soldier rushing forward

168. Fighting wits and courage

The grenade thrown by Shen Weijun delayed the enemy's attack, but it was only for a short moment. 【】After Wu Liangfu came up, he immediately waved his gun and urged the agents to rush out of the woods.Dozens of Vietnamese army agents continued to chase along the place where the squad had just left.

This time, Wu Liangfu finally took aim at the shadow of the squad.Although these agents were all so tired that they were about to vomit blood, Wu Liangfu still didn't give them a chance to breathe.This time, no matter what happened, what unexpected circumstances, he vowed to wipe out the squad no matter what.

The enemy's artillery position was still full of flames, and the sound of explosions kept rising and falling. The squadron had not stopped the shelling.From time to time, sporadic shells flew towards the path where the agents attacked.

As soon as the shell exploded, these agents running forward still had to stop and hide to a place where the bomb could not blow.It was such a movement that caused Wu Liangfu to curse:

"Come out for me, I'm afraid of death ghosts."

After being scolded by the captain, these agents no longer dared to hide, and began to run forward desperately.

Wu Liangfu can be said to be fighting with the small team.At this moment, a shell exploded on top of his head, maybe he wouldn't even blink.In his eyes, there is only the whereabouts of the squad, and in his mind, there is only the figure of the Chinese Communist Party.He can't care about anything now, he only has one goal, to catch up with the squad and wipe them out.

These Vietnam military agents were almost driven away by him.One by one, like monkey soldiers and monkey generals, they were chasing after each other, yelling, circling the tree trunk, jumping over the dead wood, and flying around the dead leaves on the ground they stepped on, bouncing and approaching the team.

The team encountered a strong enemy for the first time after crossing the border, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

Wu Jianglong felt that if he continued running like this, the squad would soon become a living target for the chasing enemies.It's better to teach them a lesson first, and also destroy the madness of the Vietnamese army.Until now, Wu Jianglong still doesn't know what kind of army is chasing after them and how effective they are.

"All stop and stop the enemy." Wu Jianglong suddenly turned around, lying behind a fallen tree and giving orders to the team.

After the soldiers heard the order, they all stopped and formed a battle formation at three locations according to the divided team system.

At this time, Wu Jianglong accidentally glanced at the hat on Chen Qiang's head, and suddenly thought that they were still wearing enemy clothes.Now that it has been discovered by the enemy, wearing this skin will have no effect.Suoxing still looks good in Chinese clothes.To fight is to fight the enemy clearly, let them see who they are fighting with.

"Throw away all Guizi's clothes." Wu Jianglong said suddenly.

The Vietnam Army uniform was so easy to pick off, the soldiers just draped him outside, so they tore it off their bodies and threw it aside.

Two soldiers thought about it, picked it up from the ground, propped up the clothes with sticks, and stood beside them.The hat was also placed on a prominent position beside him.From a distance, these camouflages look like Vietnamese troops lying here one by one.

"Everyone get ready, wait for the enemy to approach before fighting. After you have taught Guizi a lesson, listen to my order to withdraw. No one is allowed to love fighting." Wu Jianglong stared at him again worriedly.His worries were mainly aimed at He Xiao and Shen Weijun.These two boys are sticky when they start fighting, as if fighting is very enjoyable, and they will never end until they run out of bullets.In the deep areas of the enemy's country, where can the logistics supply come from, so everything should be used sparingly.If you run out of ammunition, it doesn't mean that you will be caught without a fight.

As soon as Wu Jianglong finished his assignment, four or five Vietnamese troops rushed over.

"Hit." Wu Jianglong gave an order.

"Da da da." There was a burst of gunfire in front of the Vietnamese army agents, and then, the four agents were shot several times, and red blood flowers were released from their bodies.

As soon as the Vietnamese army in front fell, the Vietnamese army behind immediately stopped their pursuit.They all lay on the ground, hid behind a tree, and hurriedly fired back at the squad.

"Tud chug", "da da da", all kinds of shooting sounds rang out in this jungle.

After the enemy stopped for a while, Wu Jianglong said to Chen Qiang beside him, "Tell the others to withdraw."

After the order was passed, the soldiers crawled back to the battlefield one by one.

After the soldiers withdrew, the enemy was still shooting towards the ambush site just now.

Someone said, "It's good this time, son of a bitch, just go ahead and fight!"

The Vietnamese continued to shoot.After fighting for a while, Wu Liangfu felt that something was wrong, "Why are we all fighting, is there any gunshot from the other side?"

Wu Liangfu observed carefully and found that in the smoke, several people wearing military uniforms were still sticking out their heads on the fallen tree trunks, motionless.This can't fool Wu Liangfu, he guessed that the Chinese Communists were wearing Vietnamese military uniforms.

But one Vietnamese soldier didn't understand, and suddenly stopped and shouted, "Stop fighting, those are our own people."

"What are our own people? That's our uniform worn by the Beikou." Another Vietnamese soldier said.

"Go and have a look." Wu Liangfu guessed right, but he was also afraid that the Japanese would use the Vietnamese prisoners as shields.The Vietnamese army in this area was harassed into such a mess by the squads, and it was really impossible to find out which troops were missing.

As soon as the order was issued, two Vietnamese soldiers stood up from their hiding places and slowly approached the hats.

A breeze came and a hat was blown off.The Vietnamese soldiers who came over thought that the people under the hat were doing something wrong.Now that this is the case, who knows whether the people here are their own or the Beikou.They couldn't take care of this anymore, and for safety's sake, they fired at the hats together.

"Da da da" a burst of fire, these hats were shot flying.

At this time, the Vietnamese army approaching saw the Vietnamese army uniforms thrown everywhere on the ground, but there was no shadow of a Japanese soldier.

A Vietnamese soldier picked up his hat, waved it and shouted at Wu Liangfu: "Captain, there is no one here."

Wu Liangfu ran over, picked up the hat, looked at it, and counted the clothes.Now he figured it out completely.Wu Guoren was right, there were only ten Chinese Communists who came over.

"Brothers, don't be afraid, there are only ten Beikou. If you see me, you will beat me to death, even if you surrender." Wu Liangfu still knew some international law.According to the Geneva Convention, those who wear the clothing of the enemy's country in battle do not enjoy the treatment of prisoners.That means that surrender will also be eliminated, because he violated international law and cannot be regarded as a regular soldier.

Before the squad set off, Wu Jianglong didn't consider this at all. They had only one purpose, and that was to scout the enemy's situation.I haven't thought of any encounters with the enemy.Now, since we have encountered it, we have no choice but to catch the crows and put it on the shelves, regardless of whether it is international law or not.Everyone in their team has put life and death aside since they came out.Therefore, it doesn't matter if the enemy is destroyed or not.Anyway, if they were caught by the enemy, they were not prepared to be prisoners.You can only die standing up, never live on your knees.That is to say, the Chinese were not taken as prisoners, so it was impossible for the enemy to capture them alive.

Once Wu Liangfu was delayed here, he gave the team a lot of time to retreat smoothly.After avoiding the sight of the enemy, they took advantage of the cover of the jungle and ran deeper into the jungle.

Such a big jungle, once a person gets into it, it is like a fish entering the sea.At this time, if you want to find someone inside, it will not be a day or two.

Wu Liangfu watched the squad disappear in front of his eyes, there was nothing he could do.With just the dozens of people at the moment, no matter how they spread out, it would seem insignificant.If you chase in one direction, if you go wrong, the enemy will take advantage of it to escape. In such a large old mountain area, it is not easy to find a small team in the vast jungle.However, he considered the problem from another angle.If we don't find out the squad here, maybe they will do something unexpected.If he went to catch the squad at that time, then he would never be the captain of the secret service team.

"What should I do?" Wu Liangfu was a little embarrassed.It is difficult to go in and look for it, and it is even more difficult not to go in and look for it.

At this time, the radio rang again.The radio soldier came to Wu Liangfu with the radio on his back, "Captain, the division commander is looking for you."

Wu Liangfu is now afraid of this radio station.Especially when the word teacher was mentioned, his heart trembled.I failed to complete the task, and let the squad destroy the artillery position, causing immeasurable losses.These can still be evaded, but the middleman actually slipped away under his nose.If the teacher knows this is the case, he will definitely not be spared.

Wu Liangfu paused, not daring to reach out to pick it up.After thinking about it, it's okay not to answer.I'm afraid of returning home, but the call is from my teacher, and I know it but I don't answer it. Isn't that courting death!Wu Liangfu finally reached out and grabbed the phone.

"Master, I am Wu Liangfu." Wu Liangfu said into the microphone tremblingly.

"Wu Liangfu, have you found Beikou?"

"not yet."

"Didn't you already exchange fire with them?"

"Yes," Wu Liangfu was sweating, "but, but, they ran away again."

"Idiot." The teacher scolded on the phone, "I must find them and destroy them as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the destruction of the artillery positions."

When Wu Liangfu heard this, his head exploded immediately, and there was a buzzing sound, and stars appeared in his eyes.With such a big loss, an entire regiment's artillery position was destroyed.What a loss!Even if he has ten Wu Liangfus, he can't afford it.How could he take such a responsibility.

"Yes, Master, I promise to wipe out these Beibu invaders." Wu Liangfu still insisted on his promise.

"Don't beat them all to death, catch me two alive."

"Yes, Master." Wu Liangfu replied standing at attention.

Wu Liangfu didn't dare to disobey the order given by the teacher, even if there was a huge problem.

Wu Liangfu put down the phone, caught sight of Wu Guoren who was leaning over, and immediately found someone to vent his anger on.Before Wu Guoren could stand still, Wu Liangfu stepped forward and kicked, cursing, "It's all your fault. If you didn't bring Beikou here, would such a big thing happen?"

Wu Guoren was kicked to the ground, staring blankly at Wu Liangfu, "Nephew, you, what are you doing, I'm your uncle."

"What the hell are you, you are a traitor." Wu Liangfu became more and more angry, and suddenly drew his gun and forced Wu Guoren, "Tell me, did you bring the Beikou here on purpose? What did they give you? benefit."

Wu Guoren's head was sweating, and he was also afraid; can he not be afraid?This is called having a ghost in his heart. If Wu Liangfu really found out, he would dare to shoot himself dead on the spot.

"I, I. It's no good. I was forced by them." Wu Guoren said tremblingly.

"Nonsense." Wu Liangfu still pointed his gun at Wu Guoren, "If they force you, then lead them the way. You fucking judge the country."

The other agents watched the uncle and nephew struggling here, and no one dared to step forward.Because they couldn't figure out whether Wu Liangfu was a family matter or a state matter.So, everyone stared at Wu Liangfu with rounded eyes, not believing that he really shot Wu Guoren with a single shot.

Wu Liangfu really has a murderous intention now.

The reason why the Chinese squad was able to come in was because an uncle of his family brought the enemy in. If there was a political review, he would not be able to get rid of this issue alone.What's more, the enemy is running away from him now.If you think about the two things together, he, the captain of the secret service, will also attract criticism.Although no one dared to say that he had an affair with Beikou, he would not be reused if he was suspected.Therefore, he wanted to find some innocence in Wu Guoren to prove how patriotic he was.

Wu Liangfu stared at Wu Guoren with red eyes, "If you don't settle accounts with you now, the people will not forgive you when you go back."

Hearing this, Wu Guoren was really scared.

If Wu Liangfu handed him over to the local government, just because of the fact of leading the way, his suspicion of communism would naturally not escape, and he might really be killed by the local government.

At this time, an agent spoke, who seemed to be a deputy or something. "Captain, we can't delay any longer. If this continues, the enemy will run away."

Hearing this person's reminder, Wu Liangfu turned around and said, "Well, get ready and continue to pursue."

Just when Wu Liangfu turned his head to speak, Wu Guoren crawled two meters on the ground, then suddenly stood up and ran into the jungle.

Someone shouted, "Wu Guoren has escaped."

Those who saw it just shouted, but no one dared to shoot, because this person was the captain's uncle after all, who would dare to cause such trouble in front of him.

When Wu Liangfu heard the shout, he turned his head and saw that Wu Guoren had already approached a dense area.

Wu Liangfu quickly raised the submachine gun in his hand, aimed at Wu Guoren and fired in bursts.Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wu Guoren dared to run, which further proved that he was suspected of collaborating with the northern bandits.There is nothing wrong with killing him now, and it is also free from the disadvantages to him.Therefore, Wu Liangfu shot without hesitation.

Wu Guoren only ran twenty steps away, and under the impact of the bullet, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Several Vietnamese army agents ran over, sniffed and told Wu Liangfu, "He's dead."

"Come back, don't worry about him, wait for the wolves to eat." Wu Liangfu continued, "Listen to me. Now, we will go into the woods to catch the northern bandits. The teacher said, whoever can catch the prisoners, The teacher will promote whoever he is."

From a soldier to an officer, there is not a long process.Even if you mention it quickly, you must have a good performance.If there is a special relationship, it is not impossible, but after all, it will not be able to stand up.

Wu Liangfu had been in the army since he was a teenager, and he had achieved this position as the battalion captain entirely by his own ability, so he had great prestige in the army, which was also the real reason why his team members were convinced.

These agents, now hearing from Wu Liangfu's mouth that there is a good opportunity to make meritorious service, can't they be excited!Ever since, all of them were holding guns, and burrowed into the woods desperately, regardless of the ambushes set up by the gunmen inside.

In the jungle, there are no soldiers ambushing, but there are indeed a few traps.

After Wu Jianglong led the team into the jungle for a few laps, he kept thinking about how to get rid of the pursuers.Because their mission has not been completed and they have not yet reached the predetermined target position, they cannot just lure the enemy there at present.With such a long tail behind him, don't even think about doing anything, just run.So, the first thing to do is to get rid of them.

"He Xiao, come here." Wu Jianglong shouted.

He Xiao ran over with a gun.

"Give me the landmine." Wu Jianglong asked for a landmine from He Xiao.

This was one of the few minefields they had when they went abroad.According to the original plan, these mines were intended to be used to stop the locals when they completed the mission and returned home.Now it seems unnecessary.After all, the power of landmines is much greater than that of grenades. Not only does it kill a large area, but it can also confuse the enemy.Don't think we only have rifles and grenades, we have mines too.If you dare to come over, you will be bombed to pieces, and if you fail, you will be asked to pay for the shells.

The landmine was in Wu Jianglong's hands. He held it up and looked around, looking for a hanging point.This time, Wu Jianglong also wants the enemy to pay for what it means to hang thunder.Relying on the lethality of the landmine in his hand, he can really block the enemy with a good location.

"Yes." Wu Jianglong selected a tree branch.

This branch is not high, only about two or three meters above the ground.If it can explode on top of the enemy's head at this height, its power cannot be more appropriate.As long as the enemy passes below, the flying shrapnel can form a killing range of seven or eight square meters.How many enemies can there be? After such a blow, it depends on whether you dare to chase forward unscrupulously.

After the mine was hung up, Wu Jianglong pulled down another lead wire, carefully installed a hanging ring on the tree, and then dragged it to the ground.Pull to the other side about ten centimeters above the ground.

"He Xiao, make some footprints." Wu Jianglong said to He Xiao.

He Xiao stomped violently, making some traces of someone coming over the only way the mine must pass.

After finishing the arrangement, Wu Jianglong lifted the gun on the ground and said to He Xiao, "Go," then turned his head and glanced back, "Damn you, are you still chasing closely?"

The two galloped forward to catch up with the team in front.

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