It seemed that the captured Vietnamese was about 50 years old, not tall, thin, with protruding eyes and sunken cheeks. 【-】The black clothes are covered with all kinds of stains. It is entirely possible that he hasn't changed or washed his clothes for a year.The bamboo hat on his head was still on at the beginning, but after being pressed down by the soldiers, it rolled down to the wall.As soon as the bamboo hat was taken off, there was a mess of dirty hair and the smell of sweat.It was such a person, if he hadn't seen the gun in his hand, Wu Jianglong would never have decided to arrest him.

The Vietnamese was dumbfounded by the sudden situation.In a moment of panic, he didn't understand what was going on, and he didn't take a closer look at who was arresting him.Only after he calmed down did he dare to take a look at who these people were.Seeing this, he didn't panic anymore, because he recognized that the arrester was the Chinese Communist Party.He had seen and spoken to the Chinese Communists when they passed by here in [-], and he knew that these soldiers did not come blindly or beat people, so he was no longer afraid.The reason why he started to be afraid was that the local police would arrest him.After all, what he wants to do is shameful.

The Vietnamese was taken to a forest.Chen Qiang, who can speak Vietnamese, said something in Vietnamese and asked what you do.Unexpectedly, this person could speak Chinese.

In fact, in this area, it is not surprising to be able to speak Chinese, it is purely normal.Because it is close to the Chinese border after all, the people of the two countries often have contact with each other. Over time, many of the people on both sides can communicate with each other.Especially those who are older, they have interacted like a family during the friendly period between the two countries.What's more, there are many aiding Vietnam troops living here, so they know the Chinese people very well.

"I know you, you are the People's Liberation Army." Wu Jianglong was really shocked when the arrested person said it.Unexpectedly, this guy is still a Chinese hand.

"Who are you?" Wu Jianglong asked directly without Chen Qiang's translation.

"I'm from this village. I know you all. You are all good people. You don't beat or swear, and you don't take things from our common people." Unexpectedly, when the Vietnamese said a lot of benefits to the PLA, Wu Jianglong was shocked. There is no way to ask further.However, Wu Jianglong didn't have a good impression of him when he saw him bullying the woman just now, no matter how nice he was.

"Are you Vietnamese or Chinese?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"I, I," the man began to hesitate. At first he wanted to say that he was an overseas Chinese, but he was afraid that they would not believe him.Because the overseas Chinese were deported by the Vietnamese government long before seven or nine years ago, so he had no choice but to tell the truth, "I am Vietnamese, but I belong to the same family as you Chinese. I often go there—"

"Okay," Wu Jianglong stopped and asked when he saw that this person was about to talk, "Do you know the terrain in this area?"

"Understand, understand." The man said, "I have lived here for more than 50 years, and I have been everywhere."

"Where's that mountain over there?" Wu Jianglong turned around and pointed in the direction of the old mountain.

"I've been there, I've been there, but..." the Vietnamese rolled his eyes, "I haven't been there in the past few years. It's a **, and the people don't let them get close."

"What do you do?" Wu Jianglong suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"I, I am the head of this village."

"Where did you get the gun in your hand?"

"I heard that you are coming, and the superiors issued it." When asked about the gun, the Vietnamese was a little nervous.

"what is your name?"

"My name is Wu Guoren." He said this sentence in Vietnamese, which was translated by Chen Qiang.

Wu Jianglong thought to himself, "Why is he scolding Guoren! Look at what you did!"

"What's the relationship between that woman and you?" Wu Jianglong continued to ask.

"It's okay, it's a good friend." The Vietnamese didn't panic at all.

"Nonsense, good friend, why beat someone." Wu Jianglong suddenly said sharply.

"This, this." The Vietnamese's words were no longer so fluent, and they didn't say it for a long time, but what they said was squeaking.

"Let me tell you, I know your policies. If you tell your leaders about this, it will be no good for you." Wu Jianglong was frightened.

The Vietnamese are scared.At that time, Vietnamese people still had a strong sense of revolution, and they didn't say anything about the law to those who made mistakes.An official came out and said, "Take him out and shoot him." Then he was really killed.It doesn't matter what kind of village head you are, or ordinary people, it doesn't matter if you die.

The Vietnamese was confused, and for a moment he forgot that the two countries are still in a state of hostility. How could Wu Jianglong and the others meet his superiors!It may also be that the relationship between the people of the two countries during the aid to Vietnam was too good, so this Vietnamese mistakenly regarded this time as that time.If these Chinese people talk about him, he will really be finished.So he is afraid.He is not afraid of what the Chinese Communists will do to him, but he is afraid of the tough policy of the North Vietnamese government.

"Comrade People's Liberation Army, don't let this matter out." The Vietnamese knelt down and begged for mercy.

"It's okay if you don't say it, you take us to the root of the mountain." Wu Jianglong pointed out.

"No, no." The Vietnamese were even more frightened, "If you can't get through, not only are there guards, but there are also landmines everywhere.

"You don't have to be afraid of this, as long as you bring us to you." Wu Jianglong said.

The Vietnamese secretly looked around at the people around him with protruding eyeballs, and after some consideration, he agreed, thinking, "If I don't go, they won't let me go." So he agreed,

"Okay, okay, after that, it's none of my business for you to go as you please." Of course he was afraid, if the government knew that he brought the Chinese Communists here, it would be no good to him.

"Go." Wu Jianglong said, winking at Dongdongyun.That means, keep an eye on this person and don't let him run away.

Escorting this person is not as fast as it used to be. We have to be careful not only of him escaping, but also of being caught in his tricks.Don't look at this person's very nice words. "What, he is a family with the People's Liberation Army! He can't stand the oppression of the Viet Cong, etc." What kind of person is this guy.Due to the tight time, the small team didn't bother to inquire about it at all, and didn't bother to get to the bottom of this guy.Whatever you are, just take us to our destination.Even if you talk about smallpox, in the eyes of the people in the squad, this guy is not a good thing.Just from the fact that he bullies women, it can be completely concluded.Therefore, there is a 90.00% possibility that any man who bullies a woman can fully explain that this kind of man is not only not a man, but also completely inhuman, or in other words, a person who is not very promising.

Just in case, the reconnaissance team took the lead and caught the Vietnamese Wu Guoren in the middle.Wu Jianglong felt that this was not safe.Because there are shrubs and bushes on both sides of the path, as long as Wu Guoren wants to run, he can hide in it with a dodge. Once he is flooded by grass, he will never be found.You dare not shoot.Besides, what's the use of shooting and killing.Isn't the purpose just to let him lead the way!

"Wu Guoren. Let's be a villain first, and then a gentleman." Wu Jianglong said, "It's not that we don't trust you, but we have to guard against it. Just in case, it's better to tie you down."

At first Wu Guoren didn't understand, but when he saw a soldier, he tied a thin rope around his waist, and then he realized, "Oh, this is to lead me away." If he didn't let him, he didn't have the guts. "Although the discipline of the People's Liberation Army is very strict, it takes a long time to beat or curse people. But now, there are only a dozen of them. What if one of them gets angry and kills him? Forget it, just be obedient! "Wu Guoren pretended to be very honest, and he seemed very cooperative. He did what Wu Jianglong said, respectful, obedient, and omniscient.

The squad escorted Wu Guoren all the way forward.The more you walk forward, the higher the terrain, and the forest is deep and the grass is dense, and the fireworks in the world are gradually far away.

Along the way, Wu Jianglong thought, this Wu Guoren is not only a Vietnamese, but also a village chief.He is so honest, can he be obedient!But his behavior is different from that of ordinary Vietnamese, there is no hatred in his eyes, only flattery and fawning.If it's true that his nature is good, don't pretend to show it to the squad.What if he is a member of the Vietnamese Workers' Party!It's better to be careful.

The small team had a very difficult time walking on the route.Those who walk in front not only have to scout the situation, but also bear the responsibility of avoiding the road.At this time, Shen Weijun replaced Dongyun and waved a hatchet at the front to open the way.

After a while, the soldiers couldn't move anymore.From night to now, not only has there been no water or rice, but there is not even a chance to breathe.

Wu Jianglong also noticed that the team was too tired from walking, so he ordered to rest.

After the squad released a floating whistle, the others sat down in the woods to rest.Each of them opened the compressed biscuits they carried with them, and with the water in the kettle, they drank, ate, and fell asleep for a while.

The soldiers' chewing made Wu Guoren salivate.

"Give" Wu Jianglong came over and handed Wu Guoren a compressed biscuit.

Wu Guoren took it and put it on his mouth to smell it carefully.I felt a slightly salty, fresh scent rushing into my nostrils.Looking at something the size of a stone in your hand, wonder if it can be eaten?

"En." Wu Jianglong brought a piece of biscuit in his hand to his mouth and bit one, as a demonstration for the Wu people.

"Oh, this thing is edible!" Wu Guoren tried to take a bite, and he thought it was good, and then he took another big bite.He didn't know the power of this thing, he thought it was their rice!Since it's delicious, let's eat it!

After taking this bite, the compressed biscuit shattered and cracked, and the mouth was really full, making it impossible to swallow.

Seeing his embarrassment, several soldiers laughed so hard that they almost spit out the food in their mouths.

Wu Jianglong couldn't stand it anymore, and handed the water bottle to Wu Guoren, "Drink some water!"

Wu Guoren stared blankly at Wu Jianglong, not daring to take the kettle right away.

"Just take a sip and you'll be fine." Wu Jianglong handed the water bottle forward again

Wu Guoren took the kettle and took a gulp before swallowing the compressed biscuit in his mouth.Although this bite went down, he didn't dare to eat it next.

"Eat like this, don't take a big bite." Wu Jianglong took another bite and demonstrated.

Wu Guoren also imitated Wu Jianglong, took a small bite, and ate slowly, the more he ate, the more delicious he felt, and he quickly finished the whole compressed biscuit.Seeing the meaning, I was not full and wanted to have a piece, so I smacked my lips and said repeatedly, "It's delicious, it's really delicious."

"You can only eat this if it's delicious," Wu Jianglong asked for the water bottle from Wu Guoren's hand, "This is our ration. You don't have to worry about getting full."

"Let's take a break for an hour." Wu Jianglong said to the soldiers of the squad.

It was already dawn, and during this time period, the Vietnamese army would always send a large number of personnel to sort out the various regions.If the squad continues to move forward, it is easy to collide with these Vietnamese troops, so it is better to hide and rest on the spot.Wait until the Vietnamese army is ready, and then continue to go deeper.

Wu Jianglong carefully observed the jungle in front of him.The jungle is not small, and it is very dense. From the inside, it is really hard to see how big this forest land is, because the sun rarely shines in.The people standing inside couldn't find a line of sight to look out like Ben.Coupled with the wormwood wrapped around the trunk in the woods, people hide in it. If they don't actively expose it, even if someone comes in, it will be difficult to find that there will be Chinese people staying here.

Wu Jianglong looked at it for a while, and felt that this place couldn't be safer, so he let the team rest here with confidence.

He really felt that everything was safe, so he leaned against a big tree and closed his eyes to rest.

The team didn't sleep all night, but Wu Guoren did.So others are sleepy, but he is not sleepy.When he saw the soldiers of the squad lying down one by one, he squinted a pair of bulging eyes and looked around.

The position of the sentinel was a little further away. As for what Wu Guoren was searching for with his eyes, he didn't notice it. He was only focused on guarding against the enemies outside.

Wu Guoren realized that no one was paying attention to him now, so he slowly untied the rope tied to his body, took it off the ground, stood up quietly, and prepared to slip deeper into the woods.

Wu Guoren got up, and just walked two steps, he felt a stone hit his ankle hard, and he fell to the ground with his buttocks in pain, and then he cried out in pain.

This cry just woke up Dongyun beside him.When Dong Yun opened his eyes, he saw that Wu Guoren beside him had disappeared, which frightened him.Then he turned his head and saw Wu Guoren dragging his left leg and still moving forward.

Dong Yun jumped up and ran towards Wu Guoren quickly, "My boy, you still want to run." A leap threw Wu Guoren to the ground.

This noise woke up all the soldiers who had just fallen asleep.The soldiers are so angry!As soon as I fell asleep, you messed up, didn't you want to run, this will make you run enough.

Two soldiers came up, wrapped the rope around Wu Guoren's body, gave him a big rice dumpling, and threw it on the ground to see if you could still run.

"I won't run away, I won't run away." Wu Guoren rolled on the ground begging for mercy.

"Shut him up." Wu Jianglong said under the tree.

A soldier came up, took off the dirty sock under Wu Guoren's feet, stuffed it into his mouth, and shouted at you.

Wu Guoren couldn't move or shout, so he curled up alone and stayed there obediently.As soon as Wu Guoren calmed down, he began to think about who gave him this blow. If he hadn't hit this stone, he might have gone into the jungle long ago.

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