soldier rushing forward

197. Fire at the Enemy

"Crackling, crackling" bullets hit the ridge, and earth debris and stones flew up. 【 】

Seeing that the two soldiers leaned up and fell off the ridge.Without waiting for the people below to pick them up, the two of them turned several somersaults in succession and fell straight down the cliff.The force of the fall is so great and the speed of the fall is so fast that no one has time to think about how to rescue it.Just relying on the momentum of the descent, even if you want to pick it up, the body of the person below cannot bear it.If someone blocked him halfway, or used his body to resist, the result would definitely be thrown off by this madness.

Li Sen pawed at the cracks in the stone with one hand, and held the gun in the other, turning his head to look down.

At this time, the bodies of the two soldiers had long since disappeared, and it was impossible to save them.He had no choice but to watch the two of them die, and he had to wait until the battle was over to go to the bottom of the ditch to collect the bodies for the two of them.Where there is fighting, there is sacrifice, which is unavoidable.No matter how sad it is, no matter how sad it is, it's useless, it's still true to seek revenge from the enemy.

Several soldiers following the two of them saw that the two fell and knew that they had been hit by enemy bullets.Therefore, no one dared to recklessly hit the bullet directly with their head.So, quickly shrink your head and avoid the enemy's machine gun first.

The charge stalled because of obstruction.

After Li Sen came up, he yelled to Class [-], "Li Erzhu, organizer, throw a grenade."

The fortified team of the seventh company was selected by the fourth class after being selected by the whole company.The task of the attack group is very arduous. It is mainly responsible for clearing obstacles for the follow-up troops to facilitate the attack of large troops.

Li Erzhu quickly prepared the grenade according to Li Sen's order, and then shouted at the soldiers of the fourth squad, "Drop the bomb."

At such a short distance, the mortar is not easy to use, and the [-] recoilless gun can't lift its head at all.Because the enemy is within wide sight, they have already set up their machine guns and are ready to fight.As long as it shows up, it will inevitably be under the range of machine gun fire.

At this time, the attacks in several other places also started.There were gunshots and grenade explosions everywhere under the main peak of Laoshan.

Our army's artillery fire has already begun to fire for extended periods. Therefore, the infantry can only deal with the enemy in front of us.

"Swish, swish, swish," five or six grenades flew out of the soldiers' hands and went straight to the enemy's position.

Using this throwing method, the grenade does not need to show its head at all, as long as it draws an arc and flies out from the ridge, and after reaching a sufficient distance, it can definitely blow the enemy into the sky.

"Boom boom boom." As soon as the grenade exploded, sparks and smoke were released on the enemy's position.

Seeing that the time had come, Li Sen could not wait any longer, so he ordered, "Charge to the top of the mountain."

"Wow" Hearing orders from the soldiers hidden everywhere, they quickly jumped out of the hiding place and rushed towards the top of the mountain with all their might.

"Da da" Another enemy's machine gun rang again.

After a rain of bullets swept across, several soldiers were shot and fell to the ground.

Someone shouted: "Hygienist, hygienist,"

A soldier carrying a Red Cross medicine box quickly leaned over.After checking the two people in a row, it was found that they were hopeless.I had to drag it aside and wait for the logistics personnel to come up and carry it down together.The health worker dropped the two sacrificed soldiers, and hurried to the other wounded to bandage them.

"Damn it, how can Guizi get so much firepower?" Li Erzhu said to the people around him while talking, "Prepare the grenade."

Three soldiers ready grenades.

"Throw." Li Erzhu blurted out and took the lead in throwing the grenade.Three fighters followed closely behind.

It was another grenade explosion, and the enemy's machine gun was suddenly dumb.

Li Erzhu smiled, "You son of a bitch, if I don't give you a taste, I don't know that Lord Ma has three eyes."

As soon as he finished speaking, before he jumped up and charged, the enemy's machine gun fired again.

The two soldiers who stood up before him were hit by bullets fired by the enemy just as they straightened up.The two fighters fell headfirst to the ground.

"***, the grenade doesn't work?" Li Erzhu took out another grenade and put his finger into the tab.Then he shook his hand and threw it in the direction of the enemy again.

I don't know if the grenade fell on the concrete roof or the stone wall.After hearing a bang, it rolled aside and exploded.

"Bunker" Li Erzhu said involuntarily.Then shout, "Commander, there's a bunker here"

Li Erzhu's voice may have been too loud, and the enemies in the bunker could hear him clearly.Suddenly, the enemy poured all the machine gun bullets towards Li Erzhu.

"Mom, son of a bitch, if you have the guts, you can sweep at me." Li Erzhu rushed forward and hid behind a big rock.

The enemy still found Li Erzhu by the flames of explosions all over the position, so the machine gun bullets chased him away.However, the boulder that Li Erzhu avoided was very hard, blocking all the bullets that were fired.

Perhaps at this time, the enemy who shot at Li Erzhu felt remorseful, why didn't he think of removing this stone beforehand!Without this stone, Li Erzhu in front of him would have to be beaten to pieces.

Hearing Li Erzhu's shout, Li Sen hurriedly brought an [-] recoilless gun over.

Suddenly, the enemy machine gun stopped firing.Without tongues of flame, it is difficult to recognize where the enemy is hiding in the dark.What to do, if you can't see the enemy, you are fighting blindly.As long as there is a shot here, the enemy's machine gun will definitely come over.By then, not only will the enemy not be able to be wiped out.This gun is also dangerous.

Li Sen said to the two gunners, "You two stay still here, and hit me hard after you find the target." Then he turned to the people around him, "Follow me."

Li Sen prostrated himself on the ground, slowly crawled forward, feeling that he had almost crawled, and said to the two soldiers following him, "Drop the bomb."

At this time, the sky is so dark, and the distance is so close.Any experienced soldier will never take the initiative to shoot.

According to the equipment situation at that time, although the night combat capabilities of both sides were very strong, they were all observed with the naked eye.No matter how good the eyes are, it is difficult to identify the target in the dark night.So, in this case, without the help of infrared night vision, it is difficult to see where the enemy is.Especially when the enemy is silent.

In this case, it is safest not to shoot, but to drop bombs.Promptly kill the enemy, but also save yourself.Even if the enemy cannot be bombed, there can still be a fire to indicate the target.

Following Li Sen's instructions, the two soldiers suddenly threw the grenade out.

After two explosions of "boom, boom", the enemy's machine gun rang again.Maybe they were afraid that the soldiers of the seventh company would take this opportunity to rush forward, maybe they saw the target at the moment the grenade exploded.So, the enemy machine guns started roaring.

The two recoilless gunners of our army who had been hiding and waiting for the opportunity seized this opportunity and fired the shells without delay.


Immediately afterwards, at the spot where the enemy's machine gun fired, there was an explosion, and then someone howled.After that, the machine gun did not speak in any way.

The opportunity to launch another charge finally came.So Li Sen shouted, "Comrades, go!"

"Wow..." The dozen or so soldiers rushing to the front immediately stood up, but they rushed towards the top of the mountain vigorously.

On this side of our army's attack, the slope is always between fifty and sixty degrees.It is difficult to find a flat open space.However, under such a large elevation angle, the soldiers insisted on charging forward with their bodies straight.What kind of gravitational force it is, until after the war, some researchers were puzzled and never figured it out.

"Go! Kill!"

At this time, not only the Seventh Company's attack area, but in front of Laoshan, the two battalions that participated in the attack on the main peak of Laoshan launched a fierce attack together.Immediately, the whole north side of the main peak of the old mountain, there was an earth-shattering shout.

Although there are two battalions attacking the main peak of Laoshan together, but because there are rocks everywhere in front of it, and its slope is very steep, the one-time investment of troops is also limited.

And the enemies guarding here are not vegetarians either.They have been drilling in caves and inside fortifications, resisting desperately with strong fortifications.As long as the Chinese Communists do not deprive them of their lives or cut off their hands and feet, the enemy will not voluntarily surrender and will still make a last-ditch effort.

The fight was extremely brutal.Our army's attack on the main peak encountered a strong opponent, so it also paid a huge price.

All of a sudden, countless flames spewed out from all over the mountainside.At this time, no one can tell which is a semi-automatic rifle, which is a submachine gun, which is a light machine gun, and which is a [-] anti-aircraft machine gun.

The most hateful thing is the [-] machine gun.Due to his large caliber and fast rate of fire, he can often penetrate two human bodies without stopping.Moreover, the position of the machine gun is set far away, usually on a commanding height behind the forward position.

The shooting gunmen who rushed up had no way to fight back against it, they could only fall to the ground one after another under his shooting.

Seeing the target of the machine gun, it is not difficult to find him.But it is very difficult to unplug him.On the one hand, there are enemies on the forward position blocking it, so it is not easy to rush to him.On the other hand, it is difficult to counter it with the existing firepower of the attacking force.Not to mention the size of the caliber, this distance alone makes light weapons sigh, and it is simply out of reach.

Li Sen was in a hurry. If he didn't pull out the firepower of the [-] anti-aircraft machine gun that the enemy had set up on the mountainside first, the troops in his hand would not be able to pass through the open land between the mountains.

"Company commander, I'm going to divert that machine gun away." The second platoon leader Hao Wei touched it and said.

"How to distract?" Li Sen asked with a stare.

"Look!" Hao Wei said, and said to a machine gunner beside him, "Come with me."

Hao Wei led the machine gunner and the soldiers of the fourth squad to move quietly to one side, found a fulcrum to mount the machine gun, and then said to the machine gunner, "That machine gun is too powerful. It only fires in short bursts and stops when it is finished."

The machine gunner took aim and replied, "Understood"

"Fire" Hao Wei finished speaking, and our army's machine gun rang out.

This machine gun is not used anywhere else, it is designed to hit the firepower of anti-aircraft machine guns.Although visible, it was so far away that it was almost at the edge of the effective range of the machine gun.It doesn't matter whether he can hit or not, as long as he can attract the enemy's firepower.

To say that the quality of this machine gun shooter in our army is really good. In the case of ultra-distance, he even sprinkled bullets in front of the anti-aircraft machine.The sound of crackling bullets on the ground also really startled the enemies here.If the muzzle is raised higher and the bullets fall further, perhaps, the enemy next to the anti-aircraft machine gun will be hit.

This time, it annoyed the enemy guarding the anti-aircraft machine gun.They no longer cared about the large troops rushing out from the crevice of the mountain, and dropped their guns to deal with the machine guns in Hao Wei's direction.

The enemy's anti-aircraft machine gun turned around, and Li Sen's pressure suddenly eased a lot.Seeing that the time to charge has come, if you don't charge up at this time, wait for the anti-aircraft machine gun to turn back, then the hemp will be big.Therefore, Li Sen decided to seize the time to attack upwards.

When there is no threat of anti-aircraft machine guns, first eliminate the enemies in front.So Li Sen shouted:

"Screw, go up"

At the same time Hao Wei led someone to touch it, Li Sen adjusted the two guns.When the anti-aircraft machine gun turned around, the two soldiers finally found the shooting angle.In an instant, the flames of the gun sprayed out, and with the sound of whistling wind, the two fire snakes fell towards the enemy's position together.

At this time, the Seventh Company had already attacked the enemy's nearest frontier, which was about ten or twenty meters away.Therefore, the fuel in the bomb fell on the enemy's position with flames.

The flames fell from the sky, no matter what kind of ditch, ridge or place, and no matter whether you are hiding behind a big rock or not, as long as the fuel can reach the place, a fire will start immediately.

The fire that started was not burning firewood, weeds and other flammable materials, but the enemy's clothes.

As soon as the flames arrived, more than a dozen figures with flames jumped up from the trench and beside the cave.

What kind of guns are these people shooting!I can't figure it out just by slapping the flames on my body.

Seen from a distance, these people looked like rats sprayed with gasoline, and after being set on fire, they ran around without thinking.Wherever you go, there is a fire.

This time it was good, there was no need to fire any flares or flashlights, just these few people could illuminate the enemy's forward position brightly.

Help!Li Sen couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and it was more humane to let these enemies go back to their hometown earlier.So he ordered the soldiers, "Fight."

As soon as he shouted, those soldiers lying on the ground, suppressed by the enemy, and already pissed off all the bullets in their hands.

After a burst of explosion, these enemies with flames lay down on the ground and did not move.

"Chong..." Feng Yi, the sixth squad leader, rushed over without waiting for Li Sen's order to lead the soldiers of his squad.

A dozen soldiers charged while strafing.Seeing that they were about to rush into the enemy's forward position.

Seeing someone rushing over, the soldiers behind also followed behind, rushing forward eagerly.With just such an effort, I don't know how many soldiers rushed through the cracks of this mountain.

The anti-aircraft machine gun that was shooting in the direction of Hao Wei knew that it had been fooled when it saw so many shotguns rushing up.At that time, he immediately turned his gun over and fired at the rushing crowd.

Suddenly, several soldiers were shot under the shooting.

"Lie down, hide!" Someone in the team kept shouting.

Seeing that the troops rushing out were suppressed by the machine gun again, Li Sen turned around and shouted, "Did [-] come up?"

"Come up," said a voice in the darkness.

"Go, knock that machine gun out of me."


The two soldiers quietly moved towards the anti-aircraft machine gun with their barrels and shells on their backs.

Because the enemy's anti-aircraft machine guns are condescending, and its vision is very wide.Our upward attacking troops are limited by the elevation angle and hindered by rocks at the same time, so the impact speed cannot be too fast. Therefore, as soon as they are exposed, they will immediately be violently attacked by the enemy's machine gun.

Someone said, how good it is to use mortars at this time.Hit far, and the shooting angle is not limited.

If the mortar hits a target behind a mountain, even a ninety-degree angle is fine.However, if you want to hit the enemy directly on the cliff, it will not work at all.How to go up, how to fall.You want to!Can things that fall vertically hit the cave on the cliff? "

Li Sen regretted that he didn't bring [-]:[-].If you bring it with you, it is not impossible to shoot at the enemy.

However, in this case, even if there is an anti-aircraft machine gun, I am afraid that it is not an enemy opponent.One is that the anti-aircraft machine gun is too heavy, it is not easy to climb up such a steep hillside, and carrying such a big guy on the back, how can the human body suffer.Besides, just bring it up, on such a steep hillside, where to go?Once you shoot at the enemy, without cover, you will still lose after a few rounds.

Therefore, Li Sen decided that it would be better to send [-] recoilless guns than anything else.It can be said that as long as it is within its reach, it can point and hit.Of course, the premise is that the shooter must also be very good.

Under the enemy's anti-aircraft machine gun fire, none of the soldiers who rushed up dared to raise their heads, and no one could raise their heads.Almost all of them were under the rain of bullets from anti-aircraft machine guns.

Li Sen hid behind a rock and waited patiently for the cannon fire of the two soldiers.As long as this anti-aircraft machine gun is knocked out, the enemy's first frontier will be considered a breakthrough.

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