soldier rushing forward

21. Beyond the limits of tanks

It was getting dark, and the tanks moved forward with rumbling noises. 【 】The winding mountain road is narrow and the rocks are prominent, so the tank has to slow down.

Sitting on the track deck of the tank, Qu Aiguo, the commander of the fifth company, took this opportunity to roll a cigarette in a hurry, lit it and took a few puffs, and handed it to the soldier next to him.This soldier took two sips and passed it to the next one.The cigarettes twirled around in the hands of the soldiers, and then returned to Qu Aiguo's hands.

People behave in various ways when they are stressed.Some wanted to pee when they were nervous, and ran to the bathroom repeatedly.There are also people who want to defecate when they are nervous. In fact, they may not necessarily have it, but just squatting can relieve the tension.Others trembled, sweated coldly, had weakness in limbs, and cried loudly.If it is on the fighter field, these problems are not necessary, no matter what type they appear, they will greatly affect the display of combat effectiveness.

Before the battle begins, no one is not nervous.Especially those recruits who have not fought in the war, the heart rate may exceed one hundred beats per minute.Severe jumping will not only harm the body, but also seriously affect the combat effectiveness.After several battles, some fighters finally found this simple and easy cure.It is to let everyone smoke a cigarette before going to the battlefield.This is not a hidden smoke, but a message revealed in the docking, which conveys the friendship of comrades, the feelings of brothers and the belief in victory in this way, so that the determination of a team can be instantly revealed on a small cigarette butt .

While the troops were marching, although they were not blocked by the enemy on a large scale, the cold shots fired from the mountain from time to time still made some soldiers uneasy.Therefore, Qu Aiguo tried his best to think of ways to calm down the soldiers.

As the night grew thicker, all the tanks had to turn on their lights, forming a long yellow dragon on the rugged mountain road.As the lights flickered, they made beautiful arcs one after another in the valley.

From the beginning to the end of the war, neither side committed air power.Otherwise, the infantry-tank joint force driving on the mountain road would face catastrophe under the strangulation of the air force if they were not forced to fall into the valley.

From the first day of the war, the J-5 and J-6 fighter planes of the squadron have been hovering over the border, playing a deterrent role.At the same time, the strong [-] attack planes and the H-[-] bombers of the squadron were already loaded with extremely powerful bombs and parked at the border airport, ready to go.In order not to expand the scale of the war, the squadron will never use air power first.However, if the enemy country dares to use it, the squadron will counterattack with several times the air power, "If you don't fight, you will die, if you fight, you will win, and if you attack, you will overcome." Therefore, after two days of war, in the sky of a certain country Still no plane in sight.

Tank formations circled the road.Suddenly, the tanks in front stopped moving, and the tanks behind them also stopped. Dozens of tanks were blocked under the hillside.

In order to prevent enemy agents from attacking, almost all the infantry on board the tanks were deployed on the top of the mountain and on various parts of the mountainside.

Standing on the 101 tank, Wu Jianglong watched Qu Aiguo send the soldiers out one by one, finally couldn't bear it anymore, jumped off the tank, came to Qu Aiguo, and said cautiously:

"Company commander, let me do something?"

Wu Jianglong realized afterwards that his punch to Qu Aiguo was really reckless.Not to mention that the subordinates committed the crime above, but in terms of military discipline, cadres are not allowed to beat and scold soldiers, so soldiers are also not allowed to beat and scold cadres.And he actually beat Qu Aiguo five times in a row in desperation.Think about it carefully, maybe the current officials are not in charge!If it was their company commander Shi Guozhu, he wouldn't dare to give Wu Jianglong a hundred courage.

"You're too young!" Qu Aiguo recognized Wu Jianglong through the light, "Go back to the car and stay there, it's none of your business."

Because Wu Jianglong was not his own soldier, Qu Aiguo showed great generosity in the matter of being beaten, and he didn't care about it.Now, the situation is dangerous, and he doesn't want Wu Jianglong, who is not his soldier, to sacrifice, so he doesn't give Wu Jianglong the task.

"Company commander, I was wrong. I shouldn't have done it. If you still hold grudges, you can punch me." Wu Jianglong said cautiously. He thought Qu Aiguo was holding grudges.

Qu Aiguo laughed: "Why do you speak like a girl. Am I just that narrow-minded?"

"Then why didn't you give me the task." Wu Jianglong said in a more aggressive tone.

"I don't want you to die." Qu Aiguo was obviously a little impatient, pointing to the mountain, "Look, who knows where the secret agent is hiding! I give you a task. If you die, some people say that I am avenging private revenge. I have no land. Explain!"

Wu Jianglong looked up at the top of Heiququ Mountain, and smiled: "What's the matter, isn't it just a sentry! Company commander, tell me! Where am I going?"

"Hey, you are still entangled." Qu Aiguo said, "How about this! You and I go up to the top of the mountain and check the sentry."

"Yes," Wu Jianglong agreed happily.

"It's agreed, you have to follow me." Qu Aiguo urged.

"Company commander, don't treat me as an outsider, just treat me as your correspondent." Wu Jianglong ran up to Qu Aiguo while speaking.

"Me! Even if I lose all my soldiers, I don't want you as a messenger either." Qu Aiguo said jokingly.

The two talked while climbing to the top of the mountain.When he came to a sentry post, Qu Aiguo stopped, looked around, and said to himself: "No, there is a sentry here, why is there no one there!"

Looking towards the back mountain along this post, a gentle slope leads directly to the top of the mountain.From the bottom of the mountain, you must pass through here.Qu Aiguo saw the importance of status, and judged in his heart, if the secret agents were to come up here and make a surprise attack on the troops down the mountain, then his company commander would be over.Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on his face.

"Whose whistle is this?" Qu Aiguo asked loudly.

The voice fell behind, and a half-baked Chinese phrase came from not far away, "My, I'm defecating."

"Damn it, lazy people have a lot of shit and pee." Qu Aiguo turned to Wu Jianglong, "I'll go over there to see first, you wait for him here, and come over when he returns to the sentry post."

"Yes" Wu Jianglong stood at the post with a gun.

After Qu Aiguo left, Wu Jianglong worriedly raised his eyes and searched the back mountain.

At this time, the tall grass swayed in the place where someone answered just now, and a person stood up from inside, and crawled towards Wu Jianglong with his waist down.

Wu Jianglong thought it was the original sentinel, so he didn't care, turned around and searched in another direction.

Suddenly, the people who came over suddenly put their arms around Wu Jianglong's neck.Wu Jianglong thought it was the sentinel who was joking with him, so he said: "Oh, when is it still doing this." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to break the opponent's hand, and touched the person's head inadvertently.

Wu Jianglong felt that there was something wrong with this person.Before the troops set off, all soldiers shaved their heads, but this man had long hair.Suddenly, he guessed that this person was not a sentry, but an enemy agent.Wu Jianglong wanted to do it, quickly bent down, lowered his head, immediately changed the hand touching his head to a full grasp, grabbed the man's hair, and threw a big back fall forward.

All of a sudden, the man folded over Wu Jianglong's body and rolled down the ridge, yelling "Ouch, Ouch" as he rolled.Just as Wu Jianglong straightened his body, another black figure rushed into his arms.Wu Jianglong took a step to the left and dodged a blow from the oncoming person.Immediately afterwards, Wu Jianglong made a backhand and grabbed the visitor's neck with his elbow.He swiftly pulled out a grenade from his waist, and slammed it hard at the man's head. "Click" the agent who sneaked up on him didn't even make a snort, and collapsed on the ground with his brains bursting.

Before Wu Jianglong came, he hurriedly picked up the gun on the ground, and four or five black shadows rushed towards him.

Suddenly, a pistol sounded from not far away:

"Pa, pa, pa" after a few shots, one black shadow fell to the ground, and the other three shadows saw that Wu Jianglong had foreign aid, turned around and fled into the grass on the hillside.

Qu Aiguo ran over and saw that Wu Jianglong was fine, so he let go of his heart: "I think something is wrong! I really guessed it."

Soldiers rushed over one after another.

"There are spies at the foot of the mountain, watch out for me, and don't let any of them go." Qu Aiguo assigned tasks to the soldiers again.

Since the first tank was blocked in front of a steep slope, all tanks were blocked on this simple road.The tank company commander led his men to carry out several blasts, but still failed to reach the limit of tank traffic.

This is a 600-meter-long curved steep slope, and the bottom cannot be seen at a glance. Four stone ridges stand out clearly, forming three steps of different lengths.The two gentler sections are above 4 degrees, while the steepest third section is above 40 degrees, and the steepest part is 50 degrees. "Can the tank go down with such a slope?" All the people who came to see it thought so ,

According to the conservative statement in the technical data of armored vehicles, the maximum climbing slope of the tank is 36 degrees, and the maximum downward slope does not exceed 50 degrees. Once the longitudinal stability angle is exceeded, the vehicle will crash and people will die.But in this case, all tanks are blocked here, and there is no other choice but this road.

A dozen flashlights shone on the steep slope.The tank company commander walked up and down the slope several times, his face full of embarrassment.

"If you delay it any longer, you will miss the opportunity to fight, even if you die!" The tank company commander made the greatest determination.

Chen Feng stood up and said: "Company commander, give the order, I will drive the first one."

The tank company commander thought for a while and said, "Okay! You drive the first one! Pay attention to the angle."

Chen Feng drove the 101 tank to the front of the steep slope on the road that other tanks gave way to.

"Put on your work cap, drive calmly, and I'll take command!" The tank company commander stood at the forefront.

The 101 tank rushed over the first slope with a deafening sound of "rumbling".

When rushing to the second slope, the crawler slipped through the gravel and fell to the bottom of the slope all at once.Chen Feng slammed on the brakes, the tank made a turn on the spot, and safely approached the steepest third slope.

At this time, almost all the tank lights shot over.One hundred pairs of eyes stared at 101 Jinke.People held their breath and watched the 101 tank move forward slowly. Gradually, the front of the tank reached the ridge, and suddenly the front half and the rear side of the tank were suspended.

When people were exclaiming, the 101 tank fell headlong.

At this time, Chen Feng firmly stepped on the brakes, hugged the joystick tightly, and tried his best to control the momentum of the tank's descent.Then, the front of the tank suddenly fell, and it slid down like flying. With a bang, it withstood a big rock at the bottom of the slope and stopped.

Seeing that the tank did not turn over, all the people present were greatly relieved.

The Chinese tank soldiers created the miracle of the tank sliding down the 56-degree steep slope.

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