soldier rushing forward

154. Go around behind the enemy

It was completely dark, and the front and back became a blur. 【 #_ 】Not only the wormwood on the ground disappeared, but even the trees on both sides escaped the sight, disappearing from time to time.If you don't have good eyesight, or if you don't stare closely, you may touch the tree at any time.However, don't worry about that.The members of the team were selected from thousands of picks, and none of them were short-sighted, and none of them suffered from night blindness.Even so, they walked very carefully, and their speed gradually slowed down.

At this time, the team members walking through the jungle had to call each other softly from time to time to prevent the people behind from getting lost or falling behind.Therefore, after they walked more than ten meters, or when they rounded a curve, Wu Jianglong, who was walking in the front, always stopped to count the number of people.If a certain person walks slowly or is far away from the team, those who know should call the person in front to stop and wait for this person to come up.If you wait for a long time and still don't see anyone, you have to go back and look for it.

This is really a special situation, and the team has never encountered it in normal training.At that time, they dared to move forward boldly, because they had never tried the consequences of being left behind by others, and they could find their way home if they lost their way.It is different now, no matter which person is left behind, it is the same as losing his life.Why go home!Just wait for the Vietnamese to take prisoners!Therefore, they walked cautiously and carefully.

From this point of view, peacetime and wartime psychology are different.No matter how realistic the training is, it is difficult to practice to this level.Otherwise, why do some soldiers usually shoot a hundred shots, but when they go to the battlefield, they can't even touch the enemy's side.This is the quality of a person's heart.It is not enough to have skills alone, but also to pay attention to psychological endurance.On the battlefield full of artillery fire, it is not uncommon for someone to pee their pants after being frightened.We introduced earlier that some people are so frightened that they can't even fire their guns when they go to a battlefield full of gunfire.Therefore, to know whether a soldier can be truly brave, it is not enough to just look at his usual performance, but also to have the process of being refined in the fire. Only after he is refined can he know whether he is a piece of gold.

After walking for a while, Wu Jianglong felt that the speed was too slow.According to this way of walking, the mountain cannot be crossed at dawn.In case the enemy is really aware of the squad.Even if they don't chase, they are blocked everywhere.In that case, it will be even more difficult for the squad to cross this area.Therefore, he asked the squad to speed up the march and quickly pass through the area that the enemy is most concerned about.Wu Jianglong pondered for a while, and finally came up with a solution.

"Take out the backpack rope." This was prepared by Wu Jianglong to deal with emergencies.

Dong Yun took out the backpack rope and handed it to Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong held one end, and then passed it backwards one by one, telling the people behind that everyone should be tied to their wrists.

In this way, ten people were connected into a string.Although it is dangerous to do so, it has a lot of protection compared to being left behind.

"Go forward." Wu Jianglong was still at the forefront.

After traveling a certain distance in this way, Wu Jianglong reckoned that he would not be too far away from the enemy's minefield.Only then did the soldiers untie the rope and called the demining team over.

"He Xiao, it's your turn." Wu Jianglong said to the thunder-breaking team members who came forward.

"Don't worry! Captain." After He Xiao finished speaking, he took Fu Yongshuang and Du Chunsheng to investigate the mine.

As soon as the demining team moved forward, Wu Jianglong asked the others to hide.The remaining seven people were hidden in the nearest place, firstly, to alert the deminers, and secondly, in case of accidents, it would not cause heavy casualties.

After a while, He Xiao came over and called softly, "Captain, captain"

Wu Jianglong came out from the darkness, "What's the matter?"

"Captain, there are too many landmines in front of us, and we probably won't be able to finish the line before dawn."

This new situation caught Wu Jianglong by surprise. He didn't expect that the Vietnamese army would make things so complicated in this area.Not only are there mines on the forward positions on the hillside, but also on such a long passage.From the looks of it, this path is not going to work.Guangping's pocket mine detectors will have to be arranged for a long time. You must know that they are not here for mine clearance.

This is the edge of the jungle, close to the foot of a mountain, as long as they walk out of the jungle and cross a stream, they can set foot on the old mountain range.Then along this mountain range, just touch quietly in the direction of Laoshan Fangfeng. It will not take long for them to reach the area they are going to.

It's a pity that the enemies here are more cunning than the Japanese devils, and it may be that they have gained experience from years of war, and everything must be prevented before it happens.Therefore, they also placed a large number of landmines on the edge of the Laoshan line of defense.It is difficult for people to get off their feet, and it is difficult for people to approach.If it's a small amount, it's okay, so many can't afford it.

Wu Jianglong thought for a while, and analyzed and judged that since the enemy has deployed mines here, it is estimated that there will be secret whistles nearby.Not only can't be too ostentatious, don't even make any noise, it's better not to provoke them.

According to the requirements for carrying equipment, each of the three fighters in the mine breaking team has a pocket mine detector.Mainly for convenience, to avoid passages when necessary.It's okay if there are few landmines, but there is no way if there are too many mines.Now they have encountered a minefield, and they have no time to wait, so of course they can't find it.Not to mention that there is an emergency operation now, even in broad daylight, it will take three days and five mornings to pass.

Wu Jianglong pondered for a moment, it would not work if it wasted like this.This road does not work, go elsewhere.I don't believe that the Vietnamese army can block all the passages.What's more, they have to go down the mountain, and they often cross the border, so it is impossible that there is no path to walk.So he said to He Xiao, "Tell your people to withdraw."

He Xiao ran to call for someone.

"Come here." Then, Wu Jianglong called Dong Yun over again, and said to several people, "Open up the raincoat."

Dong Yun and a soldier opened up the raincoats and made a small nest, with their backs facing the direction of the mountain.

Wu Jianglong opened the map, got in, checked the map with a flashlight inside, and re-selected the forward route.

Wu Jianglong saw that their current location was displayed on the map as a light-colored area with a green line inside.He estimated that this is the valley they are currently in.If you continue to go east along this valley, you will get farther and farther away from Laoshan.Although going south, you will soon enter Laoshan.But the conditions are not allowed, and it is very dangerous.

Wu Jianglong thought for a while, and felt that it was better to go further.Although the journey is farther, it is better than crossing the minefield after all. If you go out and come back, you can still go up the old mountain.And it is very likely that the enemy will be taken by surprise.Thinking of this, he secretly made up his mind, "Yes, let's go here."

Wu Jianglong made up his mind, put out the flashlight, and crawled out from under the raincoat, "Okay, put it away!"

In such a dark night, even if it is a tiny flashlight, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be seen by enemies in the distance.In order to prevent exposure, Wu Jianglong thought of this method.

Wu Jianglong felt in the dark, folded the map, and put it back into the satchel.

It just so happened that He Xiao returned with the members of the Polei Team.

Wu Jianglong said softly, "Comrades, the enemy's minefield is ahead, which is not conducive to our concealed operations. For safety's sake, let's go another way." Then he said, "The sequence of actions is inconvenient, so move on." After finishing speaking, Wu Jianglong go to the front.

Dong Yun took a few steps along the road, caught up with Wu Jianglong and said, "Captain, it's our reconnaissance team's turn now, we are at the front."

Dong Yun knew that there were enemies everywhere and the danger was great, so he made this request.

"You don't need to change, you can go back later when you are used." Wu Jianglong said as he walked forward quickly.

The squad changed direction and continued on.

Special Agent Captain Wu Liangfu observed at the entrance of the cave for a while.

At this time, there was no sound of landmine explosions anywhere except the sound of shells exploding up and down the mountain.For this area, he knows too well, where is the dark fort, where is the secret post, where is the traffic trench, where is the minefield, he must know everything in his heart.He is not afraid of anything, except that he is afraid of being hit by someone crossing the minefield.Although Lei Bu's is very dense, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be broken.Once the mines are cleared, there is the weakest undefended area.

It's okay where there are people, as long as the Chinese police come up, there must be an alarm.However, the artillery fire has been going on for so long, and the situation remains the same as before, without any change, and no gunshots have been found anywhere, let alone the sound of landmine explosions.

Wu Liangfu looked up at the arcs of the shells flying back and forth in the sky, always feeling a bad feeling in his heart.For him, this feeling has not appeared for a long time.Coming today, it actually made him a little restless.

Wu Liangfu looked at the entrance of the cave for a while, and saw that the shells were not as loud as before, and it was estimated that the shelling would stop.So he said to the little Vietnamese soldier beside him, "Notify the first squadron and prepare for action."

The No. [-] Squadron is his most powerful special warfare squadron. Most of the members have experience in self-defense counterattacks in [-], so he feels very comfortable using these people.

After a while, more than [-] Vietnamese soldiers came running to the front.

These thirty Vietnamese soldiers were dressed completely differently from the regular army.Everyone is dressed in black, and the upper and lower bodies are all short. If you don't look at the weapons you carry with you, you are no different from ordinary people.It was also this attire that made it very easy for them to fight back against fighters in self-defense in [-].When they saw Chinese Communists, they would beat them if they could, and if they couldn't beat them, they would insert themselves among the common people, pretending to be ordinary peasants, and blindfolded many PLA soldiers.It is also using this attire to often carry out sneak attacks behind our army, and I don't know how many lives of our soldiers have been destroyed.Another advantage is that when operating in the dark, black clothes can serve as a great cover, which coincides with the identity of their secret service team.

Wu Liangfu stood in front of these 30 people and gave a lecture, roughly saying, "In order to strengthen our security and prevent the Chinese Communists from sneaking in, now I will take you down the mountain for reconnaissance. It is very likely that the Chinese Communists will It's somewhere down the mountain. Do you understand?"

The thirty Vietnamese agents answered in unison, which was deafening.

After hearing this, Wu Liangfu was very satisfied. He took a submachine gun from the soldier and said to everyone, "Let's go."

The team of more than 30 people came out of the cave with the sound of sporadic explosions.

The main peak of Laoshan is about 200 meters above sea level.Although it is not high, its mountains are very long, and the elevations stretch continuously until they reach more than [-].With so many elevation points, every hill was regarded as a commanding height by the Vietnamese army.Groups of enemies guard here.Some have seven or eight people, some have three or five people, and some have only one or two people.There are several sentry posts on a hill, ranging from No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-], scattered all over the hills.

Some of the outposts guarded are natural caves, some are newly dug cat's ear holes, and some are just two big rocks.Use steel and steel bars to make a support frame on the big rock crack, and then cover it with concrete. When people stay inside, it becomes a bunker.There must be at least one submachine gun or machine gun in each bunker to facilitate the formation of intensive firepower.

Except for the main peak, there are very few decent tunnels. As for the deeper sections, how many tunnels the enemy still has, since none of us have been there, so we don't know.

After Wu Liangfu led the 30-member special agent team out of the tunnel, they walked all the way down the ridgeline.From time to time, the road will be checked by various sentries.As they walked, suddenly, from nowhere, someone came out of the darkness and asked them for the password.

It was not until Wu Liangfu answered correctly that he could hear the sound of the other party closing the gun.Otherwise, you don't even know where the bullet came from.Along the way, Wu Liangfu did not know how many inquiries he encountered.But he didn't find it annoying at all, on the contrary he felt very comfortable.With such a dense defense, you are still afraid of a sneak attack by a Chinese gun, this is called foolproof.

Therefore, he was always proud of the rationality of the deployment on the battlefield, the professionalism of the Vietnamese soldiers, and the meticulous organization at all levels.Under such conditions, he did not believe that the Chinese Communist Party could fight up.Therefore, I have become more and more convinced of what the teacher said, "If China wants to attack the old mountain, it must use corpses to open the way." , Let our army pay a human life.As a result, even two sentry positions were not regained. This was a very tragic and failed battle.As for this section, we will talk about it when we talk about the fierce battle in Laoshan.

When the secret service team came to a snake-shaped wire, Wu Liangfu asked people to stop.They can no longer go forward, crossing the wire is a minefield.Although the terrain here is slightly flat, there are a lot of anti-infantry and anti-tank mines here.

Wu Liangfu took out his binoculars and looked down the mountain. About 20 meters away from the minefield was a jungle.Standing here, no matter what, you can't see the shadow of the jungle clearly.You can't see it even during the day, let alone at night.Now Takeshi is waiting for a bright light, even one the size of a firefly.Waited for a while and saw nothing.But he was still worried, so he asked the signal soldier to contact the artillery, and prepared to use a small cannon to blast a few shots here.

The messenger yelled a few words into the microphone, and then mortar shells fell towards that area.

Cannonballs streaked across the jungle.

Wu Liangfu followed the flames with his eyes, and observed for a while, but still saw nothing.After the explosion, there was still silence.He waited for a while, but there was still no movement.As a result, he began to have doubts about his third sense.Say to your subordinates, "Withdraw."

The Vietnamese army withdrew back to the mountain again.

As soon as the team walked out, they heard the sound of shells exploding behind them.Wu Jianglong looked back and saw that it was the area where they were going to pass through for reconnaissance and demining when they settled down just now.Wu Jianglong felt bored.Was it discovered by the enemy? Why did the enemy bomb it?Could it be that the enemy has discovered the whereabouts of the squad? If so, this cross-border reconnaissance mission is really difficult to complete.

Things are too coincidental.When Wu Liangfu looked down the mountain with a telescope, it was also when Wu Jianglong was looking at the map with a flashlight.If it weren't for Wu Jianglong's extra hand to block the light in the raincoat, they would have been in a terrible situation.Leaving aside the enemy's pursuers, the mortar shells alone made them overwhelmed.

Once the enemy finds them, it is impossible to let them go so quietly.From time to time, a few flares were released on the mountain, and then bombarded with artillery fire. It was hard to say how far this small team could go.You know, the enemy guarding the hills, their battalions are equipped with mortars.What belongs to the regiment, the battalion, and individual companies themselves.Therefore, it is very convenient to command.As long as the commander of the position gives an order, there will be artillery fire on duty in an instant.

Wu Jianglong secretly sweated in his palms.Not only him, but every team member was worried because of this.

"Concealment." When the artillery fired, Wu Jianglong asked the team members to lie down on the spot, fearing that the enemy would extend their shots.Even if you fire indiscriminately, it may fall on this area.

They hid in the dark and waited for a while.It was found that the enemy had bombed that area for a while and then there was no movement.Wu Jianglong judged, probably the enemy was aware of it, otherwise they would not have carried out a targeted attack.

"Fast forward." Wu Jianglong believed that the situation was resolved, and gave orders to the squad.

Now, Wu Jianglong is not going to run directly to the Laoshan mountain range, he is going to make a circle and meet the enemy from behind.

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