soldier rushing forward

199. The last bullet

One hour, two and 10 minutes, the Seventh Company finally won the enemy's first forward position. ╭(╯3╰)╮

"Where to breathe, to breathe" This is a common mentality of soldiers entering the enemy's forward positions.

The fighters were really tired from fighting.You have to climb the mountain to move forward, and you have to keep shooting at the enemy, plus various actions in it.During the more than one hour attack, it can be said that none of the fighters participating in the attack on the main peak was relaxed.Even the logistics soldiers who were busy transporting the wounded and sacrificed comrades down were so tired that they were about to vomit blood.

Li Sen glanced at the soldiers following him, and said sharply, "Check the weapons and replenish the ammunition."

After a while of fighting and rushing, the ammunition carried by the soldiers was almost exhausted.

"Report, my squad has less than [-] rounds of ammunition." Li Erzhu checked the report.

"Report, my class still has 150 rounds"

"Report, the [-] recoilless gun still has three rounds"

Before all classes finished reporting, Li Sen was in a hurry.It's only been a round now, and the ammunition I carry with me is about to run out.There is a second line of defense below, and the top of the mountain has not been conquered.Presumably the battle there is much more difficult than here.

"What's wrong, why don't you save yourself?" Li Sen was angry and anxious.It's no wonder that many fighters are participating in battle for the first time.It is very rare to be able to not panic and retreat in battle, know how to shoot at the enemy, and be able to not be afraid of death and dare to charge.I want them to save bullets and aim again.For them, the standard is too high.

Li Erzhu said, "Company commander, the enemy shoots, we can't just watch and hit them hard!"

"Radio, urge the ammunition." Li Sen ignored Li Erzhu and turned to the radio soldier to order.

Radio troopers called out.

After connecting, he said to company commander Li Sen, "Company commander, the battalion has already sent someone to deliver it."

"Comrades, hurry up to build the fortifications and prepare for the ammunition." With insufficient ammunition, Li Sen decided to take a defensive position first, and then attack the second position after the ammunition was delivered.

Before the battle starts, each soldier can carry up to four magazine bullets.One on the gun and three in the belt, adding up to more than 100 rounds of bullets.The other weapons are only four grenades.These are the ammunition totals for one fighter in an infantry squad.[-] Wu and [-] Force each have a class.Although it is guaranteed by several people in one shot, the ammunition carried by the bearer is also very limited.

In this attack on Laoshan, the soldiers had more submachine guns in their hands.If you shoot short bursts, it may take two to three bullets to pull the trigger.If it is a long burst, it may be impossible. If the strike is slowed down a little, a dozen bullets may run out in one second.Even if you hold on for a long time, there is a possibility that a shuttle will run out of bullets.

Think about it, the battle is so fierce, the enemy's firepower is so fierce, and most of our troops participating in the battle are soldiers who participated in the battle for the first time.They are brave but inexperienced.After aiming at the enemy, there is little possibility of shooting with single shots or short bursts.In order to clear their minds and strike the enemy severely, they must of course use the most violent firepower to strike the enemy.Therefore, bullets are consumed very quickly.Despite repeated practice and repeated reminders before the battle, this problem continued to recur once on the battlefield.In order to be fearless in the face of danger and calmly face the battle, how many battles have to be tempered.

Although Li Sen was angry, he couldn't blame the soldiers.He is someone who has experienced the cruelty of the battlefield, and knows that ammunition is directly proportional to life.

But these fighters still can't fully understand this.It is useless to say one thousand or ten thousand.What they saw were countless ammunition boxes, ammunition depots that could not be transported by cars.At that time, they never thought that one day they would suffer from insufficient ammunition.

Without experience in practice, what you say is just talk on paper.The memory is not deep, the touch is not strong, so naturally it will not be remembered.If there is this time, it is estimated that in future battles, they will live by counting bullets.

In this case, Li Sen had to suspend the attack.

Jiao Zhijun, who had been observing the attack of the Seventh Company from the foot of the mountain, found that the Seventh Company was not moving through the binoculars, so he asked via the radio, "Why did you stop the attack?"

"Insufficient ammunition, unable to move forward." The radio soldier reported directly to the battalion commander Jiao Zhijun.

"What? Not enough ammunition?" Jiao Zhijun realized the seriousness of the problem.

Before the battle started, after he considered this problem, the whole battalion unified and set up a team responsible for transporting ammunition.Calculated by time, they followed the attack as soon as it started, why haven't they arrived yet?

"Check it out for me, where did they send the ammunition?" Jiao Zhijun shouted anxiously.

Jiao Zhijun was in a hurry here, and Xu Weiguo, the platoon leader in charge of transporting ammunition, was even more anxious.

In order to ensure the continuity of the attack.Before the battle started, the 32 soldiers responsible for transporting ammunition waited at the border with their ammunition boxes on their backs.

When the red signal flared up, Xu Weiguo said to the soldiers, "Let's go." So, the team of 32 people followed the attacking troops and chased all the way forward.

After the battle started, our army was attacking the enemy with artillery fire.The enemy also returned our many shells.However, many artillery shells did not hit the attacking troops who were concealed to meet the enemy, but toward the rear of our army's offensive line.

The enemy's shelling really made these ammunition transporters suffer a lot.Not only them, but also the stretcher teams carrying the wounded were also blocked.For a while, confusion arose on the road.

Judging from the analysis of the bombing point of the enemy's shells, the purpose of the enemy's shelling is obviously to block the logistics supply of our army's attacking troops.

The enemy is too good at fighting.Once my offensive troops and logistics are separated, the battle will be easy to fight.There is no ammunition in front, no supplies, what else can we do!

Therefore, the enemy keeps firing artillery shells, not only to stop the attacking troops from cooking, but also to stop the follow-up troops.Without backup, and without follow-up troops, even if the attacking troops can fight, when they hit the top of the mountain, it depends on what skills you have.It's useless even if you come up, as much as you come up, you will be eaten.

At this time, not only the Seventh Company was short of food and cooking, but also the soldiers of the Eighth Company who were mixed with the Seventh Company also encountered these problems.

As the team transporting ammunition was constantly hit by artillery fire, coupled with the constant flow of logistics personnel mixed in, they yelled and screamed.Under the black light and blind fire, these soldiers lost their accurate delivery direction as they ran.

When they arrived at a place, they thought it was Qilian, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief.But after inquiring, I found out that this is not the territory of the Seventh Company. They ran to the wrong place and went to the attacking area of ​​the Second Battalion.

Xu Weiguo was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Originally, there was not much time, and he went to the wrong place again. Xu Weiguo, the leader of the team, was not in a hurry, could he not be stupid!

He knew very well that if the ammunition could not be sent up on time, the fighter plane would be delayed.If the troops suffer losses due to lack of ammunition, then his responsibility will be great.Not to mention the withdrawal of the platoon leader, the military law will naturally not escape.

"What can we do?" Xu Weiguo thought hard.

If he went back the same way and started all over again, and found Qilian by then, he might have missed Sancun long ago.At that time, how to fight the battle of the Seventh Company will not be enough to eat in the barrel of the gun.Without bullets to hit the enemy, you have to wait for the enemy to hit them.

"No, you can't go like that." Xu Weiguo thought, "Now we have to take a risk and cross the enemy's blockade sideways and rush across the hillside."

After Xu Weiguo thought it over, he discussed with these soldiers, and everyone agreed.So, these 32 people crossed the second battalion position sideways, and really came in the direction of the third battalion and the seventh company.

The sky was bright and the visibility was good.Although the sun's rays couldn't hit the back of the mountain, his peripheral vision had already made this place feel the coming of light.

The corpses of overturned Vietnamese soldiers can be seen on the hillside.The bombed guns and artillery were thrown everywhere.The burnt turf is still smoking black smoke.The stone that has been scorched by fire is black on one side and bright on the other side, and there are many spots and spots, making it look like a big painted face.

Ten hours passed.Since the last time they drank water yesterday, none of the soldiers have had a sip of water or eaten a piece of dry food.But none of the soldiers said they were hungry or thirsty.Almost everyone's eyes were red, and as for what came out of it, there was no need to say anything about the viciousness.

It's no wonder that once a person is over-excited, the body's energy will reach supernormal performance.What thirst!I'm hungry!Tired!Pain and the like are all shut down.In the end, only one central nervous system that was extremely excited was still beating non-stop.

People, in the case of exceeding the normal limit, break all the usual rules and regulations, and can reach a very high level of spirit and perseverance.It may seem impossible under normal circumstances, but it is also purely normal under certain conditions.Why!Relying on faith, belief, and a spirit of never admitting defeat.Even under the domination of this spirit, ordinary people will do unprecedented things.

At this time, the minds of the soldiers attacking the main peak of Laoshan were only occupied by one signal.That is "Rush to the top of the mountain, destroy the enemy, and take back the old mountain."

At that time, even if they are tired and vomit blood, even if they lie on the top of the mountain and can never get up, they will finish the task at hand and will never be afraid of difficulties.

Although it was a bit chilly in the cold morning, the soldiers of the Seventh Company were all controlled by tension and excitement.As for how much danger is in front of us, this is completely unknown.At this moment in the battle, everyone is red-eyed, so no one is afraid of war anymore.Seeing those comrades who kept falling one by one, no one cared about their own lives anymore.Whoever is not raised by his own parents, his life will not be like cutting leeks, once you cut a crop, there will be a second crop.Although there is only one life, but seeing that others are not afraid of death, and I can't be a coward, therefore, no one will value their own life more than others.

These young, seventeen or eighteen-year-old fighters, experienced this battle, and under this kind of bloody cultivation, they began to mature one by one, and became brave one by one.In the end, from individuals to groups, a team that is not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice has been trained in this way.

"The enemy has come down" shouted the guard soldier.

At this time, a dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers came out from the second line of defense, bent their backs, and approached Li Sen and the others.

"Aim for me before hitting." Before Li Sen's ammunition came up, they could only fight in this way.If the bullets were shot out after a few strafing shots as before, the consequences would be disastrous.

By this time, every soldier knew that he was running low on bullets in his chamber.What would happen if there were no bullets.Without bullets, what will happen next, you don't have to guess, you can imagine it.When the bullets are dry, no one can say when the personnel below will be able to deliver the bullets up.Therefore, it is still safe to save a little.

Now, the soldiers finally realized the preciousness of bullets.If there is no bullet in the chamber, the gun in your hand is really not as good as a stick.On a battlefield full of firearms, it is impossible to win with a stick.As a result, you can only let the enemy take your life away.

After a soft sound of "Papa Papa", the soldiers all put the safety plate on the single shot.

Seeing that the enemy was getting closer, Li Sen gave an order, "Hit."

"Papapa" this time the bullets fired were very crisp.Under the shooting of everyone, what sounded in front of them was only the monotonous sound of fried beans popping.

Although the gunfire is not very violent, his accuracy rate is very high.Judging from the situation of the enemy falling to the ground, the soldiers finally found the calm feeling when shooting in the shooting range.

Using people as targets is much better than the paper targets on the shooting range.As long as you aim a little, you can basically hit if the enemy's shaking range is not too large.Now there is no such thing as nine rings or ten rings.As long as the enemy is hit, it is full.

After a burst of gunfire, few of the ten enemies who rushed down returned alive.Most fell sideways on the ground.

Seeing that the enemy had all fallen, Li Sen was still worried, fearing that the enemy would play some tricks.So he ordered a soldier with accurate guns to "keep an eye on it for me, as long as there is still movement, just make up for it."

It's not superfluous for Li Sen to do this.Because the distance is too short, if there are living enemies who take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness, as long as any tactic is used, it may cause great danger to the soldiers in front of them.

Li Sen had participated in the [-] War, so of course he understood the truth.Knowing that the Vietnamese army often used this method, with the method of killing each other, with weapons such as grenades or explosives, they suddenly got up from the pile of dead people, and then jumped into the crowd of unsuspecting opponents, thus creating terror again and again.

The first line of defense occupied by the Seventh Company is very close to the enemy's second line of defense.

What's more, when these enemies rushed and fell, they were already closer to the Seventh Company's position.If they raised their hands, a grenade might fly over.As long as one is thrown over, it is likely that four to five soldiers will die on this side.

At this point in the battle, Li Sen didn't want to take the risk, seeing that victory was in sight.

Not to mention that he was afraid that there would be some alive among the enemy's corpses, even those who were dead. Just in case, he wanted everyone to take a shot.It's a pity that there are so few bullets right now, and he still has to prepare for the next attack of the enemy.

Now, the seventh company has turned from offense to defense. This is completely abnormal and should not happen.Thinking of this, Li Sen became very angry.Turning his head, he ordered the radio soldiers, "Ask the battalion commander, where is the ammunition?"

Now that the fact has already happened, it is useless to worry, it is better to do the next thing well.Jiao Zhijun was afraid that Li Sen would act excessively, so he comforted him on the phone: "Tell your company commander, I have already transferred a batch from the Ninth Company, and I think I will arrive soon."

Jiao Zhijun dropped the phone, still very angry, and angrily said to the trainer standing beside him, "What is Xu Weiguo doing? It's really going to delay the opportunity of the battle. Let's see if I don't deal with him."

"Company commander, company commander, someone from the left is coming." It was the soldier who shouted again.

Li Sen turned his eyes to look to the left, and saw a long line of figures on the hillside, coming diagonally from one side.

"Binoculars." Li Sen took the telescope from the communicator and looked in that direction.

The green military uniform and green helmet are very conspicuous, so there is no doubt that this is the Chinese People's Liberation Army.Look at them again, everyone is carrying items on their backs.Li Sen guessed that this was probably the third battalion responsible for transporting ammunition.

"Comrades, get ready for ammunition." Li Sen recognized Xu Weiguo through the binoculars.

At the same time, the enemy on the mountain also saw it.At the beginning, the enemy was very puzzled, why didn't these Chinese soldiers rush to the top of the mountain, why did they run diagonally!When they saw the items carried by these people, they also estimated that these people were either sending ammunition or food.How can this be done, under the nose, the Chinese Communists on the battlefield must not be allowed to get these.So, the enemies on the mountain fought against Xu Weiguo and the others.All of a sudden, all the light and heavy weapons of the enemy fired at the 32 people like Xu Weide.

Under the fierce firepower, Xu Weide, the ammunition delivery team, was finally blocked, lying on the ground for a long time and got up.It is impossible to rush forward as recklessly as before.However, they can't stop here.Those in front are still waiting for ammunition.

"Comrades, we must rush over." Xu Weiguo shouted.

After shouting, he took the lead and crawled forward inch by inch.

Now that he saw the ammunition, Li Sen also went all out, and he must not let the enemy stop Xu Weiguo and the others.So, while Li Sen assigned his men to shoot up the mountain, he tried to find a way to suppress the enemy's firepower.On the other hand, send a platoon to respond.

"The first row will suppress the enemy for me. The second row will go over to meet them." Li Sen yelled wildly.

A row of soldiers raised their guns again, aiming at the enemy's firepower point on the mountain with a burst of fire.

Hao Wei also took the second platoon and ran towards the direction where Xu Weiguo was delivering the ammunition, to be precise, rushing while fighting.I saw them gradually approaching the thirty or so people.

Despite the suppression of a platoon of firepower, the enemy bullets on the mountain continued to pour towards the soldiers transporting ammunition.

Hao Wei finally came over with a dozen people.As soon as he approached the soldiers, he saw Xu Weiguo at a glance.

"Old Xu, why did you come here?" Hao Wei said bluntly.

"It goes without saying, take away the ammunition on their bodies." Xu Weiguo said shyly.

Hao Wei saw that two soldiers had been shot and died on the ground, and the ammunition on their bodies was pressed down by their reversed bodies.

No need to ask, you can see why at a glance.Before the two soldiers died, in order to prevent the ammunition from being hit by bullets, they used their bodies to protect the ammunition.

What a good soldier, at the moment of sacrifice, he still thought of his comrades.

"Untie it" Hao Wei understood at a glance, no matter how distressed he was, there was no other way.

Several soldiers came over, untied the ammunition and carried them on their backs.

"Don't be dumbfounded, follow me and rush over." Hao Wei picked up a soldier's corpse and took the lead to run towards the Seventh Company's position.

The others ran wildly after them.

When the enemy on the mountain saw it, he thought to himself, "Aren't they all wiped out! Why are they standing up again?"

Before the enemy knew it, Hao Wei had already led these people to run more than ten meters away, and with a dozen more steps, he would be able to enter the Seventh Company's position.

"Da da da" the enemy finally pulled out a machine gun, chased after them, and shot towards Hao Wei and the others.

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