This group of enemies followed really closely, almost reaching the speed of keeping pace. 【 | 】Just as Wu Jianglong and He Xiao left, two leading soldiers rushed over.These two Vietnamese soldiers are worthy of being the enemy's vanguard. They almost didn't touch the ground when they ran, and jumped over the horizontal line drawn on the ground as they ran.They didn't see the pull line and dodge intentionally, but their vertical jump height exceeded the pull line.I saw them jumping over, but the mine was not tripped.An opportunity to blow up the enemy was missed.But it doesn't matter, there are others behind.

Wu Jianglong and He Xiao were also running, but they paled in comparison to these two enemies, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer.Due to the cover of trees and bushes, although the two enemies were approaching the target, they hadn't found Wu Jianglong and He Xiao in front of them.However, Wu Jianglong judged from the noises coming from behind from time to time that an enemy was approaching.

"I can't run anymore, and I can't run away from the enemy." Wu Jianglong thought so, and discussed with He Xiao, "He Xiao, there may be enemies behind, so hit him first."

"Okay." He Xiao agreed.

Then, the two separated and quickly hid.

The two pursuers who came over didn't notice anything at this time. They thought that the people in the squad were far away from them, and they didn't realize the danger in front of them at all.

Soon, the two pursuers appeared in front of Wu Jianglong, and then jumped and ran to the front.

Wu Jianglong took the time to look behind the two enemies and found that there were no other people.So he jumped out of the woods.As soon as he waved his hand towards He Xiao, He Xiao also got out from inside.The two of them suddenly changed from being chased to being a backliner.From passive to active, prepare to attack the enemies ahead.

The speed of these two Vietnamese soldiers was too fast. If they continued like this, they would run away and disappear in a short time. It would be dangerous if they rushed behind Xiao Fen.

After Wu Jianglong considered this, he shouted behind the two enemies, "Hi!"

The two Vietnamese soldiers who ran to the front didn't know who called it, and thought it was their companions greeting them again, so they stopped immediately and looked back.When they turned their heads and found that two Chinese gunmen were pointing at them with black muzzles, they were immediately dumbfounded, not knowing what to do when they got down, whether to shoot or catch them alive.

Just when the two of them were stunned, the guns of Wu Jianglong and He Xiao rang out at the same time, "Da Da Da" they both fired a short burst, immediately chilling the hearts of these two enemies.

Besides, those Vietnamese troops rushing over from behind were already a long way behind these two leading soldiers.They watched as the two of them jumped past the place where Gu Lei was located, and ran forward.Fearing that all the credit would be taken away by the two of them, he didn't dare to neglect and accelerated the speed of his feet.

Since they can all pass, there must be no danger here.The people behind have always thought so, otherwise, how could these two be called pioneers!If the vanguard is not in danger, it will definitely be safe here.

As a result, the Vietnamese troops who were chasing after them all had the courage to swarm the ground and stride forward.

Suddenly, an agent tripped a mine, followed by a "boom".

After the sky was full of smoke, these enemies lay down in a large area.

Wu Liangfu was lucky not to follow the crowd, so he escaped the catastrophe.

Few of the enemies who were blown down were killed, but many were injured.Some had their eyes injured, some had their arms and legs blown off, and some had their heads scratched.One by one the groans continued.

Wu Liangfu rushed over from behind, glanced at the wounded soldiers on the ground, and shouted, "Get up, get up."

The agents who were bombed were considered strong enough, and three of the five lying on the ground forced themselves to stand up from the ground.However, there were two more lying still.

Wu Liangfu went over and kicked, "get up"

The two men still didn't move.

Wu Liangfu looked down and saw a hole was blown out of the heads of both of them, and they were still bleeding out.It seemed that the fragments of the landmine hit the two of them straight from the top down.

I saw that the two enemies were silent, curled up on the ground and remained motionless.Both of their heads were bleeding continuously.

Wu Liangfu squatted down, put his hand on the nose of a wounded soldier, felt that he was still alive, so he shouted to the medical soldier:

"Medical soldier."

The only medical soldier in the secret service team left a wounded soldier who was being treated and ran over.

"Bandage him quickly," Wu Liangfu urged.

The medical soldier quickly took off the medical bag from his body to deal with it.After wrapping it around, he couldn't stop the bleeding, "Captain, the bleeding won't stop."

"Go over, press." Wu Liangfu shouted, and several more Vietnamese soldiers ran over.

Several people worked together, but failed to save the agent's life.After taking a few heavy breaths, he died.

Seeing that this one was hopeless, the medical soldiers left him and went to treat the other one.In the past, I checked with my hand, and the agent was also dead.Reluctantly, he packed up his things, stood up from the ground, looked up at Wu Liangfu who was staring at him, and said, "Captain, he can't be saved either."

Wu Liangfu stared at the front with resentment, "Damn it, I hate Beikou enough, I'm playing with me too."

Then, Wu Liangfu said to the agents around him, "Give me some energy, don't fall into a trap."


The Vietnamese agents agreed in unison.

"Chasing," Wu Liangfu continued.

At this moment, Wu Liangfu heard the gunshots ahead, and was startled, "Damn, didn't he fall into an ambush by the Bei bandits again."

Wu Jianglong and He Xiao breathed a sigh of relief after finishing off the two leading enemy soldiers.

Wu Jianglong was still a little worried, so he walked slowly towards the corpse on the ground.He put his feet next to each other to see if the two enemies were really dead.When he was sure, he said to He Xiao, "He Xiao, you can't just change the turtle son behind and set up another one for them.

As soon as Wu Jianglong said it, He Xiao understood what it meant.So he took a grenade from his body and turned the body over, where the grenade was hidden.Then he hung the ring of the grenade on the button of the dead body.After finishing it, he gently turned the corpse around, trying not to touch the pull ring, and tightened it.Turn the body over so that it is face down.Judging from the back, it is impossible to tell whether this person is dead or alive.

This time, Wu Jianglong was extra careful and decided to fight wits with the enemy.Therefore, he only asked He Xiao to place a grenade on one of the two corpses.And the other corpse is used to paralyze the enemy, playing tricks, and there is nothing on it.If both mines are set, the enemy will never rush to touch the other after being bombed once.If there is a grenade, it is not wasted.So, even if a fool is deceived again, it is hard to say whether he can continue to be deceived the second time.

"Okay, let's withdraw." Wu Jianglong said after seeing that He Xiao had finished the arrangement.

The two left quickly after setting the second trap.

At this time, the squad has gone far.When they were about to leave, Wu Jianglong had something to say to the team, telling the others to run forward and head towards the intended goal, not caring about what happened behind them, and not turning back or stopping when they heard any movement.Therefore, during the retreat, he and He Xiao stopped twice in a row, widening the distance from the squad.Now if you want to catch up, you have to run like this all the time.

Now that he ran away, Wu Jianglong didn't care what happened behind him.But there is one thing he firmly believes that the enemy will definitely touch the two corpses.

Wu Liangfu led his men to chase after him, and from afar, he saw two people lying on the narrow aisle in the woods.Because the Vietnamese army said that the Chinese soldiers also wore Vietnamese army uniforms, so Wu Liangfu had to be more careful with the people on the ground.

They slowed down and outflanked the two corpses from both sides.

When he got closer, an agent recognized him as one of his own, so Wu Liangfu put away his gun and stepped forward to watch.When they got close, the two corpses still didn't move, and Wu Liangfu predicted that they were probably dead.Standing next to a corpse, he ordered, "Open."

An agent went over and turned the body over.

Wu Liangfu closed his eyes in pain, the person who died was his most proud vanguard, known as the Scud.

Another Vietcong walks up to another corpse and starts reaching for it.

The distance between the two corpses was about six or seven meters.

Suddenly, with a "boom", there was an explosion under the corpse.

As soon as the explosion sounded, Wu Liangfu opened his eyes in horror.

I saw that the Vietnamese army agent who had just walked over had fallen to the ground with blood on his face.And the corpse on the ground was also bombed to pieces.At this time, a broken arm rolled towards Wu Liangfu.

Wu Liangfu picked up the severed arm from the ground and saw the watch on his wrist.Immediately, there was a "click" in my heart.He recognized from the watch who had lost his arm.

To say that the person who died was not only from the same village as him, but also a relative of the same family, a generation younger than him.

After all, Wu Liangfu was a battle-hardened man, his black and red face only showed a slight panic for a moment, and then regained his calm.He slowly took off the watch from his wrist and put it in his pocket, then threw the severed arm to the ground, and said fiercely to the others, "Chasing."

Wu Jianglong and He Xiao quickly caught up with the team.

The jungle slowly extends towards a hill, and as long as you walk up, you can climb to the top of the hill.

Wu Jianglong took out the map and checked the main peak of Laoshan again.This mountain is not far from the main peak of the old mountain, and it is arranged in an east-west manner.He thought for a while, according to this arrangement, not far from this mountain, it is probably our border.But because of that, he couldn't go up.Wu Jianglong reckoned that such a hill must be guarded by enemies.Running over head-on, isn't it tantamount to courting death!

Therefore, Wu Jianglong quickly notified the team, "Be careful and conceal, and bypass this mountain."

Dong Yun reminded Wu Jianglong, "Captain, we can see everything when we reach the top of the mountain."

"No, there must be enemies on the mountain." Wu Jianglong said, taking out the binoculars to observe upwards.Sure enough, on the top of the mountain, a piece of tarpaulin left the ground, covering a shade in the air. Under the shade, occasionally two enemy heads could be seen.

"See, there are Vietnamese troops guarding here." Wu Jianglong found this point on the map again, then marked it, and continued, "This is the enemy's position. Our task is to find out where the enemy is stationed. It's reconnaissance. rather than extinct."

"Yes," Dong Yun understood.

"Tell comrades, step back carefully, and don't expose yourself." After Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he continued to lie down and continue to observe upwards.

The soldiers of the squad tiptoed back and slowly returned into the woods.Then he found a blind spot on the mountain where the enemy could not see, and began to circle to the left.

Wu Jianglong saw that the soldiers evacuated safely, so he took several people from the cover team to withdraw, and followed behind to move in the other direction.

According to our subsequent allocation, this hill belongs to the No. [-] position in the Laoshan area.On the old mountain, there are no less than dozens of hills like this one, all marked with numbers, and guarded by the enemy as blocking positions.From the side Wu Jianglong observed just now, the mountain is relatively gentle, but on the other side it is as steep as a cliff.When our army attacked the battle of Laoshan, the soldiers who attacked the fortification paid the price of blood here.

Some people want to say, since this is the case, don't take the opportunity to win this mountain.

It's not unreasonable.If Wu Jianglong and the others carried out a sneak attack from behind the enemy, they would definitely be able to take down the mountain and destroy the enemy on the mountain in one go.But, what to do next, stay here?That is impossible, the pace of war has not reached this point.

At present, our army has not started the battle to capture Laoshan.And there are enemies everywhere here, just relying on the ten men under Wu Jianglong, it is easy to attack the mountain, but it is not the same thing to defend.Perhaps in less than a quarter of an hour, not only will the top of the mountain return to the enemy's hands, but these ten people will probably spill their blood on the old mountain. If they die here, their value will not be reflected at all.

Therefore, Wu Jianglong's countermeasures are very correct.Now that the enemy garrison points have been found, marking them on the map is tantamount to completing the mission.Next, there will naturally be artillery from our army to clean them up.Using steel to compete with this group of prostitutes, do you even need to think about the chances of winning?

Not long after Wu Jianglong and the others left, Wu Liangfu rushed over with his people.As soon as he came out of the woods, Wu Liangfu recognized the No. [-] highland at a glance.

At this time, the high ground was very quiet, and there was no sound at all.

Wu Liangfu was a little skeptical whether the squad had been here before.If you have been here, why didn't the sentry on the mountain notice it at all.If they haven't been here, where can they go.He followed closely behind, chasing after his footprints.

Suddenly, Wu Liangfu had an ominous feeling, "Could it be that the northern bandits went up and killed all the people on the mountain." He thought so, not guessing wildly, based on his judgment of the two ambushes of the secret service team , he fully believes that this Chinese army has this possibility.Because judging from various signs, he began to suspect that the Beikou who came over were definitely not ordinary Chinese Communists, they must have received special training.With this kind of skill, it is not easy to kill these regular soldiers who have no special ability on the mountain?

So, Wu Liangfu stopped everyone in the special agent team.Then, he took out the binoculars and looked up the mountain.

There was still no movement on the mountain, deathly silence.

A subordinate leaned over and said, "Captain, why don't we shout out, if it's our own, we'll know each other as soon as they come out!"

"No, what if it's the enemy!" Wu Liangfu vetoed, "If it's the enemy, they will definitely touch it. Once they are prepared, it will be difficult for us. Tell the brothers, get ready to attack, up the mountain."

These agents launched an attack formation and moved towards the mountain silently.Until I touched the top of the mountain, I was not found by the people on the mountain.

Wu Liangfu was also puzzled, and when he got to the top of the mountain, he found four or five Vietnamese soldiers sleeping under the tarpaulin, not even prepared.

Since he was one of his own, no matter how vigilant he was, the position was still on the Vietnamese side anyway, so he let out a long breath.

I don't know which agent made a noise, which attracted a sentry from the front.

The sentry was dozing off with a machine gun in his arms, but when he heard the sound, he turned his head to look, and was startled for a while.I found that behind me, on the top of the highest mountain, there were dozens of Vietnamese soldiers in black standing at some point.

The first signal that appeared in the sentry's mind told him that these people were the Vietnamese special forces.

"You, you, why are you here?" the sentinel asked.

Wu Liangfu did not reply, but said, "Who is the person in charge here. Go, call me."

The sentry dropped his machine gun, ran under the tarpaulin, and called out a man in military uniform.

"You are the person in charge of this mountain." Wu Liangfu asked when he saw the person coming.

The sleepy Vietnamese soldier replied: "Yes."

"What job?"

"Squad leader."

"Call your deputy monitor," Wu Liangfu said.

The Vietnamese soldier shouted something in Vietnamese under the tarpaulin, and soon another Vietnamese soldier ran out from inside.As soon as he stood firmly, Wu Liangfu said to him, "Your squad leader has withdrawn, and now you are in charge of this mountain."

The two Vietnamese troops were all taken aback, thinking, "Who are you! If you want to withdraw, you will withdraw. Do you care?"

Wu Liangfu saw the two Vietnamese soldiers in a daze, knowing that they didn't know him, so he introduced himself and said, "My name is Wu Liangfu. I will tell your company commander about your position."

"Wow, Wu Liangfu! Special agent captain, a man of privilege." The two Vietnamese soldiers suddenly understood.Regardless of whether he is not in the same army right now, he really doesn't care about the level.However, it would be useful for him to say hello to any army leader. They are the division commander's personal guards, so what they say is not an imperial edict?Who dare not listen! "

The dismissed Vietnamese squad leader thought to himself, "It's over, this person will withdraw as soon as he says so," but he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to bow his head and wait for the new squad leader to dispatch him.

Wu Liangfu ignored him, and turned to the person in charge he had just promoted, "Now, there is a wave of northern bandits running in front of your position. I order you to strengthen your first-level combat readiness from now on, and don't relax in the slightest." .”

"Yes" the Vietnamese army stood at attention and replied.

"Tell your people to also focus on what's behind you, and pay attention to observe." Wu Liangfu continued to arrange.

"Yes." After the Vietnamese soldier answered, he called to the people on the mountain, "Come here, come here," pointing to the two Vietnamese soldiers, "You two, focus on defending the back of the mountain to prevent the northern bandits from sneaking in."

Only then did Wu Liangfu let out a sigh of relief.Although the guards on the mountain were a little more lax, the mountain was still in the hands of our own people after all.If this is also attacked by the Chinese army, he, the captain, is really hard to explain.Now, Wu Liangfu can't stand any blow.

Wu Liangfu looked at the mountains, thoughtful, and suddenly had the idea of ​​praying, "I beg you, don't cause trouble for me." It seemed to be for the Vietnamese army, and it seemed to be begging Wu Jianglong and the others.

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