soldier rushing forward

153. Revisiting the old place

The sky seemed to have been splashed with thick ink, and as the ink flowed, it instantly covered up all living things. 【*】Whether it's red, green, pink, purple or any other colorful color.At this time, they were all dyed black in the place where the ink passed, and became a world of great unity and darkness.At this time, the world was completely controlled by dark clouds.After a few flashes of lightning and a few thunderclaps, the heavy rain poured down like a condescending person, hitting the branches and the ground with great inertia.Soon, large blisters rose up on the ground, and the rapidly gathered water flowed down.

At this time, there was a crisp cracking sound from a big tree not far away.Then, a branch with a thick bowl mouth fell from above, and the dense leaves supported the heavy rain, and fell to the ground together.

Not long after, another "boom" was heard nearby, and a wall was poured down by rain.

The village where the team was stationed had many old and dilapidated houses.And these houses are [-]% built with mud and stone.In such a rainy day, few people do not leak the rain.It is also natural for walls to collapse.

Not long after the sound of the collapse passed, a few pigs were found running towards the door of the house.It seemed that these few pigs couldn't bear the threat of rain and thunder, they jumped over the collapsed wall and rushed to the place where there were people.

After the heavy rain came, the landlord was looking out of the glass window to watch the rain. When he found out that his pig had run out, he became anxious and shouted, "Open the door quickly, open the door quickly."

Wu Jianglong lived in another room with three warriors.It's raining so heavily outside, what else can I do, I have to take shelter in the house for the time being.A few soldiers were idle, and they were also curiously looking out from the door frame.Such a heavy rain is shocking and exciting to watch.So I wanted to watch the excitement.

Hearing the landlord's shout, the soldiers hurriedly gave way to the door and opened it wide to let the two pigs in.

The two pigs grunted and jumped in desperately.As soon as they ran in, they really scared the warrior who opened the door and hid back.The two pigs were too arrogant, and they had the tendency of "this is my house, what are you doing here." They took up half of the outhouse confidently.

The landlord and fellow villagers quickly greeted them, and stepped forward to help them like a baby pig.While comforting the two pigs, he looked towards the door.At this time, the door was empty, and there was nothing.There was a torrential rain pouring out.

Landlord Xiang Shuangxi's face became gloomy, and he said, "There are still two ends, there are still two ends, where are they going?" Then he stood up, took off a bamboo hat from the wall, and seemed to be going out to look for it.

"My fellow, where are you going?" Wu Jianglong asked as he walked out of the back room.

"There are still two little pigs who haven't come back." The fellow said.

"My fellow, you are in the house, let's go find it." Wu Jianglong blocked the fellow, stretched out a raincoat to put it on, and walked out with two soldiers.

"Or, wait a little longer and wait until the rain stops before going out." The fellow hesitantly said.

"I can't wait anymore, I have to go now, after a while, I just don't know where these two pigs will go." After speaking, Wu Jianglong left the house.

As soon as I left the house, the raindrops hit the raincoat, and I felt a cold feeling immediately.

The rain did not decrease at all, and it was still falling fiercely with madness.The raincoats of the three people were "cracked" by the rain.

"You two go east, I'll go west." Wu Jianglong said to the two soldiers after observing at the door.They have to split up to find.

The two fighters headed east.Wu Jianglong went west in the opposite direction.When he took a few steps, he turned his head to look at the newly piled sand table.After looking at it, my heart was cold to the bottom.

There is no shadow of a sand table here.The raincoat had already run to the side, and the raindrops were pouring non-stop on the unsheltered sand table.The sand piles were sprayed mottled, and those elevation points became flat.On the top, there are still many messy pig's hoof prints.

You don't need to guess, it's what those pigs did.He wanted to reach out to get the raincoat and put it on again, but when he thought about it, it was all like this, so what's the use of putting it on again.

"Forget it, let's rebuild after the rain stops!" Wu Jianglong suppressed his anger, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't piss off the pigs!Not only can't sprinkle it, but also treat it kindly.Once the anger subsided, he comforted himself, "If you destroy it, you will destroy it!" While thinking, he walked forward.

The village is very quiet, that is, no one speaks, and no animals can be seen.There are only raindrops falling from the sky and puddles of water on the streets.Wu Jianglong walked through the mud alone and searched for a while, but he didn't see half a pig after walking a long way.

As he walked, he pondered.Those two pigs knew how to run into the house to hide from the rain under the heavy rain, so the remaining two pigs would not be so stupid, and they would not run out of the village in the heavy rain!There are woods and grass outside the village, and wild carnivores often appear.Therefore, he reckoned that the two pigs probably knew the dangers in the wild under the care of the villagers, so it was unlikely that they would run outside the village.

So, Wu Jianglong looked down on the ground while walking.After searching for a while, I didn't see any pig's hoof prints.

Wu Jianglong guessed that it seemed that the two pigs hadn't left the village at all, and they were even still at the landlord's house.So he turned around and went back.When he walked to the destroyed sand table, he suddenly saw that the raincoat moved forward again, and the raised area was still slightly undulating.

Wu Jianglong smiled, thinking, "These two guys must be here." He stepped forward, took off his raincoat, and there were really two little pigs inside.Without saying a word, Wu Jianglong stepped forward to copy, one in each hand, and ran back carrying it.

"My fellow, are these two guys?" Wu Jianglong shouted as soon as he entered the room.

"Yes, yes." Seeing that the two little pigs were found, the fellow kept saying yes.

"Hey, you didn't make it clear, I thought it was a big pig!"

After a while, the two soldiers returned empty-handed. When they entered the house, they apologized to the fellow, "My fellow, I'm sorry, we didn't find it."

"I found it, I found it." The fellow said happily, and turned his attention to Wu Jianglong again.

"I found it. You two go and rest." Wu Jianglong walked back to the back room after speaking.

The fury of the heavy rain began to recede, and the sky gradually turned pale.

Wu Jianglong couldn't wait any longer. Before the rain stopped, he grabbed a handful of combat equipment and said to the two soldiers, "Go out and work."

"Two soldiers were stunned, and one soldier asked, "What work. "

"The sand table was destroyed by pigs, and it has to be piled up again." Wu Jianglong pushed the door out of the house.

The rain was still falling, but it was not as ferocious as before.The raindrops are gradually thinning out, and there are signs of the rain stopping.

Wu Jianglong was really in a hurry.The superior gave him three days to prepare.During these three days, he had to familiarize himself with the terrain in which he was going to go deep behind enemy lines.Just relying on the map is fine for me, but it is really difficult for these soldiers who have not studied military topography.Some fighters have never been able to form a three-dimensional sense on the map, so when they arrive on the ground, they often have illusions.Therefore, he wants to let these soldiers keep the terrain in mind on the sand table, so that when they are about to fight, they can also know which is the mountain and which is the water, so that they will not rush in blindly.

Although the sand table in the open space has been ransacked by two little pigs, the general orientation has not changed.Therefore, sorting it out in this way is much faster than rebuilding.

While repairing, Wu Jianglong thought, this time after completing the mission, he will also make a mobile sand table like the reconnaissance section chief.

After the sand table was built, Wu Jianglong gathered the whole team and surrounded the Laoshan area, allowing these soldiers to see for the first time what a sand table operation is.

While fiddling with small flags and small stones, Wu Jianglong roughly stated the enemy's deployment he saw in the war room.After some moving and stopping, the people in the small team basically figured out the general topography of the Laoshan area, and it was impossible to figure it out very clearly.It's all clear, why do we need their small team!

Next, Wu Jianglong drew a large circle on the sand table and said to the team, "This area is where we are going."

Combat materials are ready, and the terrain is roughly cleared up, and the time and place for crossing the border must be selected.

Naturally not during the day, and sometimes there is a moon at night, these are not the best time to cross the border.Not only to cross the border, but also to be invisible.Otherwise, if the enemy knows that there are Chinese soldiers coming, they spread out and wait, or chase and intercept them everywhere, how can they complete the reconnaissance mission.Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most appropriate time for crossing the border.

The squad is ready to go.Ten people were divided into three combat groups to prepare for maneuvers during wartime.Shen Weijun, Li Tong, and Liu Hai are the cover team.Dong Yun, Chen Qiang, and Xia Fengguo are the reconnaissance team.He Xiao, Fu Yongshuang, and Du Chunsheng are the thunder-breaking team.Except that Shen Weijun used a squad light machine gun.The others each have a folding submachine gun with an iron handle and a Type [-] pistol. They bring their own ammunition, the more sufficient the better.The polenade was replaced by a hand grenade.All other materials, such as compass, first aid kit and other things are all brought together.

After this period of training, the ten-member team is fully equipped with various skills such as reconnaissance, combat, mine clearance, and escape.Especially the field survivability in the mountains and jungles has been greatly enhanced.After Wu Jianglong's targeted sand table operations, these fighters have memorized the terrain of the entire Laoshan area by heart.Even in the case of falling behind, they can fight independently, and they won't panic because they can't find the southeast, north and south.The tactical skills of individual soldiers have also been greatly improved, and they are omnipotent in grappling and fighting.It can be said that the intensive training during the period before the war enabled the squad to initially possess all-weather combat capabilities and the ability to respond to emergencies under various conditions.Therefore, looking at this team, Wu Jianglong felt really relieved, "It's different if it's different, and the steel made with special materials is better than ordinary materials.

The radio station on Liu Hai's body has been silent.

The squad has been lying in the woods for nearly two hours, but the superior has not issued an order to cross the border.

The small team is really waiting for the flowers to thank, can they not be in a hurry!Wu Jianglong kept silent, but kept looking at his watch.

The thick shadow of the woods is getting darker and darker, and it looks like a mess.You can't use a flashlight while walking in the dark, and this is the most suitable time to start when there is no moonlight.Wu Jianglong was thinking so.

Suddenly, several shells flew from the direction of the enemy and landed within the border of our country.After a while, countless shells flew up behind the squadron.Our army's artillery position began to rumble.It is not clear whether this is our army fighting back or doing it on purpose to make use of the problem.

After the self-defense counterattack in [-], although the enemy and the enemy rarely fought hand-to-hand, the shelling operations never stopped.This is no wonder to us, it is the Vietnamese side that often provokes and fires shells at us from time to time.Once this happens, our army will definitely fight back.Often, as soon as the enemy and the enemy come into contact, they will fight. From sporadic shelling, it will be transformed into a large-scale artillery battle.

Why didn't the superiors let the squad attack all this time? They had been waiting for this moment.We will never seek trouble for nothing, but we cannot let the Vietnamese army do whatever they want.So, this time, as long as they fired first, we found a reason to fight back.Let the Vietnamese army look like our artillery fire is no different from usual.

However, this time our bombardment was quite different from the previous ones. Not only did we increase the number of artillery pieces, but we also added an extra component to the shells, that is, we used more smoke bombs.In order not to arouse the enemy's alertness, a large number of 130 rocket shells were mixed into the smoke bombs.Not only does it cover a large area, but it also has to drive the garrisoned Vietnamese troops back to the fortification just because of its strange chirping sound.

After the cannon rang for a while, the radio on Liu Hai finally rang, and a voice came from inside, "Magma, magma, I am a volcano, please answer."

"I am Magma, please speak if you have something to say." Wu Jianglong grabbed the microphone.

"The rice is ripe for harvest," said the voice on the radio.

"Understood." After Wu Jianglong answered, he put down the microphone and said to the people gathered around him, "One minute to prepare."

The ten soldiers checked their supplies again, and several soldiers specially tied the anti-tie rubber shoelaces.

Wu Jianglong looked at his watch and said resolutely, "Let's go."

Wu Jianglong was in front, and eleven people formed a column, divided into three groups, and sneaked through the grass.

The way of advancing these three waves is very particular, and we will describe it in detail when we encounter the enemy next.

The sound of bombing on the enemy's position was loud and smoky, and there was no one to be seen on the surface of the position. No matter whether it was the front or the depth, they were bombarded by our army without a target.One shot to the east, one shot to the west, so that none of the enemies dared to come out and look outside.Even if you lie down in the bunker, it is hard to say that you will not be bombarded by the shells that fell on your head.Therefore, the enemies here feel that it is better to shrink back, that is, they will not be cut by shrapnel, and they will not be smashed too badly when the bunker is paralyzed.Therefore, there were neither screams nor gunshots on the mountain.The enemy completely regarded the bombing as a fortification.

The enemy infantry was hiding, but their artillery was not idle. From the initial sporadic artillery fire, it gradually escalated, and about a battalion of artillery joined in.In the sky, there were rows of artillery shells, staggered with each other, one south and one north facing each other and landing on each other's country.

No one expected that the tentative artillery fire from both sides would turn into such a large-scale suppressive artillery battle.After fighting for a while, there was no intention of stopping first.If you can't finish the shells, you will never give up.The two families were really not convinced.

Where did the enemy shells come from?From a distance, the enemy is somewhere behind the old mountain.And our side!But it is on certain depressions thirty miles away from the frontier.Both sides wanted to blow up the enemy's artillery position during the artillery counterattack, but unfortunately the position was not accurate, and all parties were greatly discounted halfway, and the artillery shells flew everywhere.

The artillery observers of our army, because they are located lower than the old mountain, have no way to see where the enemy's artillery positions are, and the command of the artillery positions is not very accurate. I made a rough idea.It doesn't matter, we didn't expect to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop.Don't be in a hurry even if you can't blow it up, there must be a critical moment, and our elite soldiers are just going to do this!

At that time, our army did not have completely accurate artillery countermeasures, and there were no ballistic analyzers.Unlike now, as long as the general direction of the opponent's trajectory is found, the suppressed artillery fire can accurately hit the target within a minute.The era is different, the level of technology is different, and the equipment is naturally different, so the combat effectiveness will naturally be much lower.Therefore, the success of the war is also dependent on the quality of the infantry.

Our artillery greatly interfered with the enemy's overall deployment. At this time, the enemy not only relaxed their guards, but also greatly reduced their threat of observation.Coupled with the thick smoke rising from the enemy's position, it also created extremely convenient conditions for Wu Jianglong's small team to cross the border.

The crossing time is 10:[-] p.m., [-] minutes later than the artillery attack.

The artillery fire continued, and our ground troops did not see any attack.This phenomenon finally attracted the attention of the enemy agent team.

Captain Wu Liangfu walked up and down the tunnel with his brows furrowed. He kept thinking that our army's long bombardment was different from usual, but he couldn't figure out why.Is it just for revenge, or for other purposes.If it was retaliation, the artillery harassment of the Vietnamese army did not cause heavy casualties on the Chinese side.If it is an attack, there is only artillery fire, but there is no shadow of infantry.He thought about it, and felt that there must be something else in here.What will it be!After Wu Liangfu turned around on the ground a few times, he didn't think of one, two, three.

Turn around, turn around.Wu Liangfu suddenly said, "Ruan Hu, follow me."

A Vietnamese soldier wearing glasses stood up from the ground and followed Wu Liangfu to the entrance of the cave.

Wu Liangfu walked forward quickly, and the little Vietnamese soldier staggered behind him.The terrain of the tunnel has risen, gradually showing an uphill road.

Wu Liangfu walked to an observation hole in the tunnel and stopped, took the telescope handed over by Ruan Hu and looked down the mountain.

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