soldier rushing forward

18. I'll carry you on my back

As soon as the enemies in the grass in front were rejected, the enemies on the back slope followed. 【&】

The enemy who came up this time was none other than the special agent team led by Wu Liangfu.Although the secret service team was hit by the Chinese squad several times, their morale became stronger and stronger.It wasn't just Wu Liangfu who forced them, but also the fact that the Chinese team frustrated them several times.This time, they besieged the team on the top of the mountain again, saying that they could not let them run away again.Therefore, how can the enemy agents do nothing.

This time, Wu Liangfu was quite determined, even if he had to risk his money and spend all his belongings, he would rush to the top of the mountain as soon as possible, and be the first to catch the small team among the many troops surrounding the mountain.Only in this way can we get back some face.

The special agent team led by Wu Liangfu moved quickly. After they overtook the Vietnamese army blocked by Liu Haijun, they climbed trees and leaped ditches to the top of the mountain like monkeys.

According to the report of the enemy on the other side of the mountain, Wu Liangfu was very aware of the situation on the mountain ridge.The Chinese squad was besieged on the top of the mountain.There is no doubt that the Chinese squad has reached the end of its rope and is besieged on all sides.

"Come on, whoever can catch Beikou, I will give him credit." Wu Liangfu kept encouraging him like this.

The agents have long been cornered by the squad, even if they don't give any credit, they will fight with the Chinese squad with blood.

"They are all engaged in special warfare. Why are you so awesome? You are running around in our defense zone, wreaking havoc everywhere. This time I really don't believe in evil, and I don't believe that I can't catch you." At that time, most of the enemy Agents think so.Because, since the establishment of their special agent team, there are countless victories, not to mention the honors they have won, and they have never been so useless.

They have followed the Chinese team for several days, but until now, they have hardly even seen the face of the Chinese team.Therefore, at this time, starting with Wu Liangfu, the members of the enemy spy team are all extremely excited.

The soldier who found the enemy had just finished shouting.The shadow of enemy agents soon appeared.

This group of enemies is different from other Vietnamese troops. They are all black, with uniform submachine guns, mortars, rocket launchers and other equipment.

The first enemy to rush up may be their death squad.I saw that these people simply ignored the difficulty of walking on the hillside, and they didn't care whether there were people in the middle of the mountain on the top of the mountain.Just keep running forward.

"Save bullets, aim and shoot." Wu Jianglong realized that there was likely to be a stalemate in front of him.Since the soldiers have limited ammunition, if they want to hold on, they must not sweep wildly.Otherwise, once the bullets run out, the result will inevitably be annihilation of the entire army.As long as the enemy is not coming up in groups, the machine gun is not used, let's show off the ability of burst shooting!

There are six or seven enemies rushing to the front.

These enemies are too frivolous, they only care about jumping, without making a sound, they are silent all the way, with the energy of Japanese ninjas.

When Wu Jianglong saw it, he was also a little panicked. When did the Vietnamese army train such troops.

Seeing these Vietnamese soldiers jump out of the bushes, revealing their heads, and then their whole bodies.

Seeing that it was almost time, Wu Jianglong shouted, "Hit."

Three guns fired in short bursts.

Wu Jianglong knocked down the enemy who was about to leap forward with one shot.The bullet pierced through his chest.Immediately after that, Dongyun was not relentless at all, and immediately placed the second one.

Chen Qiang fired immediately, also hitting an enemy.The three of them kept their guns empty, and the few enemies who came up were put down several times in an instant.Seeing that the situation was not good, several other enemies had to turn around and run away.

With the current situation, under the opponent's precise shooting, there was no place to hide in front of them, so they had no choice but to retreat.

At this time, Wu Liangfu, who was supervising the battle behind, became anxious when he saw it.I thought to myself, "What kind of Chinese army is this! Why are they all shooting so accurately? Isn't this clearly a sniper attack!"

"Come on, get our snipers over here." Wu Liangfu shouted.

Wu Liangfu is also ready to use his trump card, "Aren't you accurate! I also have a sharpshooter." I won't attack again, just stick to you like this, and see how many bullets you have and how long you can last.It's our people everywhere, it's on our turf.

Later, a man dressed as an agent came up with a gun.

From the outside, this agent is different from other enemies.His rifle with a scope was long, and he was so small that it looked very out of place.However, this person's movements are very relaxed, and when Xiang Jin overtakes, he almost runs fast all the way.

Why is this person always behind?

When he started to attack the mountain, Wu Liangfu felt that he was not needed, so he arranged him behind.Maybe he is the baby of this army, so he is placed in a safer place.Things are different now.The Vietnamese army was blocked and lost several people at once. Wu Liangfu could no longer be reluctant to use him.

The agent ran up to Takeo.

"Ruan Yu, the northern bandits on the mountain are very accurate with marksmanship, so I must kill some of them." Wu Liangfu said.

"Yes" the agent named Ruan Yu picked up his gun and ran to the side.

On the top of the mountain, after Wu Jianglong saw the enemy was beaten down, there was no movement for a long time.He was a little puzzled, "This is definitely not the style of the Vietnamese army. They will not stop here. Besides, we are still outnumbered. How can the enemy be so negligent when they have an absolute advantage! Could it be something else?"

Wu Jianglong stared at the enemy firmly.

"Attention. The enemy may be playing tricks." Wu Jianglong shouted to Dong and asked him to notify Chen Qiang.

Although the mountain ridge is not very long, it is to prevent the enemy from sneak attacking.The three of them had to keep a certain distance.Fortunately, this mountain ridge is a rectangle of about ten meters, which is separated from other mountains and forms an independent posture.Otherwise, the Vietnamese troops would have outflanked the other two.

The Vietnamese sniper ran behind a rock, found a vantage point and started searching up the mountain.The first target he found was Chen Qiang.

After Chen Qiang heard Wu Jianglong's reminder, he was also wondering what tricks the enemy was playing.At this time, he heard another sound from the foot of the hillside he was guarding, so he hurriedly grabbed his gun and bared his body to look forward.

At the foot of the mountain, three more Vietnamese soldiers began to move up.

Chen Qiang was ready to shoot as soon as he saw it.Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the agent's gun went off first.

With the sound of a "ba" gunshot, Chen Qiang tilted his head and lay down on the trench without moving.

At this time, the upper and lower sides of the mountain are very quiet.Since the enemy didn't rush forward, Wu Jianglong and the others naturally wouldn't take the initiative to shoot.Therefore, the gunshots of sniper rifles are extraordinarily loud and chic here.

After Wu Jianglong heard the gunshot, he felt bad.He immediately realized that this was an enemy sniper.When he turned his head to look at Chen Qiang again, he saw that Chen Qiang was already lying there motionless.

Wu Jianglong paused in his heart, "Don't ask, Chen Qiang was shot by an enemy sniper. Looking at Chen Qiang's posture, it is very likely that he has already died.

Once Chen Qiang died, the hillside he was guarding would become an open space that no one could guard.The enemy will rush up from there in no time.

"Dong Yun. Keep your eyes on here, I'll go over and have a look." After speaking, Wu Jianglong slowly crawled towards Chen Qiang.

Wu Jianglong crawled up to Chen Qiang to see that Chen Qiang's head had been shot through, and he was already out of breath.

Wu Jianglong looked at the wound again, and thought, "That's right, it's really a sniper." This is bad, with only a few people in hand, there is no way to tell who is going to find this sniper.

If you don't find and eliminate this sniper, the battle on the top of the mountain cannot be fought.

Wu Liangfu had known for a long time that there were not many Chinese gunmen on the mountain.Therefore, he believes that it is basically impossible for the Chinese to defend this mountain ridge with their current strength.Now, his sniper has killed Chen Qiang again.From the looks of it, the place this person was guarding must be empty.So, he began to order people to rush upwards.

Since Wu Jianglong had snipers in the enemy's way, he didn't dare to show half of his head like Chen Qiang.Otherwise, its ending is the same as Chen Qiang.

Wu Jianglong was still thinking that the enemy must have started to attack after they found no one here.If the sniper is not dealt with before they come up, the top of the mountain will definitely fall, or they will be wiped out one by one.

After Wu Jianglong thought for a while, he suddenly lifted his hat up, exposing it outside the trench.

As soon as the military cap was put on, the enemy snipers on the hillside fired again.Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of "beep", and the hat flew up together with the clod.

"Oh, so you are there." Wu Jianglong judged the approximate location of the sniper from the voice.

Because this is a jungle.If you want to snipe, you can't go too far, otherwise you will be blocked by the trunk.Since the tree trunk couldn't block it, it meant that there was also a void in front of him.

Now, Wu Jianglong is at the top, and the snipers are at the bottom.Wu Jianglong completely occupied the condescending situation.

After Wu Jianglong judged the position of the sniper from the sound of the gunshot, he suddenly raised his head from the trench, glanced roughly in the direction, raised his hand, and instantly threw two grenades one after the other.

Sniper rifles are generally single-shot bursts.After the sniper fired a shot, he saw the hat fly up and knew he had been fooled.When he hastily pulled the bolt to prepare for the second shot, the grenade thrown by Wu Jianglong had already arrived.

When this enemy saw something flying over, it probably wasn't a good thing, most likely it was a grenade or grenade or something like that.Before he had time to look down, he got up and wanted to run.If you want to run, you can only go down the mountain.

Unexpectedly, he ran, and the grenade rolled down.

Seeing that the sniper was in a hurry, he turned around and ran to the other side.Unexpectedly, Wu Jianglong's second grenade also arrived, and it was right in front of him.

The sniper was startled, ready to turn around and run up the mountain again.Unfortunately, it was too late, he was wrapped between two grenades.

Seeing that the front and back roads were blocked, the sniper was ready to jump over.

At this moment, two grenades rang one after the other.

"Boom, boom"

Trees and blades of grass flew across the hillside.As soon as the smoke cleared, the agent was seen falling in mid-air.I don't know if he was hit by a grenade or the gravitational force of the earth was too strong. Anyway, he didn't land lightly, but fell heavily. Even a person was not so complete, and some limbs flew out of the smoke.

As soon as Wu Jianglong shot the grenade, he didn't care so much.Regardless of whether the sniper is dead or alive, the sniper cannot shoot in a short time.

Therefore, what Wu Jianglong wanted was this gap.I want to take the opportunity to kill the enemies rushing upwards.

Wu Jianglong raised his submachine gun and fired forward.

Not many enemies came up this time, only three.

Wu Liangfu didn't want to press a large number of people up, because if the machine gun fired on the top of the mountain, all his treasures would be destroyed.He wanted to use the wave attack method to consume the Chinese team little by little.And he clearly saw a Chinese Communist in front of him being beaten to death.Therefore, sending three agents up should be more than enough.

The three Vietnamese agents were running forward when they suddenly heard an explosion next to them.

The explosion also startled the three of them, so they all stopped in surprise, wanting to see if anyone around them had been killed.

The strong explosion sound not only made the three enemies tremble, but also made them panic.Just when they were panicking, dazed, and stupid, Wu Jianglong found an excellent opportunity to shoot.Moving targets can be hit, let alone the enemy actively stop!

Wu Jianglong didn't neglect at all, just raised his gun and fired three bursts.

"Ba ba ba." The muzzle of the gun moved slightly sideways, and with three gunshots, the three enemies also fell to the ground.

At this moment, Wu Liangfu, who was about to order to charge upwards, dared to stop and ordered to stop the attack.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't have believed that the squadron had such combat effectiveness.

The attacking enemies stopped again, and after a while, mortar shells fell and exploded on the top of the mountain with a "boom, boom".

Thanks to the fact that the enemy has only two mortars, if the number is increased to four or five, even the ass-big place like the mountain ridge will not be turned over.

That's it, two shells came over, and the team on the mountain was blown up.

As soon as the shelling stopped, Wu Jianglong shouted loudly, "Is anyone injured?"

"Captain, Xia Fengguo was injured, and Du Chunsheng's arm was scratched." He Xiao reported.

When Wu Jianglong heard this, he felt a lot of comfort, and finally no one was killed in battle.

"Pay attention to the enemy." Wu Jianglong ordered again.

"Captain, is there no way to fight like this?" Dong Yun leaned over and said.

Wu Jianglong frowned, and said, "The turtles are biting too hard, we can't go. If we keep going down like this, we won't be able to reach the bottom of the mountain. It's all over."

"Then what should we do?" Dong Yun said, covering his shoulder bag.

What is contained in the satchel is the map of the enemy's situation, which was given to Dongyun when Wu Jianglong was covering.He told Dongyun, "Your life is yours, and you will die if you lose your life." This is a death order for Dongyun, and he must take the enemy back no matter what.

At this moment, the enemies in He Xiao's direction started to attack again.

This time, the enemy still used the old method, first groping in the grass, and when they reached a certain distance, they suddenly jumped out of the grass, either shooting upwards or throwing grenades upwards.

The enemy still adopts the old method and continues to use the method of forced attack and surprise attack.

A dozen or so enemies suddenly emerged from the grass, ran up two steps with their backs on their backs, and almost everyone threw a grenade.

Thanks to the steep slope here, the grenade flew halfway, stopped on the edge of the mountain ridge and exploded.There were repeated explosions, flames everywhere, and shrapnel flying across.

Wu Jianglong glanced back, feeling anxious.However, he didn't dare to leave the hillside he was guarding for half a step. There were only him and Dongyun here.If he left, if the enemy launched a group attack, a submachine gun would not be able to deal with it at all.

He is anxious here, and He Xiao is even more anxious.Seeing the smoke of the grenade dissipate, more than a dozen enemies suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were very close.

He Xiao had already held Shen Weijun's machine gun in his hand.If it wasn't for sweeping at this time, the enemy would have arrived at the position within a few steps.

"Da da da" He Xiao fired with a machine gun, together with the two submachine guns of Xia Fengguo and Du Chunsheng, immediately formed a powerful firepower on the top of the mountain.

After a burst of slamming, this enemy was really suppressed.

As soon as the gunfire stopped here, Wu Jianglong asked, "He Xiao, report the situation."

"The enemy fought on, and there were no casualties." He Xiao said.

"If you play well, you must persevere." Wu Jianglong encouraged.

"Captain, you retreat, I'll cover." At some point, Li Tong crawled over, clutching his chest and said.

Wu Jianglong turned his head, saw Li Tong, and said, "Go and rest."

Dong Yun reminded, "Captain, let's ask for artillery support!"

"No. The artillery is too far away. The enemy is too close to us. If the target is not clear and the artillery fires over, we must have a stew with the enemy." Wu Jianglong said.

"Then what should we do?" Dong Yun looked down at the bag on his body again.

"Wait a little longer," Wu Jianglong said, looking for an opportunity.

The climate in the rain-drenched area changes as it says.

Before I knew it, the sky gradually became cloudy.Wu Jianglong suddenly felt that the sky was getting darker, and suddenly regained his energy, and said to Dong Yun, "Did you see, God is here to take care of us."

Dong Yun raised his head in confusion, only to see that the sky was getting darker, but there was not a single cloud. He asked, "What's going on here?"

"It's going to be foggy." Wu Jianglong said, "Go, tell He Xiao and the others that when there is heavy fog, come closer to me."

Dong Yun crept over quietly and told He Xiao.

Wu Jianglong turned to look at Li Tong, "Li Tong, you must hold on, we will go back in a while."

Li Tong was lying on his back, grasping a submachine gun in his right hand, and said to Wu Jianglong with a wry smile, "Captain, I'll stay, you guys go."

"Nonsense," Wu Jianglong said sharply.

"Captain, look." Li Tong removed the chest covered by his left hand.I saw that the bandage had long been soaked with blood, and blood continued to soak outward.

Wu Jianglong looked away helplessly, "Li Tong, hold on, and we'll go back."

"I can't go." Li Tong said.

"Carry you on your back."

"Then do you want me to drag down the team, or kill someone?" Li Tong asked.

Wu Jianglong was speechless.Now, not to mention carrying someone on your back, even if you run with nothing on your back, you may not be able to escape the encirclement of the enemy.What's more, how can you run when you are tossing on the mountain with a person on your back.

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