head and looked all the way, and ran for a long distance, but he didn't find anyone following him.

Wu Guoren gradually calmed down, believing that the danger behind did not exist at all.As soon as his tension was relieved, he immediately felt that his legs were sinking like lead, and he couldn't lift anything, and couldn't move forward.So, he leaned against a big tree, sat down and began to rest.Not long after sitting down, Wu Guoren felt very sleepy, and the craving for cigarettes also appeared.

Wu Guoren touched his body for a long time, but found nothing. Then he remembered that he had thrown all his pipes and pipes at the house of the woman he had been to before.Thinking of that woman, Wu Guoren smacked his lips twice, as if salivating.After thinking for a while, he cursed in Vietnamese, "***, it's all because the People's Liberation Army ruined his good deeds. Otherwise, I must be enjoying it in that house! How could I have traveled so far to suffer? It's a crime."

The more Wu Guoren thought about it, the more he liked that woman, and he wished he could run over now.However, when he looked up at the sky, the lust that had just been ignited in his heart was instantly extinguished.

The sky is getting darker and darker, and the forest, which was not very clear at first, will be darker faster than the outside after there is no light.As soon as the sun disappears, there will be no trace in the corner of the eye.Without light, the woods are still dark.Nuo is a big jungle, once it gets dark, who knows what beasts will appear.Tigers, leopards, and bears are all too common.The most terrifying thing is the snake, which comes and goes without a trace.Even if you hide in a tree, it is difficult to escape.

"Oh, it would be great if there was a torch." Wu Guoren thought so.

Seeing that the sky was about to turn dark and it was impossible to get out of the jungle, it was better to find a shelter and hide yourself first, lest the tiger come out at night and have to greet him.If it doesn't work out, if this little life is not in the hands of the Chinese Communists, it will be eaten by tigers.

As soon as Wu Guoren got up, he heard the faint roar of a tiger in the distance.

"My god! Whatever you think, come here!" Wu Guoren panicked, and hurriedly ran towards a slightly higher ridge.

Although there are no high mountains in the jungle, it is also mixed with many water systems and uneven rocks.Most of these stone lazies have been weathered after thousands of years of wind and rain, and many stone lazies have been washed out of wind tunnels of various sizes.

What Wu Guoren is looking for is such a boundary. Only by getting inside can he avoid the attacks of tigers, leopards and other dangerous animals outside.

Wu Guoren saw this piece of rock from a long distance away, and judging from his experience, he guessed that there must be a cave for shelter in it.But he forgot one thing, since these caves can accommodate people, can't they accommodate tigers?What if it is a tiger cave, or a wolf den.

At the current critical moment, Wu Guoren still cares about these things, he just doesn't care about his head.Therefore, he didn't think too much about it, as long as there was a hole, he would go into it, no matter what animals were in it.

When Wu Guoren rushed to the front, he realized that there was a large open space here, which was a large place that Lin Yin could not reach.

Wu Guoren came out of the forest, and there was still a faint light above his head.He turned his head and glanced into the woods. In this short moment, it was already dark, full of gloom and terror.Now, even if there is danger here, Wu Guoren will not turn back and run into the woods.

Wu Guoren stepped on the low grass, crossed a small stream, and soon came to the bottom of the stone lazi.As soon as he rushed over, he saw a dark hole facing him from afar.

"That's it." After Wu Guoren identified the target, he went straight to it without any hesitation.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, many unnamed birds flew out of it.The birds that flew out were obviously frightened by Wu Guoren before they ran out.After they flew out of the cave, they hovered for a while, and then landed on a few boulders far away, cursing Wu Guoren with the most vicious bird calls, for violating the nest where the birds are lazy to survive.

"Since there are birds, it means that this hole is very safe. Apart from him, there will not be any large animals." So Wu Guoren stretched his head and began to drill into it.After drilling about three or four meters away, he felt that something was wrong with the hole. In the darkness, there was a huge panting sound from the depths.Wu Guoren stopped and took a closer look, only to see two very large light spots looking directly at him in the darkness.

"Oh my god! Not good." Only then did Wu Guoren realize the danger.From the analysis of this point of light, this is definitely not an ordinary small animal. If it is a tiger, a bear or the like, it will be troublesome.

Wu Guoren's legs turned faster than his brain, relying on his unconscious reaction ability, he quickly retreated towards the entrance of the cave.He retreated a little, and the spot of light moved forward a little.When he walks, the bright light walks, and when he stops, the light spot also stops.

"What is this thing? Why does it stop and go?" Wu Guoren couldn't figure it out.But he began to be afraid, afraid of the bright light rushing towards him.So he tried and yelled loudly towards the light.

Unexpectedly, after the shout, the pair of bright lights retreated slightly.But only retreated a little, and then stopped again.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Guoren turned around and ran out of the cave.

As soon as he came out of the hole, the animal followed him.

Wu Guoren took a closer look at the dim light outside the cave, and it wasn't any other animal that came out with him, but a black bear.

At this time, Gou Xiong also saw that it was a person who entered the hole, and the original lingering fear disappeared in an instant.After the bear saw Wu Guoren, he got angry, maybe he disturbed his dream.Maybe it was seeing today's dinner.This bear has not eaten for a day, and now there is a big living thing in front of it, can it let it go?

I saw the bear raised its front paws and howled twice, then put the two front paws on the ground, jumped and came towards Wu Guoren.

Wu Guoren saw that the general situation was not good, and the bear came running towards him.A guy who wants to resist but doesn't have a hand, he is no match for a bear with bare hands.Just a casual slap of the pair of bear paws would kill him.So Wu Guoren chose to escape.But run there!He didn't dare to enter the jungle. It was getting dark, and it might be more dangerous there than outside.Or go in circles here!It's best if you can get rid of it, if you can't get rid of it, find a hole that bears can't get in and hide, if you can hide for a while, it's for a while.

Wu Guoren ran ahead, and the bear chased after him.In terms of running speed, he couldn't run with two legs no matter what.Seeing that the bear was getting closer and closer, Wu Guoren hadn't found a suitable hiding place yet.If you have nowhere to hide, you have to run.

run!Run, Wu Guoren is about to fall down from exhaustion.Both he and the bear are fighting for strength.Wu Guoren was tired, and so was the bear.Wu Guoren was panting, and the bear was panting too.However, the panting sound was getting closer and closer, almost reaching the back of Wu Guoren's head.

Wu Guoren felt that the voice was not right, so he hurriedly turned his head, and saw a black figure standing upright above him, about to reach out his claws.

"It's over," Wu Guoren thought, hiding and hiding, but he couldn't escape death after all.Just don't run away, just die!Then he closed his eyes, waiting for the bear's heavy blow.

Suddenly, there was a gunshot from somewhere, and then Wu Guoren heard something fall heavily to the ground behind him, the sound of "boom", and the surrounding grass blades were blown away a lot.

Wu Guoren opened his eyes and saw that the bear had fallen to the ground.

Wu Guoren walked over carefully to see that a hole had been blasted into Gouxiong's head, and blood was flowing out.Afterwards, Wu Guoren turned his head and looked around to find the source of the gunshots, "Who fired the gun and saved my life!"

At this moment, a few black figures ran straight towards him, and they could still hear chattering voices while running.

As soon as Wu Guoren heard it, he understood that it was the Vietnamese who came over.

At this time, he was grateful and afraid at the same time, not knowing who these Taoists were and whether they were dangerous to him.

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