soldier rushing forward

196. Forward impact

About one squad of Vietnamese troops came out of the cave with a flashlight. ╔y ╗The flashlight flashed on the heads of the soldiers of the Seventh Company.The figure behind also appeared to be wobbly.

"Pay attention to concealment," Li Sen told the people around him in a voice that couldn't be lowered.Then pass it down from the fighter. The words "pay attention to concealment" quickly spread to the brains of every soldier lurking in this area.Then it goes offline from the central nervous system to every part of the limbs.Brutely tie a living person in place, and lock it there without moving.A person can achieve such a static state, which cannot be fully explained by the quality of the body. The key is perseverance, a kind of ideological will to love the party, the country and the people.

At this time, under the dark mountain stream, a snake slowly climbed up and moved quietly towards the place where the soldiers were hiding.

Bu Tong, who had his face on the ground, felt a chill hit him.He slowly turned his eyeballs to look in the direction of the cold air.In the dim light, I saw a pair of green dot lights staring at him.

"Snake" realized it was this kind of animal by reflex, because there was something like a rope hanging on him.

Bu Tong Hun suddenly broke out in cold sweat. "What should we do?" Bu Tong was making plans.If he yelled, the snake would be scared away, and soldiers would come to help him.Or he quickly rolled to the side, and it is also possible to avoid the snake's attack.

As for how long it had been since the snake had been beside him, did he see that the person lying on the ground was a human being, or was it about to attack Butong, and then bite hard to taste the delicious human flesh.Bu Tong has no way of knowing these, because he has never thought about it.Just staring at the snake in front of him frightened him into a petrified state.

Bu Tong couldn't move, as long as he moved a little, he might be spotted by the enemies coming down from the mountain.

"Could it be that he was bitten to death by a snake just like that?" Bu Tong secretly cried unlucky.Even though he was bitten by a snake, he still didn't dare to make a sound.If he made a sound, he was not scared to death of the snake, but would also alarm others.In case someone yelled, they would be discovered by the enemy, and they would also be in danger.

"Forget it, being bitten by you, I've made a contribution. I hope you don't leave any venom after you bite me." After Bu Tong made such a plan, he stared at the snake with determination.

Bu Tong could see the light in the snake's eyes.And snakes can also see threats in the eyes of people.It is also possible that the snakes in this area have mutated, and they are hardly afraid of the sound of guns and guns, nor are they afraid of human intrusion.On the battlefield full of gunfire, there are snakes who dare to bravely pass through so many people.It's unbelievable to think about it now.

The snake just stared at Bu Tong quietly, raised its half-foot-high head and stuck out its tongue, and pointed directly at Bu Tong.Maybe he was waiting for the opportunity, waiting for Bu Tong's most frightening moment.It's a pity that it waited for a long time, but it was Bu Tong's same, fearless, gloomy gaze.The snake was afraid, maybe it was used to people's panic when they saw it for the first time, and it liked the melody when it screamed the most.However, he waited for a long time, but nothing came.Not only did Bu Tong's mouth not open, but his body was as motionless as a stake.

It seemed that the snake was defeated by Bu Tong's composure.It quickly drooped its head, pulled its long body and began to crawl to one side.If Bu Tong took advantage of this time to attack the snake, he grabbed the second half of the snake with a sudden shot, then stood up and slammed it twice.This snake is definitely a good meal for hungry warriors before the battle.

However, Butong didn't move.He just stared at the snake, watching his long body swagger away from him.

The snake crawled like a cruise into the invisible darkness.The cold sweat on Bu Tong's body didn't subside little by little until he disappeared without a trace.

"An adventure, what an adventure." Bu Tong thought to himself, "After the battle, I will show off to the soldiers.

The flashlight is getting closer and closer to Qilian's latent point.The light passes through the space, forming a beam of light and continuing forward.

The Vietnamese soldier holding the flashlight seemed to be a big guy, and while lighting the flashlight, he gave instructions to other people, spitting out babbling Vietnamese words that no one in the middle school lying here could understand.But judging from his voice, they were very close.

Chi Yongjie in our military observation station saw the light there, and scolded angrily, "What's wrong, how can there be light in Qilian." Chi Yongjie was very angry, "Ask me, who is it. I will punish you when I come back he."

The staff quickly asked the radio soldiers to contact the Seventh Company.

"Qi Lian, Qi Lian, please answer." The radio soldier shouted several times in a row, but the other party did not reply.

The staff officer was anxious and asked, "What's going on?"

"Seventh company radio station is closed." The radio station soldier said.

"What? At this time, they dare to turn off the radio station." The staff officer was very angry, left the radio station soldier, and walked to Chi Yongjie's side, "Chief of Staff, the Qilian radio station is turned off."

"What? Closed?" Chi Yongjie also looked shocked.He was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly realized, "No, there must be something wrong with Qilian."

"Notify the artillery to fire a flash bomb at the enemy's position." Chi Yongjie ordered.

Soon, "Chi" a dazzling shell exploded on the enemy's position.As soon as the sound of the bomb passed, the enemy's position was brightened.

The enemies who were about to come down from the cliff to check were also taken aback by the dazzling light.Suddenly, they stopped.

They can't stop, because they are all exposed to the soldiers of our military observation station.

A soldier said, "Not good, the Seventh Company found the enemy in front of the position."

Needless to say, the soldier, Chi Yongjie also saw it.

It seems that the enemy wants to go to Qilian to find out the situation. "Turtle son, that's a good idea." Chi Yongjie curled his lips, "Notify the artillery to fight back these enemies." Chi Yongjie just said to fight back, but he didn't dare to say destroy.

These enemies are very close to the Seventh Company's position.If a cannonball flew over and landed on one's own head, it would be a huge mistake.Therefore, he just let the fire go back, just let the shells explode on the ground.As long as the enemy's position is bombarded again, I don't believe these enemies are so bold that they are not even afraid of shells.

Suddenly, the cannons on our artillery positions rang again.A dozen shells flew towards the enemy's position under the main peak of Laoshan with piercing screams.

An enemy who was about to continue searching forward shouted, "Not good, Beikou has committed suicide again."

At the same time, the other Vietnamese troops also reacted as quickly as possible. Before receiving the order, they spread their legs, turned around and burrowed into the cave in the middle of the mountain.

such a pity!No matter how fast these enemies run, they can't run away from the shells.No matter how timely the hiding is, it is difficult to escape the coverage of the artillery fire.I saw these Vietnamese soldiers not far away from the guns, and the shaking figures in the darkness were exposed in the sudden flash of fire.What was exposed was no longer the integrity of the team, but the limbs of the scattered people who had been bombed.

What I regret the most is that they didn't stick to it.If we take another step forward, after discovering the Seventh Company, then move forward a little bit and squat on the ground, no matter how many bullets our army flies over, none of them will fall on their heads.

At this time, the artillerymen of our army threw their hands at the mouse.Even if they wanted to destroy this group of Vietnamese troops, they didn't dare to hit the top of the soldiers of the Seventh Company.If this is the case, wouldn't the few enemies who came down from the mountain hide away!Or, if they don't run, they might survive.However, the enemy has been terrified by our army's artillery fire for more than 20 days, and has been fooled.When the artillery fire comes, there is no reason not to run away.After running like this, he just got into the circle of our army's artillery shells.

In an instant, none of the enemies who came down the mountain to search could go back, and all of them were reimbursed.

The enemy commander hiding in the observation post was stunned when he saw that his reconnaissance troops were gone. He really didn't understand what our army was trying to do. "Aren't you only allowed to fire the cannons without anyone having a chance to see them?" He felt sorry for his soldiers, but he was also lucky.At first, he thought about leading his troops to go down and see for himself.

As a front-line commander, if you want to grasp the first-hand information, of course it is better to visit in person.But he didn't, perhaps because he anticipated the danger.

While considering whether it was right or wrong to send someone there, the officer of the Vietnam Army judged the possibility of our army's shelling.But in any case, so far, the commander still has doubts about the unusual terrain.But what to do!With bombardment, the artillery positions were destroyed.Send people to go, but there is no return.However, he still wanted to find out the situation in that place anyway, because it was too close to the forward position.If there are Chinese soldiers, they only need to charge towards the Laoshan position.It will take less than a few minutes to reach the eyes of the frontline soldiers.At that time, throwing a few grenades at random is probably better than a small cannon, and can the frontier be defended?

Thinking of this, the commander was terrified, and what he was afraid of was that it was what he thought.After pondering for a while, I felt that there was really no way to go to reconnaissance, so I took a defensive strategy.In short, it is always better to be prepared than to be unprepared.

The Vietnamese army commander picked up the phone and wanted to call the most prominent squad in the forward position, ordering them to keep a machine gun on them no matter what the battle situation was like, no matter whether the Chinese side was attacking or not.

Around the main peak of Laoshan, the enemy built many large and small fortifications.Most of these fortifications were built by renovating the original caves.Due to its steep slope, the slope of the general land boundary is between 50 degrees and 60 degrees.Therefore, the condescending trend is very obvious.

In this area, no obvious trenches can be seen, and no one can be seen running around on the mountain.The enemy changed all the fortifications here into underground traffic trenches.Although some weak places were destroyed by our army's artillery fire, his deep and repaired positions are still very strong.

In the darkness, under a crack in the stone, a machine gun quietly sticks out.This is exactly what the commander requested, and it was set up directly facing the Seventh Company.

The deep night is like a drunk person, no matter how hard it struggles, the eyes that are overtired and anesthetized are finally closed.

It's time to fight, it's time to bombard.In general, give the enemy a chance to breathe!Even if they hate it, give them the right to live.If this tossing continues, it is estimated that the enemies on the mountain really can't stand it.Our army's uninterrupted bombardment for more than 20 days has long made the enemies on the mountain nervous.It is a person with a very firm will. If he needs to be checked at this time, he may have neurological problems.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, all the shelling of our army suddenly stopped.

For a moment, the old mountain fell into a deathly silence.At this time, the Vietnamese army, who had been tossed around for half the night, finally let out a long breath, and finally stopped, and finally stopped for a while.

Such silence was unbearable even to the enemies serving as sentinels.One by one suddenly felt that the eyelids of the eyes were heavy, and they couldn't support them even if they tried hard.And those enemies who have no mission and hide in the cave are even more delighted.Finally calm down, finally have a rest time.If you don't seize this time to get a good night's sleep, you'd be an idiot and a fool.Who knows if the cannonballs will explode at dawn.If it explodes again, the day's sleep will be gone again.

At this time, in the enemy's position, all the caves and tunnels were like a cemetery, looking upside down, with motionless people everywhere.Although there was also snoring, it didn't sound like a human being.Because the sound is too loud, the decibels definitely exceed the ratio that ordinary people can carry.

The Seventh Company lurked to attack the starting position, and the 884 radio station next to Li Sen rang again.

"Attention all units, make all preparations before the impact."

"Company commander, the superior ordered to be ready." The radio soldier told Li Sen.

"Commissioner, inform the whole company to prepare for the attack." Li Sen ordered.

Correspondent Guo Feng ran to each platoon with his waist down.

It has been guarded for three days.The soldiers were sleepy, hungry, and tired.By this time, it was almost midnight.But the superior didn't move at all.In addition to **, is to ask them to be prepared.Up to now, the soldiers have heard enough of the artillery, and they are extremely sleepy.Therefore, when they couldn't stand it anymore, many people plunged their heads into the ground, no matter what kind of gravel or sharp stone, as long as they can put their heads down and stick to their faces, they will secretly sleep.Even if it is just a short nap, or a short nap, three to five minutes will do.

As soon as Bu Tong closed his eyes, he felt someone pushing him around, "Hey, be more energetic, we are going to attack."

Bu Tong turned to look at the person who pushed him, and saw that it was Li Erzhu, the squad leader.

Li Erzhu woke up the people around him one by one, "Be alert, we are going to attack."

For three days, nothing but preparation is preparation, nothing but concealment is concealment.It was really the first time for their lurking force to attack.Therefore, as soon as they heard the attack, the soldiers immediately cheered up, and even if the sleeping bugs covered their bodies, they would not feel sleepy again.

Fighting is the best stimulant for fighters.Everyone knows that there is only one life, once you finish playing, God will never give you a second one.Why do you go around the Yincao Difu, and the King of Yama will not accept it and come back.It's all nonsense that there is a soul resurgence in this world, and you can be a tough guy in the next life.The most urgent thing right now is to protect life.

Therefore, at the moment when the battle comes, no one does not pay attention, no one is not nervous, and no one does not feel strange.As long as there is no battle, those who fight will always be in tension, and will always be nostalgic for life and death.When the battle starts, everyone will be desperate.No matter how precious life is, honor must come first.A rush!After the kill shout.Warriors would lose everything.What fame and fortune, what enjoyment of life, all thrown away.The most important thing at this time is whether there are comrades-in-arms around, whether the enemy has been eliminated, and how the team is progressing.What they desire most, what they look forward to the most, is victory, even if they sacrifice their lives and shed blood, they will not hesitate.

Bu Tong thought smuggled.Facing the impending attack, facing the life in the future, he suddenly fell into chaos.

Suddenly, three red flares lit up in the sky.

The three red lines rising from the ground sounded the battle siren in the night sky.Immediately afterwards, from the north, on the border of China, countless flames spewed out.All of a sudden, waves like volcanic lava descended from the top and bottom of the old mountain, and it turned red in an instant.The explosion of shells seemed to turn the world upside down.

"Go." Li Sen let out a deep growl.

Immediately, a hundred and ten people from Qilian began to climb up the steep cliff.

The first group of people came up, but as soon as they showed their heads, "da da da" immediately spewed out a tongue of fire from a crack in the stone.

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