As the sky approached noon, it was estimated that the search team should return to the camp for lunch. 【 #_ 】The team quickly got out of the woods and continued to the Laoshan area.During the break, Wu Jianglong lay down on the map and re-studied the marching route.Although there are some details, such as where the Vietnamese army has added new roads, and which rivers and jungles have not been displayed on the map.Others, Wu Jianglong has mastered them very finely.Once he has such mental preparation, Wu Jianglong is not afraid of Wu Guoren playing tricks on the road.

The team left the dense bushes and got into a low bush.

Although the woods are good for hiding, there is almost no way to go inside.Along the way, although overcoming thorns and thorns, the passage can be opened.But that is not only time-consuming, but also wastes a lot of energy of the personnel.Furthermore, if the Vietnamese army passes by here for inspection, they will be able to find Chinese Communists passing here from a long distance.If you follow along, won't you be able to catch up soon!Therefore, Wu Jianglong will definitely take the ready-made path.It's no big deal to take a walk, just be careful, as long as you don't leave obvious traces.

The path, close to the edge of the grove, kept its centerline in line with the bushes here and there.

While walking, Wu Jianglong reminded others not to damage the branches and leaves on both sides.Why should he pay attention to this detail?It didn't start from caring for trees, that was the experience gained in the war.Because he was worried that the broken things would be discovered by the Vietnamese army.After the Vietnamese army found out, it would soon be judged that a Chinese Communist had been here.Isn't that tantamount to self-disclosure!

The small team sneaked forward, just like the previous ones, still tied the unreliable Wu Guoren with a rope, caught in the middle, and let him point out the direction.

After dawn, Ruan Liangfu led ten people down the mountain, broke away from the position, and finally went deep into the jungle.

When observing at night, Wu Liangfu always had doubts about this area.

When defending the position at the beginning, Wu Liangfu once told his superiors about the danger of the forest.But the commander of the position believed that it was far away from the Laoshan highland, and it was a big gentle slope. Before the battle started, it was absolutely impossible for the Chinese Communists to set foot there.If it is exposed, it is possible to expose the enemy's intentions.Therefore, the Chinese Communists would never go there before the real war started, to actively arouse the suspicion of these Vietnamese soldiers guarding the mountain.Not only did they think so, but there was no minefield in that forest.Just outside the woods, minefields were laid out along the hillside.These mines are all placed in the grass, close to the bottom line of the Laoshan Mountains.

Once the minefield was set up, its area extended to the halfway up the mountain.The Vietnamese army has considered it very carefully. As long as it is out of reach of the rifle, it is almost always covered with landmines.It's no wonder that He Xiao broke the thunder group for a while, but couldn't break it no matter what he said.

For quite a long period of time after the Sino-Vietnamese War was completely over, in order to eliminate the mine hazards in this area, China did not know how many engineers and soldiers it sent.The landmines that have been removed are not counted in millions.As for how many man-hours were spent, how many landmines were discharged, and how many soldiers were sacrificed, it is even more difficult to describe in detail.This is something.

Although the Viet Cong regime did not follow Vu Liang-fu's request, Vu Liang-fu has always been worried about this area, always thinking that there will be problems here.If the national war does not need to be fought, if it is fought, this area is likely to be the place where the Chinese army broke through first.Because there is a terrain for stationing troops here, it is not only conducive to concealment, but also conducive to the timely deployment of troops.Especially those trees blocked the sight of the soldiers guarding the mountains.He wanted to bring people to cut down this forest, so that nothing could be hidden in front of him.But can he cut it!In North Vietnam, there are basically mountains.And here is a subtropical area, where there are mountains, there will naturally be trees, grasses, shrubs, and thousands of plants that cannot be named.You can't just clean up everything in front of you just to guard an old mountain!

This is simply not possible.On this point, Wu Liangfu's superiors are much clearer than him, and they have also carried out a comprehensive evaluation.

But this Wu Liangfu has a very stubborn problem.Once you think you are right, no one can say no.Knowing that it is impossible to do anything, we must do our best and work hard towards the impossible goal.In our Chinese language, this is a very high professionalism.

Wu Liangfu was worried about the woods under the hillside, so early in the morning, he brought some people over to check.

After a burst of artillery fire from our army at night.The forward positions are not as intact as they used to be.There are bomb craters everywhere, wire ends flying off after being blown up everywhere, and dust after being looted by artillery fire everywhere.Especially in the area where there are landmines, after the bombs were thrown, the landmines that were brought out were as chaotic and broken as the radish fields that had been trampled to pieces.

When he got here, Wu Liangfu repeatedly told his subordinates to be careful and stay away from those landmines with black stubble.Who knows how long they can last after the shock and when they will explode.A Vietnamese soldier reminded Wu Liangfu, "Should I go over and help the level?" His request was stopped by Wu Liangfu.

Wu Liangfu took these people and went to those places with landmarks.Where there is thunder and where there is no thunder, of course they know.Not only did he know, but he also had a map of the distribution of landmines in his hand.If this picture is obtained by Wu Jianglong, what an achievement it will be!At that time, when our army attacks Laoshan, how many artillery fires can be saved to avoid the passage, and how many lives can be recovered from the young men who have just arrived.Credit!Not only that, but also immeasurable merit.

Soon, Wu Liangfu and the others crossed the minefield and came to the woods where the team had hidden.

As soon as Wu Liangfu arrived, he noticed that the air here had a peculiar smell.

A professionally trained agent has a fairly clear sense of smell for air.For example, a wolf, if anyone has entered its den, he only needs to sniff a few times in the air to know.Once he smelled a stranger, he would never live in this nest anyway.Not to mention human taste, even large and dangerous beasts, he would have to dodge them.

Since there was no rain or wind, there was still a faint smell in the air that he rarely touched.

Once Wu Liangfu arrived here, he was like a non-smoker, who could smell the smell of smoke quickly anywhere.It is also as if someone who has eaten mutton or food with a smell of mutton goes to a certain place, and others can smell it from a long distance.After sniffing, Wu Liangfu noticed that this smell was different from those of them, and it was probably left by the Chinese on the opposite side.

After entering the woods, he took a few more breaths of air.It's becoming clearer now - someone "outside" has been here.

"Search" Wu Liangfu raised his vigilance and said to his subordinates with a gun in hand.

As soon as he heard the order, the ten agents who followed him also began to pay more attention to their feet.Look down there for remnants or something.

The ground here is always wet and dewy. Once people step on it, they will leave footprints.The hard surface is shallower, and the soft surface leaves the entire footprint deeply and completely.

A Vietnamese soldier shouted, "Captain, there are footprints here."

Wu Liangfu went to look.

Then someone shouted, "There are also here."

After watching several times in a row, Wu Liangfu told them not to destroy it.Then he squatted down and started checking one by one.

There are ten people in the squad, and there are ten pairs of footprints.They messed around here again, tossing and tossing a few times, not sure how many pairs of footprints they would leave.But all of this is not afraid, Wu Liangfu has his own way.Otherwise, how could he have been a special agent captain long ago.

Wu Liangfu squatted on the ground and began to measure the footprints one by one with his hands.It didn't take long for him to distinguish which belonged to which person through these footprints, without confusion, and made an accurate judgment, telling his subordinates, "These footprints should not exceed ten people at most."

At this time, a Vietnamese soldier ran over from the hillside, holding a small flag in his hand.Come to Wu Liangfu and follow, hand this small red flag to Wu Liangfu, and report, "Captain, look at this."

Wu Liangfu raised the little red flag to his eyes and asked, "Where did you find it?"

The Vietnamese soldier turned around and pointed, "That."

"Go, go and have a look." After Wu Liangfu finished speaking, he led the people to the place where the little red flag was found.

When he got close, Wu Liangfu looked at the few small flags still standing on the ground, and immediately understood, "This is the sign left by the Chinese Communists' mine detection."

He looked at the flag on the ground, then turned his eyes to the extension line of the hillside, and thought, "It seems that the communist army wants to pass through this minefield!" There is no such flag after the uneven ground blasted by shells.No matter how far ahead you can see.

Wu Liangfu figured it out. This was the Chinese people's abandonment after detecting the mines. They gave up their plan to cross the minefields, probably because they had other ways.

"Look again, where are those footprints?" Wu Liangfu called out to his subordinates.

The footprints left by the ten Vietnamese agents following the squad were easy to find again.After searching for a while, I finally found the end of the footprints and landed in a grass.

Wu Liangfu ran over and looked into the grass.I saw traces of being stepped on in the grass.It's so obvious, you can tell it at a glance.

Those lying wormwood can't stand up no matter what.They have to wait for the next storm to come and then repair themselves.Otherwise, it will dry up and die.

Wu Liangfu thought for a while, should he report this situation to his superiors and tell them that a squadron has entered.But he didn't know exactly why China sent people here!Once the superior asks about it, if you still don't understand it, it's better to wait until you figure it out.He was afraid that if the Chinese Communists stayed here, they would leave again!This situation has been encountered before.Therefore, he is not going to leave a false report of the military situation or inaccurate reconnaissance in the hands of others.So, Wu Liangfu ordered to his subordinates, "Follow the footprints and see where they went?"

After Wu Liangfu finished speaking, he was the first to jump into the grass with a gun in hand.The reason why he was so bold was because he thought that the Chinese people would not stay here until dawn.Therefore, he has no scruples at all, he jumps high and runs fast.

When the other agents saw that the captain took the lead, they jumped into the grass bravely.After a while, they traveled a long way.

This group of enemies followed along the trail left by the squad.

The Wu Guoren who was arrested still thinks that he is unlucky.Not only did he not run away, but his ankle was hit hard by someone.He hated the man who attacked him to death, and would take revenge if he had the chance.He stared blankly among the ten people but couldn't find them.At that time, before he fled, he had already read them one by one.These people were all sleeping, and none of them had their eyes open.Who could have done it!Wu Guoren pondered for a while but didn't understand.I thought to myself, forget it, just know, what can I do with this person right now?Unless he falls into his own hands in the future.

"It's still in my hands, I don't know what to do with this little life!" Wu Guoren was a little worried.Lead these Chinese people to Laoshan!If the Viet Cong finds out, they have to take their skin off.don't go!Now these Chinese people can't spare him.As long as he said no, someone would come and kill him immediately.Wu Guoren thought about it, and he came up with an idea.It is better to lead these Chinese people to a land that has nothing to do with war.Yes, that's it.After Wu Guoren made a plan, he immediately came to his senses, approached Wu Jianglong and said, "Comrade PLA, I know there is a shortcut, but I don't know if you dare to take it."

"Say it quickly, don't be tricky." Wu Jianglong said angrily.

Wu Guoren froze for a moment, he could understand the content of the first half of the sentence, but he couldn't understand the second half, and asked, "Comrade PLA, what do you mean by showing off?"

Wu Jianglong was a little dumbfounded.I thought to myself, what kind of person do you think this is? It’s this time, and I still seem to understand the Chinese language.In order not to waste time, let him feel better.Wu Jianglong had no choice but to suppress the more ugly words he was about to say, turned around and said to Chen Qiang, "Chen Qiang, tell him."

Chen Qiang explained the general meaning to Wu Guoren in Vietnamese.

"Oh," Wu Guoren understood, but the expression on his face did not change, "Okay, okay, let me talk about it." He pointed to the front and said, "Passing that hill, there is a big forest. Walk through the forest. You can avoid the cliff in front. There is a path around the cliff, and you can go straight to Laoshan." This time Wu Guoren spoke in Vietnamese, Wu Jianglong didn't understand a word, tilted his head to look at Wu Guoren, and waited. Translated by Chen Qiang.

As soon as Wu Guoren finished speaking, Chen Qiang translated the general meaning.

Wu Jianglong walked aside, spread out the map, and searched for the place Wu Guoren said on it.That's right, there is such a large forest, and the forest is closely connected with the mountains.It seems that this Wu Guoren is not talking nonsense.So, I put away the map and said to others, "Let's go this way."

Later, he said to Chen Qiang who was holding Wu Guoren, "Let him lead the way."

This time, Wu Jianglong was more careful.He still didn't quite trust the Vietnamese 'tongue' for fear he'd mess with it.Although Wu Jianglong doesn't know [-]% of the tricks that the mountain people here often set up, he does know a little bit about them. The hidden traps for catching wild animals alone are unbearable.Therefore, to walk through such a dangerous area, Wu Guoren can only be allowed to walk ahead.He is from this area, and he must know what is there.If there is a trap, he will not take the initiative to jump.

Wu Guoren walked in front, Chen Qiang pulled the rope to follow the second, and the third soldier followed closely, forcing Wu Guoren with a gun vigilantly.The others followed behind like a long dragon.

The road went smoothly.Because Wu Guoren chose a path that people often walk.This is much more enjoyable than re-opening the road.

After about an hour of walking, the path came to an end.After arriving here, the shadow of the path disappeared into the bushes all of a sudden, and then there was an endless forest lying in front of us. .

Looking forward, the woods are not only high, but also very dense.Some are tall and straight soaring into the sky.Some are bent, and they are also luxuriant in the woods.Many trees grow obliquely, inserting those branches into the space where they can develop.The ground is covered with wormwood and shrubs, and it is difficult to find a place to stay.

As soon as he entered the woods, Wu Guoren smiled imperceptibly.Then he turned around and said to Chen Qiang behind him, "Comrade PLA, let's go into the woods!"

Standing on the edge of the woods, Wu Jianglong looked in under the huge shadow, and told the soldiers, "Be careful when entering the woods, and look under your feet."

Wu Jianglong's speech is not very comprehensive.The murderous intent in the forest is not only under the trees, but also on the trees, and even in mid-air.

Wu Jianglong walked up to Chen Qiang again, leaned on his ear and whispered a few words, nothing more than to make him keep an eye on Wu Guoren, and don't let him run away.

The small team followed Wu Guoren into the woods, stepping deep and shallow on the ground covered with rotten leaves and weeds.

Although it is afternoon, the sun is shining outside.But once you enter the forest, it is extremely dark here.Even when there are no clouds in the sky to cover the sun, very little light falls.So it looks darker than the sky covered with thick clouds.

After walking for a while, Wu Jianglong always felt that there was something wrong here, so he ordered the squad to disperse, change into a triangle battle formation and walk inward.

These soldiers walked very carefully, but also very apprehensive.Everyone was muttering in their hearts, and they really didn't know what would happen in this murderous forest.

Suddenly, in the depths of the dense forest, there was a soldier's howl, "Ah!"

Wu Jianglong hurried over to take a look, only to see that the soldier had been hung up by a tree vine.With his head down and his feet up, he was dangling in mid-air helplessly.

On the ground, waiting for him was a dense row of bamboo sticks.

Upon seeing it, Wu Jianglong broke out in a cold sweat.

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